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Genesis 27:14
And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved.


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Genesis 27:14
And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved.


Genesis 27:4
And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.

Genesis 27:9
Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth:

Genesis 27:17
And she gave the savoury meat and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob.


Judges 6:19
And Gideon went in, and made ready a kid, and unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour: the flesh he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a pot, and brought it out unto him under the oak, and presented it.

Judges 13:15
And Manoah said unto the angel of the LORD, I pray thee, let us detain thee, until we shall have made ready a kid for thee.

1 Samuel 16:20
And Jesse took an ass laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them by David his son unto Saul.

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