1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Jeremiah 52:7
Then an opening was made in the wall of the town, and all the men of war went in flight out of the town by night through the doorway between the two walls which was by the king's garden; (now the Chaldaeans were stationed round the town:) and they went by the way of the Arabah.


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Jeremiah 52:7
Then an opening was made in the wall of the town, and all the men of war went in flight out of the town by night through the doorway between the two walls which was by the king's garden; (now the Chaldaeans were stationed round the town:) and they went by the way of the Arabah.


Leviticus 26:17
And my face will be turned from you, and you will be broken before those who are against you, and your haters will become your rulers, and you will go in flight when no man comes after you.

Leviticus 26:37
Falling on one another, as before the sword, when no one comes after them; you will give way before your haters.

Psalms 44:9
But now you have sent us away from you, and put us to shame; you do not go out with our armies.

Psalms 44:10
Because of this we are turned back by the attacker: those who have hate for us take our goods for themselves.

Psalms 44:11
You have made us like sheep which are taken for meat; we are put to flight among the nations.

Jeremiah 48:41
Kerioth is taken, and the strong places have been forced, and the hearts of Moab's men of war in that day will be like the heart of a woman in birth-pains.

Jeremiah 51:30
Babylon's men of war have kept back from the fight, waiting in their strong places; their strength has given way, they have become like women: her houses have been put on fire, her locks are broken.

Jeremiah 51:31
One man, running, will give word to another, and one who goes with news will be handing it on to another, to give word to the king of Babylon that his town has been taken from every quarter:


Deuteronomy 1:1
These are the words which Moses said to all Israel on the far side of Jordan, in the waste land in the Arabah opposite Suph, between Paran on the one side, and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Dizahab on the other.


Joshua 7:8
O Lord, what am I to say now that Israel have given way before their attackers?

Joshua 7:9
For when the news comes to the Canaanites and all the people of the land, they will come up, shutting us in and cutting off our name from the earth: and what will you do for the honour of your great name?

Joshua 7:10
Then the Lord said to Joshua, Get up; what are you doing with your face to the earth?

Joshua 7:11
Israel has done wrong, sinning against the agreement which I made with them: they have even taken of the cursed thing; acting falsely like thieves they have put it among their goods.

Joshua 7:13
Up! make the people holy; say to them, Make yourselves holy before tomorrow, for the Lord, the God of Israel, has said, There is a cursed thing among you, O Israel, and you will give way before your attackers in the fight till the cursed thing has been taken away from among you.

Jeremiah 49:26
So her young men will be falling in her streets, and all the men of war will be cut off in that day, says the Lord of armies.


1 Samuel 24:14
After whom has the king of Israel come out? for whom are you searching? for a dead dog, an insect.

Job 10:16
And that if there was cause for pride, you would go after me like a lion; and again put out your wonders against me:

Psalms 140:11
Let not a man of evil tongue be safe on earth: let destruction overtake the violent man with blow on blow.

Jeremiah 16:16
See, I will send for great numbers of fishermen, says the Lord, and they will take them like fish in a net; and after that, I will send for numbers of bowmen, and they will go after them, driving them from every mountain and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.

Lamentations 4:18
They go after our steps so that we may not go in our streets: our end is near, our days are numbered; for our end has come.

Lamentations 4:19
Those who went after us were quicker than the eagles of the heaven, driving us before them on the mountains, waiting secretly for us in the waste land.

Lamentations 4:20
Our breath of life, he on whom the holy oil was put, was taken in their holes; of whom we said, Under his shade we will be living among the nations.


1 Samuel 25:37
And in the morning, when the effect of the wine was gone, Nabal's wife gave him an account of all these things, and all the heart went out of him, and he became like stone.

1 Samuel 25:38
And about ten days after, the Lord sent disease on Nabal and death came to him.

Psalms 102:4
My heart is broken; it has become dry and dead like grass, so that I give no thought to food.

Isaiah 19:3
And the spirit of Egypt will be troubled in her, and I will make her decisions without effect: and they will be turning to the false gods, and to those who make hollow sounds, and to those who have control of spirits, and to those who are wise in secret arts.

Isaiah 19:11
The chiefs of Zoan are completely foolish; the wisest guides of Pharaoh have become like beasts: how do you say to Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the offspring of early kings?

Isaiah 19:12
Where, then, are your wise men? let them make clear to you, let them give you knowledge of the purpose of the Lord of armies for Egypt.

Isaiah 19:16
In that day the Egyptians will be like women: and the land will be shaking with fear because of the waving of the Lord's hand stretched out over it.

Isaiah 21:3
For this cause I am full of bitter grief; pains like the pains of a woman in childbirth have come on me: I am bent down with sorrow at what comes to my ears; I am shocked by what I see.

Isaiah 21:4
My mind is wandering, fear has overcome me: the evening of my desire has been turned into shaking for me.

Isaiah 22:3
All your rulers...have gone in flight; all your strong ones have gone far away.

