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Exodus 2:10
And when the child was older, she took him to Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son, and she gave him the name Moses, Because, she said, I took him out of the water.


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Exodus 2:10
And when the child was older, she took him to Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son, and she gave him the name Moses, Because, she said, I took him out of the water.


Exodus 2:2
And she became with child and gave birth to a Son; and when she saw that he was a beautiful child, she kept him secretly for three months.

Exodus 2:3
And when she was no longer able to keep him secret, she made him a basket out of the stems of water-plants, pasting sticky earth over it to keep the water out; and placing the baby in it she put it among the plants by the edge of the Nile.

Exodus 2:4
And his sister took her place at a distance to see what would become of him.

Exodus 2:5
Now Pharaoh's daughter came down to the Nile to take a bath, while her women were walking by the riverside; and she saw the basket among the river-plants, and sent her servant-girl to get it.

Exodus 2:6
And opening it, she saw the child, and he was crying. And she had pity on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews' children.

Exodus 2:7
Then his sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, May I go and get you one of the Hebrew women to give him the breast?

Exodus 2:8
And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. And the girl went and got the child's mother.

Exodus 2:9
And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Take the child away and give it milk for me, and I will give you payment. And the woman took the child and gave it milk at her breast.

Acts 7:20
At which time Moses came to birth, and he was very beautiful; and he was kept for three months in his father's house:


Genesis 48:5
And now your two sons who came to birth in Egypt before I came to you here, are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, in the same way as Reuben and Simeon are.

Esther 2:7
And he had been a father to Hadassah, that is Esther, the daughter of his father's brother: for she had no father or mother, and she was very beautiful; and when her father and mother were dead, Mordecai took her for his daughter.

Genesis 15:3
And Abram said, You have given me no child, and a servant in my house will get the heritage.

1 Kings 11:20
And the sister of Tahpenes had a son by him, Genubath, whom Tahpenes took care of in Pharaoh's house; and Genubath was living in Pharaoh's house among Pharaoh's sons.


Acts 7:21
And when he was put out, Pharaoh's daughter took him and kept him as her son.

Acts 7:22
And Moses was trained in all the wisdom of Egypt, and was great in his words and works.

Hebrews 11:24
By faith Moses, when he became a man, had no desire to be named the son of Pharaoh's daughter;

Exodus 2:11
Now when Moses had become a man, one day he went out to his people and saw how hard their work was; and he saw an Egyptian giving blows to a Hebrew, one of his people.


Psalms 18:16
He sent from on high, he took me, pulling me out of great waters.


Genesis 4:25
And Adam had connection with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son to whom she gave the name of Seth: for she said, God has given me another seed in place of Abel, whom Cain put to death.

Genesis 5:29
And he gave him the name of Noah, saying, Truly, he will give us rest from our trouble and the hard work of our hands, because of the earth which was cursed by God.

Ruth 4:17
And the women who were her neighbours gave it a name, saying, Naomi has a child; and they gave him the name of Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David.

Genesis 16:11
And the angel of the Lord said, See, you are with child and will give birth to a son, to whom you will give the name Ishmael, because the ears of the Lord were open to your sorrow.

Genesis 21:3
And Abraham gave to his son, to whom Sarah had given birth, the name Isaac.

Genesis 30:8
And Rachel said, I have had a great fight with my sister, and I have overcome her: and she gave the child the name Naphtali.

Genesis 41:51
And to the first he gave the name Manasseh, for he said, God has taken away from me all memory of my hard life and of my father's house.

1 Samuel 4:21
And she gave the child the name of Ichabod, saying, The glory has gone from Israel: because the ark of God was taken and because of her father-in-law and her husband.

1 Chronicles 2:9
And the sons of Hezron, the offspring of his body: Jerahmeel and Ram and Chelubai.

1 Chronicles 4:9
And Jabez was honoured more than his brothers; but his mother had given him the name Jabez, saying, Because I gave birth to him with sorrow.

Hosea 1:4
And the Lord said to him, Give him the name of Jezreel, for after a little time I will send punishment for the blood of Jezreel on the line of Jehu, and put an end to the kingdom of Israel.

Luke 1:60
But his mother made answer and said, No, his name is John.

Luke 2:21
And when, after eight days, the time came for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name which the angel had given to him before his birth.

1 Samuel 1:20
Now the time came when Hannah, being with child, gave birth to a son; and she gave him the name Samuel, Because, she said, I made a prayer to the Lord for him.

Matthew 1:21
And she will give birth to a son; and you will give him the name Jesus; for he will give his people salvation from their sins.


2 Samuel 22:17
He sent from on high, he took me, pulling me out of great waters.


Isaiah 19:25
Because of the blessing of the Lord of armies which he has given them, saying, A blessing on Egypt my people, and on Assyria the work of my hands, and on Israel my heritage.

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