1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Matthew 11:4
And Jesus, answering, said to them, Go and give news to John of the things which you are seeing and hearing:


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Matthew 11:4
And Jesus, answering, said to them, Go and give news to John of the things which you are seeing and hearing:


Deuteronomy 1:41
Then you said to me, We have done evil against the Lord, we will go up to the attack, as the Lord our God has given us orders. And arming yourselves every one, you made ready to go up without care into the hill-country.

Matthew 26:65
Then the high priest, violently parting his robes, said, He has said evil against God: what more need have we of witnesses? for now his words against God have come to your ears:

Matthew 26:66
What is your opinion? They made answer and said, It is right for him to be put to death.

Matthew 26:67
Then they put shame on him, and were cruel to him: and some gave him blows, saying,

Matthew 26:68
Be a prophet, O Christ, and say who gave you a blow!

Mark 14:62
And Jesus said, I am: and you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.

Mark 14:63
And the high priest, violently parting his robes, said, What more need have we of witnesses?

Mark 15:2
And Pilate put a question to him, Are you the King of the Jews? And he, answering, said to him, You say so.

Luke 22:68
And if I put a question to you, you will not give an answer.

Luke 22:69
But in the future the Son of man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God.

Luke 22:70
And they all said, Are you then the Son of God? and he said, You say that I am.

John 18:37
Then Pilate said to him, Are you then a king? Jesus made answer, You say that I am a king. For this purpose was I given birth, and for this purpose I came into the world, that I might give witness to what is true. Every lover of what is true gives ear to my voice.


2 Kings 5:14
Then he went down seven times into the waters of Jordan, as the man of God had said; and his flesh became like the flesh of a little child again, and he was clean.

Psalms 103:3
He has forgiveness for all your sins; he takes away all your diseases;

Matthew 8:3
And he put his hand on him, saying, It is my pleasure; be clean. And straight away he was made clean.

Matthew 8:4
And Jesus said to him, See that you say nothing about this to anyone; but go and let the priest see you and make the offering which was ordered by Moses, for a witness to them.

Matthew 14:35
And when the men of that place had news of him, they sent into all the country round about, and took to him all who were ill,

Matthew 14:36
With the request that they might only put their hands on the edge of his robe: and all those who did so were made well.

Matthew 15:30
And there came to him great numbers of people having with them those who were broken in body, or blind, or without voice, or wounded, or ill in any way, and a number of others; they put them down at his feet and he made them well:

Mark 1:32
And in the evening, at sundown, they took to him all who were diseased, and those who had evil spirits.

Mark 1:33
And all the town had come together at the door.

Mark 1:34
And a number, who were ill with different diseases, he made well, and sent out evil spirits; but he did not let the evil spirits say anything, because they had knowledge of him.

Luke 17:14
And when he saw them he said, Go, and let the priests see you. And, while they were going, they were made clean.

Luke 17:15
And one of them, when he saw that he was clean, turning back, gave praise to God in a loud voice;


Psalms 86:8
There is no god like you, O Lord; there are no works like your works.

Psalms 86:9
Let all the nations whom you have made come and give worship to you, O Lord, giving glory to your name.

Psalms 86:10
For you are great, and do great works of wonder; you only are God.


Isaiah 35:3
Make strong the feeble hands, give support to the shaking knees.

Isaiah 35:4
Say to those who are full of fear, Be strong and take heart: see, your God will give punishment; the reward of God will come; he himself will come to be your saviour.

Isaiah 35:7
And the burning sand will become a pool, and the dry earth springs of waters: the fields where the sheep take their food will become wet land, and water-plants will take the place of grass.


Isaiah 30:5
For they have all come with offerings to a people of no use to them, in whom is no help or profit, but only shame and a bad name.

Isaiah 30:6
The word about the Beasts of the South. Through the land of trouble and grief, the land of the she-lion and the voice of the lion, of the snake and the burning winged snake, they take their wealth on the backs of young asses, and their stores on camels, to a people in whom is no profit.

