1 Peter 2:19
For it is a sign of grace if a man, desiring to do right in the eyes of God, undergoes pain as punishment for something which he has not done.
1 Peter 2:19
For it is a sign of grace if a man, desiring to do right in the eyes of God, undergoes pain as punishment for something which he has not done.
Genesis 6:8
But Noah had grace in the eyes of God.
Genesis 18:3
And said, My Lord, if now I have grace in your eyes, do not go away from your servant:
Genesis 30:27
And Laban said, If you will let me say so, do not go away; for I have seen by the signs that the Lord has been good to me because of you.
Luke 1:30
And the angel said to her, Have no fear, Mary, for you have God's approval.
Luke 2:52
And Jesus was increasing in wisdom and in years, and in grace before God and men.
Luke 4:22
And they were all giving witness, with wonder, to the words of grace which came from his mouth: and they said, Is not this the son of Joseph?
Acts 2:47
Giving praise to God, and having the approval of all the people; and every day the number of those who had salvation was increased by the Lord.
Genesis 19:17
And when they had put them out, he said, Go for your life, without looking back or waiting in the lowland; go quickly to the mountain or you will come to destruction.
Isaiah 53:4
But it was our pain he took, and our diseases were put on him: while to us he seemed as one diseased, on whom God's punishment had come.
Isaiah 53:8
They took away from him help and right, and who gave a thought to his fate? for he was cut off from the land of the living: he came to his death for the sin of my people.
Philippians 1:12
Now it is my purpose to make clear to you, brothers, that the cause of the good news has been helped by my experiences;
Colossians 1:13
Who has made us free from the power of evil and given us a place in the kingdom of the Son of his love;
2 Timothy 2:9
In which I put up with the hardest conditions, even prison chains, like one who has done a crime; but the word of God is not in chains.
1 Peter 3:18
Because Christ once went through pain for sins, the upright one taking the place of sinners, so that through him we might come back to God; being put to death in the flesh, but given life in the Spirit;
Genesis 40:15
For truly I was taken by force from the land of the Hebrews; and I have done nothing for which I might be put in prison.
Genesis 41:14
Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and they took him quickly out of prison; and when his hair had been cut and his dress changed, he came before Pharaoh.
Psalms 105:19
Till the time when his word came true; he was tested by the word of the Lord.
Daniel 3:21
Then these men had cords put round them as they were, in their coats, their trousers, their hats, and their clothing, and were dropped into the burning and flaming fire.
Daniel 3:22
And because the king's order was not to be put on one side, and the heat of the fire was so great, the men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego were burned to death by the flame of the fire.
Exodus 9:16
But, for this very reason, I have kept you from destruction, to make clear to you my power, and so that my name may be honoured through all the earth.
Exodus 14:17
And I will make the heart of the Egyptians hard, and they will go in after them: and I will be honoured over Pharaoh and over his army, his war-carriages, and his horsemen.
Psalms 83:17
Let them be overcome and troubled for ever; let them be put to shame and come to destruction;
Psalms 83:18
So that men may see that you only, whose name is Yahweh, are Most High over all the earth.
Proverbs 16:4
The Lord has made everything for his purpose, even the sinner for the day of evil.
Romans 9:17
For the holy Writings say to Pharaoh, For this same purpose did I put you on high, so that I might make my power seen in you, and that there might be knowledge of my name through all the earth.
Romans 9:22
What if God, desiring to let his wrath and his power be seen, for a long time put up with the vessels of wrath which were ready for destruction:
1 Peter 2:8
And, A stone of falling, a rock of trouble; the word is the cause of their fall, because they go against it, and this was the purpose of God.
Jude 1:4
For certain men have come among you secretly, marked out before in the holy Writings for this evil fate, men without the fear of God, turning his grace into an unclean thing, and false to our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
1 Samuel 22:7
Then Saul said to his servants who were there about him, Give ear now, you Benjamites; will the son of Jesse give to every one of you fields and vine-gardens, will he make you all captains of hundreds and captains of thousands;
1 Samuel 22:8
That all of you have made designs against me, and not one of you gave me word when my son made an agreement with the son of Jesse, and not one of you has pity for me or has made my eyes open to the fact that my servant has been moved by my son against me, as at this day?
1 Samuel 22:9
Then Doeg, the Edomite, who was by the side of the servants of Saul, in answer said, I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, to Ahimelech, the son of Ahitub.
Ezra 4:12
We give news to the king that the Jews who came from you have come to us at Jerusalem; they are building up again that uncontrolled and evil town; the walls are complete and they are joining up the bases.
