1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Acts 4:15
But when they had given them orders to go out of the Sanhedrin, they had a discussion among themselves,


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Acts 4:15
But when they had given them orders to go out of the Sanhedrin, they had a discussion among themselves,


Exodus 20:4
You are not to make an image or picture of anything in heaven or on the earth or in the waters under the earth:

Exodus 20:5
You may not go down on your faces before them or give them worship: for I, the Lord your God, am a God who will not give his honour to another; and I will send punishment on the children for the wrongdoing of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation of my haters;


Matthew 5:22
But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be in danger of being judged; and he who says to his brother, Raca, will be in danger from the Sanhedrin; and whoever says, You foolish one, will be in danger of the hell of fire.

Matthew 12:14
But the Pharisees went out and made designs against him, how they might put him to death.

Matthew 12:15
And Jesus, having knowledge of this, went away from there, and a great number went after him; and he made them all well,

Matthew 21:45
And when his stories came to the ears of the chief priests and the Pharisees, they saw that he was talking of them.

Luke 6:11
But they were full of wrath, and were talking together about what they might do to Jesus.

John 7:1
After this, Jesus went from place to place in Galilee. He did not go about in Judaea, because the Jews were looking for a chance to put him to death.

John 11:47
Then the high priests and the Pharisees had a meeting and said, What are we doing? This man is doing a number of signs.

Acts 4:5
And on the day after, the rulers and those in authority and the scribes came together in Jerusalem;

Acts 5:21
And hearing this, they went into the Temple at dawn, and were teaching. But the high priest and those who were with him got together the Sanhedrin and the representatives of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to get them.

Acts 5:33
But when these words came to their ears, they were cut to the heart, and had a mind to put them to death.


Matthew 14:36
With the request that they might only put their hands on the edge of his robe: and all those who did so were made well.

Matthew 26:75
And the word of Jesus came back to Peter, when he said, Before the hour of the cock's cry, you will say three times that you have no knowledge of me. And he went out, weeping bitterly.

John 6:37
Whatever the Father gives to me will come to me; and I will not send away anyone who comes to me.

John 7:23
If a child is given circumcision on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken, why are you angry with me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath?

John 18:15
And Simon Peter went after Jesus with another disciple. Now that disciple was a friend of the high priest and he went in with Jesus into the house of the high priest;

Acts 3:16
And his name, through faith in his name, has made this man strong, whom you see and have knowledge of: yes, the faith which is through him has made him well, before you all.

Acts 4:9
If we are questioned today about a good work done to a man who was ill, as to how he has been made well,

Acts 4:10
Take note, all of you, and all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you put to death on the cross, whom God gave back from the dead, even through him is this man now before you completely well.

Acts 4:12
And in no other is there salvation: for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, through which we may have salvation.

Acts 6:7
And the word of God was increasing in power; and the number of the disciples in Jerusalem became very great, and a great number of priests were in agreement with the faith.

1 Timothy 4:13
Till I come, give attention to the reading of the holy Writings, to comforting the saints, and to teaching.


Luke 2:19
But Mary kept all these words in her heart, and gave much thought to them.

Luke 14:31
Or what king, going to war with another king, will not first take thought if he will be strong enough, with ten thousand men, to keep off him who comes against him with twenty thousand?


John 9:3
Jesus said in answer, It was not because of his sin, or because of his father's or mother's; it was so that the works of God might be seen openly in him.

John 9:18
Now the Jews had no belief in the statement that he had been blind and was now able to see, till they sent for the father and mother of the man whose eyes had been made open,

John 9:19
And put the question to them, saying, Is this your son, of whom you say that he was blind at birth? how is it then that he is now able to see?

John 9:20
In answer his father and mother said, We are certain that this is our son and that he was blind at birth:

John 9:21
But how it is he is now able to see, or who made his eyes open, we are not able to say: put the question to him; he is old enough to give an answer for himself.

