1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Exodus 21:6
Then his master is to take him to the gods of the house, and at the door, or at its framework, he is to make a hole in his ear with a sharp-pointed instrument; and he will be his servant for ever.


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Exodus 21:6
Then his master is to take him to the gods of the house, and at the door, or at its framework, he is to make a hole in his ear with a sharp-pointed instrument; and he will be his servant for ever.


Genesis 1:1
At the first God made the heaven and the earth.

Genesis 6:2
The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took wives for themselves from those who were pleasing to them.

Exodus 4:16
And he will do the talking for you to the people: he will be to you as a mouth and you will be to him as God.

Exodus 7:1
And the Lord said to Moses, See I have made you a god to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother will be your prophet.

1 Samuel 28:13
And the king said to her, Have no fear: what do you see? And the woman said to Saul, I see a god coming up out of the earth.

Psalms 82:7
But you will come to death like men, falling like one of the rulers of the earth.


Genesis 9:5
And for your blood, which is your life, will I take payment; from every beast I will take it, and from every man will I take payment for the blood of his brother-man.

Psalms 1:6
Because the Lord sees the way of the upright, but the end of the sinner is destruction.

Psalms 5:5
The sons of pride have no place before you; you are a hater of all workers of evil.

Psalms 11:6
On the evil-doer he will send down fire and flames, and a burning wind; with these will their cup be full.

Isaiah 61:8
For I, the Lord, take pleasure in upright judging; I will not put up with the violent taking away of right; and I will certainly give them their reward, and I will make an eternal agreement with them.


Genesis 17:19
And God said, Not so; but Sarah, your wife, will have a son, and you will give him the name Isaac, and I will make my agreement with him for ever and with his seed after him.

Jeremiah 18:16
Making their land a thing of wonder, causing sounds of surprise for ever; everyone who goes by will be overcome with wonder, shaking his head.


Exodus 12:7
Then take some of the blood and put it on the two sides of the door and over the door of the house where the meal is to be taken.

Exodus 12:14
And this day is to be kept in your memories: you are to keep it as a feast to the Lord through all your generations, as an order for ever.

Exodus 12:22
And take some hyssop and put it in the blood in the basin, touching the two sides and the top of the doorway with the blood from the basin; and let not one of you go out of his house till the morning.

Joshua 4:7
Then you will say to them, Because the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the Lord's agreement; when it went over Jordan the waters of Jordan were cut off: and these stones will be a sign for the children of Israel, keeping it in their memory for ever.

1 Kings 7:5
And all the doors and windows had square frames, with the windows facing one another in three lines.


Exodus 21:22
If men, while fighting, do damage to a woman with child, causing the loss of the child, but no other evil comes to her, the man will have to make payment up to the amount fixed by her husband, in agreement with the decision of the judges.

Numbers 25:5
So Moses said to the judges of Israel, Let everyone put to death those of his men who have had relations with the women of Moab in honour of the Baal of Peor.

Numbers 25:6
Then one of the children of Israel came to his brothers, taking with him a woman of Midian, before the eyes of Moses and all the meeting of the people, while they were weeping at the door of the Tent of meeting.

Numbers 25:7
And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, seeing it, got up from among the people and took a spear in his hand,

Numbers 25:8
And went after the man of Israel into the tent, driving the spear through the two of them, through the man of Israel and through the stomach of the woman. So the disease was stopped among the children of Israel.

1 Samuel 8:1
Now when Samuel was old, he made his sons judges over Israel.

1 Samuel 8:2
The name of his first son was Joel and the name of his second Abijah: they were judges in Beer-sheba.

1 Chronicles 23:4
Of these, twenty-four thousand were to be overseers of the work of the house of the Lord, and six thousand were judges and men of authority;

2 Chronicles 19:6
And said to the judges, Take care what you do, for you are judging not for man but for the Lord, and he is with you in the decisions you give.

Isaiah 1:26
And I will give you judges again as at the first, and wise guides as in the past; then you will be named, The Town of Righteousness, the true town.

Zephaniah 3:3
Her rulers are like loud-voiced lions in her; her judges are wolves of the evening, crushing up the bones before the morning.

Malachi 2:6
True teaching was in his mouth, and no evil was seen on his lips: he was walking with me in peace and righteousness, turning numbers of people away from evil-doing.


Genesis 48:4
And said to me, Truly, I will make you fertile and give you increase and will make of you a great family of nations: and I will give this land to your seed after you to be their heritage for ever.