Isaiah 41:1
Come quietly before me, O sea-lands, and let the peoples get together their strength: let them come near; then let them say what they have to say: let us put forward our cause against one another.

Isaiah 41:2
Who sent out from the east one who is right wherever he goes? he gives the nations into his hands, and makes him ruler over kings; he gives them as the dust to his sword, as dry stems before the wind to his bow.

Isaiah 41:3
He goes after them safely, not touching the road with his feet.


Matthew 1:23
See, the virgin will be with child, and will give birth to a son, and they will give him the name Immanuel, that is, God with us.

Matthew 2:6
You Beth-lehem, in the land of Judah, are not the least among the chiefs of Judah: out of you will come a ruler, who will be the keeper of my people Israel.

Matthew 2:15
And was there till the death of Herod; so that the word of the Lord through the prophet might come true, Out of Egypt have I sent for my son.

Matthew 3:3
For this is he of whom Isaiah the prophet said, The voice of one crying in the waste land, Make ready the way of the Lord, make his roads straight.

Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus went about preaching and saying, Let your hearts be turned from sin, for the kingdom of heaven is near.

Matthew 11:30
For my yoke is good, and the weight I take up is not hard.

Matthew 13:14
And for them the words of Isaiah have come true, Though you give ear, you will not get knowledge; and seeing, you will see, but the sense will not be clear to you:

Matthew 13:15
For the heart of this people has become fat and their ears are slow in hearing and their eyes are shut; for fear that they might see with their eyes and give hearing with their ears and become wise in their hearts and be turned again to me, so that I might make them well.

John 1:41
Early in the morning he came across his brother and said to him, We have made discovery! It is the Messiah! (which is to say, the Christ).

John 6:27
Let your work not be for the food which comes to an end, but for the food which goes on for eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you, for on him has God the Father put his mark.

John 9:39
And Jesus said, I came into this world to be a judge, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.

Acts 10:37
That word you yourselves have knowledge of, which was made public through all Judaea, starting from Galilee, after the baptism of which John was the preacher,


Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world. A town put on a hill may be seen by all.

Matthew 11:11
Truly I say to you, Among the sons of women there has not been a greater than John the Baptist: but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Matthew 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist till now, the kingdom of heaven is forcing its way in, and men of force take it.

Matthew 11:13
For all the prophets and the law were in force till John.

Matthew 11:14
And if you are able to see it, this is Elijah who was to come.

Matthew 13:9
He who has ears, let him give ear.

John 1:21
And they said to him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not. Are you the prophet? And his answer was, I am not.

John 3:26
And they went to John and said to him, Rabbi, the man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan, the man to whom you gave witness, is now giving baptism, and everyone is going to him.

John 5:34
But I have no need of a man's witness: I only say these things so that you may have salvation.

John 5:35
He was a burning and shining light, and for a time you were ready to be happy in his light.

John 5:37
And the Father himself who sent me has given witness about me. Not one of you has ever given ear to his voice; his form you have not seen.

John 10:41
And a great number of people came to him, saying, John did no sign: but everything John said of this man was true.


Matthew 11:15
He who has ears, let him give ear.

Matthew 14:10
And he sent and had John's head cut off in the prison.

John 1:20
He said quite openly and straightforwardly, I am not the Christ.

John 5:33
You sent to John and he gave true witness.

John 7:7
It is not possible for you to be hated by the world; but I am hated by it, because I give witness that what it does is evil.

John 10:42
And a number came to have faith in him there.

Galatians 4:17
Their interest in you is not good; but their desire is that you may be shut out, so that you may go after them.


Psalms 72:4
May he be a judge of the poor among the people, may he give salvation to the children of those who are in need; by him let the violent be crushed.

Psalms 103:19
The Lord has made ready his high seat in the heavens; his kingdom is ruling over all.

