1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Psalms 27:1
Of David. The Lord is my light and my salvation; who is then a cause of fear to me? the Lord is the strength of my life; who is a danger to me?


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Psalms 27:1
Of David. The Lord is my light and my salvation; who is then a cause of fear to me? the Lord is the strength of my life; who is a danger to me?


Genesis 13:16
And I will make your children like the dust of the earth, so that if the dust of the earth may be numbered, then will your children be numbered.

Genesis 22:19
Then Abraham went back to his young men and they went together to Beer-sheba, the place where Abraham was living.

Genesis 26:3
Keep in this land, and I will be with you and give you my blessing; for to you and to your seed will I give all these lands, giving effect to the oath which I made to your father Abraham;

Genesis 26:4
I will make your seed like the stars of heaven in number, and will give them all these lands, and your seed will be a blessing to all the nations of the earth;

Genesis 26:24
That night the Lord came to him in a vision, and said, I am the God of your father Abraham: have no fear for I am with you, blessing you, and your seed will be increased because of my servant Abraham.

Genesis 28:15
And truly, I will be with you, and will keep you wherever you go, guiding you back again to this land; and I will not give you up till I have done what I have said to you.


Genesis 15:1
After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, Have no fear, Abram: I will keep you safe, and great will be your reward.

Exodus 14:13
But Moses said, Keep where you are and have no fear; now you will see the salvation of the Lord which he will give you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.

Deuteronomy 33:27
The God of your fathers is your safe resting-place, and under you are his eternal arms: driving out the forces of your haters from before you, he said, Let destruction overtake them.

Deuteronomy 33:28
And Israel is living in peace, the fountain of Jacob by himself, in a land of grain and wine, with dew dropping from the heavens.

Deuteronomy 33:29
Happy are you, O Israel: who is like you, a people whose saviour is the Lord, whose help is your cover, whose sword is your strength! All those who are against you will put themselves under your rule, and your feet will be planted on their high places.

Job 1:10
Have you yourself not put a wall round him and his house and all he has on every side, blessing the work of his hands, and increasing his cattle in the land?

Psalms 3:3
But your strength, O Lord, is round me, you are my glory and the lifter up of my head.

Psalms 3:4
I send up a cry to the Lord with my voice, and he gives me an answer from his holy hill. (Selah.)

Psalms 18:35
You have given me the breastplate of your salvation: your right hand has been my support, and your mercy has made me great.

Psalms 73:25
Whom have I in heaven but you? and having you I have no desire for anything on earth.

Isaiah 44:2
The Lord who made you, forming you in your mother's body, the Lord, your helper, says, Have no fear, O Jacob my servant, and you, Jeshurun, whom I have taken for myself.

Revelation 1:17
And when I saw him, I went down on my face at his feet as one dead. And he put his right hand on me, saying, Have no fear; I am the first and the last and the Living one;


Exodus 13:21
And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, guiding them on their way; and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light: so that they were able to go on day and night:

Exodus 19:18
And all the mountain of Sinai was smoking, for the Lord had come down on it in fire: and the smoke of it went up like the smoke of a great burning; and all the mountain was shaking.

Exodus 24:17
And the glory of the Lord was like a flame on the top of the mountain before the eyes of the children of Israel.

Exodus 40:38
For the cloud of the Lord was resting on the House by day, and at night there was fire in the cloud, before the eyes of all the people of Israel, and so it was through all their journeys.

Psalms 104:2
You are clothed with light as with a robe; stretching out the heavens like a curtain:


Exodus 31:2
I have made selection of Bezalel, the son of Uri, by name, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah:


Exodus 32:33
And the Lord said to Moses, Whoever has done evil against me will be taken out of my book.

Nehemiah 2:13
And I went out by night, through the doorway of the valley, and past the dragon's water-spring as far as the place where waste material was put, viewing the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down, and the doorways which had been burned with fire.

Psalms 74:13
The sea was parted in two by your strength; the heads of the great sea-beasts were broken.

Psalms 91:13
You will put your foot on the lion and the snake; the young lion and the great snake will be crushed under your feet.

Psalms 148:7
Give praise to the Lord from the earth, you great sea-beasts, and deep places:

Jeremiah 51:34
Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, has made a meal of me, violently crushing me, he has made me a vessel with nothing in it, he has taken me in his mouth like a dragon, he has made his stomach full with my delicate flesh, crushing me with his teeth.


Leviticus 26:36
And as for the rest of you, I will make their hearts feeble in the land of their haters, and the sound of a leaf moved by the wind will send them in flight, and they will go in flight as from the sword, falling down when no one comes after them;

Leviticus 26:37
Falling on one another, as before the sword, when no one comes after them; you will give way before your haters.

Deuteronomy 28:65
And even among these nations there will be no peace for you, and no rest for your feet: but the Lord will give you there a shaking heart and wasting eyes and weariness of soul:

Deuteronomy 28:66
Your very life will be hanging in doubt before you, and day and night will be dark with fears, and nothing in life will be certain:

2 Kings 7:6
For the Lord had made the sound of carriages and horses, and the noise of a great army, come to the ears of the Aramaeans, so that they said to one another, Truly, the king of Israel has got the kings of the Hittites and of the Egyptians for a price to make an attack on us.

2 Kings 7:7
So they got up and went in flight, in the half light, without their tents or their horses or their asses or any of their goods; they went in flight, fearing for their lives.


Numbers 14:1
Then all the people gave load cries of grief, and all that night they gave themselves up to weeping.

Numbers 14:2
And all the children of Israel, crying out against Moses and Aaron, said, If only we had come to our death in the land of Egypt, or even in this waste land!

Numbers 14:3
Why is the Lord taking us into this land to come to our death by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will get into strange hands: would it not be better for us to go back to Egypt?


Numbers 14:6
And Joshua, the son of Nun, and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, two of those who had been to see the land, giving signs of grief,

Numbers 14:7
Said to all the children of Israel, This land which we went through to see is a very good land.

Numbers 14:24
But my servant Caleb, because he had a different spirit in him, and has been true to me with all his heart, him I will take into that land into which he went, and his seed will have it for their heritage.

