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Hosea 8:6
The workman made it, it is no god; the ox of Samaria will be broken into bits.


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Hosea 8:6
The workman made it, it is no god; the ox of Samaria will be broken into bits.


Genesis 31:30
And now, it seems, you are going because your heart's desire is for your father's house; but why have you taken my gods?

Exodus 12:12
For on that night I will go through the land of Egypt, sending death on every first male child, of man and of beast, and judging all the gods of Egypt: I am the Lord.

Numbers 33:4
While the Egyptians were placing in the earth the bodies of their sons on whom the Lord had sent destruction: and their gods had been judged by him.

Judges 18:24
And he said, You have taken my gods which I made, and my priest, and have gone away; what is there for me now? Why then do you say to me, What is your trouble?

1 Samuel 5:4
And when they got up early on the morning after, Dagon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord; and his head and his hands were broken off on the doorstep; only the base was in its place.

Jeremiah 46:25
The Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: See, I will send punishment on Amon of No and on Pharaoh and on those who put their faith in him;

Jeremiah 50:2
Give it out among the nations, make it public, and let the flag be lifted up; give the word and keep nothing back; say, Babylon is taken, Bel is put to shame, Merodach is broken, her images are put to shame, her gods are broken.


Exodus 32:5
And when Aaron saw this, he made an altar before it, and made a public statement, saying, Tomorrow there will be a feast to the Lord.

Exodus 32:6
So early on the day after they got up and made burned offerings and peace-offerings; and took their seats at the feast, and then gave themselves to pleasure.

Exodus 32:7
And the Lord said to Moses, Go down quickly; for your people, whom you took out of the land of Egypt, are turned to evil ways;

Exodus 32:8
Even now they are turned away from the rule I gave them, and have made themselves a metal ox and given worship to it and offerings, saying, This is your god, O Israel, who took you up out of the land of Egypt.

Exodus 32:31
Then Moses went back to the Lord and said, This people has done a great sin, making themselves a god of gold;

Ezekiel 20:7
And I said to them, Let every man among you put away the disgusting things to which his eyes are turned, and do not make yourselves unclean with the images of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.


Exodus 34:13
But their altars are to be overturned and their pillars broken and their images cut down:

Leviticus 26:30
And I will send destruction on your high places, overturning your perfume altars, and will put your dead bodies on your broken images, and my soul will be turned from you in disgust.

Deuteronomy 12:3
Their altars and their pillars are to be broken down, and their holy trees burned with fire, and the images of their gods cut down; you are to take away their names out of that place.

Deuteronomy 32:17
They made offerings to evil spirits which were not God, to gods who were strange to them, which had newly come up, not feared by your fathers.

2 Kings 23:14
The stone pillars were broken to bits and the wood pillars cut down, and the places where they had been were made full of the bones of the dead.

2 Kings 23:19
Then Josiah took away all the houses of the high places in the towns of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had put up, moving the Lord to wrath, and he did with them as he had done in Beth-el.

Isaiah 17:8
He will not be looking to the altars, the work of his hands, or to the wood pillars or to the sun-images which his fingers have made.

Amos 6:1
Sorrow to those who are resting in comfort in Zion, and to those who have no fear of danger in the mountain of Samaria, the noted men of the chief of the nations, to whom the people of Israel come!

Micah 1:7
And all her pictured images will be hammered into bits, and all the payments for her loose ways will be burned with fire, and all the images of her gods I will make waste: for with the price of a loose woman she got them together, and as the price of a loose woman will they be given back.

Micah 5:14
I will have your Asherahs pulled up from among you: and I will send destruction on your images.

Zechariah 13:2
And it will come about on that day, says the Lord of armies, that I will have the names of the images cut off out of the land, and there will be no more memory of them: and I will send all the prophets and the unclean spirit away from the land.