Isaiah 29:19
And the poor will have their joy in the Lord increased, and those in need will be glad in the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 42:7
To give eyes to the blind, to make free the prisoners from the prison, to let out those who are shut up in the dark.

Isaiah 61:1
The spirit of the Lord is on me, because I am marked out by him to give good news to the poor; he has sent me to make the broken-hearted well, to say that the prisoners will be made free, and that those in chains will see the light again;

Matthew 5:3
Happy are the poor in spirit: for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

Matthew 8:17
So that the word of Isaiah the prophet might come true: He himself took our pains and our diseases.

Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus made answer and said, I give praise to you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have kept these things secret from the wise and the men of learning, and have made them clear to little children.

Mark 7:37
And they were overcome with wonder, saying, He has done all things well: he even gives back the power of hearing and the power of talking to those who have been without them.

Colossians 1:16
For by him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, authorities, lords, rulers, and powers; all things were made by him and for him;

Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things have being.

Colossians 2:15
Having made himself free from the rule of authorities and powers, he put them openly to shame, glorying over them in it.


Matthew 11:26
Yes, Father, for so it was pleasing in your eyes.

Luke 24:18
Then stopping, and looking sadly at him, one of them, named Cleopas, said to him, Are you the only man living in Jerusalem who has not had news of the things which have taken place there at this time?

John 12:17
Now the people who were with him when his voice came to Lazarus in the place of the dead, and gave him life again, had been talking about it.

John 12:40
He has made their eyes blind, and their hearts hard; for fear that they might see with their eyes and get knowledge with their hearts, and be changed, and I might make them well.

John 20:30
A number of other signs Jesus did before his disciples which are not recorded in this book:

Acts 26:26
For the king has knowledge of these things, to whom I am talking freely; being certain that all this is common knowledge to him; for it has not been done in secret.

2 Timothy 2:24
For it is not right for the Lord's servant to make trouble, but he is to be gentle to all, ready in teaching, putting up with wrong,


Matthew 14:12
And his disciples came, and took up his body and put it in the earth; and they went and gave Jesus news of what had taken place.

Luke 7:18
And the disciples of John gave him an account of all these things.

Luke 7:19
Then John sent two of his disciples to the Lord, saying, Are you he who is to come, or are we waiting for another?


Matthew 4:25
And there went after him great numbers from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judaea and from the other side of Jordan.

Matthew 21:14
And the blind and the broken in body came to him in the Temple, and he made them well.

Mark 6:54
And when they had got out of the boat, the people quickly had news of him,

Mark 6:55
And went running through all the country round about, and took on their beds those who were ill, to where it was said that he was.

Mark 6:56
And wherever he went, into small towns, or great towns, or into the country, they took those who were ill into the market-places, requesting him that they might put their hands even on the edge of his robe: and all those who did so were made well.

Luke 6:17
And he came down with them to a level place, and a great band of his disciples, and a very great number of people from all Judaea and Jerusalem and from the parts of Tyre and Sidon by the sea, came to give hearing to him, and to be made well from their diseases;

Luke 6:18
And those who were troubled with unclean spirits were made well.

Luke 6:19
And all the people were desiring to be touched by him, for power came from him and made them all well.

Acts 5:15
And they even took into the streets people who were ill, and put them on beds, so that when Peter went by, some of them might be in his shade.

Acts 5:16
And numbers of people came together from the towns round about Jerusalem, with those who were ill and those who were troubled with unclean spirits: and they were all made well.

Acts 19:11
And God did special works of power by the hands of Paul:

Acts 19:12
So that bits of linen and clothing from his body were taken to people who were ill, and their diseases went away from them and the evil spirits went out.


Mark 14:64
His words against God have come to your ears: what is your opinion? And they all said it was right for him to be put to death.

Mark 14:65
And some put shame on him and, covering his face, gave him blows and said to him, Now say what is to come: and the captains took him and gave him blows with their hands.

