Numbers 11:12
Have I conceived all this people? Have I brought them out, that you should tell me, ‘Carry them in your bosom, as a nurse carries a nursing infant, to the land which you swore to their fathers?’
Numbers 11:12
Have I conceived all this people? Have I brought them out, that you should tell me, ‘Carry them in your bosom, as a nurse carries a nursing infant, to the land which you swore to their fathers?’
Numbers 11:13
Where could I get meat to give all these people? For they weep before me, saying, ‘Give us meat, that we may eat.’
Numbers 11:14
I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.
Numbers 11:15
If you treat me this way, please kill me right now, if I have found favor in your sight; and don’t let me see my wretchedness.”
Numbers 11:10
Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, every man at the door of his tent; and Yahweh’s anger burned greatly; and Moses was displeased.
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