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Jeremiah 44:15
Then all the men who had knowledge that their wives were burning perfumes to other gods, and all the women who were present, a great meeting, answering Jeremiah, said,


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Jeremiah 44:15
Then all the men who had knowledge that their wives were burning perfumes to other gods, and all the women who were present, a great meeting, answering Jeremiah, said,


Genesis 19:4
But before they had gone to bed, the men of the town, all the men of Sodom, came round the house, young and old, from every part of the town;

1 Kings 11:4
For it came about that when Solomon was old, his heart was turned away to other gods by his wives; and his heart was no longer true to the Lord his God as the heart of his father David had been.

Nehemiah 13:26
Was it not in these things that Solomon, king of Israel, did wrong? among a number of nations there was no king like him, and he was dear to his God, and God made him king over all Israel: but even he was made to do evil by strange women.

Proverbs 11:21
Certainly the evil-doer will not go free from punishment, but the seed of the upright man will be safe.

Jeremiah 5:1
Go quickly through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and get knowledge, and make a search in her wide places if there is a man, if there is one in her who is upright, who keeps faith; and she will have my forgiveness.

Jeremiah 5:2
And though they say, By the living Lord; truly their oaths are false.

Jeremiah 5:4
Then I said, But these are the poor: they are foolish, for they have no knowledge of the way of the Lord or of the behaviour desired by their God.

Jeremiah 5:5
I will go to the great men and have talk with them; for they have knowledge of the way of the Lord and of the behaviour desired by their God. But as for these, their one purpose is a broken yoke and burst bands.

Matthew 7:13
Go in by the narrow door; for wide is the door and open is the way which goes to destruction, and great numbers go in by it.

2 Peter 2:1
But there were false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly put forward wrong teachings for your destruction, even turning away from the Lord who gave himself for them; whose destruction will come quickly, and they themselves will be the cause of it.

2 Peter 2:2
And a great number will go with them in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name.


Exodus 12:30
Then Pharaoh got up in the night, he and all his servants and all the Egyptians; and a great cry went up from Egypt; for there was not a house where someone was not dead.

Exodus 14:5
And word came to Pharaoh of the flight of the people: and the feeling of Pharaoh and of his servants about the people was changed, and they said, Why have we let Israel go, so that they will do no more work for us?

Exodus 15:9
Egypt said, I will go after them, I will overtake, I will make division of their goods: my desire will have its way with them; my sword will be uncovered, my hand will send destruction on them.

2 Chronicles 28:22
And in the time of his trouble, this same King Ahaz did even more evil against the Lord.

Proverbs 23:35
They have overcome me, you will say, and I have no pain; they gave me blows without my feeling them: when will I be awake from my wine? I will go after it again.

Proverbs 27:22
Even if a foolish man is crushed with a hammer in a vessel among crushed grain, still his foolish ways will not go from him.

Jeremiah 2:25
Do not let your foot be without shoes, or your throat dry from need of water: but you said, There is no hope: no, for I have been a lover of strange gods, and after them I will go.

Ezekiel 24:13
As for your unclean purpose: because I have been attempting to make you clean, but you have not been made clean from it, you will not be made clean till I have let loose my passion on you in full measure.

Revelation 16:10
And the fifth let what was in his vessel come out on the high seat of the beast; and his kingdom was made dark; and they were biting their tongues for pain.

Revelation 16:11
And they said evil things against the God of heaven because of their pain and their wounds; and they were not turned from their evil works.


Deuteronomy 4:19
And when your eyes are lifted up to heaven, and you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the army of heaven, do not let yourselves be moved to give them worship, or become the servants of what the Lord has given equally to all peoples under heaven.

Psalms 24:4
He who has clean hands and a true heart; whose desire has not gone out to foolish things, who has not taken a false oath.

Ezekiel 18:6
And has not taken flesh with the blood for food, or given worship to the images of the children of Israel; if he has not had connection with his neighbour's wife, or come near to a woman at the time when she is unclean;

Ezekiel 18:12
Has done wrong to the poor and to him who is in need, and taken property by force, and has not given back to one in his debt what is his, and has given worship to images and has done disgusting things,

Ezekiel 18:15
Who has not taken the flesh with the blood for food, or given worship to the images of the children of Israel, and has not had connection with his neighbour's wife,

Ezekiel 33:25
For this cause say to them, This is what the Lord has said: You take your meat with the blood, your eyes are lifted up to your images, and you are takers of life: are you to have the land for your heritage?

Zephaniah 1:5
And the worshippers of the army of heaven on the house-tops, and the Lord's worshippers who take oaths by Milcom,


1 Kings 12:33
He went up to the altar he had made in Beth-el on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, the month fixed by him at his pleasure; and he gave orders for a feast for the people of Israel, and went up to the altar, and there he made the smoke of his offerings go up.


2 Kings 23:7
And he had the houses pulled down of those who were used for sex purposes in the house of the Lord, where women were making robes for the Asherah.

Jeremiah 7:17
Do you not see what they are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?

Jeremiah 44:8
Moving me to wrath with the work of your hands, burning perfumes to other gods in the land of Egypt, where you have gone to make a place for yourselves, so that you may become a curse and a name of shame among all the nations of the earth?

Ezekiel 8:14
Then he took me to the door of the way into the Lord's house looking to the north; and there women were seated weeping for Tammuz.

Ezekiel 13:17
And you, son of man, let your face be turned against the daughters of your people, who are acting the part of prophets at their pleasure; be a prophet against them, and say,

Ezekiel 16:26
And you went with the Egyptians, your neighbours, great of flesh; increasing your loose ways, moving me to wrath.

1 Timothy 2:14
And Adam was not taken by deceit, but the woman, being tricked, became a wrongdoer.


Isaiah 32:9
Give ear to my voice, you women who are living in comfort; give attention to my words, you daughters who have no fear of danger.


