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Matthew 13:9
He who has ears, let him give ear.


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Matthew 13:9
He who has ears, let him give ear.


Judges 5:3
Give attention, O kings; give ear, O rulers; I, even I, will make a song to the Lord; I will make melody to the Lord, the God of Israel.

Job 33:33
If not, give attention to me, and keep quiet, and I will give you wisdom.

Psalms 34:11
Come, children, give attention to me; I will be your teacher in the fear of the Lord.

Psalms 49:3
From my mouth will come words of wisdom; and in the thoughts of my heart will be knowledge.

Psalms 51:4
Against you, you only, have I done wrong, working that which is evil in your eyes; so that your words may be seen to be right, and you may be clear when you are judging.

Proverbs 8:1
Is not wisdom crying out, and the voice of knowledge sounding?

Proverbs 8:4
I am crying out to you, O men; my voice comes to the sons of men.

Proverbs 8:5
Become expert in reason, O you simple ones; you foolish ones, take training to heart.

Proverbs 8:6
Give ear, for my words are true, and my lips are open to give out what is upright.


2 Chronicles 13:4
And Abijah took up his position on Mount Zemaraim, in the hill-country of Ephraim, and said, Give ear to me, O Jeroboam and all Israel:

2 Chronicles 15:2
And he came face to face with Asa and said to him, Give ear to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin: the Lord is with you while you are with him; if your heart's desire is for him, he will be near you, but if you give him up, he will give you up.

2 Chronicles 20:15
And he said, Give ear, O Judah, and you people of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat: the Lord says to you, Have no fear and do not be troubled on account of this great army; for the fight is not yours but God's.

2 Chronicles 20:20
And early in the morning they got up and went out to the waste land of Tekoa: and when they were going out, Jehoshaphat took his station and said to them, Give ear to me, O Judah and you people of Jerusalem: have faith in the Lord your God and you will be safe; have faith in his prophets and all will go well for you.

Isaiah 7:13
And he said, Give ear now, O family of David: is it not enough that you are driving men to disgust? will you do the same to my God?


2 Chronicles 18:27
And Micaiah said, If you come back at all in peace, the Lord has not sent his word by me.

Matthew 9:10
And it came about, when he was in the house taking food, that a number of tax-farmers and sinners came and took their places with Jesus and his disciples.

Matthew 15:11
Not that which goes into the mouth makes a man unclean, but that which comes out of the mouth.

Mark 7:15
There is nothing outside the man which, going into him, is able to make him unclean: but the things which come out of the man are those which make the man unclean.

Romans 14:15
And if because of food your brother is troubled, then you are no longer going on in the way of love. Do not let your food be destruction to him for whom Christ went into death.

1 Timothy 4:3
Who keep men from being married and from taking food which God made to be taken with praise by those who have faith and true knowledge.

Jude 1:4
For certain men have come among you secretly, marked out before in the holy Writings for this evil fate, men without the fear of God, turning his grace into an unclean thing, and false to our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.


Job 13:17
Give ear with care to my words, and keep what I say in your minds.


Psalms 95:7
For he is our God; and we are the people to whom he gives food, and the sheep of his flock. Today, if you would only give ear to his voice!

Psalms 95:8
Let not your hearts be hard, as at Meribah, as in the day of Massah in the waste land;


Job 22:22
Be pleased to take teaching from his mouth, and let his words be stored up in your heart.

Psalms 119:111
I have taken your unchanging word as an eternal heritage; for it is the joy of my heart.

Psalms 119:112
My heart is ever ready to keep your rules, even to the end.

Proverbs 2:2
So that your ear gives attention to wisdom, and your heart is turned to knowledge;

Proverbs 18:1
He who keeps himself separate for his private purpose goes against all good sense.

Luke 9:44
Let these words go deep into your ears, for the Son of man will be given up into the hands of men.


Psalms 40:7
Then I said, See, I come; it is recorded of me in the roll of the book,

Proverbs 20:12
The hearing ear and the seeing eye are equally the Lord's work.

Isaiah 5:26
And he will let a flag be lifted up as a sign to a far-off nation, whistling to them from the ends of the earth: and they will come quickly and suddenly.

