John 11:27
She said to him, “Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Christ, God’s Son, he who comes into the world.”
John 11:27
She said to him, “Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Christ, God’s Son, he who comes into the world.”
Malachi 3:1
“Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me! The Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple. Behold, the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, is coming!” says Yahweh of Armies.
Luke 2:11
For there is born to you today, in David’s city, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:26
It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.
Luke 24:26
Didn’t the Christ have to suffer these things and to enter into his glory?”
John 4:26
Jesus said to her, “I am he, the one who speaks to you.”
John 8:28
Jesus therefore said to them, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and I do nothing of myself, but as my Father taught me, I say these things.
Matthew 27:54
Now the centurion and those who were with him watching Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were done, were terrified, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!”
Mark 5:7
and crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have I to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, don’t torment me.”
Mark 15:39
When the centurion, who stood by opposite him, saw that he cried out like this and breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
Matthew 21:9
The multitudes who went in front of him, and those who followed, kept shouting, “Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
Matthew 23:39
For I tell you, you will not see me from now on, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ”
John 1:27
He is the one who comes after me, who is preferred before me, whose sandal strap I’m not worthy to loosen.”
Luke 9:20
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “The Christ of God.”
John 1:45
Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets, wrote: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
John 1:46
Nathanael said to him, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
John 1:47
Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and said about him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!”
John 1:48
Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”
John 11:28
When she had said this, she went away and called Mary, her sister, secretly, saying, “The Teacher is here and is calling you.”
John 3:19
This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil.
John 9:39
Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, that those who don’t see may see; and that those who see may become blind.”
John 12:46
I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in the darkness.
John 11:24
Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
Romans 5:14
Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those whose sins weren’t like Adam’s disobedience, who is a foreshadowing of him who was to come.
John 6:68
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life.
John 20:30
Therefore Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book;
1 Timothy 1:16
However, for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first, Jesus Christ might display all his patience for an example of those who were going to believe in him for eternal life.
1 John 5:11
The testimony is this: that God gave to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
1 John 5:12
He who has the Son has the life. He who doesn’t have God’s Son doesn’t have the life.
1 John 5:13
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.
1 John 5:2
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep his commandments.
1 John 5:3
For this is loving God, that we keep his commandments. His commandments are not grievous.
1 John 5:4
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world: your faith.
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