Jeremiah 14:2
“Judah mourns, and its gates languish. They sit in black on the ground. The cry of Jerusalem goes up.



Jeremiah 14:2
“Judah mourns, and its gates languish. They sit in black on the ground. The cry of Jerusalem goes up.


Jeremiah 14:3
Their nobles send their little ones to the waters. They come to the cisterns, and find no water. They return with their vessels empty. They are disappointed and confounded, and cover their heads.

Jeremiah 14:4
Because of the ground which is cracked, because no rain has been in the land, the plowmen are disappointed. They cover their heads.

Deuteronomy 28:23
Your sky that is over your head will be bronze, and the earth that is under you will be iron.

Deuteronomy 28:24
Yahweh will make the rain of your land powder and dust. It will come down on you from the sky, until you are destroyed.

1 Kings 17:1
Elijah the Tishbite, who was one of the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As Yahweh, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.”

Leviticus 26:19
I will break the pride of your power, and I will make your sky like iron, and your soil like bronze.

1 Kings 8:35
“When the sky is shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against you, if they pray toward this place and confess your name, and turn from their sin when you afflict them,


Jeremiah 12:4
How long will the land mourn, and the herbs of the whole country wither? Because of the wickedness of those who dwell therein, the animals and birds are consumed; because they said, “He won’t see our latter end.”

Jeremiah 23:10
“For the land is full of adulterers; for because of the curse the land mourns. The pastures of the wilderness have dried up. Their course is evil, and their might is not right;

Isaiah 24:4
The earth mourns and fades away. The world languishes and fades away. The lofty people of the earth languish.

Joel 1:10
The field is laid waste. The land mourns, for the grain is destroyed, The new wine has dried up, and the oil languishes.


Jeremiah 8:21
For the hurt of the daughter of my people, I am hurt. I mourn. Dismay has taken hold of me.

Psalms 35:14
I behaved myself as though it had been my friend or my brother. I bowed down mourning, as one who mourns his mother.


Isaiah 3:26
Her gates shall lament and mourn. She shall be desolate and sit on the ground.

Lamentations 1:4
The roads to Zion mourn, because no one comes to the solemn assembly. All her gates are desolate. Her priests sigh. Her virgins are afflicted, and she herself is in bitterness.

Jeremiah 4:28
For this the earth will mourn, and the heavens above be black, because I have spoken it. I have planned it, and I have not repented, neither will I turn back from it.”


Joel 1:17
The seeds rot under their clods. The granaries are laid desolate. The barns are broken down, for the grain has withered.

Joel 1:18
How the animals groan! The herds of livestock are perplexed, because they have no pasture. Yes, the flocks of sheep are made desolate.

Joel 1:19
Yahweh, I cry to you, for the fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame has burned all the trees of the field.

Joel 1:20
Yes, the animals of the field pant to you, for the water brooks have dried up, and the fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness.


1 Samuel 5:12
The men who didn’t die were struck with the tumors; and the cry of the city went up to heaven.

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