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Job 40:8
Will you even make my right of no value? will you say that I am wrong in order to make clear that you are right?


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Job 40:8
Will you even make my right of no value? will you say that I am wrong in order to make clear that you are right?


Job 35:2
Does it seem to you to be right, and righteousness before God, to say,

Job 34:5
For Job has said, I am upright, and it is God who has taken away my right;

Romans 3:4
In no way: but let God be true, though every man is seen to be untrue; as it is said in the Writings, That your words may be seen to be true, and you may be seen to be right when you are judged.

Romans 9:20
But, O man, who are you, to make answer against God? May the thing which is made say to him who made it, Why did you make me so?

Job 27:2
By the life of God, who has taken away my right; and of the Ruler of all, who has made my soul bitter;

Job 34:17
How may a hater of right be a ruler? and will you say that the upright Ruler of all is evil?

Job 34:18
He who says to a king, You are an evil-doer; and to rulers, You are sinners;

Job 8:3
Does God give wrong decisions? or is the Ruler of all not upright in his judging?

Job 19:7
Truly, I make an outcry against the violent man, but there is no answer: I give a cry for help, but no one takes up my cause.


Job 23:3
If only I had knowledge of where he might be seen, so that I might come even to his seat!

Job 23:4
I would put my cause in order before him, and my mouth would be full of arguments.

Job 23:5
I would see what his answers would be, and have knowledge of what he would say to me.

Job 23:6
Would he make use of his great power to overcome me? No, but he would give attention to me.

Job 23:7
There an upright man might put his cause before him; and I would be free for ever from my judge.


Isaiah 14:27
For it is the purpose of the Lord of armies, and who will make it of no effect? when his hand is stretched out, by whom may it be turned back?

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