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Deuteronomy 32:36
For the Lord will be judge of his people, he will have pity for his servants; when he sees that their power is gone, there is no one, shut up or free.


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Deuteronomy 32:36
For the Lord will be judge of his people, he will have pity for his servants; when he sees that their power is gone, there is no one, shut up or free.


Amos 7:6
The Lord, changing his purpose about this, said, And this will not be.

Exodus 32:14
So the Lord let himself be turned from his purpose of sending punishment on his people.

Jonah 3:9
Who may say that God will not be turned, changing his purpose and turning away from his burning wrath, so that destruction may not overtake us?

Jonah 3:10
And God saw what they did, how they were turned from their evil way; and God's purpose was changed as to the evil which he said he would do to them, and he did it not.

2 Samuel 24:16
And when the hand of the angel was stretched out in the direction of Jerusalem, for its destruction, the Lord had regret for the evil, and said to the angel who was sending destruction on the people, It is enough; do no more. And the angel of the Lord was by the grain-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.

Jeremiah 42:10
If you still go on living in the land, then I will go on building you up and not pulling you down, planting you and not uprooting you: for my purpose of doing evil to you has been changed.

1 Chronicles 21:15
And God sent an angel to Jerusalem for its destruction: and when he was about to do so, the Lord saw, and had regret for the evil, and said to the angel of destruction, It is enough; do no more. Now the angel of the Lord was by the grain-floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

Joel 2:13
Let your hearts be broken, and not your clothing, and come back to the Lord your God: for he is full of grace and pity, slow to be angry and great in mercy, ready to be turned from his purpose of punishment.

Joel 2:14
May it not be that he will again let his purpose be changed and let a blessing come after him, even a meal offering and a drink offering for the Lord your God?

Genesis 6:6
And the Lord had sorrow because he had made man on the earth, and grief was in his heart.

Exodus 32:12
Why let the Egyptians say, He took them out to an evil fate, to put them to death on the mountains, cutting them off from the earth? Let your wrath be turned away from them, and send not this evil on your people.

Jeremiah 18:9
And whenever I say anything about building up a nation or a kingdom, and planting it;

Jeremiah 18:10
If, in that very minute, it does evil in my eyes, going against my orders, then my good purpose, which I said I would do for them, will be changed.

Jonah 4:2
And he made prayer to the Lord and said, O Lord, is this not what I said when I was still in my country? This is why I took care to go in flight to Tarshish: for I was certain that you were a loving God, full of pity, slow to be angry and great in mercy, and ready to be turned from your purpose of evil.


Genesis 22:14
And Abraham gave that place the name Yahweh-yireh: as it is said to this day, In the mountain the Lord is seen.


1 Kings 21:21
See, I will send evil on you and put an end to you completely, cutting off from Ahab every male child, him who is shut up and him who goes free in Israel;


Jeremiah 31:20
Is Ephraim my dear son? is he the child of my delight? for whenever I say things against him, I still keep him in my memory: so my heart is troubled for him; I will certainly have mercy on him, says the Lord.

Judges 10:16
So they put away the strange gods from among them, and became the Lord's servants; and his soul was angry because of the sorrows of Israel.

Psalms 106:44
But when their cry came to his ears, he had pity on their trouble:

Isaiah 63:15
Let your eyes be looking down from heaven, from your holy and beautiful house: where is your deep feeling, the working of your power? do not keep back the moving of your pity and your mercies:


2 Kings 9:8
For the family of Ahab will come to an end; every male of Ahab's family will be cut off, he who is shut up and he who goes free in Israel.


Deuteronomy 32:43
Be glad, O you his people, over the nations; for he will take payment for the blood of his servants, and will give punishment to his haters, and take away the sin of his land, for his people.

Ezekiel 5:13
So my wrath will be complete and my passion will come to rest on them; and they will be certain that I the Lord have given the word of decision, when my wrath against them is complete.


Psalms 7:8
The Lord will be judge of the peoples; give a decision for me, O Lord, because of my righteousness, and let my virtue have its reward.


Leviticus 25:55
For the children of Israel are servants to me; they are my servants whom I took out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.


Deuteronomy 32:37
And he will say, Where are their gods, the rock in which they put their faith?


Deuteronomy 32:39
See now, I myself am he; there is no other god but me: giver of death and life, wounding and making well: and no one has power to make you free from my hand.

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