Joshua 14:6
Then the children of Judah went to Joshua in Gilgal; and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, said to him, You have knowledge of what the Lord said to Moses, the man of God, about me and about you in Kadesh-barnea.

Joshua 14:7
I was forty years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me from Kadesh-barnea to make a search through the land; and the account which I gave him was in keeping with his desire.

Joshua 14:8
My brothers, however, who went up with me, made the heart of the people like water: but I was true to the Lord with all my heart.


Numbers 21:34
And the Lord said to Moses, Have no fear of him: for I have given him up into your hands, with all his people and his land; do to him as you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, at Heshbon.

Deuteronomy 3:2
And the Lord said to me, Have no fear of him: for I have given him and all his people and his land into your hands; do to him as you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who was ruling in Heshbon.

Deuteronomy 3:6
And we put them to the curse, every town together with men, women, and children.


Deuteronomy 32:15
But Jeshurun became fat and would not be controlled: you have become fat, you are thick and full of food: then he was untrue to the God who made him, giving no honour to the Rock of his salvation.

Deuteronomy 32:30
How would it be possible for one to overcome a thousand, and two to send ten thousand in flight, if their rock had not let them go, if the Lord had not given them up?

Deuteronomy 32:31
For their rock is not like our Rock, even our haters themselves being judges.

1 Samuel 17:11
And Saul and all Israel, hearing those words of the Philistine, were troubled and full of fear.

Psalms 18:46
The Lord is living; praise be to my Rock, and let the God of my salvation be honoured.

Psalms 19:14
Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing in your eyes, O Lord, my strength and my salvation.

Psalms 31:2
Let your ear be turned to me; take me quickly out of danger; be my strong Rock, my place of strength where I may be safe.

Psalms 31:3
For you are my Rock and my strong tower; go in front of me and be my guide, because of your name.

Psalms 89:26
He will say to me, You are my father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.

Psalms 95:1
O come, let us make songs to the Lord; sending up glad voices to the Rock of our salvation.

Isaiah 17:9
In that day your towns will be like the waste places of the Hivites and the Amorites which the children of Israel took for a heritage, and they will come to destruction.

Isaiah 17:10
For you have not given honour to the God of your salvation, and have not kept in mind the Rock of your strength; for this cause you made a garden of Adonis, and put in it the vine-cuttings of a strange god;


Deuteronomy 32:35
Punishment is mine and reward, at the time of the slipping of their feet: for the day of their downfall is near, sudden will be their fate.

Deuteronomy 32:36
For the Lord will be judge of his people, he will have pity for his servants; when he sees that their power is gone, there is no one, shut up or free.

Psalms 90:13
Come back, O Lord; how long? let your purpose for your servants be changed.


Joshua 1:5
While you are living, all will give way before you: as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not take away my help from you or give you up.

Joshua 1:6
Take heart and be strong; for you will give to this people for their heritage the land which I gave by an oath to their fathers.

Joshua 1:7
Only take heart and be very strong; take care to do all the law which Moses my servant gave you, not turning from it to the right hand or to the left, so that you may do well in all your undertakings.

Joshua 1:8
Let this book of the law be ever on your lips and in your thoughts day and night, so that you may keep with care everything in it; then a blessing will be on all your way, and you will do well.

Judges 4:14
Then Deborah said to Barak, Up! for today the Lord has given Sisera into your hands: has not the Lord gone out before you? So Barak went down from Mount Tabor and ten thousand men after him.

Judges 4:15
And the Lord sent fear on Sisera and all his war-carriages and all his army before Barak; and Sisera got down from his war-carriage and went in flight on foot.

1 Chronicles 28:20
And David said to his son Solomon, Be strong and of a good heart and do your work; have no fear and do not be troubled, for the Lord God, my God, is with you; he will not give you up, and his face will not be turned away from you, till all the work necessary for the house of the Lord is complete.

Psalms 29:11
The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will give his people the blessing of peace.

Psalms 68:35
O God, you are to be feared in your holy place: the God of Israel gives strength and power to his people. Praise be to God.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who are waiting for the Lord will have new strength; they will get wings like eagles: running, they will not be tired, and walking, they will have no weariness.

2 Corinthians 12:10
So I take pleasure in being feeble, in unkind words, in needs, in cruel attacks, in troubles, on account of Christ: for when I am feeble, then am I strong.

Hebrews 11:34
Put out the power of fire, got safely away from the edge of the sword, were made strong when they had been feeble, became full of power in war, and put to flight the armies of the nations.


Joshua 7:6
Then Joshua, in great grief, went down on the earth before the ark of the Lord till the evening, and all the chiefs of Israel with him, and they put dust on their heads.

Joshua 7:7
And Joshua said, O Lord God, why have you taken us over Jordan only to give us up into the hands of the Amorites for our destruction? If only it had been enough for us to keep on the other side of Jordan!

Joshua 7:9
For when the news comes to the Canaanites and all the people of the land, they will come up, shutting us in and cutting off our name from the earth: and what will you do for the honour of your great name?


Judges 6:26
Make an altar to the Lord your God on the top of this rock, in the ordered way and take the ox and make a burned offering with the wood of the holy tree which has been cut down.


1 Samuel 15:29
And further, the Glory of Israel will not say what is false, and his purpose may not be changed: for he is not a man, whose purpose may be changed.

1 Samuel 20:3
But David took his oath again and said, Your father sees that I am dear to you; so he says to himself, Let Jonathan have no idea of this, for it will be a grief to him; but as the Lord is living, and as your soul is living, there is only a step between me and death.

2 Kings 18:5
He had faith in the Lord, the God of Israel; so that there was no one like him among all the kings of Judah who were before him.

2 Kings 19:10
This is what you are to say to Hezekiah, king of Judah: Let not your God, in whom is your faith, give you a false hope, saying, Jerusalem will not be given into the hands of the king of Assyria.

Psalms 21:1
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David. The king will be glad in your strength, O Lord; how great will be his delight in your salvation!

Psalms 27:5
For in the time of trouble he will keep me safe in his tent: in the secret place of his tent he will keep me from men's eyes; high on a rock he will put me.

