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Esther 2:7
And he had been a father to Hadassah, that is Esther, the daughter of his father's brother: for she had no father or mother, and she was very beautiful; and when her father and mother were dead, Mordecai took her for his daughter.


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Esther 2:7
And he had been a father to Hadassah, that is Esther, the daughter of his father's brother: for she had no father or mother, and she was very beautiful; and when her father and mother were dead, Mordecai took her for his daughter.


Esther 2:5
Now there was a certain Jew in Shushan named Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite;


Genesis 48:5
And now your two sons who came to birth in Egypt before I came to you here, are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, in the same way as Reuben and Simeon are.


Exodus 2:10
And when the child was older, she took him to Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son, and she gave him the name Moses, Because, she said, I took him out of the water.


Zechariah 1:8
I saw in the night a man on a red horse, between the mountains in the valley, and at his back were horses, red, black, white, and of mixed colours.


Esther 4:14
If at this time you say nothing, then help and salvation will come to the Jews from some other place, but you and your father's family will come to destruction: and who is to say that you have not come to the kingdom even for such a time as this?

Esther 4:15
Then Esther sent them back to Mordecai with this answer:

Esther 4:16
Go, get together all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and go without food for me, taking no food or drink night or day for three days: and I and my women will do the same; and so I will go in to the king, which is against the law: and if death is to be my fate, then let it come.

Esther 5:8
If I have the king's approval, and if it is the king's pleasure to give me my prayer and do my request, let the king and Haman come to the feast which I will make ready for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king has said.

Esther 7:6
And Esther said, Our hater and attacker is this evil Haman. Then Haman was full of fear before the king and the queen.


Genesis 15:3
And Abram said, You have given me no child, and a servant in my house will get the heritage.


Genesis 29:17
And Leah's eyes were clouded, but Rachel was fair in face and form.


Esther 1:1
Now it came about in the days of Ahasuerus, (that Ahasuerus who was ruler of a hundred and twenty-seven divisions of the kingdom, from India as far as Ethiopia:)

Esther 8:1
That day the king gave all the family of Haman, the hater of the Jews, to Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had made clear what he was to her.

Esther 8:3
Then Esther again came before the king, falling down at his feet, and made request to him with weeping, that he would put a stop to the evil purposes of Haman the Agagite and the designs which he had made against the Jews.

Esther 8:4
Then the king put out the rod of gold to Esther, and she got up before the king.

Esther 8:5
And she said, If it is the king's pleasure and if I have his approval and this thing seems right to the king and I am pleasing to him, then let letters be sent giving orders against those which Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, sent out for the destruction of the Jews in all divisions of the kingdom:

Esther 8:6
For how is it possible for me to see the evil which is to overtake my nation? how may I see the destruction of my people?


Esther 1:11
That Vashti the queen was to come before him, crowned with her crown, and let the people and the captains see her: for she was very beautiful.


Proverbs 8:30
Then I was by his side, as a master workman: and I was his delight from day to day, playing before him at all times;

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