Revelation 9:20
And the rest of the people, who were not put to death by these evils, were not turned from the works of their hands, but went on giving worship to evil spirits, and images of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood which have no power of seeing or hearing or walking:


Exodus 20:4
You are not to make an image or picture of anything in heaven or on the earth or in the waters under the earth:

Deuteronomy 4:14
And the Lord gave me orders at that time to make clear to you these laws and decisions, so that you might do them in the land to which you are going, and which is to be your heritage.

Deuteronomy 4:15
So keep watch on yourselves with care; for you saw no form of any sort on the day when the voice of the Lord came to you in Horeb out of the heart of the fire:

Deuteronomy 4:16
So that you may not be turned to evil ways and make for yourselves an image in the form of any living thing, male or female,

Deuteronomy 4:17
Or any beast of the earth, or winged bird of the air,

Deuteronomy 4:18
Or of anything which goes flat on the earth, or any fish in the water under the earth.

Deuteronomy 27:15
Cursed is the man who makes any image of wood or stone or metal, disgusting to the Lord, the work of man's hands, and puts it up in secret. And let all the people say, So be it.

Judges 17:3
And he gave back the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, and his mother said, I have made the silver holy to the Lord from me for my son, to make a pictured image and a metal image.

Isaiah 40:18
Whom then is God like, in your opinion? or what will you put forward as a comparison with him?


2 Samuel 1:23
Saul and Jonathan were loved and pleasing; in their lives and in their death they were not parted; they went more quickly than eagles, they were stronger than lions.

Ecclesiastes 5:6
Let not your mouth make your flesh do evil. And say not before the angel, It was an error. So that God may not be angry with your words and put an end to the work of your hands.

Isaiah 32:7
The designs of the false are evil, purposing the destruction of the poor man by false words, even when he is in the right.


1 Kings 12:31
And he made places for worship at the high places, and made priests, who were not Levites, from among all the people.

1 Kings 13:22
But have come back, and have taken food and water in this place where he said you were to take no food or water; your dead body will not be put to rest with your fathers.

1 Kings 13:23
Now after the meal he made ready the ass for him, for the prophet whom he had taken back.

1 Kings 13:24
And he went on his way; but on the road a lion came rushing at him and put him to death; and his dead body was stretched in the road with the ass by its side, and the lion was there by the body.

1 Kings 13:25
And some men, going by, saw the body stretched out in the road with the lion by its side; and they came and gave news of it in the town where the old prophet was living.

1 Kings 13:26
Then the prophet who had made him come back, hearing it, said, It is the man of God, who went against the word of the Lord; that is why the Lord has given him to the lion to be wounded to death, as the Lord said.

1 Kings 13:27
And he said to his sons, Make ready the ass for me. And they did so.

1 Kings 13:28
And he went and saw the dead body stretched out in the road with the ass and the lion by its side: the lion had not taken the body for its food or done any damage to the ass.

1 Kings 13:29
Then the prophet took up the body of the man of God and put it on the ass and took it back; and he came to the town to put the body to rest with weeping.

1 Kings 13:30
And he put the body in the resting-place made ready for himself, weeping and sorrowing over it, saying, O my brother!

1 Kings 13:31
And when he had put it to rest, he said to his sons, When I am dead, then you are to put my body into the earth with the body of this man of God, and put me by his bones so that my bones may be kept safe with his bones.

1 Kings 13:33
After this Jeroboam, not turning back from his evil ways, still made priests for his altars from among all the people; he made a priest of anyone desiring it, so that there might be priests of the high places.

1 Kings 13:34
And this became a sin in the family of Jeroboam, causing it to be cut off and sent to destruction from the face of the earth.

1 Kings 14:16
And he will give Israel up because of the sins which Jeroboam has done and made Israel do.

2 Chronicles 13:9
And after driving out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron and the Levites, have you not made priests for yourselves as the people of other lands do? so that anyone who comes to make himself priest by offering an ox or seven sheep, may be a priest of those who are no gods.