Isaiah 22:4
For this cause I have said, Let your eyes be turned away from me in my bitter weeping; I will not be comforted for the wasting of the daughter of my people.

Isaiah 22:5
For it is a day of trouble and of crushing down and of destruction from the Lord, the Lord of armies, in the valley of vision; ...


2 Kings 24:18
Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king, and he was king in Jerusalem for eleven years; his mother's name was Hamutal, daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.

2 Kings 24:20
And because of the wrath of the Lord, this came about in Jerusalem and Judah, till he had sent them all away from before him: and Zedekiah took up arms against the king of Babylon.

2 Chronicles 36:11
Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king; he was ruling in Jerusalem for eleven years.

Jeremiah 37:1
And Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, became king in place of Coniah, the son of Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, made king in the land of Judah.

Jeremiah 52:2
And he did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as Jehoiakim had done.


2 Chronicles 32:5
Then he took heart, building up the wall where it was broken down, and making its towers higher, and building another wall outside; and he made strong the Millo in the town of David, and got together a great store of all sorts of instruments of war.


Ecclesiastes 2:5
I made myself gardens and fruit gardens, planting in them fruit-trees of all sorts.


Isaiah 10:28
He has gone up from Pene-Rimmon, he has come to Aiath; he has gone past Migron, at Michmash he puts his forces in order.

Isaiah 10:29
They have gone across the mountain; Geba will be our resting-place tonight, they say: Ramah is shaking with fear; Gibeah of Saul has gone in flight.

Isaiah 10:30
Give a loud cry, daughter of Gallim; let Laishah give ear; let Anathoth give answer to her.

Isaiah 10:31
Madmenah has gone; the men of Gebim are putting their goods in a safe place.

Isaiah 10:32
This very day he is stopping at Nob; he is shaking his hand against the mountain of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem.


Isaiah 14:16
Those who see you will be looking on you with care, they will be in deep thought, saying, Is this the troubler of the earth, the shaker of kingdoms?

Jeremiah 32:24
See, they have made earthworks against the town to take it; and the town is given into the hands of the Chaldaeans who are fighting against it, because of the sword and need of food and disease: and what you have said has taken place, and truly you see it.

Jeremiah 33:4
For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, has said about the houses of this town and the houses of the kings of Judah, which have been broken down to make earthworks and...;

Ezekiel 21:23
And this answer given by secret arts will seem false to those who have given their oaths and have let them be broken: but he will keep the memory of evil-doing so that they may be taken.

Habakkuk 1:10
He makes little of kings, rulers are a sport to him; all the strong places are to be laughed at; for he makes earthworks and takes them.


Psalms 33:17
A horse is a false hope; his great power will not make any man free from danger.

Psalms 147:10
He has no delight in the strength of a horse; he takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.

Isaiah 5:26
And he will let a flag be lifted up as a sign to a far-off nation, whistling to them from the ends of the earth: and they will come quickly and suddenly.

Isaiah 5:27
There is no weariness among them, and no man is feeble-footed: they come without resting or sleeping, and the cord of their shoes is not broken.

Isaiah 5:28
Their arrows are sharp, and every bow is bent: the feet of their horses are like rock, and their wheels are like a rushing storm.

Isaiah 5:29
The sound of their armies will be like the voice of a lion, and their war-cry like the noise of young lions: with loud cries they will come down on their food and will take it away safely, and there will be no one to take it out of their hands.

Isaiah 5:30
And his voice will be loud over him in that day like the sounding of the sea: and if a man's eyes are turned to the earth, it is all dark and full of trouble; and the light is made dark by thick clouds.

Isaiah 30:16
Saying, No, for we will go in flight on horses; so you will certainly go in flight: and, We will go on the backs of quick-running beasts; so those who go after you will be quick-footed.

Isaiah 30:17
A thousand will go in fear before one; even before five you will go in flight: till you are like a pillar by itself on the top of a mountain, and like a flag on a hill.

Isaiah 31:1
Cursed are those who go down to Egypt for help, and who put their faith in horses; looking to war-carriages for salvation, because of their numbers; and to horsemen, because they are very strong; but they are not looking to the Holy One of Israel, or turning their hearts to the Lord;

Amos 2:14
And flight will be impossible for the quick-footed, and the force of the strong will become feeble, and the man of war will not get away safely:

Amos 2:15
And the bowman will not keep his place; he who is quick-footed will not get away safely: and the horseman will not keep his life.


Jeremiah 4:9
And it will come about in that day, says the Lord, that the heart of the king will be dead in him, and the hearts of the rulers; and the priests will be overcome with fear, and the prophets with wonder.

Jeremiah 8:21
For the destruction of the daughter of my people I am broken: I am dressed in the clothing of grief; fear has taken me in its grip.

Zephaniah 1:10
And in that day, says the Lord, there will be the sound of a cry from the fish doorway, and an outcry from the new town, and a great thundering from the hills, and cries of grief from the people of the Hollow;


Jeremiah 21:10
For my face is turned to this town for evil and not for good, says the Lord: it will be given into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he will have it burned with fire.