Psalms 30:5
For his wrath is only for a minute; in his grace there is life; weeping may be for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Psalms 32:7
You are my safe and secret place; you will keep me from trouble; you will put songs of salvation on the lips of those who are round me. (Selah.)

Psalms 61:3
For you have been my secret place, and my high tower from those who made war on me.

Psalms 61:4
I will make your tent my resting-place for ever: I will keep myself under the cover of your wings. (Selah.)

Isaiah 8:14
And he will be for a holy place: but for a stone of falling and a rock of trouble to the two houses of Israel, and to the men of Jerusalem, for a net in which they may be taken.

1 Thessalonians 5:15
Let no one give evil for evil; but ever go after what is good, for one another and for all.


2 Samuel 2:4
And the men of Judah came there, and with the holy oil made David king over the people of Judah. And word came to David that it was the men of Jabesh-gilead who put Saul's body in its last resting-place.


2 Samuel 17:11
But my suggestion is that all Israel, from Dan as far as Beer-sheba, comes together to you, a great army like the sands of the sea in number; and that you yourself go out among them.

2 Samuel 18:2
And David sent the people out, a third of them under the orders of Joab, and a third under the orders of Abishai, son of Zeruiah, Joab's brother, and a third under Ittai the Gittite. And the king said to the people, And I myself will certainly go out with you.


2 Samuel 21:15
And the Philistines went to war again with Israel; and David went down with his people, and while they were at Gob they had a fight with the Philistines:


2 Samuel 21:16
And there came against David one of the offspring of the Rephaim, whose spear was three hundred shekels of brass in weight, and having a new sword, he made an attempt to put David to death.


1 Kings 18:2
So Elijah went to let Ahab see him. Now there was no food to be had in Samaria.


2 Kings 6:15
Now the servant of the man of God, having got up early and gone out, saw an army with horses and carriages of war all round the town. And the servant said to him, O my master, what are we to do?


2 Kings 6:17
Then Elisha made a prayer to the Lord, saying, Lord, let his eyes be open so that he may see. And the Lord made the young man's eyes open; and he saw that all the mountain was full of horses and carriages of fire round Elisha.


Ezra 4:11
This is a copy of the letter which they sent to Artaxerxes the king: Your servants living across the river send these words:

Ezra 4:12
We give news to the king that the Jews who came from you have come to us at Jerusalem; they are building up again that uncontrolled and evil town; the walls are complete and they are joining up the bases.

Ezra 4:13
The king may be certain that when the building of this town and its walls is complete, they will give no tax or payment in goods or forced payments, and in the end it will be a cause of loss to the kings.

Ezra 4:14
Now because we are responsible to the king, and it is not right for us to see the king's honour damaged, we have sent to give the king word of these things,

Ezra 4:15
So that search may be made in the book of the records of your fathers: and you will see in the book of the records that this town has been uncontrolled, and a cause of trouble to kings and countries, and that there were outbursts against authority there in the past: for which reason the town was made waste.

Ezra 4:16
We give you word, that if the building of this town and its walls is made complete, there will be an end of your power in the country across the river.


Job 5:11
Lifting up those who are low, and putting the sad in a safe place;

Job 5:12
Who makes the designs of the wise go wrong, so that they are unable to give effect to their purposes.

Job 5:13
He takes the wise in their secret designs, and the purposes of the twisted are cut off suddenly.

Job 5:14
In the daytime it becomes dark for them, and in the sunlight they go feeling about as if it was night.

Job 5:15
But he keeps safe from their sword those who have no father, and the poor from the power of the strong.

Amos 8:9
And it will come about in that day, says the Lord God, that I will make the sun go down in the middle of the day, and I will make the earth dark in daylight:


Job 5:19
He will keep you safe from six troubles, and in seven no evil will come near you.

Job 5:20
When there is need of food he will keep you from death, and in war from the power of the sword.

Job 5:21
He will keep you safe from the evil tongue; and you will have no fear of wasting when it comes.

Job 5:22
You will make sport of destruction and need, and will have no fear of the beasts of the earth.

Job 5:23
For you will be in agreement with the stones of the earth, and the beasts of the field will be at peace with you.

Job 5:24
And you will be certain that your tent is at peace, and after looking over your property you will see that nothing is gone.

Job 5:25
You will be certain that your seed will be great, and your offspring like the plants of the earth.

Job 5:26
You will come to your last resting-place in full strength, as the grain is taken up to the crushing-floor in its time.

Job 5:27
See, we have made search with care, and it is so; it has come to our ears; see that you take note of it for yourself.


Job 41:1
Is it possible for Leviathan to be pulled out with a fish-hook, or for a hook to be put through the bone of his mouth?


Psalms 15:2
He who goes on his way uprightly, doing righteousness, and saying what is true in his heart;

Psalms 26:1
Of David. O Lord, be my judge, for my behaviour has been upright: I have put my faith in the Lord, I am not in danger of slipping.

Psalms 42:8
But the Lord will send his mercy in the daytime, and in the night his song will be with me, a prayer to the God of my life.

Isaiah 61:10
I will be full of joy in the Lord, my soul will be glad in my God; for he has put on me the clothing of salvation, covering me with the robe of righteousness, as the husband puts on a fair head-dress, and the bride makes herself beautiful with jewels.

Matthew 10:26
Have, then, no fear of them: because nothing is covered which will not come to light, or secret which will not be made clear.


Psalms 11:4
The Lord is in his holy Temple, the Lord's seat is in heaven; his eyes are watching and testing the children of men.

Psalms 31:18
Let the false lips be shut, which say evil against the upright, looking down on him in their pride.

Isaiah 37:22
This is the word which the Lord has said about him: In the eyes of the virgin daughter of Zion you are shamed and laughed at; the daughter of Jerusalem has made sport of you.


Ezra 3:3
They put the altar on its base; for fear was on them because of the people of the countries: and they made burned offerings on it to the Lord, even burned offerings morning and evening.

Ezra 8:21
Then I gave orders for a time of going without food, there by the river Ahava, so that we might make ourselves low before our God in prayer, requesting from him a straight way for us and for our little ones and for all our substance.

