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1 Samuel 30:17
And David went on fighting them from evening till the evening of the day after; and not one of them got away but only four hundred young men who went in flight on camels.


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1 Samuel 30:17
And David went on fighting them from evening till the evening of the day after; and not one of them got away but only four hundred young men who went in flight on camels.


Genesis 12:16
And because of her, he was good to Abram, and he had sheep and oxen and asses, and men-servants and women-servants, and camels.

Genesis 24:10
And the servant took ten of his master's camels, and all sorts of good things of his master's, and went to Mesopotamia, to the town of Nahor.

Genesis 30:43
So Jacob's wealth was greatly increased; he had great flocks and women-servants and men-servants and camels and asses.

Leviticus 11:4
But, at the same time, of those beasts, you may not take for food the camel, because its food comes back but the horn of its foot is not parted in two; it is unclean to you.

1 Chronicles 5:21
And they took away their cattle: fifty thousand camels, two hundred and fifty thousand sheep, and two thousand asses, and a hundred thousand men.

Job 1:3
And of cattle he had seven thousand sheep and goats, and three thousand camels, and a thousand oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and a very great number of servants. And the man was greater than any of the sons of the east.

Matthew 19:24
And again I say to you, It is simpler for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a man with much money to go into the kingdom of God.

Matthew 23:24
You blind guides, who take out a fly from your drink, but make no trouble over a camel.


Genesis 14:7
Then they came back to En-mishpat (which is Kadesh), making waste all the country of the Amalekites and of the Amorites living in Hazazon-tamar.

Exodus 17:8
Then Amalek came and made war on Israel in Rephidim.

Exodus 17:9
And Moses said to Joshua, Get together a band of men for us and go out, make war on Amalek: tomorrow I will take my place on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.

Exodus 17:10
So Joshua did as Moses said to him, and went to war with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.

Exodus 17:11
Now while Moses' hand was lifted up, Israel was the stronger: but when he let his hand go down, Amalek became the stronger.

Exodus 17:12
But Moses' hands became tired; so they put a stone under him and he took his seat on it, Aaron and Hur supporting his hands, one on one side and one on the other; so his hands were kept up without falling till the sun went down.

Exodus 17:13
And Joshua overcame Amalek and his people with the sword.

Exodus 33:11
And the Lord had talk with Moses face to face, as a man may have talk with his friend. And when Moses came back to the tents, his servant, the young man Joshua, the son of Nun, did not come away from the Tent.

Judges 3:13
And Eglon got together the people of Ammon and Amalek, and they went and overcame Israel and took the town of palm-trees.

Judges 6:3
And whenever Israel's grain was planted, the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the east came up against them;

1 Samuel 15:2
The Lord of armies says, I will give punishment to Amalek for what he did to Israel, fighting against him on the way when Israel came out of Egypt.

1 Samuel 15:4
And Saul sent for the people and had them numbered in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen and ten thousand men of Judah.

1 Samuel 15:5
And Saul came to the town of Amalek, and took up his position in the valley secretly.

1 Samuel 15:6
And Saul said to the Kenites, Go away, take yourselves out from among the Amalekites, or destruction will overtake you with them: for you were kind to the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt. So the Kenites went away from among the Amalekites.

2 Samuel 1:8
And he said to me, Who are you? And I said, I am an Amalekite.


Genesis 31:17
Then Jacob put his wives and his sons on camels;

Genesis 31:34
Now Rachel had taken the images, and had put them in the camels' basket, and was seated on them. And Laban, searching through all the tent, did not come across them.

Esther 8:10
The letters were sent in the name of King Ahasuerus and stamped with his ring, and they were taken by men on horseback, going on the quick-running horses used for the king's business, the offspring of his best horses:

Esther 8:14
So the men went out on the quick-running horses used on the king's business, wasting no time and forced on by the king's order; and the order was given out in Shushan, the king's town.


Judges 8:21
Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, Up! Put an end to us yourself: for you have a man's strength. Then Gideon got up and put Zebah and Zalmunna to death and took the ornaments which were on their camels' necks.

Jeremiah 49:29
Their tents and their flocks they will take; they will take away for themselves their curtains and all their vessels and their camels: they will give a cry to them, Fear on every side.

Jeremiah 49:32
And their camels will be taken from them by force, and their great herds will come into the hands of their attackers: those who have the ends of their hair cut I will send in flight to all the winds; and I will send their fate on them from every side, says the Lord.


1 Samuel 3:3
And the light of God was still burning, while Samuel was sleeping in the Temple of the Lord where the ark of God was,

1 Samuel 5:3
And when the people of Ashdod got up early on the morning after, they saw that Dagon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord. And they took Dagon up and put him in his place again.

1 Samuel 9:25
And when they had come down from the high place into the town, where a bed was made ready for Saul, he went to rest.

1 Samuel 15:11
It is no longer my pleasure for Saul to be king; for he is turned back from going in my ways, and has not done my orders. And Samuel was very sad, crying to the Lord in prayer all night.

1 Samuel 15:20
And Saul said, Truly, I have done the orders of the Lord and have gone the way the Lord sent me; I have taken Agag, the king of Amalek, and have given the Amalekites up to destruction.

1 Samuel 19:10
And Saul would have sent his spear through him, pinning him to the wall, but he got away and the spear went into the wall: and that night David went in flight and got away.

1 Samuel 25:36
And Abigail went back to Nabal; and he was feasting in his house like a king; and Nabal's heart was full of joy, for he had taken much wine; so she said nothing to him till dawn came.

1 Samuel 26:7
So David and Abishai came down to the army by night: and Saul was sleeping inside the ring of carts with his spear planted in the earth by his head: and Abner and the people were sleeping round him.


