Acts 13:5
When they were at Salamis, they proclaimed God’s word in the Jewish synagogues. They also had John as their attendant.
Acts 13:5
When they were at Salamis, they proclaimed God’s word in the Jewish synagogues. They also had John as their attendant.
Numbers 27:18
Yahweh said to Moses, “Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him.
Numbers 27:19
Set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation; and commission him in their sight.
Numbers 27:20
You shall give authority to him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may obey.
2 Kings 2:3
The sons of the prophets who were at Bethel came out to Elisha, and said to him, “Do you know that Yahweh will take away your master from over you today?” He said, “Yes, I know it. Hold your peace.”
1 Samuel 1:12
As she continued praying before Yahweh, Eli saw her mouth.
Luke 1:15
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and he will drink no wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb.
1 Samuel 13:13
Samuel said to Saul, “You have done foolishly. You have not kept the commandment of Yahweh your God, which he commanded you; for now Yahweh would have established your kingdom on Israel forever.
1 Samuel 13:14
But now your kingdom will not continue. Yahweh has sought for himself a man after his own heart, and Yahweh has appointed him to be prince over his people, because you have not kept that which Yahweh commanded you.”
2 Kings 4:12
He said to Gehazi his servant, “Call this Shunammite.” When he had called her, she stood before him.
2 Kings 5:20
But Gehazi the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, “Behold, my master has spared this Naaman the Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which he brought. As Yahweh lives, I will run after him, and take something from him.”
2 Kings 5:27
Therefore the leprosy of Naaman will cling to you and to your offspring forever.” He went out from his presence a leper, as white as snow.
2 Kings 6:15
When the servant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was around the city. His servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?”
Matthew 20:27
Whoever desires to be first among you shall be your bondservant,
Matthew 20:28
even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Isaiah 1:1
The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
Jeremiah 14:14
Then Yahweh said to me, “The prophets prophesy lies in my name. I didn’t send them. I didn’t command them. I didn’t speak to them. They prophesy to you a lying vision, divination, and a thing of nothing, and the deceit of their own heart.
Matthew 4:20
They immediately left their nets and followed him.
Matthew 5:25
Agree with your adversary quickly while you are with him on the way; lest perhaps the prosecutor deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and you be cast into prison.
John 7:32
The Pharisees heard the multitude murmuring these things concerning him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to arrest him.
John 18:18
Now the servants and the officers were standing there, having made a fire of coals, for it was cold. They were warming themselves. Peter was with them, standing and warming himself.
Acts 5:22
But the officers who came didn’t find them in the prison. They returned and reported,
John 6:59
He said these things in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.
John 18:20
Jesus answered him, “I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet. I said nothing in secret.
Luke 1:2
even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,
Acts 1:4
Being assembled together with them, he commanded them, “Don’t depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which you heard from me.
Acts 10:36
The word which he sent to the children of Israel, preaching good news of peace by Jesus Christ—he is Lord of all—
Acts 13:26
“Brothers, children of the stock of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, the word of this salvation is sent out to you.
Acts 13:33
that God has fulfilled this to us, their children, in that he raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second psalm, ‘You are my Son. Today I have become your father.’
Acts 13:39
and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Acts 15:7
When there had been much discussion, Peter rose up and said to them, “Brothers, you know that a good while ago God made a choice among you that by my mouth the nations should hear the word of the Good News and believe.
Acts 20:32
Now, brothers, I entrust you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
Acts 26:16
But arise, and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose: to appoint you a servant and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will reveal to you;
Romans 5:8
But God commends his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
1 Corinthians 4:1
So let a man think of us as Christ’s servants and stewards of God’s mysteries.
1 Timothy 3:8
Servants, in the same way, must be reverent, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for money,
Acts 10:48
He commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay some days.
1 Corinthians 1:15
so that no one should say that I had baptized you into my own name.
1 Corinthians 1:16
(I also baptized the household of Stephanas; besides them, I don’t know whether I baptized any other.)
1 Corinthians 1:17
For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Good News—not in wisdom of words, so that the cross of Christ wouldn’t be made void.
Acts 12:24
But the word of God grew and multiplied.
Acts 13:30
But God raised him from the dead,
Acts 13:47
For so has the Lord commanded us, saying, ‘I have set you as a light for the Gentiles, that you should bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth.’ ”
Acts 15:35
But Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.
Acts 16:32
They spoke the word of the Lord to him, and to all who were in his house.
Acts 17:32
Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked; but others said, “We want to hear you again concerning this.”
Acts 18:11
He lived there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
Acts 19:10
This continued for two years, so that all those who lived in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.
Acts 19:20
So the word of the Lord was growing and becoming mighty.
Galatians 2:7
but to the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the Good News for the uncircumcised, even as Peter with the Good News for the circumcised—
Philemon 1:1
Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon, our beloved fellow worker,
Acts 13:11
Now, behold, the hand of the Lord is on you, and you will be blind, not seeing the sun for a season!” Immediately a mist and darkness fell on him. He went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand.
Acts 13:12
Then the proconsul, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord.
Acts 27:4
Putting to sea from there, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.