Ezra 4:13
The king may be certain that when the building of this town and its walls is complete, they will give no tax or payment in goods or forced payments, and in the end it will be a cause of loss to the kings.
Ezra 4:14
Now because we are responsible to the king, and it is not right for us to see the king's honour damaged, we have sent to give the king word of these things,
Ezra 4:15
So that search may be made in the book of the records of your fathers: and you will see in the book of the records that this town has been uncontrolled, and a cause of trouble to kings and countries, and that there were outbursts against authority there in the past: for which reason the town was made waste.
Ezra 4:16
We give you word, that if the building of this town and its walls is made complete, there will be an end of your power in the country across the river.
Ezra 4:17
Then the king sent an answer to Rehum, the chief ruler, and Shimshai the scribe, and their friends living in Samaria, and to the rest of those across the river, saying, Peace to you:
Ezra 4:18
And now the sense of the letter which you sent to us has been made clear to me,
Ezra 4:19
And I gave orders for a search to be made, and it is certain that in the past this town has made trouble for kings, and that outbursts against authority have taken place there.
Nehemiah 6:5
Then Sanballat sent his servant to me a fifth time with an open letter in his hand;
Nehemiah 6:6
And in it these words were recorded: It is said among the nations, and Geshem says so, that you and the Jews are hoping to make yourselves free from the king's authority; and that this is why you are building the wall: and they say that it is your purpose to be their king;
Nehemiah 6:7
And that you have prophets preaching about you in Jerusalem, and saying, There is a king in Judah: now an account of these things will be sent to the king. So come now, and let us have a discussion.
Nehemiah 6:8
Then I sent to him, saying, No such things as you say are being done, they are only a fiction you have made up yourself.
1 Chronicles 4:14
And Meonothai was the father of Ophrah; and Seraiah was the father of Joab, the father of Ge-harashim; they were expert workmen.
Esther 3:8
And Haman said to King Ahasuerus, There is a certain nation living here and there in small groups among the people in all the divisions of your kingdom; their laws are different from those of any other nation, and they do not keep the king's laws: for this reason it is not right for the king to let them be.
Luke 23:2
And they made statements against him, saying, This man has to our knowledge been teaching our nation to do wrong, and not to make payment of taxes to Caesar, even saying that he himself is Christ, a king.
Luke 23:5
But they became more violent than before, saying, He has made trouble among the people, teaching through all Judaea from Galilee to this place.
Luke 23:19
Now this man was in prison because of an attack against the government in the town, in which there had been loss of life.
Luke 23:25
And in answer to their request, he let that man go free who had been in prison for acting against the government and causing death, and Jesus he gave up to their pleasure.
Acts 24:5
For this man, in our opinion, is a cause of trouble, a maker of attacks on the government among Jews through all the empire, and a chief mover in the society of the Nazarenes:
Job 32:3
And he was angry with his three friends, because they had been unable to give him an answer, and had not made Job's sin clear.
Job 42:7
And it came about, after he had said these words to Job, that the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, I am very angry with you and your two friends, because you have not said what is right about me, as my servant Job has.
Psalms 16:3
As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the noble in whom is all my delight.
Proverbs 12:13
In the sin of the lips is a net which takes the sinner, but the upright man will come out of trouble.
Proverbs 12:26
The upright man is a guide to his neighbour, but the way of evil-doers is a cause of error to them.
Proverbs 17:27
He who has knowledge says little: and he who has a calm spirit is a man of good sense.
Psalms 35:19
Do not let my haters be glad over me falsely; let not those who are against me without cause make sport of me.
Psalms 38:19
But they are strong who have hate for me without cause: those who are against me falsely are increased in numbers.
Psalms 59:4
For no sin of mine they go quickly and get themselves ready; be awake and come to my help, and see.
Psalms 69:4
Those who have hate for me without cause are greater in number than the hairs of my head; those who are against me, falsely desiring my destruction, are very strong; I gave back what I had not taken away.
Proverbs 19:19
A man of great wrath will have to take his punishment: for if you get him out of trouble you will have to do it again.
Ecclesiastes 10:20
Say not a curse against the king, even in your thoughts; and even secretly say not a curse against the man of wealth; because a bird of the air will take the voice, and that which has wings will give news of it.
Matthew 5:10
Happy are those who are attacked on account of righteousness: for the kingdom of heaven will be theirs.
Matthew 5:11
Happy are you when men give you a bad name, and are cruel to you, and say all evil things against you falsely, because of me.
Matthew 5:12
Be glad and full of joy; for great is your reward in heaven: for so were the prophets attacked who were before you.
