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Job 9:17
For I would be crushed by his storm, my wounds would be increased without cause.


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Job 9:17
For I would be crushed by his storm, my wounds would be increased without cause.


Genesis 38:26
Then Judah said openly that they were his, and said, She is more upright than I am, for I did not give her to Shelah my son. And he had no more connection with her.

Job 9:30
If I am washed with snow water, and make my hands clean with soap;

Job 14:17
My wrongdoing is corded up in a bag, and my sin is shut up safe.

Job 15:14
What is man, that he may be clean? and how may the son of woman be upright?

Job 23:9
I am looking for him on the left hand, but there is no sign of him; and turning to the right, I am not able to see him.

Job 23:11
My feet have gone in his steps; I have kept in his way, without turning to one side or to the other.

Job 29:14
I put on righteousness as my clothing, and was full of it; right decisions were to me a robe and a head-dress.

Job 33:8
But you said in my hearing, and your voice came to my ears:

Job 33:10
See, he is looking for something against me; in his eyes I am as one of his haters;

Psalms 143:2
Let not your servant come before you to be judged; for no man living is upright in your eyes.

Proverbs 20:9
Who is able to say, I have made my heart clean, I am free from my sin?

Isaiah 53:11
...made clear his righteousness before men...had taken their sins on himself.

Philippians 3:9
And be seen in him, not having my righteousness which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:


Job 9:14
How much less may I give an answer to him, using the right words in argument with him?

Job 34:18
He who says to a king, You are an evil-doer; and to rulers, You are sinners;

Job 34:19
Who has no respect for rulers, and who gives no more attention to those who have wealth than to the poor, for they are all the work of his hands.

Job 40:2
Will he who is protesting give teaching to the Ruler of all? Let him who has arguments to put forward against God give an answer.

Job 40:8
Will you even make my right of no value? will you say that I am wrong in order to make clear that you are right?


Leviticus 10:3
Then Moses said to Aaron, This is what the Lord said, I will be holy in the eyes of all those who come near to me, and I will be honoured before all the people. And Aaron said nothing.

Job 3:26
I have no peace, no quiet, and no rest; nothing but pain comes on me.

Job 6:29
Let your minds be changed, and do not have an evil opinion of me; yes, be changed, for my righteousness is still in me.

Job 7:17
What is man, that you have made him great, and that your attention is fixed on him,

Job 7:18
And that your hand is on him every morning, and that you are testing him every minute?

Job 7:20
If I have done wrong, what have I done to you, O keeper of men? why have you made me a mark for your blows, so that I am a weariness to myself?

Job 10:15
That, if I was an evil-doer, the curse would come on me; and if I was upright, my head would not be lifted up, being full of shame and overcome with trouble.

Job 10:16
And that if there was cause for pride, you would go after me like a lion; and again put out your wonders against me:

Job 13:27
And you put chains on my feet, watching all my ways, and making a limit for my steps;

Job 16:8
It has come up as a witness against me, and the wasting of my flesh makes answer to my face.

Job 16:12
I was in comfort, but I have been broken up by his hands; he has taken me by the neck, shaking me to bits; he has put me up as a mark for his arrows.

Job 19:6
Be certain that it is God who has done me wrong, and has taken me in his net.

Job 19:7
Truly, I make an outcry against the violent man, but there is no answer: I give a cry for help, but no one takes up my cause.

Psalms 38:2
For your arrows have gone into my flesh, and I am crushed under the weight of your hand.


Job 31:23
For the fear of God kept me back, and because of his power I might not do such things.

2 Corinthians 5:11
Having in mind, then, the fear of the Lord, we put these things before men, but God sees our hearts; and it is my hope that we may seem right in your eyes.


