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Job 15:5
For your mouth is guided by your sin, and you have taken the tongue of the false for yourself.


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Job 15:5
For your mouth is guided by your sin, and you have taken the tongue of the false for yourself.


Job 15:2
Will a wise man make answer with knowledge of no value, or will he give birth to the east wind?

Job 15:3
Will he make arguments with words in which is no profit, and with sayings which have no value?

Job 15:4
Truly, you make the fear of God without effect, so that the time of quiet worship before God is made less by your outcry.

Job 15:5
For your mouth is guided by your sin, and you have taken the tongue of the false for yourself.

Job 15:6
It is by your mouth, even yours, that you are judged to be in the wrong, and not by me; and your lips give witness against you.

Job 21:27
See, I am conscious of your thoughts, and of your violent purposes against me;

Job 4:7
Have you ever seen destruction come to an upright man? or when were the god-fearing ever cut off?

Job 13:7
Will you say in God's name what is not right, and put false words into his mouth?

Job 15:34
For the band of the evil-doers gives no fruit, and the tents of those who give wrong decisions for reward are burned with fire.

Job 22:5
Is not your evil-doing great? and there is no end to your sins.

Job 34:8
And goes in the company of evil-doers, walking in the way of sinners?

Proverbs 1:15
My son, do not go with them; keep your feet from their ways:

Matthew 12:37
For by your words will your righteousness be seen, and by your words you will be judged.

Luke 19:22
He said to him, By the words of your mouth you will be judged, you bad servant. You had knowledge that I am a hard man, taking up what I have not put down and getting in grain where I have not put seed;

James 1:26
If a man seems to have religion and has no control over his tongue but lets himself be tricked by what is false, this man's religion is of no value.


Genesis 3:1
Now the snake was wiser than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, Has God truly said that you may not take of the fruit of any tree in the garden?

Genesis 27:16
And she put the skins of the young goats on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck:

Joshua 9:4
Acting with deceit, got food together as if for a long journey; and took old food-bags for their asses, and old and cracked wine-skins kept together with cord;

Matthew 26:4
And they made designs together to take Jesus by some trick, and put him to death.

Mark 14:1
It was now two days before the feast of the Passover and the unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes made designs how they might take him by deceit and put him to death:

Luke 20:23
But he saw through their trick and said to them,

Ephesians 4:14
So that we may be no longer children, sent this way and that, turned about by every wind of teaching, by the twisting and tricks of men, by the deceits of error;

Job 5:12
Who makes the designs of the wise go wrong, so that they are unable to give effect to their purposes.


Psalms 50:19
You have given your mouth to evil, your tongue to words of deceit.

Psalms 52:3
You have more love for evil than for good, for deceit than for works of righteousness. (Selah.)

Psalms 64:3
Who make their tongues sharp like a sword, and whose arrows are pointed, even bitter words;

Jeremiah 9:3
Their tongues are bent like a bow to send out false words: they have become strong in the land, but not for good faith: they go on from evil to evil, and they have no knowledge of me, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 9:5
Everyone will make sport of his neighbour with deceit, not saying what is true: their tongues have been trained to say false words; they are twisted, hating to come back.

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