Genesis 49:26
Blessings of sons, old and young, to the father: blessings of the oldest mountains and the fruit of the eternal hills: let them come on the head of Joseph, on the crown of him who was separate from his brothers.

Exodus 31:16
And the children of Israel are to keep the Sabbath holy, from generation to generation, by an eternal agreement.

Exodus 31:17
It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever; because in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he took his rest and had pleasure in it.

Leviticus 16:34
And let this be an order for ever for you, so that the sin of the children of Israel may be taken away once every year. And he did as the Lord gave orders to Moses.

Numbers 10:8
The horns are to be sounded by the sons of Aaron, the priests; this is to be a law for you for ever, from generation to generation.

Deuteronomy 32:8
When the Most High gave the nations their heritage, separating into groups the children of men, he had the limits of the peoples marked out, keeping in mind the number of the children of Israel.

1 Samuel 3:13
And you are to say to him that I will send punishment on his family for ever, for the sin which he had knowledge of; because his sons have been cursing God and he had no control over them.

2 Samuel 23:5
For is not my house so with God? For he has made with me an eternal agreement, ordered in all things and certain: as for all my salvation and all my desire, will he not give it increase?

Psalms 103:17
But the mercy of the Lord is eternal for his worshippers, and their children's children will see his righteousness;

Habakkuk 3:6
From his high place he sent shaking on the earth; he saw and nations were suddenly moved: and the eternal mountains were broken, the unchanging hills were bent down; his ways are eternal.

Hebrews 9:15
And for this cause it is through him that a new agreement has come into being, so that after the errors under the first agreement had been taken away by his death, the word of God might have effect for those who were marked out for an eternal heritage.


Leviticus 25:10
And let this fiftieth year be kept holy, and say publicly that everyone in the land is free from debt: it is the Jubilee, and every man may go back to his heritage and to his family.

Leviticus 25:13
In this year of Jubilee, let every man go back to his heritage.

Leviticus 25:28
But if he is not able to get it back for himself, then it will be kept by him who gave a price for it, till the year of Jubilee; and in that year it will go back to its first owner and he will have his property again.

Leviticus 25:50
And let the years be numbered from the time when he gave himself to his owner till the year of Jubilee, and the price given for him will be in relation to the number of years, on the scale of the payment of a servant.


Deuteronomy 6:3
So give ear, O Israel, and take care to do this; so that it may be well for you, and you may be greatly increased, as the Lord the God of your fathers has given you his word, in a land flowing with milk and honey.


Leviticus 25:42
For they are my servants whom I took out from the land of Egypt; they may not become the property of another.

Leviticus 25:43
Do not be a hard master to him, but have the fear of God before you.

Deuteronomy 15:1
At the end of every seven years there is to be a general forgiveness of debt.

Deuteronomy 15:11
For there will never be a time when there are no poor in the land; and so I give orders to you, Let your hand be open to your countrymen, to those who are poor and in need in your land.

Deuteronomy 15:12
If one of your countrymen, a Hebrew man or woman, becomes your servant for a price and does work for you six years, in the seventh year let him go free.

Jeremiah 34:8
The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, after King Zedekiah had made an agreement with all the people in Jerusalem, to give news in public that servants were to be made free;

Jeremiah 34:10
And this was done by all the rulers and the people who had taken part in the agreement, and every one let his man-servant and his servant-girl go free, not to be used as servants any longer; they did so, and let them go.

John 8:36
If then the son makes you free, you will be truly free.

1 Corinthians 7:23
It is the Lord who has made payment for you: be not servants of men.


Deuteronomy 29:29
The secret things are the Lord our God's: but the things which have been made clear are ours and our children's for ever, so that we may do all the words of this law.

1 Samuel 1:28
So I have given him to the Lord; for all his life he is the Lord's. Then he gave the Lord worship there.


1 Samuel 27:12
And Achish had belief in what David said, saying, He has made himself hated by all his people Israel, and so he will be my servant for ever.

1 Samuel 28:2
And David said to Achish, You will see now what your servant will do. And Achish said to David, Then I will make you keeper of my head for ever.

1 Kings 12:7
And they said to him, If you will be a servant to this people today, caring for them and giving them a gentle answer, then they will be your servants for ever.


Genesis 37:27
Let us give him to these Ishmaelites for a price, and let us not put violent hands on him, for he is our brother, our flesh. And his brothers gave ear to him.

Genesis 37:36
And in Egypt the men of Midian gave him for a price to Potiphar, a captain of high position in Pharaoh's house.

Genesis 40:15
For truly I was taken by force from the land of the Hebrews; and I have done nothing for which I might be put in prison.

