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Hosea 8:6
The workman made it, it is no god; the ox of Samaria will be broken into bits.


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Hosea 8:6
The workman made it, it is no god; the ox of Samaria will be broken into bits.


Hosea 8:2
They will send up to me a cry for help: We, Israel, have knowledge of you, O God of Israel.

Hosea 8:4
They have put up kings, but not by me; they have made princes, but I had no knowledge of it; they have made images of silver and gold, so that they may be cut off.

Hosea 8:7
For they have been planting the wind, and their fruit will be the storm; his grain has no stem, it will give no meal, and if it does, a strange nation will take it.

Hosea 8:14
For Israel has no memory of his Maker, and has put up the houses of kings; and Judah has made great the number of his walled towns. But I will send a fire on his towns and put an end to his great houses.


Exodus 32:4
And he took the gold from them and, hammering it with an instrument, he made it into the metal image of a young ox: and they said, This is your god, O Israel, who took you out of the land of Egypt.

Psalms 135:15
The images of the nations are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.

Psalms 135:16
They have mouths, but no voice, they have eyes, but they do not see;

Isaiah 40:19
The workman makes an image, and the gold-worker puts gold plates over it, and makes silver bands for it.

Isaiah 44:17
And the rest of it he makes into a god, even his pictured image: he goes down on his face before it, giving worship to it, and making prayer to it, saying, Be my saviour; for you are my god.

Jeremiah 10:3
For that which is feared by the people is foolish: it is the work of the hands of the workman; for a tree is cut down by him out of the woods with his axe.


Jeremiah 43:13
And the stone pillars of Beth-shemesh in the land of Egypt will be broken by him, and the houses of the gods of Egypt burned with fire.


Amos 8:14
Those who make their oaths by the sin of Samaria and say, By the life of your God, O Dan; and, By the living way of Beer-sheba; even they will go down, never again to be lifted up.

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