Ezra 8:22
For I would not, for shame, make request to the king for a band of armed men and horsemen to give us help against those who might make attacks on us on the way: for we had said to the king, The hand of our God is on his servants for good, but his power and his wrath are against all those who are turned away from him.

Psalms 25:8
Good and upright is the Lord: so he will be the teacher of sinners in the way.

Psalms 32:8
I will give you knowledge, teaching you the way to go; my eye will be your guide.

Psalms 94:10
He who is the judge of the nations, will he not give men the reward of their acts, even he who gives knowledge to man?

Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways give ear to him, and he will make straight your footsteps.


Psalms 35:22
You have seen this, O Lord; be not unmoved: O Lord, be not far from me.


2 Samuel 23:4
It is as the light of the morning, when the sun comes up, a morning without clouds; making young grass come to life from the earth.

2 Samuel 23:5
For is not my house so with God? For he has made with me an eternal agreement, ordered in all things and certain: as for all my salvation and all my desire, will he not give it increase?

Job 22:28
Your purposes will come about, and light will be shining on your ways.

Psalms 37:6
And he will make your righteousness be seen like the light, and your cause like the shining of the sun.

Psalms 111:7
The works of his hands are faith and righteousness; all his laws are unchanging.

Psalms 112:4
For the upright there is a light shining in the dark; he is full of grace and pity.

Isaiah 58:10
And if you give your bread to those in need of it, so that the troubled one may have his desire; then you will have light in the dark, and your night will be as the full light of the sun:


Psalms 5:11
But let all those who put their faith in you be glad with cries of joy at all times, and let all the lovers of your name be glad in you.

Psalms 37:17
For the arms of the evil-doers will be broken: but the Lord is the support of the good.

Psalms 54:4
See, God is my helper: the Lord is the great supporter of my soul.

Psalms 59:16
But I will make songs of your power; yes, I will give cries of joy for your mercy in the morning; because you have been my strength and my high tower in the day of my trouble.

Psalms 84:12
O Lord of armies, happy is the man whose hope is in you.

Psalms 149:2
Let Israel have joy in his maker; let the children of Zion be glad in their King.

Proverbs 1:33
But whoever gives ear to me will take his rest safely, living in peace without fear of evil.

Isaiah 27:3
I, the Lord, am watching it; I will give it water at all times: I will keep it night and day, for fear that any damage comes to it.

Isaiah 57:15
For this is the word of him who is high and lifted up, whose resting-place is eternal, whose name is Holy: my resting-place is in the high and holy place, and with him who is crushed and poor in spirit, to give life to the spirit of the poor, and to make strong the heart of the crushed.

Jeremiah 16:19
O Lord, my strength and my strong tower, my safe place in the day of trouble, the nations will come to you from the ends of the earth, and say, The heritage of our fathers is nothing but deceit, even false things in which there is no profit.

Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good, a strong place in the day of trouble; and he has knowledge of those who take him for their safe cover.

Zechariah 9:12
And they will come back to you, O daughter of Zion, as prisoners of hope: today I say to you that I will give you back twice as much;


Deuteronomy 20:2
And when you are on the point of attacking, let the priest come forward and say to the people,

1 Samuel 27:1
And David said to himself, Some day death will come to me by the hand of Saul: the only thing for me to do is to get away into the land of the Philistines; then Saul will give up hope of taking me in any part of the land of Israel: and so I may be able to get away from him.

Psalms 18:34
He makes my hands expert in war, so that a bow of brass is bent by my arms.

Psalms 44:4
You are my King and my God; ordering salvation for Jacob.

Isaiah 7:4
And say to him, Take care and be quiet; have no fear, and do not let your heart be feeble, because of these two ends of smoking fire-wood, because of the bitter wrath of Rezin and Aram, and of the son of Remaliah.

Isaiah 8:13
But let the Lord of armies be holy to you, and go in fear of him, giving honour to him.

Isaiah 26:20
Come, my people, into your secret places, and let your doors be shut: keep yourself safe for a short time, till his wrath is over.

Isaiah 26:21
For the Lord is coming out of his place to send punishment on the people of the earth for their evil-doing: the earth will let the blood drained out on her be seen, and will keep her dead covered no longer.

Isaiah 37:27
This is why their townsmen had no power, they were broken and put to shame; they were like the grass of the field, or a green plant; like the grass on the house-tops, which a cold wind makes waste.

Habakkuk 3:16
Hearing it, my inner parts were moved, and my lips were shaking at the sound; my bones became feeble, and my steps were uncertain under me: I gave sounds of grief in the day of trouble, when his forces came up against the people in bands.

Matthew 2:3
And when it came to the ears of Herod the king, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls;


1 Samuel 17:36
Your servant has overcome lion and bear: and the fate of this Philistine, who is without circumcision, will be like theirs, seeing that he has put shame on the armies of the living God.

1 Samuel 17:44
And the Philistine said to David, Come here to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.

1 Samuel 17:45
Then David said to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin: but I come to you in the name of the Lord of armies, the God of the armies of Israel on which you have put shame.

1 Samuel 17:46
This day the Lord will give you up into my hands, and I will overcome you, and take your head off you; and I will give the bodies of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth today, so that all the earth may see that Israel has a God;

1 Samuel 17:47
And all these people who are here today may see that the Lord does not give salvation by sword and spear: for the fight is the Lord's, and he will give you up into our hands.

1 Samuel 17:48
Now when the Philistine made a move and came near to David, David quickly went at a run in the direction of the army, meeting the Philistine face to face.

Psalms 2:2
The kings of the earth have taken their place, and the rulers are fixed in their purpose, against the Lord, and against the king of his selection, saying,

Psalms 2:3
Let their chains be broken, and their cords taken from off us.

Psalms 2:4
Then he whose seat is in the heavens will be laughing: the Lord will make sport of them.

Psalms 46:4
There is a river whose streams make glad the resting-place of God, the holy place of the tents of the Most High.

Psalms 46:5
God has taken his place in her; she will not be moved: he will come to her help at the dawn of morning.