Acts 11:1
Now the apostles and the brothers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God.
Acts 13:38
Be it known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man is proclaimed to you remission of sins;
Acts 13:43
Now when the synagogue broke up, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas; who, speaking to them, urged them to continue in the grace of God.
Acts 13:44
The next Sabbath, almost the whole city was gathered together to hear the word of God.
Acts 13:49
The Lord’s word was spread abroad throughout all the region.
Acts 14:3
Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
Acts 17:3
explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Christ.”
Acts 17:12
Many of them therefore believed; also of the prominent Greek women, and not a few men.
Acts 17:13
But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was proclaimed by Paul at Beroea also, they came there likewise, agitating the multitudes.
Acts 20:21
testifying both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus.
Acts 28:17
After three days Paul called together those who were the leaders of the Jews. When they had come together, he said to them, “I, brothers, though I had done nothing against the people or the customs of our fathers, still was delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans,
Acts 28:19
But when the Jews spoke against it, I was constrained to appeal to Caesar, not that I had anything about which to accuse my nation.
Acts 16:1
He came to Derbe and Lystra; and behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewess who believed, but his father was a Greek.
Acts 16:2
The brothers who were at Lystra and Iconium gave a good testimony about him.
Acts 16:11
Setting sail therefore from Troas, we made a straight course to Samothrace, and the day following to Neapolis;
Acts 16:12
and from there to Philippi, which is a city of Macedonia, the foremost of the district, a Roman colony. We were staying some days in this city.
Acts 17:15
But those who escorted Paul brought him as far as Athens. Receiving a commandment to Silas and Timothy that they should come to him very quickly, they departed.
Acts 19:1
While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having passed through the upper country, came to Ephesus and found certain disciples.
Acts 20:2
When he had gone through those parts and had encouraged them with many words, he came into Greece.
Acts 20:6
We sailed away from Philippi after the days of Unleavened Bread, and came to them at Troas in five days, where we stayed seven days.
Romans 15:19
in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of God’s Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Good News of Christ;
Romans 15:24
whenever I travel to Spain, I will come to you. For I hope to see you on my journey, and to be helped on my way there by you, if first I may enjoy your company for a while.
Romans 3:22
even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all those who believe. For there is no distinction,
Romans 3:23
for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;
Romans 9:1
I tell the truth in Christ. I am not lying, my conscience testifying with me in the Holy Spirit
Romans 9:3
For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brothers’ sake, my relatives according to the flesh
Luke 10:10
But into whatever city you enter and they don’t receive you, go out into its streets and say,
Luke 10:11
‘Even the dust from your city that clings to us, we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that God’s Kingdom has come near to you.’
Acts 9:28
He was with them entering into Jerusalem,
Acts 9:29
preaching boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus. He spoke and disputed against the Hellenists, but they were seeking to kill him.
Acts 13:51
But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came to Iconium.
Acts 14:6
they became aware of it and fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra, Derbe, and the surrounding region.
Acts 14:20
But as the disciples stood around him, he rose up, and entered into the city. On the next day he went out with Barnabas to Derbe.
Acts 16:7
When they had come opposite Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit didn’t allow them.
Acts 16:8
Passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas.
Acts 16:9
A vision appeared to Paul in the night. There was a man of Macedonia standing, begging him and saying, “Come over into Macedonia and help us.”
Acts 16:10
When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go out to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the Good News to them.
Acts 16:13
On the Sabbath day we went outside of the city by a riverside, where we supposed there was a place of prayer, and we sat down and spoke to the women who had come together.
Acts 18:1
After these things Paul departed from Athens and came to Corinth.
Acts 18:5
When Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was compelled by the Spirit, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:24
Five times I received forty stripes minus one from the Jews.
Luke 7:4
When they came to Jesus, they begged him earnestly, saying, “He is worthy for you to do this for him,
Luke 7:23
Blessed is he who finds no occasion for stumbling in me.”
John 7:17
If anyone desires to do his will, he will know about the teaching, whether it is from God or if I am speaking from myself.
Romans 12:12
rejoicing in hope, enduring in troubles, continuing steadfastly in prayer,
1 Timothy 4:6
If you instruct the brothers of these things, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, nourished in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine which you have followed.
1 Timothy 4:15
Be diligent in these things. Give yourself wholly to them, that your progress may be revealed to all.
1 Timothy 4:16
Pay attention to yourself and to your teaching. Continue in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.
2 Timothy 4:2
preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all patience and teaching.
Ezekiel 24:13
“ ‘ “In your filthiness is lewdness. Because I have cleansed you and you weren’t cleansed, you won’t be cleansed from your filthiness any more, until I have caused my wrath toward you to rest.
Matthew 25:44
“Then they will also answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and didn’t help you?’
Matthew 27:55
Many women were there watching from afar, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, serving him.
2 Timothy 1:18
(the Lord grant to him to find the Lord’s mercy in that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.
Hebrews 1:14
Aren’t they all serving spirits, sent out to do service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?
1 Peter 4:11
If anyone speaks, let it be as it were the very words of God. If anyone serves, let it be as of the strength which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
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