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Isaiah 34:10
It won’t be quenched night or day. Its smoke will go up forever. From generation to generation, it will lie waste. No one will pass through it forever and ever.


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Isaiah 34:10
It won’t be quenched night or day. Its smoke will go up forever. From generation to generation, it will lie waste. No one will pass through it forever and ever.


Genesis 19:24
Then Yahweh rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah sulfur and fire from Yahweh out of the sky.

Jeremiah 50:40
As when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and its neighbor cities,” says Yahweh, “so no man will dwell there, neither will any son of man live therein.

Revelation 14:10
he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is prepared unmixed in the cup of his anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.


Isaiah 1:31
The strong will be like tinder, and his work like a spark. They will both burn together, and no one will quench them.”

Ezekiel 20:47
Tell the forest of the South, ‘Hear Yahweh’s word: The Lord Yahweh says, “Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and it will devour every green tree in you, and every dry tree. The burning flame will not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north will be burned by it.

Ezekiel 20:48
All flesh will see that I, Yahweh, have kindled it. It will not be quenched.” ’ ”


Isaiah 34:2
For Yahweh is enraged against all the nations, and angry with all their armies. He has utterly destroyed them. He has given them over for slaughter.

Isaiah 34:4
All of the army of the sky will be dissolved. The sky will be rolled up like a scroll, and all its armies will fade away, as a leaf fades from off a vine or a fig tree.

Isaiah 34:5
For my sword has drunk its fill in the sky. Behold, it will come down on Edom, and on the people of my curse, for judgment.

Isaiah 34:15
The arrow snake will make her nest there, and lay, hatch, and gather under her shade. Yes, the kites will be gathered there, every one with her mate.


Jeremiah 49:17
“Edom will become an astonishment. Everyone who passes by it will be astonished, and will hiss at all its plagues.

Obadiah 1:10
For the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame will cover you, and you will be cut off forever.

Malachi 1:3
but Esau I hated, and made his mountains a desolation, and gave his heritage to the jackals of the wilderness.”

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