Isaiah 7:18
And it will be in that day that the Lord will make a piping sound for the fly which is in the end of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee which is in the land of Assyria.

Isaiah 13:2
Put up a flag on a clear mountain-top, make a loud outcry to them, give directions with the hand, so that they may go into the doors of the great ones.

Isaiah 13:4
The noise of great numbers in the mountains, like the noise of a strong people! The noise of the kingdoms of the nations meeting together! The Lord of armies is numbering his forces for war.

Isaiah 18:3
All you peoples of the world, and you who are living on the earth, when a flag is lifted up on the mountains, give attention; and when the horn is sounded, give ear.

Isaiah 26:11
Lord, your hand is lifted up, but they do not see: let them see...yes, your haters will be burned up in the fire.

Jeremiah 25:4
And the Lord has sent to you all his servants the prophets, getting up early and sending them; but you have not given attention and your ear has not been open to give hearing;

Amos 3:6
If the horn is sounded in the town will the people not be full of fear? will evil come on a town if the Lord has not done it?

Amos 3:7
Certainly the Lord will do nothing without making clear his secret to his servants, the prophets.

Amos 3:8
The cry of the lion is sounding; who will not have fear? The Lord God has said the word; is it possible for the prophet to keep quiet?

Micah 6:9
The voice of the Lord is crying out to the town: Give ear, you tribes and the meeting of the town.

Zechariah 9:14
And the Lord will be seen over them, and his arrow will go out like the thunder-flame: and the Lord God, sounding the war-horn, will go in the storm-winds of the South.

Matthew 3:10
And even now the axe is put to the root of the trees; every tree then which does not give good fruit is cut down, and put into the fire.


2 Chronicles 24:19
And the Lord sent them prophets to make them come back to him; and they gave witness against them, but they would not give ear.

Isaiah 32:9
Give ear to my voice, you women who are living in comfort; give attention to my words, you daughters who have no fear of danger.

Isaiah 34:1
Come near, you nations, and give ear; take note, you peoples: let the earth and everything in it give ear; the world and all those living in it.

Isaiah 42:23
Who is there among you who will give ear to this? who will give attention to it for the time to come?

Jeremiah 13:15
Give ear and let your ears be open; be not lifted up: for these are the words of the Lord.

Joel 1:2
Give ear to this, you old men, and take note, you people of the land. Has this ever been in your days, or in the days of your fathers?

Amos 3:1
Give ear to this word which the Lord has said against you, O children of Israel, against all the family which I took up out of the land of Egypt, saying,

Amos 4:1
Give ear to this word, you cows of Bashan, who are in the hill of Samaria, by whom the poor are kept down, and those in need are crushed; who say to their lords, Get out the wine and give us drink.

Amos 5:1
Give ear to this word, my song of sorrow over you, O children of Israel.


Ezekiel 2:7
And you are to give them my words, if they give ear to you or if they do not: for they are uncontrolled.

Ezekiel 2:8
But you, son of man, give ear to what I say to you, and do not be uncontrolled like that uncontrolled people: let your mouth be open and take what I give you.

Ezekiel 3:11
And go now to those who have been taken away as prisoners, to the children of your people, and say to them, This is what the Lord has said; if they give ear or if they do not.

Ezekiel 3:17
Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the children of Israel: so give ear to the word of my mouth, and give them word from me of their danger.

Ezekiel 40:4
And the man said to me, Son of man, see with your eyes and give hearing with your ears, and take to heart everything I am going to let you see; for in order that I might let you see them, you have come here: and give an account of all you see to the children of Israel.

Ezekiel 43:10
You, son of man, give the children of Israel an account of this house, so that they may be shamed because of their evil-doing: and let them see the vision of it and its image.

Ezekiel 44:5
And the Lord said to me, Son of man, take to heart, and let your eyes see and your ears be open to everything I say to you about all the rules of the house of the Lord and all its laws; and take note of the ways into the house and all the ways out of the holy place.

Matthew 13:51
Are all these things now clear to you? They say to him, Yes.

Matthew 13:52
And he said to them, For this reason every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house, who gives out from his store things new and old.

Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. He who has knowledge let him get the number of the beast; because it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty-six.


Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus went about preaching and saying, Let your hearts be turned from sin, for the kingdom of heaven is near.