Mark 14:66
And while Peter was down in the open square of the building, one of the servant-girls of the high priest came;


Mark 8:11
And the Pharisees came out and put questions to him, requesting from him a sign from heaven, testing him.

John 4:48
Then Jesus said to him, You will not have faith if you do not see signs and wonders.


John 6:2
And a great number of people went after him because they saw the signs which he did on those who were ill.

Acts 2:43
But fear came on every soul: and all sorts of wonders and signs were done by the Apostles.

Acts 3:1
Now Peter and John were going up to the Temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer;

Acts 3:2
And a certain man who from birth had had no power in his legs, was taken there every day, and put down at the door of the Temple which is named Beautiful, requesting money from those who went into the Temple;

Acts 3:3
He then, seeing Peter and John going into the Temple, made a request to them.

Acts 3:4
And Peter, looking at him, with John, said, Keep your eyes on us.

Acts 3:5
And he gave attention to them, hoping to get something from them.

Acts 3:6
But Peter said, I have no silver or gold, but what I have, that I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up on your feet.

Acts 3:7
And he took him by his right hand, lifting him up; and straight away his feet and the bones of his legs became strong,

Acts 3:8
And, jumping up, he got on to his feet and went into the Temple with them, walking and jumping and giving praise to God.

Acts 3:9
And all the people saw him walking and praising God:

Acts 8:6
And all the people gave attention to the words which Philip said, when they saw the signs which he did.


John 9:16
Then some of the Pharisees said, That man has not come from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath. Others said, How is it possible for a sinner to do such signs? So there was a division among them.

John 9:30
The man said in answer, Why, here is a strange thing! You have no knowledge where he comes from though he gave me the use of my eyes.

John 9:31
We have knowledge that God does not give ear to sinners, but if any man is a worshipper of God and does his pleasure, to him God's ears are open.

John 9:32
In all the years nobody has ever before seen the eyes of a man blind from birth made open.

John 9:33
If this man did not come from God he would be unable to do anything.

John 11:37
But some of them said, This man, who made open the eyes of the blind man, was he not able to keep his friend from death?

John 11:47
Then the high priests and the Pharisees had a meeting and said, What are we doing? This man is doing a number of signs.

John 17:4
I have given you glory on the earth, having done all the work which you gave me to do.


Matthew 5:8
Happy are the clean in heart: for they will see God.

Matthew 9:27
And when Jesus went on from there, two blind men came after him, crying out, Have mercy on us, you Son of David.

Matthew 10:27
What I say to you in the dark, say in the light: and what comes to your ear secretly, say publicly from the house-tops.

Matthew 11:21
Unhappy are you, Chorazin! Unhappy are you, Beth-saida! For if the works of power which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have been turned from their sins in days gone by, clothing themselves in haircloth and putting dust on their heads.

Matthew 13:17
For truly, I say to you that prophets and upright men had a desire to see the things which you see, and saw them not; and to have knowledge of the words which have come to your ears, and they had it not.

Matthew 16:16
And Simon Peter made answer and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Matthew 16:20
Then he gave orders to the disciples to give no man word that he was the Christ.

John 10:32
Jesus said to them in answer, I have let you see a number of good works from the Father; for which of those works are you stoning me?

John 12:38
So that the words of the prophet Isaiah might come true, when he said, Lord, who has any belief in our preaching? and the arm of the Lord, to whom has it been unveiled?

John 12:39
For this reason they were unable to have belief, because Isaiah said again,

1 Timothy 3:16
And without argument, great is the secret of religion: He who was seen in the flesh, who was given God's approval in the spirit, was seen by the angels, of whom the good news was given among the nations, in whom the world had faith, who was taken up in glory.

James 1:13
Let no man say when he is tested, I am tested by God; for it is not possible for God to be tested by evil, and he himself puts no man to such a test:

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