1 John 3:9
Whoever is born of God doesn’t commit sin, because his seed remains in him, and he can’t sin, because he is born of God.
1 John 3:9
Whoever is born of God doesn’t commit sin, because his seed remains in him, and he can’t sin, because he is born of God.
1 John 3:7
Little children, let no one lead you astray. He who does righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
1 John 3:8
He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. To this end the Son of God was revealed: that he might destroy the works of the devil.
1 John 3:9
Whoever is born of God doesn’t commit sin, because his seed remains in him, and he can’t sin, because he is born of God.
1 John 3:10
In this the children of God are revealed, and the children of the devil. Whoever doesn’t do righteousness is not of God, neither is he who doesn’t love his brother.
1 John 5:18
We know that whoever is born of God doesn’t sin, but he who was born of God keeps himself, and the evil one doesn’t touch him.
1 John 2:29
If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him.
1 John 2:14
I have written to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God remains in you, and you have overcome the evil one.
1 John 3:4
Everyone who sins also commits lawlessness. Sin is lawlessness.
1 John 3:5
You know that he was revealed to take away our sins, and no sin is in him.
1 John 2:19
They went out from us, but they didn’t belong to us; for if they had belonged to us, they would have continued with us. But they left, that they might be revealed that none of them belong to us.
Ezekiel 3:20
“Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he will die. Because you have not given him warning, he will die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done will not be remembered; but I will require his blood at your hand.
Zephaniah 3:13
The remnant of Israel will not do iniquity nor speak lies, neither will a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth, for they will feed and lie down, and no one will make them afraid.”
1 John 4:6
We are of God. He who knows God listens to us. He who is not of God doesn’t listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
1 John 3:6
Whoever remains in him doesn’t sin. Whoever sins hasn’t seen him and doesn’t know him.
1 John 5:1
Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God. Whoever loves the Father also loves the child who is born of him.
1 John 5:4
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world: your faith.
1 John 3:11
For this is the message which you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another—
1 John 3:12
unlike Cain, who was of the evil one and killed his brother. Why did he kill him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother’s righteous.
3 John 1:11
Beloved, don’t imitate that which is evil, but that which is good. He who does good is of God. He who does evil hasn’t seen God.
1 John 2:24
Therefore, as for you, let that remain in you which you heard from the beginning. If that which you heard from the beginning remains in you, you also will remain in the Son, and in the Father.
1 John 4:4
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.
1 John 5:19
We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
1 Peter 1:23
having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the word of God, which lives and remains forever.
John 3:3
Jesus answered him, “Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born anew, he can’t see God’s Kingdom.”
John 3:4
Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”
John 3:5
Jesus answered, “Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born of water and Spirit, he can’t enter into God’s Kingdom.
John 3:6
That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:7
Don’t marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’
John 3:8
The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but don’t know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
1 Peter 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new.
Job 17:9
Yet the righteous will hold to his way. He who has clean hands will grow stronger and stronger.
Psalms 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me.
John 4:14
but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”
James 1:21
Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
1 Peter 1:5
who by the power of God are guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
1 Peter 2:2
as newborn babies, long for the pure spiritual milk, that with it you may grow,
John 1:12
But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in his name:
John 1:13
who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
James 1:18
Of his own will he gave birth to us by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.
Titus 3:5
not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,
2 Peter 1:4
by which he has granted to us his precious and exceedingly great promises; that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust.
2 Corinthians 3:3
being revealed that you are a letter of Christ, served by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tablets of stone, but in tablets that are hearts of flesh.
Isaiah 55:11
so is my word that goes out of my mouth: it will not return to me void, but it will accomplish that which I please, and it will prosper in the thing I sent it to do.
Mark 4:27
and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, though he doesn’t know how.
Romans 8:5
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
1 Corinthians 4:15
For though you have ten thousand tutors in Christ, you don’t have many fathers. For in Christ Jesus, I became your father through the Good News.
Galatians 6:15
For in Christ Jesus neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.
1 Peter 1:25
but the Lord’s word endures forever.” This is the word of Good News which was preached to you.
1 John 4:7
Beloved, let’s love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 2:3
This is how we know that we know him: if we keep his commandments.
