Acts 19:30
When Paul wanted to enter in to the people, the disciples didn’t allow him.
Acts 19:30
When Paul wanted to enter in to the people, the disciples didn’t allow him.
2 Samuel 18:2
David sent the people out, a third part under the hand of Joab, and a third part under the hand of Abishai the son of Zeruiah, Joab’s brother, and a third part under the hand of Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the people, “I will also surely go out with you myself.”
2 Samuel 18:3
But the people said, “You shall not go out, for if we flee away, they will not care for us, neither if half of us die, will they care for us. But you are worth ten thousand of us. Therefore now it is better that you are ready to help us out of the city.”
2 Samuel 21:17
But Abishai the son of Zeruiah helped him, and struck the Philistine and killed him. Then the men of David swore to him, saying, “Don’t go out with us to battle any more, so that you don’t quench the lamp of Israel.”
Psalms 2:1
Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot a vain thing?
Luke 22:1
Now the feast of unleavened bread, which is called the Passover, was approaching.
Luke 22:2
The chief priests and the scribes sought how they might put him to death, for they feared the people.
Luke 22:5
They were glad, and agreed to give him money.
Proverbs 29:1
He who is often rebuked and stiffens his neck will be destroyed suddenly, with no remedy.
Jeremiah 26:9
Why have you prophesied in Yahweh’s name, saying, ‘This house will be like Shiloh, and this city will be desolate, without inhabitant?’ ” All the people were crowded around Jeremiah in Yahweh’s house.
Matthew 27:20
Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitudes to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.
Mark 15:11
But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.
Acts 16:19
But when her masters saw that the hope of their gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers.
Acts 16:20
When they had brought them to the magistrates, they said, “These men, being Jews, are agitating our city
Acts 16:21
and advocate customs which it is not lawful for us to accept or to observe, being Romans.”
Acts 17:7
whom Jason has received. These all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus!”
Acts 17:8
The multitude and the rulers of the city were troubled when they heard these things.
Matthew 10:18
Yes, and you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them and to the nations.
Matthew 10:19
But when they deliver you up, don’t be anxious how or what you will say, for it will be given you in that hour what you will say.
Matthew 10:20
For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
Luke 21:15
for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to withstand or to contradict.
Acts 21:19
When he had greeted them, he reported one by one the things which God had worked among the Gentiles through his ministry.
Luke 22:22
The Son of Man indeed goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man through whom he is betrayed!”
Luke 22:23
They began to question among themselves which of them it was who would do this thing.
Psalms 7:2
lest they tear apart my soul like a lion, ripping it in pieces, while there is no one to deliver.
Psalms 50:22
“Now consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you into pieces, and there be no one to deliver.
Micah 3:3
who also eat the flesh of my people, and peel their skin from off them, and break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as meat within the cauldron.
Acts 13:50
But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and the chief men of the city, and stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and threw them out of their borders.
Acts 18:12
But when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews with one accord rose up against Paul and brought him before the judgment seat,
Acts 21:32
Immediately he took soldiers and centurions and ran down to them. They, when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, stopped beating Paul.
Acts 21:33
Then the commanding officer came near, arrested him, commanded him to be bound with two chains, and inquired who he was and what he had done.
Acts 21:34
Some shouted one thing and some another, among the crowd. When he couldn’t find out the truth because of the noise, he commanded him to be brought into the barracks.
Acts 21:35
When he came to the stairs, he was carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the crowd;
Acts 21:36
for the multitude of the people followed after, crying out, “Away with him!”
Acts 21:37
As Paul was about to be brought into the barracks, he asked the commanding officer, “May I speak to you?” He said, “Do you know Greek?
Acts 21:39
But Paul said, “I am a Jew from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant city. I beg you, allow me to speak to the people.”
Acts 22:23
As they cried out, threw off their cloaks, and threw dust into the air,
Acts 23:10
When a great argument arose, the commanding officer, fearing that Paul would be torn in pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him by force from among them and bring him into the barracks.
Acts 23:27
“This man was seized by the Jews, and was about to be killed by them when I came with the soldiers and rescued him, having learned that he was a Roman.
Acts 14:14
But when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of it, they tore their clothes and sprang into the multitude, crying out,
Acts 14:15
“Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men of the same nature as you, and bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to the living God, who made the sky, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them;
Acts 14:16
who in the generations gone by allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways.
Acts 14:17
Yet he didn’t leave himself without witness, in that he did good and gave you rains from the sky and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”
Acts 14:18
Even saying these things, they hardly stopped the multitudes from making a sacrifice to them.
Acts 17:22
Paul stood in the middle of the Areopagus and said, “You men of Athens, I perceive that you are very religious in all things.
Acts 17:23
For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription: ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ What therefore you worship in ignorance, I announce to you.
Acts 17:24
The God who made the world and all things in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth, doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands.
Acts 17:25
He isn’t served by men’s hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he himself gives to all life and breath and all things.
Acts 17:26
He made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth, having determined appointed seasons and the boundaries of their dwellings,
Acts 17:27
that they should seek the Lord, if perhaps they might reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
Acts 17:28
‘For in him we live, move, and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his offspring.’
Acts 17:29
Being then the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold, or silver, or stone, engraved by art and design of man.
Acts 17:30
The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked. But now he commands that all people everywhere should repent,
Acts 17:31
because he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom he has ordained; of which he has given assurance to all men, in that he has raised him from the dead.”
Romans 16:4
who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the assemblies of the Gentiles.
Acts 19:1
While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having passed through the upper country, came to Ephesus and found certain disciples.
Acts 20:1
After the uproar had ceased, Paul sent for the disciples, took leave of them, and departed to go into Macedonia.
1 Corinthians 16:9
for a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
2 Corinthians 1:9
Yes, we ourselves have had the sentence of death within ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead,
2 Corinthians 1:10
who delivered us out of so great a death, and does deliver, on whom we have set our hope that he will also still deliver us,
2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in clay vessels, that the exceeding greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves.
2 Corinthians 4:8
We are pressed on every side, yet not crushed; perplexed, yet not to despair;
2 Corinthians 4:9
pursued, yet not forsaken; struck down, yet not destroyed;
2 Corinthians 4:10
always carrying in the body the putting to death of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
2 Corinthians 4:11
For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus may be revealed in our mortal flesh.
2 Corinthians 4:12
So then death works in us, but life in you.
Colossians 4:10
Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, greets you, and Mark the cousin of Barnabas (concerning whom you received instructions, “if he comes to you, receive him”),
James 1:19
So, then, my beloved brothers, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger;
James 3:14
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don’t boast and don’t lie against the truth.
James 3:15
This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.
James 3:16
For where jealousy and selfish ambition are, there is confusion and every evil deed.
James 3:17
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceful, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
James 3:18
Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
James 4:1
Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don’t they come from your pleasures that war in your members?
James 4:2
You lust, and don’t have. You murder and covet, and can’t obtain. You fight and make war. You don’t have, because you don’t ask.
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