Jeremiah 11:12
Then the towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go crying for help to the gods to whom they have been burning perfumes: but they will give them no salvation in the time of their trouble.

Jeremiah 43:7
And they came into the land of Egypt; for they did not give ear to the voice of the Lord: and they came to Tahpanhes.

Jeremiah 44:24
Further, Jeremiah said to all the people and all the women, Give ear to the word of the Lord, all those of Judah who are living in Egypt:

Jeremiah 44:26
And now give ear to the word of the Lord, all you of Judah who are living in the land of Egypt: Truly, I have taken an oath by my great name, says the Lord, that my name is no longer to be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, By the life of the Lord God.

Ezekiel 20:33
By my life, says the Lord, truly, with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with burning wrath let loose, I will be King over you:


Jeremiah 23:8
But, By the living Lord, who took up the seed of Israel, and made them come out of the north country, and from all the countries where I had sent them; and they will be living in the land which is theirs.

Jeremiah 23:9
About the prophets. My heart is broken in me, all my bones are shaking; I am like a man full of strong drink, like a man overcome by wine; because of the Lord, and because of his holy words.

Jeremiah 23:10
For the land is full of men who are untrue to their wives; because of the curse the land is full of grief; the green fields of the waste land have become dry; and they are quick to do evil, their strength is for what is not right.

Jeremiah 23:11
For the prophet as well as the priest is unclean; even in my house I have seen their evil-doing, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:12
For this cause their steps will be slipping on their way: they will be forced on into the dark and have a fall there: for I will send evil on them in the year of their punishment, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:13
And I have seen ways without sense in the prophets of Samaria; they became prophets of the Baal, causing my people Israel to go wrong.

Jeremiah 23:14
And in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a shocking thing; they are untrue to their wives, walking in deceit, and they make strong the hands of evil-doers, so that a man may not be turned back from his evil-doing: they have all become like Sodom to me, and its people like Gomorrah.

Jeremiah 23:15
So this is what the Lord of armies has said about the prophets: See, I will give them a bitter plant for their food, and bitter water for their drink: for from the prophets of Jerusalem unclean behaviour has gone out into all the land.

Jeremiah 23:16
This is what the Lord of armies has said: Do not give ear to the words which the prophets say to you: they give you teaching of no value: it is from themselves that their vision comes, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:17
They keep on saying to those who have no respect for the word of the Lord, You will have peace; and to everyone who goes on his way in the pride of his heart, they say, No evil will come to you.

Jeremiah 44:14
So that not one of the rest of Judah, who have gone into the land of Egypt and are living there, will get away or keep his life, to come back to the land of Judah where they are hoping to come back and be living again: for not one will come back, but only those who are able to get away.

Jeremiah 44:30
The Lord has said, See, I will give up Pharaoh Hophra, king of Egypt, into the hands of those who are fighting against him and desiring to take his life, as I gave Zedekiah, king of Judah, into the hands of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, his hater, who had designs against his life.

Romans 13:2
For which reason everyone who puts himself against the authority puts himself against the order of God: and those who are against it will get punishment for themselves.

Titus 3:1
Make clear to them that they are to put themselves under rulers and authorities, to do what they are ordered, to be ready for every good work,


Jeremiah 26:9
Why have you said in the name of the Lord, This house will be like Shiloh, and this land a waste with no one living in it? And all the people had come together to Jeremiah in the house of the Lord.


Isaiah 41:29
Truly they are all nothing, their works are nothing and of no value: their metal images are of no more use than wind.

Jeremiah 10:5
It is like a pillar in a garden of plants, and has no voice: it has to be lifted, for it has no power of walking. Have no fear of it; for it has no power of doing evil and it is not able to do any good.

Jeremiah 10:15
They are nothing, a work of error: in the time of their punishment, destruction will overtake them.

Jeremiah 16:19
O Lord, my strength and my strong tower, my safe place in the day of trouble, the nations will come to you from the ends of the earth, and say, The heritage of our fathers is nothing but deceit, even false things in which there is no profit.

Hosea 2:13
And I will give her punishment for the days of the Baals, to whom she has been burning perfumes, when she made herself fair with her nose-rings and her jewels, and went after her lovers, giving no thought to me, says the Lord.


Psalms 78:10
They were not ruled by God's word, and they would not go in the way of his law;

Isaiah 28:15
Because you have said, We have made death our friend, and with the underworld we have made an agreement; when the overflowing waters come through they will not come near us; for we are looking to false words for help, taking cover in what is untrue:

Jeremiah 6:16
This is what the Lord has said: Take your place looking out on the ways; make search for the old roads, saying, Where is the good way? and go in it that you may have rest for your souls. But they said, We will not go in it.

Jeremiah 6:17
And I put watchmen over you, saying, Give attention to the sound of the horn; but they said, We will not give attention.

Jeremiah 7:8
See, you put your faith in false words which are of no profit.

Jeremiah 39:10
But Nebuzaradan, the captain of the armed men, let the poorest of the people, who had nothing whatever, go on living in the land of Judah, and gave them vine-gardens and fields at the same time.

Jeremiah 43:2
Then Azariah, the son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan, the son of Kareah, and all the men of pride, said to Jeremiah, You have said what is false: the Lord our God has not sent you to say, You are not to go into the land of Egypt and make your living-place there:

Ezekiel 9:5
And to these he said in my hearing, Go through the town after him using your axes: do not let your eyes have mercy, and have no pity:

Malachi 3:13
Your words have been strong against me, says the Lord. And still you say, What have we said against you?

Jude 1:13
Violent waves of the sea, streaming with their shame, wandering stars for whom the darkest night is kept in store for ever.

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