1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Matthew 24:10
Then many will stumble, and will deliver up one another, and will hate one another.


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Matthew 24:10
Then many will stumble, and will deliver up one another, and will hate one another.


Judges 7:2
Yahweh said to Gideon, “The people who are with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel brag against me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’

2 Kings 15:30
Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, attacked him, killed him, and reigned in his place, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.

2 Chronicles 28:6
For Pekah the son of Remaliah killed in Judah one hundred twenty thousand in one day, all of them valiant men, because they had forsaken Yahweh, the God of their fathers.

2 Chronicles 28:7
Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, killed Maaseiah the king’s son, Azrikam the ruler of the house, and Elkanah who was next to the king.

2 Chronicles 28:8
The children of Israel carried away captive of their brothers two hundred thousand women, sons, and daughters, and also took away much plunder from them, and brought the plunder to Samaria.


Judges 16:18
When Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, “Come up this once, for he has told me all his heart.” Then the lords of the Philistines came up to her and brought the money in their hand.

Psalms 41:9
Yes, my own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, who ate bread with me, has lifted up his heel against me.

Psalms 55:12
For it was not an enemy who insulted me, then I could have endured it. Neither was it he who hated me who raised himself up against me, then I would have hidden myself from him.

Daniel 9:26
After the sixty-two weeks the Anointed One will be cut off, and will have nothing. The people of the prince who come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end will be with a flood, and war will be even to the end. Desolations are determined.

Matthew 26:21
As they were eating, he said, “Most certainly I tell you that one of you will betray me.”

Matthew 26:22
They were exceedingly sorrowful, and each began to ask him, “It isn’t me, is it, Lord?”

Matthew 26:23
He answered, “He who dipped his hand with me in the dish will betray me.

Matthew 26:24
The Son of Man goes even as it is written of him, but woe to that man through whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would be better for that man if he had not been born.”

Matthew 26:56
But all this has happened that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him and fled.

Luke 22:22
The Son of Man indeed goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man through whom he is betrayed!”

Luke 22:48
But Jesus said to him, “Judas, do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?”

John 13:21
When Jesus had said this, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, “Most certainly I tell you that one of you will betray me.”


1 Samuel 14:20
Saul and all the people who were with him were gathered together, and came to the battle; and behold, they were all striking each other with their swords in very great confusion.

Isaiah 3:5
The people will be oppressed, everyone by another, and everyone by his neighbor. The child will behave himself proudly against the old man, and the wicked against the honorable.

Isaiah 9:19
Through Yahweh of Armies’ wrath, the land is burned up; and the people are the fuel for the fire. No one spares his brother.

Isaiah 9:20
One will devour on the right hand, and be hungry; and he will eat on the left hand, and they will not be satisfied. Everyone will eat the flesh of his own arm:

Jeremiah 13:14
I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together,” says Yahweh: “I will not pity, spare, or have compassion, that I should not destroy them.” ’ ”

Ezekiel 38:21
I will call for a sword against him to all my mountains,” says the Lord Yahweh. “Every man’s sword will be against his brother.

Haggai 2:22
I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms. I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them. The horses and their riders will come down, everyone by the sword of his brother.

Zechariah 8:10
For before those days there was no wages for man nor any wages for an animal, neither was there any peace to him who went out or came in, because of the adversary. For I set all men everyone against his neighbor.

Revelation 6:12
I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. The sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became as blood.


Nehemiah 3:5
Next to them, the Tekoites made repairs; but their nobles didn’t put their necks to the Lord’s work.

Nehemiah 5:7
Then I consulted with myself, and contended with the nobles and the rulers, and said to them, “You exact usury, everyone of his brother.” I held a great assembly against them.

Nehemiah 6:12
I discerned, and behold, God had not sent him, but he pronounced this prophecy against me. Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him.

Nehemiah 6:17
Moreover in those days the nobles of Judah sent many letters to Tobiah, and Tobiah’s letters came to them.

Nehemiah 13:28
One of the sons of Joiada, the son of Eliashib the high priest, was son-in-law to Sanballat the Horonite; therefore I chased him from me.


Isaiah 8:14
He will be a sanctuary, but for both houses of Israel, he will be a stumbling stone and a rock that makes them fall. For the people of Jerusalem, he will be a trap and a snare.

Isaiah 8:15
Many will stumble over it, fall, be broken, be snared, and be captured.”

Matthew 15:12
Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?”

John 6:60
Therefore many of his disciples, when they heard this, said, “This is a hard saying! Who can listen to it?”

John 6:61
But Jesus knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at this, said to them, “Does this cause you to stumble?