Psalms 46:6
The nations were angry, the kingdoms were moved; at the sound of his voice the earth became like wax.


1 Samuel 23:17
And said to him, Have no fear, for Saul my father will not get you into his power; and you will be king of Israel, and I will be by your side, and my father Saul is certain of this.

2 Samuel 22:31
As for God, his way is all good: the word of the Lord is tested; he is a safe cover for all those who put their faith in him.

1 Chronicles 5:20
And they were helped against them, so that the Hagarites, and those with them, were given into their power. For they sent up prayers to God in the fight, and he gave ear to them, because they put their faith in him.

1 Chronicles 21:1
Now Satan, designing evil against Israel, put into David's mind the impulse to take the number of Israel.

Job 9:19
If it is a question of strength, he says, Here I am! and if it is a question of a cause at law, he says, Who will give me a fixed day?

Psalms 13:5
But I have had faith in your mercy; my heart will be glad in your salvation.

Psalms 49:16
Have no fear when wealth comes to a man, and the glory of his house is increased;

Psalms 89:15
Happy are the people who have knowledge of the holy cry: the light of your face, O Lord, will be shining on their way.

Psalms 147:11
The Lord takes pleasure in his worshippers, and in those whose hope is in his mercy.

Proverbs 16:15
In the light of the king's face there is life; and his approval is like a cloud of spring rain.

John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled: have faith in God and have faith in me.

James 5:17
Elijah was a man of flesh and blood as we are, and he made a strong prayer that there might be no rain; and there was no rain on the earth for three years and six months.


1 Samuel 16:18
Then one of the servants in answer said, I have seen a son of Jesse, the Beth-lehemite, who is expert at playing, and a strong man and a man of war; and he is wise in his words, and pleasing in looks, and the Lord is with him.

2 Chronicles 32:8
With him is an arm of flesh; but we have the Lord our God, helping us and fighting for us. And the people put their faith in what Hezekiah, king of Judah, said.

Psalms 91:1
Happy is he whose resting-place is in the secret of the Lord, and under the shade of the wings of the Most High;

Psalms 121:4
See, the eyes of Israel's keeper will not be shut in sleep.

Psalms 124:1
A Song of the going up. Of David. If it had not been the Lord who was on our side (let Israel now say);

Isaiah 54:17
No instrument of war which is formed against you will be of any use; and every tongue which says evil against you will be judged false. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness comes from me, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 46:27
But have no fear, O Jacob, my servant, and do not be troubled, O Israel: for see, I will make you come back from far away, and your seed from the land where they are prisoners; and Jacob will come back, and will be quiet and in peace, and no one will give him cause for fear.

Matthew 6:13
And let us not be put to the test, but keep us safe from the Evil One.

Matthew 10:31
Then have no fear; you are of more value than a flock of sparrows.

Matthew 28:5
And the angel said to the women, Have no fear: for I see that you are searching for Jesus, who was put to death on the cross.

Acts 18:9
And the Lord said to Paul in the night, in a vision, Have no fear and go on preaching:

Acts 27:24
Saying, Have no fear, Paul, for you will come before Caesar, and God has given to you all those who are sailing with you.


Psalms 94:22
But the Lord is my safe resting-place; my God is the Rock where I am safe.


Deuteronomy 1:30
The Lord your God who goes before you will be fighting for you, and will do such wonders as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes;

2 Samuel 22:51
Great salvation does he give to his king; he has mercy on the king of his selection, David, and on his seed for ever.

2 Chronicles 14:11
And Asa made prayer to the Lord his God and said, Lord, you only are able to give help against the strong to him who has no strength; come to our help, O Lord our God, for our hope is in you, and in your name we have come out against this great army. O Lord, you are our God; let not man's power be greater than yours.

2 Chronicles 20:16
Go down against them tomorrow: see, they are coming up by the slope of Ziz; at the end of the valley, before the waste land of Jeruel, you will come face to face with them.

Nehemiah 4:14
And after looking, I got up and said to the great ones and to the chiefs and to the rest of the people, Have no fear of them: keep in mind the Lord who is great and greatly to be feared, and take up arms for your brothers, your sons, and your daughters, your wives and your houses.

Job 13:15
Truly, he will put an end to me; I have no hope; but I will not give way in argument before him;

Job 19:25
But I am certain that he who will take up my cause is living, and that in time to come he will take his place on the dust;

Psalms 121:5
The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.

Psalms 127:1
A Song of the going up. Of Solomon. If the Lord is not helping the builders, then the building of a house is to no purpose: if the Lord does not keep the town, the watchman keeps his watch for nothing.

Isaiah 30:15
For the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, said, In quiet and rest is your salvation: peace and hope are your strength: but you would not have it so.

Isaiah 32:2
And a man will be as a safe place from the wind, and a cover from the storm; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shade of a great rock in a waste land.

Matthew 10:16
See, I send you out as sheep among wolves. Be then as wise as snakes, and as gentle as doves.


Psalms 119:130
The opening of your words gives light; it gives good sense to the simple.

Proverbs 6:23
For the rule is a light, and the teaching a shining light; and the guiding words of training are the way of life.


Ecclesiastes 2:17
So I was hating life, because everything under the sun was evil to me: all is to no purpose and desire for wind.


Genesis 49:18
I have been waiting for your salvation, O Lord.

Psalms 51:14
Be my saviour from violent death, O God, the God of my salvation; and my tongue will give praise to your righteousness.

Psalms 65:5
You will give us an answer in righteousness by great acts of power, O God of our salvation; you who are the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of the far-off lands of the sea;

Psalms 68:20
Our God is for us a God of salvation; his are the ways out of death.

Psalms 79:9
Give us help, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name; take us out of danger and give us forgiveness for our sins, because of your name.

Psalms 88:1
A Song. A Psalm. Of the sons of Korah. To the chief music-maker; put to Mahalath Leannoth. Maschil. Of Heman the Ezrahite. O Lord, God of my salvation, I have been crying to you for help by day and by night:

Isaiah 7:14
For this cause the Lord himself will give you a sign; a young woman is now with child, and she will give birth to a son, and she will give him the name Immanuel.

Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child has come, to us a son is given; and the government has been placed in his hands; and he has been named Wise Guide, Strong God, Father for ever, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase of his rule and of peace there will be no end, on the seat of David, and in his kingdom; to make it strong, supporting it with wise decision and righteousness, now and for ever. By the fixed purpose of the Lord of armies this will be done.

Matthew 1:23
See, the virgin will be with child, and will give birth to a son, and they will give him the name Immanuel, that is, God with us.

John 1:1
From the first he was the Word, and the Word was in relation with God and was God.

John 1:14
And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace.


Isaiah 57:11
And of whom were you in fear, so that you were false, and did not keep me in mind, or give thought to it? Have I not been quiet, keeping myself secret, and so you were not in fear of me?


Jeremiah 4:19
My soul, my soul! I am pained to my inmost heart; my heart is troubled in me; I am not able to be quiet, because the sound of the horn, the note of war, has come to my ears.


Jeremiah 4:20
News is given of destruction on destruction; all the land is made waste: suddenly my tents, straight away my curtains, are made waste.


1 Samuel 17:32
And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart become feeble because of him; I, your servant, will go out and have a fight with this Philistine.

Psalms 60:7
Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; and Ephraim is the strength of my head; Judah is my law-giver;

Proverbs 29:25
The fear of man is a cause of danger: but whoever puts his faith in the Lord will have a safe place on high.

Jeremiah 17:18
Let them be put to shame who are attacking me, but let me not be shamed; let them be overcome with fear, but let me not be overcome: send on them the day of evil, and put them to destruction twice over.

Daniel 3:18
But if not, be certain, O King, that we will not be the servants of your gods, or give worship to the image of gold which you have put up.

Daniel 6:10
And Daniel, on hearing that the writing had been signed, went into his house; (now he had windows in his room on the roof opening in the direction of Jerusalem;) and three times a day he went down on his knees in prayer and praise before his God, as he had done before.

Daniel 6:11
Then these men were watching and saw Daniel making prayers and requesting grace before his God.

Luke 12:5
But I will make clear to you of whom you are to be in fear: of him who after death has power to send you to hell; yes, truly I say, Have fear of him.

Acts 4:13
Now when they saw that Peter and John were without fear, though they were men of no education or learning, they were greatly surprised; and they took note of them that they had been with Jesus.

Acts 14:3
So they kept there for a long time, taking heart in the Lord, who gave witness to the word of his grace by causing signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

1 Thessalonians 2:2
But after we had first undergone much pain and been cruelly attacked as you saw, at Philippi, by the help of God we gave you the good news without fear, though everything was against us.

1 Peter 3:14
But you are happy if you undergo pain because of righteousness; have no part in their fear and do not be troubled;


Job 12:10
In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all flesh of man.

Psalms 52:7
See, this is the man who did not make God his strength, but had faith in his goods and his property, and made himself strong in his wealth.

Psalms 146:3
Put not your faith in rulers, or in the son of man, in whom there is no salvation.

Psalms 146:4
Man's breath goes out, he is turned back again to dust; in that day all his purposes come to an end.

Isaiah 31:3
For the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses are flesh, and not spirit: and when the Lord's hand is stretched out, the helper and he who is helped will come down together.

Daniel 5:23
But you have been lifting yourself up against the Lord of heaven, and they have put the vessels of his house before you, and you and your lords, your wives and your women, have taken wine in them; and you have given praise to gods of silver and gold, of brass and iron and wood and stone, who are without the power of seeing or hearing, and without knowledge: and to the God in whose hand your breath is, and whose are all your ways, you have not given glory;


Daniel 11:38
But in place of this he will give honour to the god of armed places, and to a god of whom his fathers had no knowledge he will give honour with gold and silver and jewels and things to be desired.


Joel 3:9
Give this out among the nations; make ready for war: get the strong men awake; let all the men of war come near, let them come up.

Joel 3:10
Get your plough-blades hammered into swords, and your vine-knives into spears: let the feeble say, I am strong.

Joel 3:11
Come quickly, all you nations round about, and get yourselves together there: make your strong ones come down, O Lord.

Joel 3:12
Let the nations be awake, and come to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there I will be seated as judge of all the nations round about.


Psalms 25:7
Do not keep in mind my sins when I was young, or my wrongdoing: let your memory of me be full of mercy, O Lord, because of your righteousness.

Psalms 25:11
Because of your name, O Lord, let me have forgiveness for my sin, which is very great.

Psalms 51:4
Against you, you only, have I done wrong, working that which is evil in your eyes; so that your words may be seen to be right, and you may be clear when you are judging.

Psalms 51:9
Let your face be turned from my wrongdoing, and take away all my sins.

Psalms 85:4
Come back to us, O God of our salvation, and be angry with us no longer.

Psalms 90:8
You have put our evil doings before you, our secret sins in the light of your face.

Micah 7:18
Who is a God like you, offering forgiveness for evil-doing and overlooking the sins of the rest of his heritage? he does not keep his wrath for ever, because his delight is in mercy.

Micah 7:19
He will again have pity on us; he will put our sins under his feet: and you will send all our sins down into the heart of the sea.

Micah 7:20
You will make clear your good faith to Jacob and your mercy to Abraham, as you gave your oath to our fathers from times long past.


Isaiah 2:4
And he will be the judge between the nations, and the peoples will be ruled by his decisions: and their swords will be turned into plough-blades, and their spears into vine-knives: no longer will the nations be turning their swords against one another, and the knowledge of war will be gone for ever.

Isaiah 45:22
Let your hearts be turned to me, so that you may have salvation, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is no other.

Isaiah 45:23
By myself have I taken an oath, a true word has gone from my mouth, and will not be changed, that to me every knee will be bent, and every tongue will give honour.

Isaiah 45:25
In the Lord will all the seed of Israel get their rights, and they will give glory to him.

Isaiah 51:6
Let your eyes be lifted up to the heavens, and turned to the earth which is under them: for the heavens will go in flight like smoke, and the earth will become old like a coat, and its people will come to destruction like insects: but my salvation will be for ever, and my righteousness will not come to an end.

