Genesis 18:27
And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:
Genesis 18:27
And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:
Job 2:8
And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes.
Job 10:9
Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay; and wilt thou bring me into dust again?
Job 34:15
All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust.
Job 42:5
I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
Luke 5:8
When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.
Psalms 106:23
Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them.
Jeremiah 5:1
Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth; and I will pardon it.
Ezekiel 22:30
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
Luke 18:1
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
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