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Deuteronomy 32:36
For the Lord will be judge of his people, he will have pity for his servants; when he sees that their power is gone, there is no one, shut up or free.


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Deuteronomy 32:36
For the Lord will be judge of his people, he will have pity for his servants; when he sees that their power is gone, there is no one, shut up or free.


Deuteronomy 32:35
Punishment is mine and reward, at the time of the slipping of their feet: for the day of their downfall is near, sudden will be their fate.

Hebrews 10:30
For we have had experience of him who says, Punishment is mine, I will give reward. And again, The Lord will be judge of his people.


Psalms 135:14
For the Lord will be judge of his people's cause; his feelings will be changed to his servants.

Psalms 106:45
And kept in mind his agreement with them, and in his great mercy gave them forgiveness.

Hosea 11:8
How may I give you up, O Ephraim? how may I be your saviour, O Israel? how may I make you like Admah? how may I do to you as I did to Zeboim? My heart is turned in me, it is soft with pity.

Amos 7:3
The Lord, changing his purpose about this, said, It will not be.

Judges 2:18
And whenever the Lord gave them judges, then the Lord was with the judge, and was their saviour from the hands of their haters all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved by their cries of grief because of those who were cruel to them.

Psalms 90:13
Come back, O Lord; how long? let your purpose for your servants be changed.

Jeremiah 18:8
If, in that very minute, that nation of which I was talking is turned away from its evil, my purpose of doing evil to them will be changed.


2 Kings 14:26
For the Lord saw how bitter was the trouble of Israel, and that everyone was cut off, he who was shut up and he who went free, and that Israel had no helper.

1 Kings 14:10
So I will send evil on the line of Jeroboam, cutting off from his family every male child, those who are shut up and those who go free in Israel; the family of Jeroboam will be brushed away like a man brushing away waste till it is all gone.

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