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1 Samuel 30:2
And had made the women and all who were there, small and great, prisoners: they had not put any of them to death, but had taken them all away.


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1 Samuel 30:2
And had made the women and all who were there, small and great, prisoners: they had not put any of them to death, but had taken them all away.


1 Samuel 30:1
Now when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made an attack on the South and on Ziklag, and had overcome Ziklag and put it on fire;

1 Samuel 27:11
Not one living man or woman did David ever take back with him to Gath, fearing that they might give an account of what had taken place, and say, This is what David did, and so has he been doing all the time while he has been living in the land of the Philistines.

1 Samuel 27:9
And David again and again made attacks on the land till not a man or a woman was still living; and he took away the sheep and the oxen and the asses and the camels and the clothing; and he came back to Achish.

1 Samuel 28:1
Now in those days the Philistines got their forces together to make war on Israel. And Achish said to David, Certainly you and your men are to go out with me to the fight.

1 Samuel 29:10
So get up early in the morning, with the servants of your lord who are with you, and go to the place I have given you, and have no evil design in your heart, for you are good in my eyes; but when there is light enough in the morning, go away.


Genesis 19:11
But the men who were outside the door they made blind, all of them, small and great, so that they were tired out with looking for the door.


Genesis 31:26
And Laban said to Jacob, Why did you go away secretly, taking my daughters away like prisoners of war?


Job 38:11
And said, So far you may come, and no farther; and here the pride of your waves will be stopped?

Psalms 76:10
The...will give you praise; the rest of...

Isaiah 27:8
Your anger against her has been made clear by driving her away; he has taken her away with his storm-wind in the day of his east wind.

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