1 Samuel 30:2
And had made the women and all who were there, small and great, prisoners: they had not put any of them to death, but had taken them all away.

1 Samuel 30:3
And when David and his men came to the town, they saw that it had been burned down, and their wives and their sons and daughters had been made prisoners.

1 Samuel 30:4
Then David and the people who were with him gave themselves up to weeping till they were able to go on weeping no longer.

1 Samuel 30:5
And David's two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the wife of Nabal of Carmel, had been made prisoners.

1 Samuel 30:6
And David was greatly troubled; for the people were talking of stoning him, because their hearts were bitter, every man sorrowing for his sons and his daughters: but David made himself strong in the Lord his God.

1 Samuel 30:7
And David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelech, Come here to me with the ephod. And Abiathar took the ephod to David.

1 Samuel 30:8
Then David, questioning the Lord, said, Am I to go after this band? will I be able to overtake them? And in answer he said, Go after them, for you will certainly overtake them, and get back everything.

1 Samuel 30:9
So David went, and his six hundred men went with him, and they came to the stream Besor.

1 Samuel 30:12
And they gave him part of a cake of figs and some dry grapes; and after the food, his spirit came back to him, for he had had no food or drink for three days and nights.

1 Samuel 30:14
We made an attack on the south part of the country of the Cherethites, and on the land which is Judah's, and on the south of Caleb; and we put Ziklag on fire.

1 Chronicles 12:21
And they gave David help against the armed bands, for they were all great men of war, and captains in the army.


1 Samuel 30:21
And David came to the two hundred men, who because of weariness had not gone with him, but were waiting at the stream Besor: and they went out, meeting David and the people who were with him; and when they came near them, they said, How are you?

1 Samuel 30:22
Then the bad and good-for-nothing men among those who went with David said, Because they did not go with us, we will give them nothing of the goods which we have got back, but only to every man his wife and children, so that he may take them and go.

1 Samuel 30:23
Then David said, You are not to do this, my brothers, after what the Lord has given us, who has kept us safe and given up the band which came against us into our hands.

1 Samuel 30:24
Who is going to give any attention to you in this question? for an equal part will be given to him who went to the fight and to him who was waiting by the goods: they are all to have the same.

1 Samuel 30:25
And so he made it a rule and an order for Israel from that day till now.

1 Samuel 30:26
And when David came to Ziklag, he sent some of the goods to the responsible men of Judah, and to his friends, saying, Here is an offering for you from the goods of those who were fighting against the Lord;


1 Kings 20:29
Now the two armies kept their positions facing one another for seven days. And on the seventh day the fight was started; and the children of Israel put to the sword a hundred thousand Aramaean footmen in one day.

1 Kings 20:30
But the rest went in flight to Aphek, into the town, where a wall came down on the twenty-seven thousand who were still living. And Ben-hadad went in flight into the town, into an inner room.


2 Kings 7:7
So they got up and went in flight, in the half light, without their tents or their horses or their asses or any of their goods; they went in flight, fearing for their lives.

2 Kings 19:36
So Sennacherib, king of Assyria, went back to his place at Nineveh.


1 Samuel 15:1
And Samuel said to Saul, The Lord sent me to put the holy oil on you and to make you king over his people, over Israel: so give ear now to the words of the Lord.

1 Chronicles 22:5
And David said, Solomon my son is young and untested, and the house which is to be put up for the Lord is to be very great, a thing of wonder and glory through all countries; so I will make ready what is needed for it. So David got ready a great store of material before his death.

Ecclesiastes 2:24
There is nothing better for a man than taking meat and drink, and having delight in his work. This again I saw was from the hand of God.


Esther 3:1
After these things, by the order of the king, Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, was lifted up and given a position of honour and a higher place than all the other captains who were with him.

Esther 7:9
Then Harbonah, one of the unsexed servants waiting before the king, said, See, the pillar fifty cubits high, which Haman made for Mordecai, who said a good word for the king, is still in its place in Haman's house. Then the king said, Put him to death by hanging him on it.

Esther 7:10
So Haman was put to death by hanging him on the pillar he had made for Mordecai. Then the king's wrath became less.

Esther 9:14
And the king said that this was to be done, and the order was given out in Shushan, and the hanging of Haman's ten sons was effected.


Job 3:9
Let its morning stars be dark; let it be looking for light, but may it not have any; let it not see the eyes of the dawn.


Job 20:5
That the pride of the sinner is short, and the joy of the evil-doer but for a minute?

Job 21:30
How the evil man goes free in the day of trouble, and has salvation in the day of wrath?

Proverbs 28:17
One who has been the cause of a man's death will go in flight to the underworld: let no man give him help.

Ecclesiastes 8:11
Because punishment for an evil work comes not quickly, the minds of the sons of men are fully given to doing evil.

Ecclesiastes 8:12
Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his life is long, I am certain that it will be well for those who go in fear of God and are in fear before him.

Acts 28:4
And when the people saw it hanging on his hand, they said to one another, Without doubt this man has put someone to death, and though he has got safely away from the sea, God will not let him go on living.


Psalms 18:42
Then they were crushed as small as dust before the wind; they were drained out like the waste of the streets.

Psalms 27:2
When evil-doers, even my haters, came on me to put an end to me, they were broken and put to shame.


Ezekiel 12:7
And I did as I was ordered: I took out my vessels by day, like those of one who is taken away, and in the evening I made a hole through the wall with a tent-pin; and in the dark I went out, taking my things on my back before their eyes.


Ezekiel 12:12
And the ruler who is among them will take his goods on his back in the dark and go out: he will make a hole in the wall through which to go out: he will have his face covered so that he may not be seen.


Habakkuk 2:7
Will not your creditors suddenly be moved against you, and your troublers get up from their sleep, and you will be to them like goods taken in war?

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