John 6:66
At this, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.

John 6:67
Jesus said therefore to the twelve, “You don’t also want to go away, do you?”

Romans 9:32
Why? Because they didn’t seek it by faith, but as it were by works of the law. They stumbled over the stumbling stone,

Romans 14:21
It is good to not eat meat, drink wine, nor do anything by which your brother stumbles, is offended, or is made weak.

1 Corinthians 1:23
but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Greeks,

Galatians 5:11
But I, brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then the stumbling block of the cross has been removed.

Philippians 1:10
so that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ,


Isaiah 11:13
The envy also of Ephraim will depart, and those who persecute Judah will be cut off. Ephraim won’t envy Judah, and Judah won’t persecute Ephraim.

Ezekiel 37:16
“You, son of man, take one stick and write on it, ‘For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions.’ Then take another stick, and write on it, ‘For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions.’

Ezekiel 37:17
Then join them for yourself to one another into one stick, that they may become one in your hand.

Ezekiel 37:18
“When the children of your people speak to you, saying, ‘Won’t you show us what you mean by these?’

Ezekiel 37:19
tell them, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions; and I will put them with it, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they will be one in my hand.

Ezekiel 37:20
The sticks on which you write will be in your hand before their eyes.” ’

Acts 23:7
When he had said this, an argument arose between the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the crowd was divided.

James 3:14
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don’t boast and don’t lie against the truth.

James 3:16
For where jealousy and selfish ambition are, there is confusion and every evil deed.

James 4:1
Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don’t they come from your pleasures that war in your members?

James 4:2
You lust, and don’t have. You murder and covet, and can’t obtain. You fight and make war. You don’t have, because you don’t ask.

James 4:3
You ask, and don’t receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.


Isaiah 26:2
Open the gates, that the righteous nation may enter: the one which keeps faith.

Isaiah 26:21
For, behold, Yahweh comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth also will disclose her blood, and will no longer cover her slain.

Daniel 11:35
Some of those who are wise will fall—to refine them, and to purify, and to make them white, even to the time of the end, because it is yet for the time appointed.

Mark 13:7
“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, don’t be troubled. For those must happen, but the end is not yet.

Acts 20:29
For I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

1 Timothy 4:1
But the Spirit says expressly that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons,

2 Timothy 3:1
But know this: that in the last days, grievous times will come.

2 Timothy 3:3
without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, not lovers of good,

2 Timothy 3:4
traitors, headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

2 Timothy 4:4
and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn away to fables.

2 Peter 2:1
But false prophets also arose among the people, as false teachers will also be among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Master who bought them, bringing on themselves swift destruction.

2 Peter 2:2
Many will follow their immoral ways, and as a result, the way of the truth will be maligned.


Proverbs 26:11
As a dog that returns to his vomit, so is a fool who repeats his folly.

Isaiah 56:10
His watchmen are blind. They are all without knowledge. They are all mute dogs. They can’t bark— dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber.

Isaiah 56:11
Yes, the dogs are greedy. They can never have enough. They are shepherds who can’t understand. They have all turned to their own way, each one to his gain, from every quarter.

Daniel 11:30
For ships of Kittim will come against him. Therefore he will be grieved, and will return, and have indignation against the holy covenant, and will take action. He will even return, and have regard to those who forsake the holy covenant.

Micah 7:1
Misery is mine! Indeed, I am like one who gathers the summer fruits, as gleanings of the vineyard. There is no cluster of grapes to eat. My soul desires to eat the early fig.

Matthew 7:15
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.

Matthew 13:20
What was sown on the rocky places, this is he who hears the word and immediately with joy receives it;

Philippians 3:2
Beware of the dogs; beware of the evil workers; beware of the false circumcision.

2 Timothy 3:2
For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Hebrews 10:29
How much worse punishment do you think he will be judged worthy of who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant with which he was sanctified an unholy thing, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?

2 Peter 2:22
But it has happened to them according to the true proverb, “The dog turns to his own vomit again,” and “the sow that has washed to wallowing in the mire.”

Revelation 22:15
Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.


Zechariah 11:6
For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land,” says Yahweh; “but, behold, I will deliver every one of the men into his neighbor’s hand and into the hand of his king. They will strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them.”

Zechariah 11:7
So I fed the flock to be slaughtered, especially the oppressed of the flock. I took for myself two staffs. The one I called “Favor” and the other I called “Union”, and I fed the flock.

Zechariah 11:8
I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me.

Zechariah 11:10
I took my staff Favor and cut it apart, that I might break my covenant that I had made with all the peoples.

