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Proverbs 11:21
Certainly the evil-doer will not go free from punishment, but the seed of the upright man will be safe.


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Proverbs 11:21
Certainly the evil-doer will not go free from punishment, but the seed of the upright man will be safe.


Proverbs 16:5
Everyone who has pride in his heart is disgusting to the Lord: he will certainly not go free from punishment.

Romans 2:3
But you who are judging another for doing what you do yourself, are you hoping that God's decision will not take effect against you?

Proverbs 19:5
A false witness will not go without punishment, and the breather out of deceit will not go free.

Matthew 23:33
You snakes, offspring of snakes, how will you be kept from the punishment of hell?

1 Thessalonians 5:3
When they say, There is peace and no danger, then sudden destruction will come on them, as birth-pains on a woman with child; and they will not be able to get away from it.

Hebrews 2:3
What will come on us, if we do not give our minds to such a great salvation? a salvation of which our fathers first had knowledge through the words of the Lord, and which was made certain to us by those to whom his words came;

Hebrews 12:25
See that you give ear to his voice which comes to you. For if those whose ears were shut to the voice which came to them on earth did not go free from punishment, what chance have we of going free if we give no attention to him whose voice comes from heaven?

Jeremiah 11:11
So the Lord has said, I will send evil on them, which they will not be able to get away from; and they will send up a cry for help to me, but I will not give ear to them.

Amos 9:2
Even if they go deep into the underworld, my hand will take them up from there; if they go up to heaven, I will get them down:


Amos 5:18
Sorrow to you who are looking for the day of the Lord! what is the day of the Lord to you? it is dark and not light.


Amos 5:19
As if a man, running away from a lion, came face to face with a bear; or went into the house and put his hand on the wall and got a bite from a snake.

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