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Hosea 8:6
The workman made it, it is no god; the ox of Samaria will be broken into bits.


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Hosea 8:6
The workman made it, it is no god; the ox of Samaria will be broken into bits.


Hosea 8:5
I will have nothing to do with your young ox, O Samaria; my wrath is burning against them; how long will it be before the children of Israel make themselves clean?

Hosea 10:5
The people of Samaria will be full of fear because of the ox of Beth-aven; its people will have sorrow for it, and its priests will give cries of grief for its glory, for the glory has gone in flight.

Hosea 10:6
And they will take it to Assyria and give it to the great king; shame will come on Ephraim, and Israel will be shamed because of its image.

1 Kings 12:28
So after taking thought the king made two oxen of gold; and he said to the people, You have been going up to Jerusalem long enough; see! these are your gods, O Israel, who took you out of the land of Egypt.

1 Kings 12:29
And he put one in Beth-el and the other in Dan.

Hosea 13:2
And now their sins are increased; they have made themselves a metal image, false gods from their silver, after their designs, all of them the work of the metal-workers; they say of them, Let them give offerings, let men give kisses to the oxen.

2 Kings 10:29
But Jehu did not keep himself from all the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, and the evil he made Israel do; the gold oxen were still in Beth-el and in Dan.

2 Chronicles 11:15
And he himself made priests for the high places, and for the images of he-goats and oxen which he had made.


Psalms 115:4
Their images are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.

Isaiah 37:19
And have given their gods to the fire: for they were no gods, but wood and stone, the work of men's hands; so they have given them to destruction.

Deuteronomy 4:28
There you will be the servants of gods, made by men's hands, of wood and stone, having no power of seeing or hearing or taking food or smelling.

Isaiah 2:8
Their land is full of images; they give worship to the work of their hands, even to that which their fingers have made.

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