Jeremiah 23:6
In his days Judah will have salvation and Israel will be living without fear: and this is the name by which he will be named, The Lord is our righteousness.

Jonah 2:9
But I will make an offering to you with the voice of praise; I will give effect to my oaths. Salvation is the Lord's.

Matthew 1:22
Now all this took place so that the word of the Lord by the prophet might come true,

John 1:2
This Word was from the first in relation with God.

John 1:3
All things came into existence through him, and without him nothing was.

1 Timothy 3:16
And without argument, great is the secret of religion: He who was seen in the flesh, who was given God's approval in the spirit, was seen by the angels, of whom the good news was given among the nations, in whom the world had faith, who was taken up in glory.

2 Timothy 1:10
But has now been made clear by the revelation of our Saviour Christ Jesus, who put an end to death and made life unending come to light through the good news,


Matthew 24:7
For nation will be moved against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and men will be without food, and the earth will be shaking in different places;

Matthew 24:8
But all these things are the first of the troubles.

Mark 13:7
And when you have news of wars and talk of wars, do not be troubled; these things have to be, but it is still not the end.

Mark 13:8
Nation will go to war with nation, and kingdom with kingdom: there will be earth-shocks in different places; there will be times when there is no food; these things are the first of the troubles.

Luke 21:18
But not a hair of your head will come to destruction.


Job 11:15
Then truly your face will be lifted up, with no mark of sin, and you will be fixed in your place without fear:

Psalms 43:5
Why are you crushed down, O my soul? and why are you troubled in me? put your hope in God, for I will again give him praise who is my help and my God.

Psalms 55:22
Put your cares on the Lord, and he will be your support; he will not let the upright man be moved.

Psalms 112:6
He will not ever be moved; the memory of the upright will be living for ever.

Psalms 118:15
The sound of joy and salvation is in the tents of the upright; the right hand of the Lord does works of power.

Psalms 138:7
Even when trouble is round me, you will give me life; your hand will be stretched out against the wrath of my haters, and your right hand will be my salvation.

Isaiah 33:6
And she will have no more fear of change, being full of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge: the fear of the Lord is her wealth.

Matthew 27:43
He put his faith in God; let God be his saviour now, if he will have him; for he said, I am the Son of God.

Ephesians 1:13
In whom you, having been given the true word, the good news of your salvation, and through your faith in him, were given the sign of the Holy Spirit of hope,

2 Thessalonians 2:2
That you may not be moved in mind or troubled by a spirit, or by a word, or by a letter as from us, with the suggestion that the day of the Lord is even now come;

1 Peter 1:21
Who through him have faith in God who took him up again from the dead into glory; so that your faith and hope might be in God.

1 John 3:21
My loved ones, if our heart does not say that we have done wrong, we have no fear before him;


Psalms 68:21
The heads of the haters of God will be crushed; even the head of him who still goes on in his evil ways.

Isaiah 45:17
But the Lord will make Israel free with an eternal salvation: you will not be put to shame or made low for ever and ever.

Hosea 13:4
But I am the Lord your God, from the land of Egypt; you have knowledge of no other God and there is no saviour but me.

Luke 1:47
My spirit is glad in God my Saviour.

John 4:22
You give worship, but without knowledge of what you are worshipping: we give worship to what we have knowledge of: for salvation comes from the Jews.

Romans 1:16
For I have no feeling of shame about the good news, because it is the power of God giving salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first, and then to the Greek.

Titus 2:10
Not taking what is not theirs, but giving clear signs of their good faith, in all things doing credit to the teaching of God our Saviour.

Titus 2:13
Looking for the glad hope, the revelation of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ;

Titus 3:4
But when the mercy of God our Saviour, and his love to man was seen,

Titus 3:5
Not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but in the measure of his mercy, he gave us salvation, through the washing of the new birth and the giving of new life in the Holy Spirit,

Titus 3:6
Which he gave us freely through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

Titus 3:7
So that, having been given righteousness through grace, we might have a part in the heritage, the hope of eternal life.


John 5:20
For the Father has love for the Son and lets him see everything which he does: and he will let him see greater works than these so that you may be full of wonder.


Song of Solomon 4:8
Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon; see from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the places of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards.

John 11:26
And no one who is living and has faith in me will ever see death. Is this your faith?

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, I am the true and living way: no one comes to the Father but by me.

Galatians 2:20
I have been put to death on the cross with Christ; still I am living; no longer I, but Christ is living in me; and that life which I now am living in the flesh I am living by faith, the faith of the Son of God, who in love for me, gave himself up for me.

Colossians 3:4
At the coming of Christ who is our life, you will be seen with him in glory.

Revelation 7:14
And I said to him, My lord, you have knowledge. And he said to me, These are they who came through the great testing, and their robes have been washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb.

Revelation 7:16
They will never be in need of food or drink: and they will never again be troubled by the burning heat of the sun:

Revelation 7:17
For the Lamb who is on the high seat will be their keeper and their guide to fountains of living water: and God will make glad their eyes for ever.

Revelation 21:6
And he said to me, It is done. I am the First and the Last, the start and the end. I will freely give of the fountain of the water of life to him who is in need.

Revelation 22:1
And I saw a river of water of life, clear as glass, coming out of the high seat of God and of the Lamb,

Revelation 22:17
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him who gives ear, say, Come. And let him who is in need come; and let everyone desiring it take of the water of life freely.


John 18:4
Then Jesus, having knowledge of everything which was coming on him, went forward and said to them, Who are you looking for?

John 18:5
Their answer was, Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus said, I am he. And Judas, who was false to him, was there at their side.

John 18:6
And when he said to them, I am he, they went back, falling to the earth.


2 Samuel 18:28
And Ahimaaz, crying out to the king, said, It is well. And falling down before the king, with his face to the earth, he said, May the Lord your God be praised, who has given up the men who took up arms against my lord the king!

2 Samuel 22:1
And David made a song to the Lord in these words, on the day when the Lord made him free from the hands of all his haters, and from the hand of Saul:

Psalms 34:5
Let your eyes be turned to him and you will have light, and your faces will not be shamed.

