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Exodus 21:6
Then his master is to take him to the gods of the house, and at the door, or at its framework, he is to make a hole in his ear with a sharp-pointed instrument; and he will be his servant for ever.


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Exodus 21:6
Then his master is to take him to the gods of the house, and at the door, or at its framework, he is to make a hole in his ear with a sharp-pointed instrument; and he will be his servant for ever.


Exodus 21:1
Now these are the laws which you are to put before them.

Exodus 21:2
If you get a Hebrew servant for money, he is to be your servant for six years, and in the seventh year you are to let him go free without payment.

Exodus 21:3
If he comes to you by himself, let him go away by himself: if he is married, let his wife go away with him.

Exodus 21:4
If his master gives him a wife, and he gets sons or daughters by her, the wife and her children will be the property of the master, and the servant is to go away by himself.

Exodus 21:5
But if the servant says clearly, My master and my wife and children are dear to me; I have no desire to be free:

Deuteronomy 15:16
But if he says to you, I have no desire to go away from you; because you and your family are dear to him and he is happy with you;

Deuteronomy 15:17
Then take a sharp-pointed instrument, driving it through his ear into the door, and he will be your servant for ever. And you may do the same for your servant-girl.

Leviticus 25:39
And if your brother becomes poor and gives himself to you for money, do not make use of him like a servant who is your property;

Leviticus 25:40
But let him be with you as a servant working for payment, till the year of Jubilee;

Leviticus 25:41
Then he will go out from you, he and his children with him, and go back to his family and to the property of his fathers.

1 Samuel 1:22
But Hannah did not go, for she said to her husband, I will not go till the child has been taken from the breast, and then I will take him with me and put him before the Lord, where he may be for ever.

Leviticus 25:23
No exchange of land may be for ever, for the land is mine, and you are as my guests, living with me for a time.

Jeremiah 34:14
At the end of seven years every man is to let go his countryman who is a Hebrew, who has become yours for a price and has been your servant for six years; you are to let him go free: but your fathers gave no attention and did not give ear.

Matthew 18:25
And because he was not able to make payment, his lord gave orders for him, and his wife, and his sons and daughters, and all he had, to be given for money, and payment to be made.

John 8:35
Now the servant does not go on living in the house for ever, but the son does.


Exodus 22:7
If a man puts money or goods in the care of his neighbour to keep for him, and it is taken from the man's house, if they get the thief, he will have to make payment of twice the value.

Exodus 22:8
If they do not get the thief, let the master of the house come before the judges and take an oath that he has not put his hand on his neighbour's goods.

Exodus 22:9
In any question about an ox or an ass or a sheep or clothing, or about the loss of any property which anyone says is his, let the two sides put their cause before God; and he who is judged to be in the wrong is to make payment to his neighbour of twice the value.

Psalms 82:1
A Psalm. Of Asaph. God is in the meeting-place of God; he is judging among the gods.

Exodus 22:28
You may not say evil of the judges, or put a curse on the ruler of your people.

Psalms 82:6
I said, You are gods; all of you are the sons of the Most High:

John 10:34
In answer, Jesus said, Is there not a saying in your law, I said, You are gods?

John 10:35
If he said they were gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Writings may not be broken),

Psalms 138:1
Of David. I will give you praise with all my heart: I will make melody to you before the gods.

Exodus 12:12
For on that night I will go through the land of Egypt, sending death on every first male child, of man and of beast, and judging all the gods of Egypt: I am the Lord.

Deuteronomy 16:18
You are to make judges and overseers in all your towns which the Lord your God gives you, for every tribe: and they are to be upright men, judging the people in righteousness.

Psalms 8:5
For you have made him only a little lower than the gods, crowning him with glory and honour.

Judges 5:8
They had no one to make arms, there were no more armed men in the towns; was there a body-cover or a spear to be seen among forty thousand in Israel?

1 Samuel 2:25
If one man does wrong to another, God will be his judge: but if a man's sin is against the Lord, who will take up his cause? But they gave no attention to the voice of their father, for it was the Lord's purpose to send destruction on them.

Psalms 97:7
Shamed be all those who give worship to images, and take pride in false gods; give him worship, all you gods.


Psalms 40:6
You had no desire for offerings of beasts or fruits of the earth; ears you made for me: for burned offerings and sin offerings you made no request.

Psalms 40:7
Then I said, See, I come; it is recorded of me in the roll of the book,

Psalms 40:8
My delight is to do your pleasure, O my God; truly, your law is in my heart.

Hebrews 10:5
So that when he comes into the world, he says, You had no desire for offerings, but you made a body ready for me;

Philippians 2:7
But he made himself as nothing, taking the form of a servant, being made like men;

Isaiah 50:5
And I have not put myself against him, or let my heart be turned back from him.


Genesis 17:8
And to you and to your seed after you, I will give the land in which you are living, all the land of Canaan for an eternal heritage; and I will be their God.


Philemon 1:15
For it is possible that for this reason he was parted from you for a time, so that you might have him for ever;

Job 41:4
Will he make an agreement with you, so that you may take him as a servant for ever?


Genesis 13:15
For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your seed for ever.


Genesis 17:13
He who comes to birth in your house and he who is made yours for a price, all are to undergo circumcision; so that my agreement may be marked in your flesh, an agreement for all time.


Exodus 21:7
And if a man gives his daughter for a price to be a servant, she is not to go away free as the men-servants do.

Exodus 21:8
If she is not pleasing to her master who has taken her for himself, let a payment be made for her so that she may go free; her master has no power to get a price for her and send her to a strange land, because he has been false to her.

Exodus 21:9
And if he gives her to his son, he is to do everything for her as if she was his daughter.

Exodus 21:10
And if he takes another woman, her food and clothing and her married rights are not to be less.

Exodus 21:11
And if he does not do these three things for her, she has the right to go free without payment.

Leviticus 22:10
No outside person may take of the holy food, or one living as a guest in the priest's house, or a servant working for payment.


Exodus 40:15
And put oil on them as you did on their father, so that they may be my priests: the putting on of oil will make them priests for ever, from generation to generation.


Deuteronomy 19:17
Then the two men, between whom the argument has taken place, are to come before the Lord, before the priests and judges who are then in power;


Deuteronomy 19:18
And the judges will have the question looked into with care: and if the witness is seen to be false and to have made a false statement against his brother,


Psalms 45:6
Your seat of power, O God, is for ever and ever; the rod of your kingdom is a rod of honour.

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