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Ezekiel 15:2
Son of man, what is the vine-tree more than any branching tree which is among the trees of the woods?


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Ezekiel 15:2
Son of man, what is the vine-tree more than any branching tree which is among the trees of the woods?


Exodus 12:10
Do not keep any of it till the morning; anything which is not used is to be burned with fire.


Numbers 9:12
Nothing of it is to be kept till the morning, and no bone of it is to be broken: they are to keep it by the rules of the Passover.


Psalms 80:11
It sent out its arms to the Sea, and its branches to the River.

Psalms 80:12
Why are its walls broken down by your hands, so that all who go by may take its fruit?

Psalms 80:13
It is uprooted by the pigs from the woods, the beasts of the field get their food from it.

Psalms 80:14
Come back, O God of armies: from heaven let your eyes be turned to this vine, and give your mind to it,

Isaiah 9:14
For this cause the Lord took away from Israel head and tail, high and low, in one day.

Isaiah 18:5
For before the time of getting in the grapes, after the opening of the bud, when the flower has become a grape ready for crushing, he will take away the small branches with knives, cutting down and taking away the wide-stretching branches.

Hosea 11:6
And the sword will go through his towns, wasting his children and causing destruction because of their evil designs.

Nahum 2:2
For the Lord will make good the vine of Jacob, as well as the vine of Israel: for the wasters have made them waste and sent destruction on the branches of their vine.

Matthew 21:20
And when the disciples saw it they were surprised, saying, How did the fig-tree become dry in so short a time?


Proverbs 11:31
If the upright man is rewarded on earth, how much more the evil-doer and the sinner!

Jeremiah 25:29
For see, I am starting to send evil on the town which is named by my name, and are you to be without any punishment? You will not be without punishment: for I will send a sword on all people living on the earth, says the Lord of armies.

Ezekiel 21:3
And say to the land of Israel, These are the words of the Lord: See, I am against you, and I will take my sword out of its cover, cutting off from you the upright and the evil.

Ezekiel 21:4
Because I am going to have the upright and the evil cut off from you, for this cause my sword will go out from its cover against all flesh from the south to the north:


Ecclesiastes 9:17
The words of the wise which come quietly to the ear are noted more than the cry of a ruler among the foolish.

Isaiah 10:10
As my hand has come on the kingdoms of the images, whose pictured images were more in number than those of Jerusalem and Samaria;


Numbers 13:23
And they came to the valley of Eshcol, and cutting down a vine-branch with its grapes, two of them took it on a rod between them; and they took some pomegranates and figs.

Song of Solomon 2:13
The fig-tree puts out her green fruit and the vines with their young fruit give a good smell. Get up from your bed, my beautiful one, and come away.

Jeremiah 2:21
But when you were planted by me, you were a noble vine, in every way a true seed: how then have you been changed into the branching plant of a strange vine?

Ezekiel 17:6
And its growth went on and it became a vine, low and widely stretching, whose branches were turned to him and its roots were under him: so it became a vine, putting out branches and young leaves.

Ezekiel 20:48
And all flesh will see that I the Lord have had it lighted: it will not be put out.

Daniel 9:26
And at the end of the times, even after the sixty-two weeks, one on whom the holy oil has been put will be cut off and have no...;and the town and the holy place will be made waste together with a prince; and the end will come with an overflowing of waters, and even to the end there will be war; the making waste which has been fixed.

Matthew 21:33
Give ear to another story. A master of a house made a vine garden, and put a wall round it, and made a place for crushing out the wine, and made a tower, and let it out to field-workers, and went into another country.

Matthew 21:34
And when the time for the fruit came near, he sent his servants to the workmen, to get the fruit.

Matthew 21:35
And the workmen made an attack on his servants, giving blows to one, putting another to death, and stoning another.

Matthew 21:36
Again, he sent other servants more in number than the first: and they did the same to them.

Matthew 21:37
But after that he sent his son to them, saying, They will have respect for my son.

Luke 23:29
For the days are coming in which they will say, Happy are those who have had no children, whose bodies have never given birth, whose breasts have never given milk.

Luke 23:30
And they will say to the mountains, Come down on us, and to the hills, Be a cover over us.

John 15:1
I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener.

Revelation 14:18
And another angel came out from the altar, who has power over fire; and he gave a loud cry to him who had the sharp curved blade, saying, Put in your sharp blade, and let the grapes of the vine of the earth be cut; for her grapes are fully ready.


Jeremiah 15:1
Then the Lord said to me, Even if Moses and Samuel came before me, I would have no desire for this people: send them away from before me, and let them go.

Jeremiah 15:2
And it will be, when they say to you, Where are we to go? then you are to say to them, The Lord has said, Such as are for death, to death; and such as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are to be in need of food, to need of food; and such as are to be taken away prisoners, to be taken away.

Matthew 25:30
And put out the servant who is of no profit into the outer dark: there will be weeping and cries of sorrow.

Luke 14:34
For salt is good, but if the taste goes from it, of what use is it?

Luke 14:35
It is no good for the land or for the place of waste; no one has a use for it. He who has ears, let him give ear.

Titus 3:14
And let our people go on with good works for necessary purposes, so that they may not be without fruit.

Revelation 3:15
I have knowledge of your works, that you are not cold or warm: it would be better if you were cold or warm.

