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Exodus 29:39
The one lamb you shall offer in the morning; and the other lamb you shall offer at evening;


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Exodus 29:39
The one lamb you shall offer in the morning; and the other lamb you shall offer at evening;


Exodus 29:38
“Now this is that which you shall offer on the altar: two lambs a year old day by day continually.

Exodus 29:39
The one lamb you shall offer in the morning; and the other lamb you shall offer at evening;

Exodus 29:40
and with the one lamb a tenth part of an ephah of fine flour mixed with the fourth part of a hin of beaten oil, and the fourth part of a hin of wine for a drink offering.

Exodus 29:41
The other lamb you shall offer at evening, and shall do to it according to the meal offering of the morning and according to its drink offering, for a pleasant aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

Exodus 29:42
It shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the Tent of Meeting before Yahweh, where I will meet with you, to speak there to you.

Numbers 28:2
“Command the children of Israel, and tell them, ‘See that you present my offering, my food for my offerings made by fire, as a pleasant aroma to me, in their due season.’

Numbers 28:3
You shall tell them, ‘This is the offering made by fire which you shall offer to Yahweh: male lambs a year old without defect, two day by day, for a continual burnt offering.

Numbers 28:4
You shall offer the one lamb in the morning, and you shall offer the other lamb at evening,

Numbers 28:5
with one tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a meal offering, mixed with the fourth part of a hin of beaten oil.

Numbers 28:6
It is a continual burnt offering which was ordained in Mount Sinai for a pleasant aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

Leviticus 6:9
“Command Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the law of the burnt offering: the burnt offering shall be on the hearth on the altar all night until the morning; and the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it.

Leviticus 2:1
“ ‘When anyone offers an offering of a meal offering to Yahweh, his offering shall be of fine flour. He shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense on it.

Numbers 4:16
“The duty of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light, the sweet incense, the continual meal offering, and the anointing oil, the requirements of all the tabernacle, and of all that is in it, the sanctuary, and its furnishings.”

Leviticus 9:17
He presented the meal offering, and filled his hand from there, and burned it upon the altar, in addition to the burnt offering of the morning.

Numbers 15:4
then he who offers his offering shall offer to Yahweh a meal offering of one tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with one fourth of a hin of oil.

Numbers 15:5
You shall prepare wine for the drink offering, one fourth of a hin, with the burnt offering or for the sacrifice, for each lamb.


Daniel 9:21
yes, while I was speaking in prayer—the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening offering.

2 Kings 3:20
In the morning, about the time of offering the sacrifice, behold, water came by the way of Edom, and the country was filled with water.

2 Kings 16:15
King Ahaz commanded Urijah the priest, saying, “On the great altar burn the morning burnt offering, the evening meal offering, the king’s burnt offering and his meal offering, with the burnt offering of all the people of the land, their meal offering, and their drink offerings; and sprinkle on it all the blood of the burnt offering, and all the blood of the sacrifice; but the bronze altar will be for me to inquire by.”

Ezekiel 46:13
“ ‘ “You shall prepare a lamb a year old without defect for a burnt offering to Yahweh daily. Morning by morning you shall prepare it.

Ezekiel 46:14
You shall prepare a meal offering with it morning by morning, the sixth part of an ephah, and the third part of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour; a meal offering to Yahweh continually by a perpetual ordinance.

Ezekiel 46:15
Thus they shall prepare the lamb, the meal offering, and the oil, morning by morning, for a continual burnt offering.”

Exodus 12:6
You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at evening.

1 Kings 18:29
When midday was past, they prophesied until the time of the evening offering; but there was no voice, no answer, and nobody paid attention.

2 Chronicles 13:11
They burn to Yahweh every morning and every evening burnt offerings and sweet incense. They also set the show bread in order on the pure table, and care for the gold lamp stand with its lamps, to burn every evening; for we keep the instruction of Yahweh our God, but you have forsaken him.

Exodus 30:8
When Aaron lights the lamps at evening, he shall burn it, a perpetual incense before Yahweh throughout your generations.


Numbers 28:7
Its drink offering shall be the fourth part of a hin for each lamb. You shall pour out a drink offering of strong drink to Yahweh in the holy place.

Numbers 28:8
The other lamb you shall offer at evening. As the meal offering of the morning, and as its drink offering, you shall offer it, an offering made by fire, for a pleasant aroma to Yahweh.