Zechariah 11:11
It was broken in that day; and thus the poor of the flock that listened to me knew that it was Yahweh’s word.

Luke 12:49
“I came to throw fire on the earth. I wish it were already kindled.


Zechariah 13:2
It will come to pass in that day, says Yahweh of Armies, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they will be remembered no more. I will also cause the prophets and the spirit of impurity to pass out of the land.

Zechariah 13:4
It will happen in that day that the prophets will each be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies; they won’t wear a hairy mantle to deceive,

Zechariah 13:5
but he will say, ‘I am no prophet, I am a tiller of the ground; for I have been made a bondservant from my youth.’

Zechariah 13:6
One will say to him, ‘What are these wounds between your arms?’ Then he will answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’


Matthew 5:29
If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.

Matthew 5:30
If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.


Matthew 9:10
As he sat in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and his disciples.


Matthew 22:5
But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his merchandise;

Matthew 22:6
and the rest grabbed his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them.

Mark 6:16
But Herod, when he heard this, said, “This is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen from the dead.”

Mark 6:27
Immediately the king sent out a soldier of his guard and commanded to bring John’s head; and he went and beheaded him in the prison,

Luke 9:9
Herod said, “I beheaded John, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” He sought to see him.


Luke 8:13
Those on the rock are they who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; but these have no root. They believe for a while, then fall away in time of temptation.

Luke 14:26
“If anyone comes to me, and doesn’t disregard his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he can’t be my disciple.

John 15:19
If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, since I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

John 15:21
But they will do all these things to you for my name’s sake, because they don’t know him who sent me.

Acts 13:50
But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and the chief men of the city, and stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and threw them out of their borders.

Acts 18:6
When they opposed him and blasphemed, he shook out his clothing and said to them, “Your blood be on your own heads! I am clean. From now on, I will go to the Gentiles!”

Acts 19:9
But when some were hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, he departed from them and separated the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus.

Galatians 2:4
This was because of the false brothers secretly brought in, who stole in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage,

Colossians 3:5
Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth: sexual immorality, uncleanness, depraved passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

1 Peter 2:21
For you were called to this, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps,

Revelation 12:9
The great dragon was thrown down, the old serpent, he who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

Revelation 20:4
I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and such as didn’t worship the beast nor his image, and didn’t receive the mark on their forehead and on their hand. They lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.


Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to one and despise the other. You aren’t able to serve God and Mammon.”

Luke 17:1
He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no occasions of stumbling should come, but woe to him through whom they come!


John 15:11
I have spoken these things to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be made full.


Matthew 17:22
While they were staying in Galilee, Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is about to be delivered up into the hands of men,

Matthew 26:34
Jesus said to him, “Most certainly I tell you that tonight, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.”

Matthew 26:46
Arise, let’s be going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”

Mark 14:27
Jesus said to them, “All of you will be made to stumble because of me tonight, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’

Mark 14:28
However, after I am raised up, I will go before you into Galilee.”

Luke 22:31
The Lord said, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have all of you, that he might sift you as wheat,

John 16:32
Behold, the time is coming, yes, and has now come, that you will be scattered, everyone to his own place, and you will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

1 Corinthians 11:23
For I received from the Lord that which also I delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night in which he was betrayed took bread.


John 13:34
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also love one another.

John 13:35
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 17:21
that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me.

1 John 2:9
He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness even until now.


Luke 8:5
“The farmer went out to sow his seed. As he sowed, some fell along the road, and it was trampled under foot, and the birds of the sky devoured it.

John 5:43
I have come in my Father’s name, and you don’t receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.

John 21:4
But when day had already come, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples didn’t know that it was Jesus.

Acts 17:5
But the unpersuaded Jews took along some wicked men from the marketplace and gathering a crowd, set the city in an uproar. Assaulting the house of Jason, they sought to bring them out to the people.

Acts 20:23
except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions wait for me.

Acts 21:11
Coming to us and taking Paul’s belt, he bound his own feet and hands, and said, “The Holy Spirit says: ‘So the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt, and will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ ”

Acts 21:13
Then Paul answered, “What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”

1 Corinthians 10:12
Therefore let him who thinks he stands be careful that he doesn’t fall.

1 Thessalonians 3:4
For most certainly, when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we are to suffer affliction, even as it happened, and you know.

1 Thessalonians 5:9
For God didn’t appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Revelation 13:8
All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed.

Revelation 17:9
Here is the mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.


Acts 23:8
For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit; but the Pharisees confess all of these.

Acts 23:9
A great clamor arose, and some of the scribes of the Pharisees’ part stood up, and contended, saying, “We find no evil in this man. But if a spirit or angel has spoken to him, let’s not fight against God!”