Genesis 50:19
And Joseph said, Have no fear: am I in the place of God?

Exodus 22:3
But if it is after dawn, he will be responsible.

1 Kings 21:20
And Ahab said to Elijah, Have you come face to face with me, O my hater? And he said, I have come to you because you have given yourself up to do evil in the eyes of the Lord.

1 Kings 21:25
(There was no one like Ahab, who gave himself up to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, moved to it by Jezebel his wife.

2 Kings 4:1
Now a certain woman, the wife of one of the sons of the prophets, came crying to Elisha and said, Your servant my husband is dead; and to your knowledge he was a worshipper of the Lord; but now, the creditor has come to take my two children as servants in payment of his debt.

2 Kings 17:17
And they made their sons and their daughters go through the fire, and they made use of secret arts and unnatural powers, and gave themselves up to doing evil in the eyes of the Lord, till he was moved to wrath.

Nehemiah 5:5
But our flesh is the same as the flesh of our countrymen, and our children as their children: and now we are giving our sons and daughters into the hands of others, to be their servants, and some of our daughters are servants even now: and we have no power to put a stop to it; for other men have our fields and our vine-gardens.

Isaiah 50:1
This is the word of the Lord: Where is the statement which I gave your mother when I put her away? or to which of my creditors have I given you for money? It was for your sins that you were given into the hands of others, and for your evil-doing was your mother put away.

Isaiah 52:3
For the Lord says, You were given for nothing, and you will be made free without price.


2 Chronicles 1:17
A war-carriage might be got from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty: they got them at the same rate for all the kings of the Hittites and the kings of Aram.


1 Chronicles 11:3
So all the responsible men of Israel came to the king at Hebron; and David made an agreement with them in Hebron before the Lord; and they put the holy oil on David and made him king over Israel, as the Lord had said by Samuel.

Psalms 58:1
To the chief music-maker; put to Al-tashheth. Michtam. Of David. Is there righteousness in your mouths, O you gods? are you upright judges, O you sons of men?


Psalms 84:10
For a day in your house is better than a thousand. It is better to be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to be living in the tents of sin.


Psalms 86:8
There is no god like you, O Lord; there are no works like your works.

Psalms 95:3
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King over all gods.

Psalms 97:9
For you, Lord, are most high over the earth; you are lifted up over all other gods.


Ecclesiastes 1:4
One generation goes and another comes; but the earth is for ever.


Isaiah 50:11
See, all you who make a fire, arming yourselves with burning branches: go in the flame of your fire, and among the branches you have put a light to. This will you have from my hand, you will make your bed in sorrow.

Jeremiah 17:4
And your hand will have to let go your heritage which I gave you; and I will make you a servant to your haters in a land which is strange to you: for you have put my wrath on fire with a flame which will go on burning for ever.


Job 33:16
Then he makes his secrets clear to men, so that they are full of fear at what they see;

Isaiah 48:8
Truly you had no word of them, no knowledge of them; no news of them in the past had come to your ears; because I saw how false was your behaviour, and that your heart was turned against me from your earliest days.

Isaiah 58:12
And your sons will be building again the old waste places: you will make strong the bases of old generations: and you will be named, He who puts up the broken walls, and, He who makes ready the ways for use.


Hosea 3:2
So I got her for myself for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a half of barley;


Hosea 4:4
Let no man go to law or make protests, for your people are like those who go to law with a priest.


1 Samuel 13:13
And Samuel said to Saul, You have done a foolish thing: you have not kept the rules which the Lord your God gave you; it was the purpose of the Lord to make your authority over Israel safe for ever.

Amos 2:6
These are the words of the Lord: For three crimes of Israel, and for four, I will not let its fate be changed; because they have given the upright man for silver, and the poor for the price of two shoes;

Romans 7:14
For we are conscious that the law is of the spirit; but I am of the flesh, given into the power of sin.

Romans 7:24
How unhappy am I! who will make me free from the body of this death?


Deuteronomy 5:27
Do you go near: and after hearing everything which the Lord our God has to say, give us an account of all he has said to you, and we will give ear, and do it.

Deuteronomy 5:28
Then the Lord, hearing your words to me, said to me, The words which this people have said to you have come to my ears: what they have said is well said.

Deuteronomy 5:29
If only they had such a heart in them at all times, so that they might go in fear of me and keep my orders and that it might be well for them and for their children for ever!

Deuteronomy 5:30
Now say to them, Go back to your tents.

