Acts 21:33
Then the commanding officer came near, arrested him, commanded him to be bound with two chains, and inquired who he was and what he had done.
Acts 21:33
Then the commanding officer came near, arrested him, commanded him to be bound with two chains, and inquired who he was and what he had done.
Acts 21:2
Having found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, we went aboard and set sail.
Acts 21:3
When we had come in sight of Cyprus, leaving it on the left hand, we sailed to Syria and landed at Tyre, for the ship was there to unload her cargo.
Acts 21:11
Coming to us and taking Paul’s belt, he bound his own feet and hands, and said, “The Holy Spirit says: ‘So the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt, and will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ ”
Acts 21:17
When we had come to Jerusalem, the brothers received us gladly.
Acts 21:39
But Paul said, “I am a Jew from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant city. I beg you, allow me to speak to the people.”
Acts 21:40
When he had given him permission, Paul, standing on the stairs, beckoned with his hand to the people. When there was a great silence, he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, saying,
Acts 21:30
All the city was moved and the people ran together. They seized Paul and dragged him out of the temple. Immediately the doors were shut.
Acts 21:31
As they were trying to kill him, news came up to the commanding officer of the regiment that all Jerusalem was in an uproar.
Acts 21:34
Some shouted one thing and some another, among the crowd. When he couldn’t find out the truth because of the noise, he commanded him to be brought into the barracks.
Acts 21:35
When he came to the stairs, he was carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the crowd;
Acts 21:36
for the multitude of the people followed after, crying out, “Away with him!”
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