Acts 23:10
When a great argument arose, the commanding officer, fearing that Paul would be torn in pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him by force from among them and bring him into the barracks.


Matthew 10:19
But when they deliver you up, don’t be anxious how or what you will say, for it will be given you in that hour what you will say.

Matthew 11:16
“But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces, who call to their companions

Matthew 16:19
I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven; and whatever you release on earth will have been released in heaven.”

Luke 21:8
He said, “Watch out that you don’t get led astray, for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is at hand.’ Therefore don’t follow them.

John 15:27
You will also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.

Acts 9:26
When Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join himself to the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.

Acts 14:19
But some Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there, and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead.

Acts 26:11
Punishing them often in all the synagogues, I tried to make them blaspheme. Being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities.

1 Corinthians 4:9
For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last of all, like men sentenced to death. For we are made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and men.

2 Corinthians 11:26
I have been in travels often, perils of rivers, perils of robbers, perils from my countrymen, perils from the Gentiles, perils in the city, perils in the wilderness, perils in the sea, perils among false brothers;

2 Timothy 3:11
persecutions, and sufferings—those things that happened to me at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I endured those persecutions. The Lord delivered me out of them all.

2 Timothy 3:12
Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.


Matthew 5:12
Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Matthew 20:22
But Jesus answered, “You don’t know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” They said to him, “We are able.”

Matthew 20:23
He said to them, “You will indeed drink my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give, but it is for whom it has been prepared by my Father.”

Mark 13:9
“But watch yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils. You will be beaten in synagogues. You will stand before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them.

Luke 21:12
But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you up to synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for my name’s sake.

John 16:4
But I have told you these things so that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you about them. I didn’t tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.

John 16:33
I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble; but cheer up! I have overcome the world.”

Acts 9:16
For I will show him how many things he must suffer for my name’s sake.”

Acts 14:22
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that through many afflictions we must enter into God’s Kingdom.

Romans 8:35
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Could oppression, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Romans 8:37
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Galatians 6:12
As many as desire to make a good impression in the flesh compel you to be circumcised, just so they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.


Matthew 13:22
What was sown among the thorns, this is he who hears the word, but the cares of this age and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.

Luke 6:49
But he who hears and doesn’t do, is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream broke, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.”

2 Timothy 3:5
holding a form of godliness but having denied its power. Turn away from these, also.

Hebrews 10:26
For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more a sacrifice for sins,

Revelation 2:4
But I have this against you, that you left your first love.


Hebrews 10:23
let’s hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering; for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:24
Let’s consider how to provoke one another to love and good works,

James 5:6
You have condemned and you have murdered the righteous one. He doesn’t resist you.

2 Peter 3:4
and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.”


Micah 7:7
But as for me, I will look to Yahweh. I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.

1 Thessalonians 5:1
But concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need that anything be written to you.

1 Thessalonians 5:2
For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night.

1 Thessalonians 5:3
For when they are saying, “Peace and safety,” then sudden destruction will come on them, like birth pains on a pregnant woman. Then they will in no way escape.

Hebrews 10:25
not forsaking our own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

James 5:1
Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming on you.

James 5:2
Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten.

James 5:3
Your gold and your silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be for a testimony against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up your treasure in the last days.

James 5:4
Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you have kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of those who reaped have entered into the ears of the Lord of Armies.

James 5:5
You have lived in luxury on the earth, and taken your pleasure. You have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter.

James 5:7
Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it receives the early and late rain.

James 5:8
You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.


Matthew 5:11
“Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Matthew 24:4
Jesus answered them, “Be careful that no one leads you astray.

Matthew 24:25
“Behold, I have told you beforehand.

Mark 13:13
You will be hated by all men for my name’s sake, but he who endures to the end will be saved.

John 15:16
You didn’t choose me, but I chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatever you will ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

Acts 7:52
Which of the prophets didn’t your fathers persecute? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, of whom you have now become betrayers and murderers.

Acts 23:12
When it was day, some of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed Paul.

Romans 8:36
Even as it is written, “For your sake we are killed all day long. We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but will with the temptation also make the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

1 Peter 4:12
Beloved, don’t be astonished at the fiery trial which has come upon you to test you, as though a strange thing happened to you.

Revelation 2:13
“I know your works and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. You hold firmly to my name, and didn’t deny my faith in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

Revelation 13:14
He deceives my own people who dwell on the earth because of the signs he was granted to do in front of the beast, saying to those who dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast who had the sword wound and lived.

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