Acts 3:2
And a certain man who from birth had had no power in his legs, was taken there every day, and put down at the door of the Temple which is named Beautiful, requesting money from those who went into the Temple;

Acts 3:10
And they saw that it was the man who made requests for money at the door of the Temple, and they were full of wonder and surprise at what had taken place.

Acts 4:21
And when they had said more sharp words to them, they let them go, not seeing what punishment they might give them, because of the people; for all men were giving praise to God for what had taken place.

Acts 4:22
For the man on whom this act of power was done was more than forty years old.


Acts 7:1
Then the high priest said, Are these things true?


Acts 2:4
And they were all full of the Holy Spirit, and were talking in different languages, as the Spirit gave them power.

Acts 10:28
And he said to them, You yourselves have knowledge that it is against the law for a man who is a Jew to be in the company of one who is of another nation; but God has made it clear to me that no man may be named common or unclean:

Acts 10:29
And so I came without question, when I was sent for. What then is your purpose in sending for me?

Acts 11:1
Now the Apostles and the brothers who were in Judaea had news that the word of God had been given to the Gentiles.

Acts 11:2
And when Peter came to Jerusalem, those who kept the rule of circumcision had an argument with him,

Acts 11:3
Saying, You went to men without circumcision, and took food with them.

Acts 11:15
And, while I was talking to them, the Holy Spirit came on them, as on us at first.

Acts 11:16
And the words of the Lord came into my mind, how he said, The baptism of John was with water, but you will have baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 11:17
If then God gave them, when they had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the same as he gave to us, who was I to go against God?

Acts 11:18
And hearing these things they said nothing more, but gave glory to God, saying, Then to the Gentiles as to us has God given a change of heart, so that they may have life.


Acts 16:3
Paul had a desire for him to go with him, and he gave him circumcision because of the Jews who were in those parts: for they all had knowledge that his father was a Greek.


Acts 24:23
And he gave orders to the captain to keep Paul under his control, and to let him have everything he had need of; and not to keep his friends from coming to see him.

Acts 28:10
Then they gave us great honour, and, when we went away, they put into the ship whatever things we were in need of.


Acts 5:35
And he said to them, Men of Israel, take care what you do about these men.

Acts 5:36
For before this there was Theudas, who said he was someone important, to whom about four hundred men gave their support: he was put to death, and his band was broken up and came to nothing.

Acts 5:37
After this man, there was Judas of Galilee, at the time of the numbering, and some of the people went after him: he was put to death, and all his supporters were put to flight.

Acts 5:38
And now I say to you, Do nothing to these men, but let them be: for if this teaching or this work is of men, it will come to nothing:

Acts 5:39
But if it is of God, you will not be able to overcome them, and you are in danger of fighting against God.

Acts 5:40
And he seemed to them to be right: and they sent for the Apostles, and, after having them whipped and giving them orders to give no teaching in the name of Jesus, they let them go.

Acts 5:41
So they went away from the Sanhedrin, happy to undergo shame for the Name.

Acts 5:42
And every day, in the Temple and privately, they went on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

Acts 25:12
Then Festus, having had a discussion with the Jews, made answer, You have said, Let my cause come before Caesar; to Caesar you will go.

Acts 26:30
And the king and the ruler and Bernice and those who were seated with them got up;

Acts 26:31
And when they had gone away they said to one another, This man has done nothing which might give cause for death or prison.

Acts 26:32
And Agrippa said to Festus, This man might have been made free, if he had not put his cause before Caesar.

Romans 15:28
So when I have done this, and have given them this fruit of love, I will go on by you into Spain.


2 Corinthians 11:9
And when I was present with you, and was in need, I let no man be responsible for me; for the brothers, when they came from Macedonia, gave me whatever was needed; and in everything I kept myself from being a trouble to you, and I will go on doing so.


Galatians 4:19
My children, of whom I am again in birth-pains till Christ is formed in you,


1 Timothy 6:15
Which at the right time he will make clear, who is the eternal and only Ruler, King of kings, and Lord of lords;


1 Timothy 6:16
Who only has life for ever, living in light to which no man may come near; whom no man has seen or is able to see: to whom be honour and power for ever. So be it.

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