Luke 6:22
Happy are you, when men have hate for you, and put you away from among them and say angry words to you, turning away in disgust at your name, because of the Son of man.
John 15:21
They will do all this to you because of my name--because they have no knowledge of him who sent me.
Acts 5:41
So they went away from the Sanhedrin, happy to undergo shame for the Name.
Romans 8:17
And if we are children, we have a right to a part in the heritage; a part in the things of God, together with Christ; so that if we have a part in his pain, we will in the same way have a part in his glory.
Philippians 1:29
Because to you it has been given in the cause of Christ not only to have faith in him, but to undergo pain on his account:
1 Peter 1:7
So that the true metal of your faith, being of much greater value than gold (which, though it comes to an end, is tested by fire), may come to light in praise and glory and honour, at the revelation of Jesus Christ:
1 Peter 4:12
Dear brothers, do not be surprised, as if it was something strange, if your faith is tested as by fire:
1 Peter 4:13
But be glad that you are given a part in the pains of Christ; so that at the revelation of his glory you may have great joy.
Proverbs 25:21
If your hater is in need of food, give him bread; and if he is in need of drink, give him water:
Matthew 5:38
You have knowledge that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
Matthew 5:42
Give to him who comes with a request, and keep not your property from him who would for a time make use of it.
Matthew 5:45
So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner.
Luke 6:29
If a man gives you a blow on one side of your face, then let the other side be turned to him; from him who takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe.
Luke 6:35
But be loving to those who are against you and do them good, and give them your money, not giving up hope, and your reward will be great and you will be the sons of the Most High: for he is kind to evil men, and to those who have hard hearts.
Luke 6:36
Be full of pity, even as your Father is full of pity.
Romans 12:20
But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
Romans 12:21
Do not let evil overcome you, but overcome evil by good.
1 Thessalonians 5:15
Let no one give evil for evil; but ever go after what is good, for one another and for all.
Luke 5:31
And Jesus, answering, said to them, Those who are well have no need of a medical man, but those who are ill.
Acts 10:7
And when the angel who said these words to him had gone away, he sent for two of his house-servants, and a God-fearing man of the army, one of those who were waiting on him at all times;
Acts 10:8
And having given them an account of everything, he sent them to Joppa.
John 8:9
And when his words came to their ears, they went out one by one, starting with the oldest even to the last, because they were conscious of what was in their hearts: and Jesus was there by himself with the woman before him.
1 Corinthians 4:4
For I am not conscious of any wrong in myself; but this does not make me clear, for it is the Lord who is my judge.
Titus 1:15
To the clean in heart all things are clean: but to those who are unclean and without faith nothing is clean; they become unclean in mind and in thought.
Hebrews 10:1
For the law, being only a poor copy of the future good things, and not the true image of those things, is never able to make the people who come to the altar every year with the same offerings completely clean.
Hebrews 10:22
Let us go in with true hearts, in certain faith, having our hearts made free from the sense of sin and our bodies washed with clean water:
1 Corinthians 10:25
Whatever meat may be had at the public market, take as food without question of right or wrong;
1 Corinthians 10:29
Right and wrong, I say, not for you, but for the other man; for the fact that I am free is not dependent on another man's sense of right or wrong.
Psalms 101:2
I will do wisely in the way of righteousness: O when will you come to me? I will be walking in my house with a true heart.
Ecclesiastes 10:4
If the wrath of the ruler is against you, keep in your place; in him who keeps quiet even great sins may be overlooked.
Acts 11:23
Who, when he came and saw the grace of God, was glad; and he made clear to them the need of keeping near the Lord with all the strength of their hearts:
1 Corinthians 15:10
But by the grace of God, I am what I am: and his grace which was given to me has not been for nothing; for I did more work than all of them; though not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
1 Peter 2:12
Being of good behaviour among the Gentiles; so that though they say now that you are evil-doers, they may see your good works and give glory to God when he comes to be their judge.
1 Peter 2:15
Because it is God's pleasure that foolish and narrow-minded men may be put to shame by your good behaviour:
1 Peter 3:1
Wives, be ruled by your husbands; so that even if some of them give no attention to the word, their hearts may be changed by the behaviour of their wives,
1 Peter 3:4
But let them be those of the unseen man of the heart, the ever-shining ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the eyes of God.
1 Peter 3:15
But give honour to Christ in your hearts as your Lord; and be ready at any time when you are questioned about the hope which is in you, to give an answer in the fear of the Lord and without pride;
1 Peter 5:5
And in the same way, let the younger men be ruled by the older ones. Let all of you put away pride and make yourselves ready to be servants: for God is a hater of pride, but he gives grace to those who make themselves low.
