2 Kings 8:22
So Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time.



2 Kings 8:22
So Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time.


2 Kings 8:20
In his days Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah, and made a king over themselves.

2 Chronicles 21:10
So Edom has been in revolt from under the hand of Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time from under his hand, because he had forsaken Yahweh, the God of his fathers.

Genesis 27:40
You will live by your sword, and you will serve your brother. It will happen, when you will break loose, that you will shake his yoke from off your neck.”

2 Chronicles 21:8
In his days Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah, and made a king over themselves.


Joshua 21:13
To the children of Aaron the priest they gave Hebron with its pasture lands, the city of refuge for the man slayer, Libnah with its pasture lands,

Joshua 10:29
Joshua passed from Makkedah, and all Israel with him, to Libnah, and fought against Libnah.

Joshua 15:42
Libnah, Ether, Ashan,

2 Kings 19:8
So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah; for he had heard that he had departed from Lachish.

Joshua 12:15
the king of Libnah, one; the king of Adullam, one;


2 Kings 14:7
He killed ten thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt, and took Sela by war, and called its name Joktheel, to this day.

2 Kings 14:22
He built Elath and restored it to Judah. After that the king slept with his fathers.

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