Genesis 32:11
Please deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and strike me and the mothers with the children.
Genesis 32:11
Please deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and strike me and the mothers with the children.
Genesis 32:25
When he saw that he didn’t prevail against him, the man touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was strained as he wrestled.
Genesis 32:26
The man said, “Let me go, for the day breaks.” Jacob said, “I won’t let you go unless you bless me.”
Genesis 32:27
He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob”.
Genesis 32:29
Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” He said, “Why is it that you ask what my name is?” So he blessed him there.
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