Matthew 4:24
And news of him went out through all Syria; and they took to him all who were ill with different diseases and pains, those having evil spirits and those who were off their heads, and those who had no power of moving. And he made them well.

Matthew 11:4
And Jesus, answering, said to them, Go and give news to John of the things which you are seeing and hearing:

Matthew 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist till now, the kingdom of heaven is forcing its way in, and men of force take it.

Matthew 13:24
And he gave them another story, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a man who put good seed in his field:

Matthew 13:47
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net, which was put into the sea and took in every sort of fish:

Matthew 25:1
Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins, the friends of the bride, who took their lights, and went out with the purpose of meeting the husband.


Matthew 11:27
All things have been given to me by my Father; and no one has knowledge of the Son, but the Father; and no one has knowledge of the Father, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will make it clear.


Mark 2:13
And he went out again by the seaside; and all the people came to him, and he gave them teaching.

Mark 4:1
And again he was teaching by the seaside. And a very great number of people had come to him, so that he got into a boat on the sea and took his seat; and all the people were on the land by the seaside.

Mark 4:3
A man went out to put seed in the earth:

Mark 4:24
And he said to them, Take care what you give ear to: in the same measure as you give you will get, and more will be given to you.

Luke 8:18
So take care how you give hearing, for to him who has will be given, and from him who has not will be taken even what he seems to have.


Matthew 10:14
And whoever will not take you in, or give ear to your words, when you go out from that house or that town, put off its dust from your feet.

Luke 16:29
But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets; let them give ear to what they say.

Luke 16:31
And he said to him, If they will not give attention to Moses and the prophets, they will not be moved even if someone comes back from the dead.

Galatians 4:21
Say, you whose desire it is to be under the law, do you not give ear to the law?


Luke 20:45
And in the hearing of all the people he said to his disciples,


Luke 20:46
Keep away from the scribes, whose pleasure it is to go about in long robes, and to have words of respect said to them in the market-places, and to take the chief seats in the Synagogues and the first places at feasts;


Revelation 6:3
And when the second stamp was undone, the voice of the second beast came to my ears, saying, Come and see.


Jeremiah 5:21
Give ear now to this, O foolish people without sense; who have eyes but see nothing, and ears without the power of hearing:

Matthew 13:14
And for them the words of Isaiah have come true, Though you give ear, you will not get knowledge; and seeing, you will see, but the sense will not be clear to you:

Matthew 13:34
All these things Jesus said to the people in the form of stories; and without a story he said nothing to them:

Matthew 13:35
That it might come true which was said by the prophet, Opening my mouth, I will give out stories; I will give knowledge of things kept secret from before all time.

Luke 8:10
And he said, To you is given knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God; but to the others, they are given in stories, so that seeing, they may not see, and though they give hearing, the sense will not be clear to them.

John 16:1
I have said these things to you so that you may not be in doubt.

John 16:13
However, when he, the Spirit of true knowledge, has come, he will be your guide into all true knowledge: for his words will not come from himself, but whatever has come to his hearing, that he will say: and he will make clear to you the things to come.

John 16:25
All this I have said to you in veiled language: but the time is coming when I will no longer say things in veiled language but will give you knowledge of the Father clearly.

John 16:29
His disciples said, Now you are talking clearly and not in veiled language.

2 Corinthians 3:12
Having then such a hope, we keep nothing back,

Revelation 3:5
He who overcomes will be dressed in white, and I will not take his name from the book of life, and I will give witness to his name before my Father, and before his angels.

Revelation 13:8
And all who are on the earth will give him worship, everyone whose name has not been from the first in the book of life of the Lamb who was put to death.


Hosea 14:8
As for Ephraim, what has he to do with false gods any longer? I have given an answer and I will keep watch over him; I am like a branching fir-tree, from me comes your fruit.

Revelation 22:2
In the middle of its street. And on this side of the river and on that was the tree of life, having twelve sorts of fruits, giving its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree give life to the nations.

Revelation 22:10
And he said to me, Let not the words of this prophet's book be kept secret, because the time is near.

Revelation 22:11
Let the evil man go on in his evil: and let the unclean be still unclean: and let the upright go on in his righteousness: and let the holy be holy still.

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