Revelation 3:16
So because you are not one thing or the other, I will have no more to do with you.


Jeremiah 24:2
One basket had very good figs, like the figs which first come to growth: and the other basket had very bad figs, so bad that they were of no use for food.

Jeremiah 24:8
And like the bad figs which are so bad that they are of no use for food, so I will give up Zedekiah, king of Judah, and his chiefs and the rest of Jerusalem who are still in this land, and those who are in the land of Egypt:

Jeremiah 24:9
I will give them up to be a cause of fear and of trouble among all the kingdoms of the earth; to be a name of shame and common talk and a cutting word and a curse in all the places wherever I will send them wandering.

Jeremiah 24:10
And I will send the sword, and need of food, and disease, among them till they are all cut off from the land which I gave to them and to their fathers.

Ezekiel 1:1
Now it came about in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, while I was by the river Chebar among those who had been made prisoners, that the heavens were made open and I saw visions of God.


Ezekiel 1:12
Every one of them went straight forward; wherever the spirit was to go they went; they went on without turning.


Ezekiel 2:1
And he said to me, Son of man, get up on your feet, so that I may say words to you.


Isaiah 10:33
See, the Lord, the Lord of armies, is cutting off his branches with a great noise, and his strong ones are falling and his high ones are coming down.

Isaiah 10:34
And he is cutting down the thick places of the wood with an axe, and Lebanon with its tall trees is coming down.

Isaiah 44:23
Make a song, O heavens, for the Lord has done it: give a loud cry, you deep parts of the earth: let your voices be loud in song, you mountains, and you woods with all your trees: for the Lord has taken up the cause of Jacob, and will let his glory be seen in Israel.

Ezekiel 31:18
Whom then are you like? for you will be sent down with the trees of Eden into the lowest parts of the earth: there you will be stretched out among those without circumcision, with those who were put to the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his people, says the Lord.

Daniel 4:14
Crying out with a loud voice; and this is what he said: Let the tree be cut down and its branches broken off; let its leaves be taken off and its fruit sent in every direction: let the beasts get away from under it and the birds from its branches:

Daniel 4:23
And as for the vision which the king saw of a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven, saying, Let the tree be cut down and given to destruction;

Micah 3:12
For this reason, Zion will be ploughed like a field because of you, and Jerusalem will become a mass of broken walls, and the mountain of the house like a high place in the woods.

Zechariah 11:2
Give a cry of grief, O fir-tree, for the fall of the cedar, because the great ones have been made low: give cries of grief, O you oaks of Bashan, for the strong trees of the wood have come down.


Malachi 1:12
But you make it unholy by saying, The Lord's table has become unclean, and his food is of no value.

Malachi 1:13
And you say, See, what a weariness it is! and you let out your breath at it, says the Lord of armies; and you have given what has been cut about by beasts, and what is damaged in its feet and ill; this is the offering you give: will this be pleasing to me from your hands? says the Lord.

Malachi 1:14
A curse on the false man who has a male in his flock, and takes his oath, and gives to the Lord a damaged thing: for I am a great King, says the Lord of armies, and my name is to be feared among the Gentiles.


Ecclesiastes 5:1
Put your feet down with care when you go to the house of God, for it is better to give ear than to make the burned offerings of the foolish, whose knowledge is only of doing evil.

Matthew 3:12
In whose hand is the instrument with which he will make clean his grain; he will put the good grain in his store, but the waste will be burned up in the fire which will never be put out.

Matthew 25:41
Then will he say to those on the left, Go from me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which is ready for the Evil One and his angels:

Hebrews 6:7
For a land, drinking in the frequent rain and producing good plants for those for whom it is worked, has a blessing from God:

Hebrews 10:27
But only a great fear of being judged, and of the fire of wrath which will be the destruction of the haters of God.

Hebrews 10:28
A man who has gone against the law of Moses is put to death without pity on the word of two or three witnesses:

Hebrews 12:29
For our God is an all-burning fire.

Revelation 20:15
And if anyone's name was not in the book of life, he went down into the sea of fire.


Matthew 21:38
But when the workmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is he who will one day be the owner of the property; come, let us put him to death and take his heritage.

Matthew 21:39
And they took him and, driving him out of the vine-garden, put him to death.

Matthew 21:40
When, then, the lord of the vine-garden comes, what will he do to those workmen?

Matthew 21:41
They say to him, He will put those cruel men to a cruel death, and will let out the vine-garden to other workmen, who will give him the fruit when it is ready.


Hosea 14:8
As for Ephraim, what has he to do with false gods any longer? I have given an answer and I will keep watch over him; I am like a branching fir-tree, from me comes your fruit.

2 Corinthians 12:8
And about this thing I made request to the Lord three times that it might be taken away from me.

2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said to me, My grace is enough for you, for my power is made complete in what is feeble. Most gladly, then, will I take pride in my feeble body, so that the power of Christ may be on me.

2 Corinthians 12:10
So I take pleasure in being feeble, in unkind words, in needs, in cruel attacks, in troubles, on account of Christ: for when I am feeble, then am I strong.

Galatians 2:20
I have been put to death on the cross with Christ; still I am living; no longer I, but Christ is living in me; and that life which I now am living in the flesh I am living by faith, the faith of the Son of God, who in love for me, gave himself up for me.

Philippians 1:11
Being full of the fruits of righteousness, which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

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