Psalms 36:1
A revelation is within my heart about the disobedience of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes.
Psalms 36:1
A revelation is within my heart about the disobedience of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes.
Psalms 36:3
The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. He has ceased to be wise and to do good.
Psalms 36:4
He plots iniquity on his bed. He sets himself in a way that is not good. He doesn’t abhor evil.
Psalms 14:2
Yahweh looked down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any who understood, who sought after God.
Psalms 14:3
They have all gone aside. They have together become corrupt. There is no one who does good, no, not one.
Psalms 53:1
The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity. There is no one who does good.
Psalms 54:3
For strangers have risen up against me. Violent men have sought after my soul. They haven’t set God before them. Selah.
Romans 1:30
backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Ephesians 2:12
that you were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
Psalms 18:1
I love you, Yahweh, my strength.
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