1 Chronicles 10:3
The battle went hard against Saul, and the archers overtook him; and he was distressed by reason of the archers.



1 Chronicles 10:3
The battle went hard against Saul, and the archers overtook him; and he was distressed by reason of the archers.


1 Chronicles 10:4
Then Saul said to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword, and thrust me through with it, lest these uncircumcised come and abuse me.” But his armor bearer would not, for he was terrified. Therefore Saul took his sword and fell on it.


1 Samuel 31:3
The battle went hard against Saul, and the archers overtook him; and he was greatly distressed by reason of the archers.


Judges 10:3
After him Jair, the Gileadite, arose. He judged Israel twenty-two years.


1 Samuel 31:1
Now the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain on Mount Gilboa.


1 Samuel 31:4
Then Saul said to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword, and thrust me through with it, lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through and abuse me!” But his armor bearer would not, for he was terrified. Therefore Saul took his sword and fell on it.


1 Samuel 31:5
When his armor bearer saw that Saul was dead, he likewise fell on his sword, and died with him.


1 Samuel 31:6
So Saul died with his three sons, his armor bearer, and all his men that same day together.


2 Samuel 1:4
David said to him, “How did it go? Please tell me.” He answered, “The people have fled from the battle, and many of the people also have fallen and are dead. Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also.”


2 Chronicles 35:23
The archers shot at king Josiah; and the king said to his servants, “Take me away, because I am seriously wounded!”

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