Numbers 28:9
“ ‘On the Sabbath day, you shall offer two male lambs a year old without defect, and two tenths of an ephah of fine flour for a meal offering mixed with oil, and its drink offering:

Numbers 28:10
this is the burnt offering of every Sabbath, in addition to the continual burnt offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 28:11
“ ‘In the beginnings of your months, you shall offer a burnt offering to Yahweh: two young bulls, one ram, seven male lambs a year old without defect,

Ezra 3:3
In spite of their fear because of the peoples of the surrounding lands, they set the altar on its base; and they offered burnt offerings on it to Yahweh, even burnt offerings morning and evening.

2 Chronicles 2:4
Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of Yahweh my God, to dedicate it to him, to burn before him incense of sweet spices, for the continual show bread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the Sabbaths, on the new moons, and on the set feasts of Yahweh our God. This is an ordinance forever to Israel.

Hebrews 7:27
who doesn’t need, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices daily, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. For he did this once for all, when he offered up himself.

Hebrews 10:11
Every priest indeed stands day by day serving and offering often the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins,

Numbers 29:6
in addition to the burnt offering of the new moon with its meal offering, and the continual burnt offering with its meal offering, and their drink offerings, according to their ordinance, for a pleasant aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

2 Chronicles 31:3
He also appointed the king’s portion of his possessions for the burnt offerings: for the morning and evening burnt offerings, and the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths, for the new moons, and for the set feasts, as it is written in Yahweh’s law.

Ezra 3:5
and afterward the continual burnt offering, the offerings of the new moons, of all the set feasts of Yahweh that were consecrated, and of everyone who willingly offered a free will offering to Yahweh.


Psalms 141:2
Let my prayer be set before you like incense; the lifting up of my hands like the evening sacrifice.

1 Kings 18:36
At the time of the evening offering, Elijah the prophet came near and said, “Yahweh, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at your word.

Ezra 9:4
Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel were assembled to me because of the trespass of the exiles; and I sat confounded until the evening offering.

Acts 3:1
Peter and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.

Luke 1:10
The whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense.

Psalms 55:17
Evening, morning, and at noon, I will cry out in distress. He will hear my voice.

Acts 10:30
Cornelius said, “Four days ago, I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour, I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing


John 1:29
The next day, he saw Jesus coming to him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

1 Peter 1:19
but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish or spot, the blood of Christ,

1 Peter 1:20
who was foreknown indeed before the foundation of the world, but was revealed in this last age for your sake,

Revelation 13:8
All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed.


Daniel 8:11
Yes, it magnified itself, even to the prince of the army; and it took away from him the continual burnt offering, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.

Daniel 8:12
The army was given over to it together with the continual burnt offering through disobedience. It cast down truth to the ground, and it did its pleasure and prospered.

Daniel 8:13
Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who spoke, “How long will the vision about the continual burnt offering, and the disobedience that makes desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the army to be trodden under foot be?”

Daniel 12:11
“From the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there will be one thousand two hundred ninety days.

Daniel 11:31
“Forces from him will profane the sanctuary, even the fortress, and will take away the continual burnt offering. Then they will set up the abomination that makes desolate.

Daniel 9:27
He will make a firm covenant with many for one week. In the middle of the week he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. On the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate; and even to the decreed full end, wrath will be poured out on the desolate.”


Exodus 23:14
“You shall observe a feast to me three times a year.

Exodus 23:15
You shall observe the feast of unleavened bread. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the time appointed in the month Abib (for in it you came out of Egypt), and no one shall appear before me empty.

Exodus 23:16
And the feast of harvest, the first fruits of your labors, which you sow in the field; and the feast of ingathering, at the end of the year, when you gather in your labors out of the field.

Exodus 23:17
Three times in the year all your males shall appear before the Lord Yahweh.


Leviticus 1:3
“ ‘If his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he shall offer a male without defect. He shall offer it at the door of the Tent of Meeting, that he may be accepted before Yahweh.

Leviticus 1:7
The sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire on the altar, and lay wood in order on the fire;

Leviticus 1:8
and Aaron’s sons, the priests, shall lay the pieces, the head, and the fat in order on the wood that is on the fire which is on the altar;

Leviticus 1:9
but he shall wash its innards and its legs with water. The priest shall burn all of it on the altar, for a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to Yahweh.

Leviticus 1:10
“ ‘If his offering is from the flock, from the sheep or from the goats, for a burnt offering, he shall offer a male without defect.

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