1 Peter 5:6
For this cause make yourselves low under the strong hand of God, so that when the time comes you may be lifted up;
2 Peter 1:4
And through this he has given us the hope of great rewards highly to be valued; so that by them we might have our part in God's being, and be made free from the destruction which is in the world through the desires of the flesh.
Matthew 6:24
No man is able to be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other, or he will keep to one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth.
Luke 6:46
Why do you say to me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
Luke 7:8
For I, myself, am a man under authority, having men under me; and I say to this one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my servant, Do this, and he does it.
1 Corinthians 7:21
If you were a servant when you became a Christian, let it not be a grief to you; but if you have a chance to become free, make use of it.
1 Corinthians 12:13
For through the baptism of the one Spirit we were all formed into one body, Jews or Greeks, servants or free men, and were all made full of the same Spirit.
Galatians 3:28
There is no Jew or Greek, servant or free, male or female: because you are all one in Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:8
In the knowledge that for every good thing anyone does, he will have his reward from the Lord, If he is a servant or if he is free.
Colossians 3:11
Where there is no Greek or Jew, no one with circumcision or without circumcision, no division between nations, no servant or free man: but Christ is all and in all.
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, do it readily, as to the Lord and not to men;
Colossians 3:24
Being certain that the Lord will give you the reward of the heritage: for you are the servants of the Lord Christ.
Colossians 4:1
Masters, give your servants what is right and equal, conscious that you have a Master in heaven.
Philemon 1:16
No longer as a servant, but more than a servant, a brother, very dear to me specially, but much more to you, in the flesh as well as in the Lord.
Colossians 3:25
For the wrongdoer will have punishment for the wrong he has done, without respect for any man's position.
Matthew 5:5
Happy are the gentle: for the earth will be their heritage.
Matthew 6:16
And when you go without food, be not sad-faced as the false-hearted are. For they go about with changed looks, so that men may see that they are going without food. Truly I say to you, They have their reward.
Luke 17:10
In the same way, when you have done all the things which are given you to do, say, There is no profit in us, for we have only done what we were ordered to do.
2 Corinthians 8:1
And now we give you news, brothers, about the grace of God which has been given to the churches of Macedonia;
Ephesians 5:21
Letting yourselves be ruled by one another in the fear of Christ.
Colossians 3:18
Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as is right in the Lord.
Colossians 3:20
Children, do the orders of your fathers and mothers in all things, for this is pleasing to the Lord.
Colossians 4:6
Let your talk be with grace, mixed with salt, so that you may be able to give an answer to everyone.
1 Peter 1:15
But be holy in every detail of your lives, as he, whose servants you are, is holy;
1 Peter 3:6
As Sarah was ruled by Abraham, naming him lord; whose children you are if you do well, and are not put in fear by any danger.
Luke 23:12
And that day Herod and Pilate became friends with one another, for before they had been against one another.
1 Corinthians 10:13
You have been put to no test but such as is common to man: and God is true, who will not let any test come on you which you are not able to undergo; but he will make with the test a way out of it, so that you may be able to go through it.
2 Timothy 1:12
And for which I undergo these things: but I have no feeling of shame. For I have knowledge of him in whom I have faith, and I am certain that he is able to keep that which I have given into his care till that day.
John 21:17
He said to him a third time, Simon, son of John, am I dear to you? Now Peter was troubled in his heart because he put the question a third time, Am I dear to you? And he said to him, Lord, you have knowledge of all things; you see that you are dear to me. Jesus said to him, Then give my sheep food.
1 Thessalonians 2:10
You are witnesses, with God, how holy and upright and free from all evil was our way of life among you who have faith;
Titus 2:11
For the grace of God has come, giving salvation to all men,
Titus 2:12
Training us so that, turning away from evil and the desires of this world, we may be living wisely and uprightly in the knowledge of God in this present life;
Titus 2:13
Looking for the glad hope, the revelation of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ;
1 Peter 5:12
I have sent you this short letter by Silvanus, a true brother, in my opinion; comforting you and witnessing that this is the true grace of God; keep to it.
1 Peter 2:1
So putting away all wrongdoing, and all tricks and deceits and envies and evil talk,
1 Peter 3:10
For it is said, Let the man who has a love of life, desiring to see good days, keep his tongue from evil and his lips from words of deceit:
1 Peter 3:11
And let him be turned from evil and do good; searching for peace and going after it with all his heart.
1 Peter 3:12
For the eyes of the Lord are on the upright, and his ears are open to their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
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