Deuteronomy 5:31
But as for you, keep your place here by me, and I will give you all the orders and the laws and the decisions which you are to make clear to them, so that they may do them in the land which I am giving them for their heritage.

Deuteronomy 6:1
Now these are the orders and the laws and the decisions which the Lord your God gave me for your teaching, so that you might do them in the land of your heritage to which you are going:

Deuteronomy 6:2
So that living in the fear of the Lord your God, you may keep all his laws and his orders, which I give you: you and your son and your son's son, all the days of your life; and so that your life may be long.

Deuteronomy 33:4
Moses gave us a law, a heritage for the people of Jacob.

Nehemiah 9:13
And you came down on Mount Sinai, and your voice came to them from heaven, giving them right decisions and true laws, good rules and orders:

Nehemiah 9:14
And you gave them word of your holy Sabbath, and gave them orders and rules and a law, by the hand of Moses your servant:

John 1:17
For the law was given through Moses; grace and the true way of life are ours through Jesus Christ.

Acts 7:38
This is the man who was in the church in the waste land with the angel who was talking to him in Sinai, and with our fathers; and to him were given the living words of God, so that he might give them to you.


Exodus 18:15
And Moses said to his father-in-law, Because the people come to me to get directions from God:

Exodus 18:19
Give ear now to my suggestion, and may God be with you: you are to be the people's representative before God, taking their causes to him:

Exodus 18:21
But for the rest, take from among the people able men, such as have the fear of God, true men hating profits wrongly made; and put such men over them, to be captains of thousands, captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens;

Exodus 18:22
And let them be judges in the causes of the people at all times: and let them put before you all important questions, but in small things let them give decisions themselves: in this way, it will be less hard for you, and they will take the weight off you.

Exodus 18:23
If you do this, and God gives approval, then you will be able to go on without weariness, and all this people will go to their tents in peace.

Exodus 18:24
So Moses took note of the words of his father-in-law, and did as he had said.

Exodus 18:25
And he made selection of able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, captains of thousands, captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens.

Exodus 18:26
And they were judges in the causes of the people at all times: the hard questions they put before Moses; but on every small point they gave decisions themselves.

Numbers 25:13
And by this agreement, he and his sons after him have the right to be priests for ever; because, by his care for the honour of his God, he took away the sin of the children of Israel.

Deuteronomy 1:16
And at that time I gave orders to your judges, saying, Let all questions between your brothers come before you for hearing, and give decisions uprightly between a man and his brother or one from another nation who is with him.

Deuteronomy 1:17
In judging, do not let a man's position have any weight with you; give hearing equally to small and great; have no fear of any man, for it is God who is judge: and any cause in which you are not able to give a decision, you are to put before me and I will give it a hearing.

Romans 13:1
Let everyone put himself under the authority of the higher powers, because there is no power which is not of God, and all powers are ordered by God.


Galatians 6:17
From this time on let no man be a trouble to me; because my body is marked with the marks of Jesus.


Luke 22:22
For it will be done to the Son of man after the purpose of God, but unhappy is that man by whom he is given up.

John 6:38
For I have come down from heaven, not to do my pleasure, but the pleasure of him who sent me.

John 17:19
And for them I make myself holy, so that they may be made truly holy.

Hebrews 10:7
Then I said, See, I have come to do your pleasure, O God (as it is said of me in the roll of the book).


1 Chronicles 17:24
So let your words be made certain and your name be made great, when men say, The Lord of armies is the God of Israel; and when the family of David your servant is made strong before you.

Psalms 45:2
You are fairer than the children of men; grace is flowing through your lips; for this cause the blessing of God is with you for ever.

Psalms 110:4
The Lord has made an oath, and will not take it back. You are a priest for ever, after the order of Melchizedek.

Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase of his rule and of peace there will be no end, on the seat of David, and in his kingdom; to make it strong, supporting it with wise decision and righteousness, now and for ever. By the fixed purpose of the Lord of armies this will be done.

Isaiah 42:1
See my servant, whom I am supporting, my loved one, in whom I take delight: I have put my spirit on him; he will give the knowledge of the true God to the nations.

Isaiah 50:4
The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are experienced, so that I may be able to give the word a special sense for the feeble: every morning my ear is open to his teaching, like those who are experienced:

Micah 5:2
And you, Beth-lehem Ephrathah, the least among the families of Judah, out of you one will come to me who is to be ruler in Israel; whose going out has been purposed from time past, from the eternal days.

Hebrews 7:17
For it has been witnessed of him, You are a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Revelation 1:8
I am the First and the Last, says the Lord God who is and was and is to come, the Ruler of all.

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