1 John 2:4
One who says, “I know him,” and doesn’t keep his commandments, is a liar, and the truth isn’t in him.
1 John 2:5
But God’s love has most certainly been perfected in whoever keeps his word. This is how we know that we are in him:
1 John 3:24
He who keeps his commandments remains in him, and he in him. By this we know that he remains in us, by the Spirit which he gave us.
Psalms 18:23
I was also blameless with him. I kept myself from my iniquity.
Acts 24:16
In this I also practice always having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.
1 John 3:17
But whoever has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, then closes his heart of compassion against him, how does God’s love remain in him?
1 John 3:18
My little children, let’s not love in word only, or with the tongue only, but in deed and truth.
1 John 3:19
And by this we know that we are of the truth and persuade our hearts before him,
1 John 3:20
because if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.
1 John 4:13
By this we know that we remain in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and doesn’t stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks on his own; for he is a liar, and the father of lies.
Matthew 13:38
the field is the world, the good seeds are the children of the Kingdom, and the darnel weeds are the children of the evil one.
Matthew 13:39
The enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels.
Revelation 12:9
The great dragon was thrown down, the old serpent, he who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Matthew 4:1
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Matthew 25:41
Then he will say also to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels;
2 Corinthians 11:14
And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
Ephesians 2:2
in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the children of disobedience.
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Hebrews 2:14
Since then the children have shared in flesh and blood, he also himself in the same way partook of the same, that through death he might bring to nothing him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Revelation 20:2
He seized the dragon, the old serpent, who is the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole inhabited earth, and bound him for a thousand years,
Ezekiel 36:25
I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.
Ezekiel 36:26
I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:27
I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes. You will keep my ordinances and do them.
Jeremiah 31:33
“But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” says Yahweh: “I will put my law in their inward parts, and I will write it in their heart. I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
1 John 1:6
If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in the darkness, we lie and don’t tell the truth.
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:8
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us the sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:10
If we say that we haven’t sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
1 John 2:1
My little children, I write these things to you so that you may not sin. If anyone sins, we have a Counselor with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous.
1 John 2:2
And he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the whole world.
1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness. You were healed by his wounds.
Acts 13:10
and said, “You son of the devil, full of all deceit and all cunning, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
John 8:38
I say the things which I have seen with my Father; and you also do the things which you have seen with your father.”
John 8:41
You do the works of your father.” They said to him, “We were not born of sexual immorality. We have one Father, God.”
Romans 6:2
May it never be! We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer?
Psalms 119:3
Yes, they do nothing wrong. They walk in his ways.
Matthew 7:18
A good tree can’t produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit.
Galatians 5:17
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
John 8:34
Jesus answered them, “Most certainly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is the bondservant of sin.
Acts 4:20
for we can’t help telling the things which we saw and heard.”
Romans 6:14
For sin will not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.
Romans 6:16
Don’t you know that when you present yourselves as servants and obey someone, you are the servants of whomever you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?
Romans 6:6
knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be in bondage to sin.
Romans 7:24
What a wretched man I am! Who will deliver me out of the body of this death?
1 John 3:14
We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. He who doesn’t love his brother remains in death.
1 John 3:15
Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him.
1 John 4:8
He who doesn’t love doesn’t know God, for God is love.
John 5:38
You don’t have his word living in you, because you don’t believe him whom he sent.
1 John 4:16
We know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.
1 John 5:3
For this is loving God, that we keep his commandments. His commandments are not grievous.
1 John 5:10
He who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself. He who doesn’t believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning his Son.
Genesis 39:9
No one is greater in this house than I am, and he has not kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”
1 John 3:1
See how great a love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God! For this cause the world doesn’t know us, because it didn’t know him.
1 John 3:2
Beloved, now we are children of God. It is not yet revealed what we will be; but we know that when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him just as he is.
1 John 3:3
Everyone who has this hope set on him purifies himself, even as he is pure.
Romans 6:1
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
Mark 2:19
Jesus said to them, “Can the groomsmen fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they can’t fast.
Romans 7:17
So now it is no more I that do it, but sin which dwells in me.
Romans 7:19
For the good which I desire, I don’t do; but the evil which I don’t desire, that I practice.
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