Acts 2:33
And so, being lifted up to the right hand of God, and having the Father's word that the Holy Spirit would come, he has sent this thing, which now you see and have knowledge of.

Acts 2:34
For David has not gone up into heaven, but says, himself, The Lord said to my Lord, Be seated at my right hand,

Acts 2:35
Till I put all those who are against you under your feet.

Acts 2:36
For this reason, let all Israel be certain that this Jesus, whom you put to death on the cross, God has made Lord and Christ.


Romans 8:32
He who did not keep back his only Son, but gave him up for us all, will he not with him freely give us all things?

Romans 8:35
Who will come between us and the love of Christ? Will trouble, or pain, or cruel acts, or the need of food or of clothing, or danger, or the sword?

Romans 8:36
As it is said in the holy Writings, Because of you we are put to death every day; we are like sheep ready for destruction.

Romans 8:38
For I am certain that not death, or life, or angels, or rulers, or things present, or things to come, or powers,

Romans 8:39
Or things on high, or things under the earth, or anything which is made, will be able to come between us and the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 Corinthians 3:22
Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;


1 Corinthians 15:55
O death, where is your power? O death, where are your pains?

1 Corinthians 15:56
The pain of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law:

1 Corinthians 15:57
But praise be to God who gives us strength to overcome through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Luke 11:22
But when one who is stronger makes an attack on him and overcomes him, he takes away his instruments of war, in which he had put his faith, and makes division of his goods.

2 Corinthians 6:2
(For he says, I have given ear to you at a good time, and I have been your helper in a day of salvation: see, now is the good time; now is the day of salvation):

Hebrews 12:13
And make straight roads for your feet, so that the feeble may not be turned out of the way, but may be made strong.


2 Corinthians 7:5
For even when we had come into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; there were fightings outside and fears inside.


2 Corinthians 7:6
But God who gives comfort to the poor in spirit gave us comfort by the coming of Titus;


Psalms 29:1
A Psalm. Of David. Give to the Lord, you sons of the gods, give to the Lord glory and strength.

Psalms 105:4
Let your search be for the Lord and for his strength; let your hearts ever be turned to him.

Ephesians 3:16
That in the wealth of his glory he would make you strong with power through his Spirit in your hearts;

Colossians 1:11
Full of strength in the measure of the great power of his glory, so that you may undergo all troubles with joy;


Isaiah 35:3
Make strong the feeble hands, give support to the shaking knees.

Ephesians 6:10
Lastly, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his power.

Ephesians 6:11
Take up God's instruments of war, so that you may be able to keep your position against all the deceits of the Evil One.

Ephesians 6:12
For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens.

Ephesians 6:13
For this reason take up all the arms of God, so that you may be able to be strong in the evil day, and, having done all, to keep your place.

Ephesians 6:14
Take your place, then, having your body clothed with the true word, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness;

Ephesians 6:15
Be ready with the good news of peace as shoes on your feet;

Ephesians 6:16
And most of all, using faith as a cover to keep off all the flaming arrows of the Evil One.

Ephesians 6:17
And take salvation for your head-dress and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Ephesians 6:18
With prayers and deep desires, making requests at all times in the Spirit, and keeping watch, with strong purpose, in prayer for all the saints,

Hebrews 12:12
For this cause let the hands which are hanging down be lifted up, and let the feeble knees be made strong,

1 Peter 5:9
Do not give way to him but be strong in your faith, in the knowledge that your brothers who are in the world undergo the same troubles.


Exodus 11:8
And all these your servants will come to me, going down on their faces before me and saying, Go out, and all your people with you: and after that I will go out. And he went away from Pharaoh burning with wrath.

1 Kings 18:15
And Elijah said, By the life of the Lord of armies, whose servant I am, I will certainly let him see me today.

2 Kings 1:15
Then the angel of the Lord said to Elijah, Go down with him; have no fear of him. So he got up and went down with him to the king.

Jeremiah 1:7
But the Lord said to me, Do not say, I am a child: for wherever I send you, you are to go, and whatever I give you orders to say, you are to say.

Jeremiah 1:17
So make yourself ready, and go and say to them everything I give you orders to say: do not be overcome by fear of them, or I will send fear on you before them.

Jeremiah 1:19
They will be fighting against you, but they will not overcome you: for I am with you, says the Lord, to give you salvation.

Jeremiah 15:20
And I will make you a strong wall of brass to this people; they will be fighting against you, but they will not overcome you: for I am with you to keep you safe, says the Lord.

Daniel 3:16
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, answering Nebuchadnezzar the king, said, There is no need for us to give you an answer to this question.

Daniel 3:17
If our God, whose servants we are, is able to keep us safe from the burning and flaming fire, and from your hands, O King, he will keep us safe.

Philippians 1:28
Having no fear of those who are against you; which is a clear sign of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God;

Hebrews 11:23
By faith Moses was kept secretly by his father and mother for three months after his birth, because they saw that he was a fair child; and they had no fear of the king's orders.

Hebrews 11:27
By faith he went out of Egypt, not being turned from his purpose by fear of the wrath of the king; for he kept on his way, as seeing him who is unseen.


Matthew 5:16
Even so let your light be shining before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

Luke 1:64
And straight away his mouth was open and his tongue was free and he gave praise to God.

Luke 2:31
Which you have made ready before the face of all nations;

Luke 2:32
A light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.

Luke 3:6
And all flesh will see the salvation of God.

John 1:8
He himself was not the light: he was sent to give witness about the light.

John 3:19
And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil.

John 9:5
As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

Acts 13:47
For so the Lord has given us orders, saying, I have given you for a light to the Gentiles so that you may be for salvation to the ends of the earth.

Acts 26:18
To make their eyes open, turning them from the dark to the light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may have forgiveness of sins and a heritage among those who are made holy by faith in me.

1 Peter 2:9
But you are a special people, a holy nation, priests and kings, a people given up completely to God, so that you may make clear the virtues of him who took you out of the dark into the light of heaven.

1 John 2:8
Again, I give you a new law, which is true in him and in you; for the night is near its end and the true light is even now shining out.

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