Mark 5:41
Taking the child by the hand, he said to her, “Talitha cumi!” which means, being interpreted, “Girl, I tell you, get up!”
Mark 5:41
Taking the child by the hand, he said to her, “Talitha cumi!” which means, being interpreted, “Girl, I tell you, get up!”
Mark 5:38
He came to the synagogue ruler’s house, and he saw an uproar, weeping, and great wailing.
Mark 5:39
When he had entered in, he said to them, “Why do you make an uproar and weep? The child is not dead, but is asleep.”
Mark 5:40
They ridiculed him. But he, having put them all out, took the father of the child, her mother, and those who were with him, and went in where the child was lying.
Mark 5:41
Taking the child by the hand, he said to her, “Talitha cumi!” which means, being interpreted, “Girl, I tell you, get up!”
Mark 5:42
Immediately the girl rose up and walked, for she was twelve years old. They were amazed with great amazement.
Mark 5:43
He strictly ordered them that no one should know this, and commanded that something should be given to her to eat.
Matthew 9:24
he said to them, “Make room, because the girl isn’t dead, but sleeping.” They were ridiculing him.
Matthew 9:25
But when the crowd was sent out, he entered in, took her by the hand, and the girl arose.
Matthew 9:26
The report of this went out into all that land.
Acts 9:40
Peter sent them all out, and knelt down and prayed. Turning to the body, he said, “Tabitha, get up!” She opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.
Mark 5:35
While he was still speaking, people came from the synagogue ruler’s house, saying, “Your daughter is dead. Why bother the Teacher any more?”
Mark 1:31
He came and took her by the hand and raised her up. The fever left her immediately, and she served them.
Mark 9:27
But Jesus took him by the hand and raised him up; and he arose.
Mark 8:23
He took hold of the blind man by the hand, and brought him out of the village. When he had spat on his eyes, and laid his hands on him, he asked him if he saw anything.
Acts 9:41
He gave her his hand and raised her up. Calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive.
Acts 3:7
He took him by the right hand and raised him up. Immediately his feet and his ankle bones received strength.
John 5:9
Immediately, the man was made well, and took up his mat and walked. Now that day was a Sabbath.
Mark 7:34
Looking up to heaven, he sighed, and said to him, “Ephphatha!” that is, “Be opened!”
Mark 4:39
He awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Mark 5:15
They came to Jesus, and saw him who had been possessed by demons sitting, clothed, and in his right mind, even him who had the legion; and they were afraid.
Mark 5:31
His disciples said to him, “You see the multitude pressing against you, and you say, ‘Who touched me?’ ”
Luke 8:54
But he put them all outside, and taking her by the hand, he called, saying, “Child, arise!”
Luke 8:55
Her spirit returned, and she rose up immediately. He commanded that something be given to her to eat.
John 11:43
When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”
John 11:44
He who was dead came out, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Free him, and let him go.”
Mark 1:41
Being moved with compassion, he stretched out his hand, and touched him, and said to him, “I want to. Be made clean.”
Luke 7:13
When the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, “Don’t cry.”
Luke 7:14
He came near and touched the coffin, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I tell you, arise!”
Luke 7:15
He who was dead sat up and began to speak. Then he gave him to his mother.
Genesis 1:3
God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
Psalms 33:9
For he spoke, and it was done. He commanded, and it stood firm.
John 5:25
Most certainly I tell you, the hour comes, and now is, when the dead will hear the Son of God’s voice; and those who hear will live.
Mark 15:34
At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is, being interpreted, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Mark 3:17
James the son of Zebedee; and John, the brother of James, (whom he called Boanerges, which means, Sons of Thunder);
Mark 7:11
But you say, ‘If a man tells his father or his mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban,” ’ ” that is to say, given to God,
Mark 14:36
He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”
Mark 15:22
They brought him to the place called Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, “The place of a skull.”
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