1 Kings 16:24
He got the hill Samaria from Shemer for the price of two talents of silver, and he made a town there, building it on the hill and naming it Samaria, after Shemer the owner of the hill.


Isaiah 27:9
So by this will the sin of Jacob be covered, and this is all the fruit of taking away his punishment; when all the stones of the altar are crushed together, so that the wood pillars and the sun-images will not be put up again.

Isaiah 31:6
Come back to him who has been so deeply sinned against by the children of Israel.

Isaiah 31:7
For in that day they will all give up their images of silver and of gold, the sin which they made for themselves.

Jeremiah 32:30
For the children of Israel and the children of Judah have done nothing but evil in my eyes from their earliest years: the children of Israel have only made me angry with the work of their hands, says the Lord.

Ezekiel 6:6
In all your living-places the towns will become broken walls, and the high places made waste; so that your altars may be broken down and made waste, and your images broken and ended, and so that your sun-images may be cut down and your works rubbed out.

Hosea 2:8
For she had no knowledge that it was I who gave her the grain and the wine and the oil, increasing her silver and gold which they gave to the Baal.

Hosea 4:17
Ephraim is joined to false gods; let him be.

Hosea 7:1
When my desire was for the fate of my people to be changed and to make Israel well, then the sin of Ephraim was made clear, and the evil-doing of Samaria; for their ways are false, and the thief comes into the house, while the band of outlaws takes property by force in the streets.

Hosea 10:1
Israel is a branching vine, full of fruit; as his fruit is increased, so the number of his altars is increased; as the land is fair, so they have made fair pillars.

Hosea 13:1
When the words of my law came from Ephraim, he was lifted up in Israel; but when he did evil through the Baal, death overtook him.

Hosea 14:3
Assyria will not be our salvation; we will not go on horses; we will not again say to the work of our hands, You are our gods; for in you there is mercy for the child who has no father.

Hosea 14:8
As for Ephraim, what has he to do with false gods any longer? I have given an answer and I will keep watch over him; I am like a branching fir-tree, from me comes your fruit.


Psalms 97:7
Shamed be all those who give worship to images, and take pride in false gods; give him worship, all you gods.

Isaiah 40:21
Have you no knowledge of it? has it not come to your ears? has not news of it been given to you from the first? has it not been clear to you from the time when the earth was placed on its base?

Isaiah 41:7
So the metal-worker put heart into the gold-worker, and he who was hammering the metal smooth said kind words to the iron-worker, saying of the plate, It is ready: and he put it together with nails, so that there might be no slipping.

Isaiah 42:17
They will be turned back and be greatly shamed who put their hope in pictured images, who say to metal images, You are our gods.

Isaiah 44:10
Whoever makes a god, makes nothing but a metal image in which there is no profit.

Isaiah 45:20
Come together, even come near, you nations who are still living: they have no knowledge who take up their image of wood, and make prayer to a god in whom is no salvation.

Isaiah 46:6
As for those who take gold out of a bag, and put silver in the scales, they give payment to a gold-worker, to make it into a god; they go down on their faces and give it worship.

Isaiah 46:7
They put him on their backs, and take him up, and put him in his fixed place, from which he may not be moved; if a man gives a cry for help to him, he is unable to give an answer, or get him out of his trouble.

Jeremiah 2:11
Has any nation ever made a change in their gods, though they are no gods? but my people have given up their glory in exchange for what is of no profit.

Jeremiah 10:6
There is no one like you, O Lord; you are great and your name is great in power.

Jeremiah 10:8
But they are together like beasts and foolish: the teaching of false gods is wood.

Jeremiah 10:11
This is what you are to say to them: The gods who have not made the heavens and the earth will be cut off from the earth and from under the heavens.

Jeremiah 10:15
They are nothing, a work of error: in the time of their punishment, destruction will overtake them.

Habakkuk 2:20
But the Lord is in his holy Temple: let all the earth be quiet before him.

Romans 1:23
And by them the glory of the eternal God was changed and made into the image of man who is not eternal, and of birds and beasts and things which go on the earth.