Job 34:33


Job 1:14
And a man came to Job, and said, The oxen were ploughing, and the asses were taking their food by their side:

Job 1:15
And the men of Sheba came against them and took them away, putting the young men to the sword, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 1:16
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The fire of God came down from heaven, burning up the sheep and the goats and the young men completely, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 1:17
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The Chaldaeans made themselves into three bands, and came down on the camels and took them away, putting the young men to the sword, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 1:18
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, Your sons and your daughters were feasting together in their oldest brother's house,

Job 1:19
When a great wind came rushing from the waste land against the four sides of the house, and it came down on the young men, and they are dead; and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.

Job 2:7
And the Satan went out from before the Lord, and sent on Job an evil disease covering his skin from his feet to the top of his head.

Job 2:13
And they took their seats on the earth by his side for seven days and seven nights: but no one said a word to him, for they saw that his pain was very great.

Job 5:4
Now his children have no safe place, and they are crushed before the judges, for no one takes up their cause.

Job 6:3
For then its weight would be more than the sand of the seas: because of this my words have been uncontrolled.

Job 30:15
Fears have come on me; my hope is gone like the wind, and my well-being like a cloud.

Job 31:21
If my hand had been lifted up against him who had done no wrong, when I saw that I was supported by the judges;

Psalms 42:7
Deep is sounding to deep at the noise of your waterfalls; all your waves have gone rolling over me.

Psalms 88:15
I have been troubled and in fear of death from the time when I was young; your wrath is hard on me, and I have no strength.

Psalms 88:16
The heat of your wrath has gone over me; I am broken by your cruel punishments.


Psalms 56:2
My haters are ever ready to put an end to me; great numbers are lifting themselves up against me.

Luke 18:11
The Pharisee, taking up his position, said to himself these words: God, I give you praise because I am not like other men, who take more than their right, who are evil-doers, who are untrue to their wives, or even like this tax-farmer.

Luke 18:12
Twice in the week I go without food; I give a tenth of all I have.


Job 27:20
Fears overtake him like rushing waters; in the night the storm-wind takes him away.

Job 27:21
The east wind takes him up and he is gone; he is forced violently out of his place.

Job 27:22
God sends his arrows against him without mercy; he goes in flight before his hand.

Job 27:23
Men make signs of joy because of him, driving him from his place with sounds of hissing.

Psalms 11:6
On the evil-doer he will send down fire and flames, and a burning wind; with these will their cup be full.

Psalms 29:5
By the voice of the Lord are the cedar-trees broken, even the cedars of Lebanon are broken by the Lord.

Psalms 50:3
Our God will come, and will not keep quiet; with fire burning before him, and storm-winds round him.

Psalms 58:9
Before they are conscious of it, let them be cut down like thorns; let a strong wind take them away like waste growth.

Isaiah 29:6
The Lord of armies will come in with thunder and earth-shaking and great noise, with rushing wind and storm, and the flame of burning fire.

Isaiah 30:30
And the Lord will send out the sound of his great voice, and they will see his arm stretched out, with the heat of his wrath, and the flame of a burning fire; with a cloud-burst, and storm, and a rain of ice.

Ezekiel 13:11
Say to those who put whitewash on it, There will be an overflowing shower; and you, O ice-drops, will come raining down; and it will be broken in two by the storm-wind.

Ezekiel 13:12
And when the wall has come down, will they not say to you, Where is the whitewash which you put on it?

Ezekiel 13:14
So I will let the wall, which you were covering with whitewash, be broken down; I will have it levelled to the earth so that its base is uncovered: it will come down, and destruction will come on you with it; and it will be clear to you that I am the Lord.

Nahum 1:3
The Lord is slow to get angry and great in power, and will not let the sinner go without punishment: the way of the Lord is in the wind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

Hebrews 12:18
You have not come to a mountain which may be touched, and is burning with fire, and to a black cloud, and a dark smoke, and a violent wind,


Matthew 12:20
The crushed stem will not be broken by him; and the feebly burning light will he not put out, till he has made righteousness overcome all.

John 15:25
This comes about so that the writing in their law may be made true, Their hate for me was without cause.

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