Isaiah 42:19
Who is blind, but my servant? Or who is as deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is as blind as he who is at peace, and as blind as Yahweh’s servant?
Isaiah 42:19
Who is blind, but my servant? Or who is as deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is as blind as he who is at peace, and as blind as Yahweh’s servant?
Deuteronomy 29:3
the great trials which your eyes saw, the signs, and those great wonders.
Psalms 81:12
So I let them go after the stubbornness of their hearts, that they might walk in their own counsels.
Isaiah 44:19
No one thinks, neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say, “I have burned part of it in the fire. Yes, I have also baked bread on its coals. I have roasted meat and eaten it. Shall I make the rest of it into an abomination? Shall I bow down to a tree trunk?”
Isaiah 44:20
He feeds on ashes. A deceived heart has turned him aside; and he can’t deliver his soul, nor say, “Isn’t there a lie in my right hand?”
Isaiah 59:10
We grope for the wall like the blind. Yes, we grope as those who have no eyes. We stumble at noon as if it were twilight. Among those who are strong, we are like dead men.
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you may be no priest to me. Because you have forgotten your God’s law, I will also forget your children.
Mark 4:12
that ‘seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest perhaps they should turn again, and their sins should be forgiven them.’ ”
Luke 11:34
The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole body is also full of light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of darkness.
John 3:19
This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil.
Acts 28:26
saying, ‘Go to this people and say, in hearing, you will hear, but will in no way understand. In seeing, you will see, but will in no way perceive.
Romans 11:25
For I don’t desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, so that you won’t be wise in your own conceits, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in,
2 Thessalonians 2:10
and with all deception of wickedness for those who are being lost, because they didn’t receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
Judges 2:1
Yahweh’s angel came up from Gilgal to Bochim. He said, “I brought you out of Egypt, and have brought you to the land which I swore to give your fathers. I said, ‘I will never break my covenant with you.
Proverbs 13:17
A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a trustworthy envoy gains healing.
Isaiah 26:11
Yahweh, your hand is lifted up, yet they don’t see; but they will see your zeal for the people and be disappointed. Yes, fire will consume your adversaries.
Isaiah 37:35
‘For I will defend this city to save it, for my own sake, and for my servant David’s sake.’ ”
Isaiah 48:20
Leave Babylon! Flee from the Chaldeans! With a voice of singing announce this, tell it even to the end of the earth; say, “Yahweh has redeemed his servant Jacob!”
Isaiah 49:3
He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified.”
Isaiah 29:18
In that day, the deaf will hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind will see out of obscurity and out of darkness.
John 7:49
But this multitude that doesn’t know the law is cursed.”
2 Corinthians 4:3
Even if our Good News is veiled, it is veiled in those who are dying,
2 Corinthians 4:5
For we don’t preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake,
2 Corinthians 4:6
seeing it is God who said, “Light will shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:20
We are therefore ambassadors on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
Galatians 4:14
That which was a temptation to you in my flesh, you didn’t despise nor reject; but you received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.
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