Psalms 89:40
You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.



Psalms 89:40
You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.


Psalms 89:41
All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbors.

Psalms 80:12
Why have you broken down its walls, so that all those who pass by the way pluck it?

Isaiah 5:5
Now I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard. I will take away its hedge, and it will be eaten up. I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled down.

Isaiah 5:6
I will lay it a wasteland. It won’t be pruned or hoed, but it will grow briers and thorns. I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain on it.”

1 Kings 14:26
and he took away the treasures of Yahweh’s house and the treasures of the king’s house. He even took away all of it, including all the gold shields which Solomon had made.

Job 1:10
Haven’t you made a hedge around him, and around his house, and around all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.


Lamentations 2:2
The Lord has swallowed up all the dwellings of Jacob without pity. He has thrown down in his wrath the strongholds of the daughter of Judah. He has brought them down to the ground. He has profaned the kingdom and its princes.

Lamentations 2:6
He has violently taken away his tabernacle, as if it were a garden. He has destroyed his place of assembly. Yahweh has caused solemn assembly and Sabbath to be forgotten in Zion. In the indignation of his anger, he has despised the king and the priest.

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