Jeremiah 51:17
Then every man becomes like a beast without knowledge; every gold-worker is put to shame by the image he has made: for his metal image is deceit, and there is no breath in them.

Habakkuk 2:18
What profit is the pictured image to its maker? and as for the metal image, the false teacher, why does its maker put his faith in it, making false gods without a voice?

Habakkuk 2:19
A curse on him who says to the wood, Awake! to the unbreathing stone, Up! let it be a teacher! See, it is plated with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all inside it.

Acts 19:35
And when the chief secretary had got the people quiet, he said, Men of Ephesus, is any man without knowledge that the town of Ephesus is the keeper of the holy place of the great Diana, who was sent down from Jupiter?


Hosea 8:3
Israel has given up what is good; his haters will go after him.


Jeremiah 48:13
And Moab will be shamed on account of Chemosh, as the children of Israel were shamed on account of Beth-el their hope.

Hosea 10:7
As for Samaria, her king is cut off, like mist on the water.

Hosea 10:8
And the high places of Aven, the sin of Israel, will come to destruction; thorns and waste plants will come up on their altars; they will say to the mountains, Be a cover over us; and to the hills, Come down on us.

Hosea 10:14
So a great outcry will go up from among your people, and all your strong places will be broken, as Beth-arbel was broken by Shalman in the day of war, as the mother was broken on the rocks with her children.

Hosea 10:15
So will Beth-el do to you because of your evil-doing; at dawn will the king of Israel be cut off completely.

Amos 5:5
Do not be looking for help to Beth-el, and do not go to Gilgal, or make your way to Beer-sheba: for Gilgal will certainly be taken prisoner, and Beth-el will come to nothing.

Amos 5:6
Go to the Lord for help so that you may have life; for fear that he may come like fire bursting out in the family of Joseph, causing destruction, and there will be no one to put it out in Beth-el.


Psalms 135:14
For the Lord will be judge of his people's cause; his feelings will be changed to his servants.

Isaiah 36:19
Where are the gods of Hamath and of Arpad? where are the gods of Sepharvaim? where are the gods of Samaria? and have they kept Samaria out of my hand?

Jeremiah 16:20
Will a man make for himself gods which are no gods?

Galatians 1:8
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, were to be a preacher to you of good news other than that which we have given you, let there be a curse on him.


Psalms 2:9
They will be ruled by you with a rod of iron; they will be broken like a potter's vessel.

Psalms 31:12
I have gone from men's minds and memory like a dead man; I am like a broken vessel.

Jeremiah 19:11
And say to them, This is what the Lord of armies has said: Even so will this people and this town be broken by me, as a potter's bottle is broken and may not be put together again: and the bodies of the dead will be put in the earth in Topheth, till there is no more room.

Jeremiah 22:28
Is this man Coniah a broken vessel of no value? is he a vessel in which there is no pleasure? why are they violently sent out, he and his seed, into a land which is strange to them?

Jeremiah 48:38
On all the house-tops of Moab and in its streets there is weeping everywhere; for Moab has been broken like a vessel in which there is no pleasure, says the Lord.

Zechariah 11:13
And the Lord said to me, Put it into the store-house, the price at which I was valued by them. And I took the thirty shekels of silver and put them into the store-house in the house of the Lord.

Romans 9:21
Or has not the potter the right to make out of one part of his earth a vessel for honour, and out of another a vessel for shame?

Romans 9:22
What if God, desiring to let his wrath and his power be seen, for a long time put up with the vessels of wrath which were ready for destruction:

2 Timothy 2:19
But God's strong base is unchanging, having this sign, The Lord has knowledge of those who are his: and, Let everyone by whom the name of the Lord is named be turned away from evil.

2 Timothy 2:20
Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but others of wood and earth, and some which are honoured and some without honour.

Revelation 2:27
And he will be ruling them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of the potter they will be broken, even as I have power from my Father:

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