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Job 36:27
For he takes up the drops from the sea; he sends them through his mist as rain,


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Job 36:27
For he takes up the drops from the sea; he sends them through his mist as rain,


Job 36:28
Flowing down from the sky, and dropping on the peoples.

Psalms 135:7
He makes the mists go up from the ends of the earth; he makes thunder-flames for the rain; he sends out the winds from his store-houses.

1 Kings 18:45
And after a very little time, the heaven became black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And Ahab went in his carriage to Jezreel.

Job 5:9
Who does great things outside our knowledge, wonders without number:

Job 26:8
By him the waters are shut up in his thick clouds, and the cloud does not give way under them.

Job 37:11
The thick cloud is weighted with thunder-flame, and the cloud sends out its light;

Job 37:16
Have you knowledge of the balancings of the clouds, the wonders of him who has all wisdom?

Job 38:25
By whom has the way been cut for the flowing of the rain, and the flaming of the thunder;

Job 28:25
When he made a weight for the wind, measuring out the waters;

Job 28:26
When he made a law for the rain, and a way for the thunder-flames;

Job 37:13
For a rod, or for a curse, or for mercy, causing it to come on the mark.

Job 38:34
Is your voice sent up to the cloud, so that you may be covered by the weight of waters?

Job 38:37
By whose wisdom are the clouds numbered, or the water-skins of the heavens turned to the earth,

Jeremiah 10:13
At the sound of his voice there is a massing of waters in the heavens, and he makes the mists go up from the ends of the earth; he makes the thunder-flames for the rain, and sends out the wind from his store-houses.

Jeremiah 51:16
At the sound of his voice there is a massing of the waters in the heavens, and he makes the mists go up from the ends of the earth; he makes the thunder-flames for the rain and sends out the wind from his store-houses.


Job 36:29
And who has knowledge of how the clouds are stretched out, or of the thunders of his tent?

Job 36:30
See, he is stretching out his mist, covering the tops of the mountains with it.

Job 36:31
For by these he gives food to the peoples, and bread in full measure.

Job 36:32
He takes the light in his hands, sending it against the mark.

Job 36:33
The thunder makes clear his passion, and the storm gives news of his wrath.

Job 36:26
Truly, God is great, greater than all our knowledge; the number of his years may not be searched out.

Job 36:22
Truly God is lifted up in strength; who is a ruler like him?

Job 37:22
A bright light comes out of the north; God's glory is greatly to be feared.

Job 37:23
There is no searching out of the Ruler of all: his strength and his judging are great; he is full of righteousness, doing no wrong.


Genesis 2:5
In the day when the Lord God made earth and heaven there were no plants of the field on the earth, and no grass had come up: for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to do work on the land.

Genesis 2:6
But a mist went up from the earth, watering all the face of the land.

Psalms 147:8
By his hand the heaven is covered with clouds and rain is stored up for the earth; he makes the grass tall on the mountains.

Job 5:10
Who gives rain on the earth, and sends water on the fields:

Job 38:26
Causing rain to come on a land where no man is living, on the waste land which has no people;

Job 38:27
To give water to the land where there is waste and destruction, and to make the dry land green with young grass?

Job 38:28
Has the rain a father? or who gave birth to the drops of night mist?

Jeremiah 14:22
Are any of the false gods of the nations able to make rain come? are the heavens able to give showers? are you not he, O Lord our God? so we will go on waiting for you, for you have done all these things.

Proverbs 3:20
By his knowledge the deep was parted, and dew came dropping from the skies.

Isaiah 5:6
And I will make it waste; its branches will not be touched with the knife, or the earth worked with the spade; but blackberries and thorns will come up in it: and I will give orders to the clouds not to send rain on it.

Joel 2:23
Be glad, then, you children of Zion, and have joy in the Lord your God: for he gives you food in full measure, making the rain come down for you, the early and the late rain as at the first.

Amos 4:7
And I have kept back the rain from you, when it was still three months before the grain-cutting: I sent rain on one town and kept it back from another: one part was rained on, and the part where there was no rain became a waste.

Zechariah 10:1
Make your request to the Lord for rain in the time of the spring rains, even to the Lord who makes the thunder-flames; and he will give them showers of rain, to every man grass in the field.


Job 37:1
At this my heart is shaking; it is moved out of its place.

Job 37:2
Give ear to the rolling noise of his voice; to the hollow sound which goes out of his mouth.

Job 37:3
He sends it out through all the heaven, and his thunder-flame to the ends of the earth.

Job 37:4
After it a voice is sounding, thundering out the word of his power; he does not keep back his thunder-flames; from his mouth his voice is sounding.

Job 37:5
He does wonders, more than may be searched out; great things of which we have no knowledge;


Job 37:6
For he says to the snow, Make the earth wet; and to the rain-storm, Come down.


Psalms 65:9
You have given your blessing to the earth, watering it and making it fertile; the river of God is full of water: and having made it ready, you give men grain.

Psalms 65:10
You make the ploughed lands full of water; you make smooth the slopes: you make the earth soft with showers, sending your blessing on its growth.

Psalms 65:11
The year is crowned with the good you give; life-giving rain is dropping from your footsteps,

Psalms 65:12
Falling on the grass of the waste land: and the little hills are glad on every side.

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