Jeremiah 24:8
And like the bad figs which are so bad that they are of no use for food, so I will give up Zedekiah, king of Judah, and his chiefs and the rest of Jerusalem who are still in this land, and those who are in the land of Egypt:

Jeremiah 24:9
I will give them up to be a cause of fear and of trouble among all the kingdoms of the earth; to be a name of shame and common talk and a cutting word and a curse in all the places wherever I will send them wandering.

Jeremiah 24:10
And I will send the sword, and need of food, and disease, among them till they are all cut off from the land which I gave to them and to their fathers.

Jeremiah 32:29
And the Chaldaeans, who are fighting against this town, will come and put the town on fire, burning it together with the houses, on the roofs of which perfumes have been burned to the Baal, and drink offerings have been drained out to other gods, moving me to wrath.

Jeremiah 34:2
The Lord, the God of Israel, has said, Go and say to Zedekiah, king of Judah, This is what the Lord has said: See, I will give this town into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he will have it burned with fire:

Jeremiah 34:22
See, I will give orders, says the Lord, and make them come back to this town; and they will make war on it and take it and have it burned with fire: and I will make the towns of Judah waste and unpeopled.

Jeremiah 38:23
And they will take all your wives and your children out to the Chaldaeans: and you will not get away out of their hands, but will be taken by the hands of the king of Babylon: and this town will be burned with fire.

Jeremiah 42:16
Then it will come about that the sword, which is the cause of your fear, will overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and need of food, which you are fearing, will go after you there in Egypt; and there death will come to you.

Lamentations 1:3
Judah has been taken away as a prisoner because of trouble and hard work; her living-place is among the nations, there is no rest for her: all her attackers have overtaken her in a narrow place.

Lamentations 1:6
And all her glory has gone from the daughter of Zion: her rulers have become like harts with no place for food, and they have gone in flight without strength before the attacker.

Ezekiel 5:2
You are to have a third part burned with fire inside the town, when the days of the attack are ended; and a third part you are to take and give blows with the sword round about it; and give a third part for the wind to take away, and let loose a sword after them.


Jeremiah 29:2
(After Jeconiah the king and the queen-mother and the unsexed servants and the rulers of Judah and Jerusalem and the expert workmen and the metal-workers had gone away from Jerusalem;)


Jeremiah 29:5
Go on building houses and living in them, and planting gardens and using the fruit of them;

Jeremiah 29:6
Take wives and have sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, so that they may have sons and daughters; and be increased in number there and do not become less.

Jeremiah 29:7
And be working for the peace of the land to which I have had you taken away prisoners, and make prayer to the Lord for it: for in its peace you will have peace.


Jeremiah 21:8
And to this people you are to say, The Lord has said, See, I put before you the way of life and the way of death.

Jeremiah 21:9
He who keeps in this town will come to his death by the sword and through need of food and through disease; but he who goes out and gives himself up to the Chaldaeans who are shutting you in, will go on living, and will keep his life safe.

Jeremiah 32:4
And Zedekiah, king of Judah, will not get away from the hands of the Chaldaeans, but will certainly be given up into the hands of the king of Babylon, and will have talk with him, mouth to mouth, and see him, eye to eye.

Jeremiah 34:21
And Zedekiah, king of Judah, and his rulers I will give into the hands of their haters and into the hands of those who have designs against their lives, and into the hands of the king of Babylon's army which has gone away from you.

Jeremiah 37:17
Then King Zedekiah sent and got him out: and the king, questioning him secretly in his house, said, Is there any word from the Lord? And Jeremiah said, There is. Then he said, You will be given up into the hands of the king of Babylon.

Jeremiah 40:11
In the same way, when all the Jews who were in Moab and among the children of Ammon and in Edom and in all the countries, had news that the king of Babylon had let Judah keep some of its people and that he had put over them Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan;

Jeremiah 43:5
But Johanan, the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces took all the rest of Judah who had come back into the land of Judah from all the nations where they had been forced to go;

Ezekiel 12:14
And all his helpers round about him and all his armies I will send in flight to every wind; and I will let loose a sword after them.

Ezekiel 17:9
Say, This is what the Lord has said: Will it do well? will he not have its roots pulled up and its branches cut off, so that all its young leaves may become dry and it may be pulled up by its roots?

Ezekiel 17:21
All his best fighting-men will be put to the sword, and the rest will be sent away to every wind: and you will be certain that I the Lord have said it.

Micah 2:12
I will certainly make all of you, O Jacob, come together; I will get together the rest of Israel; I will put them together like the sheep in their circle: like a flock in their green field; they will be full of the noise of men.

Zechariah 8:4
This is what the Lord of armies has said: There will again be old men and old women seated in the open spaces of Jerusalem, every man with his stick in his hand because he is so old.


Jeremiah 52:24
And the captain of the armed men took Seraiah, the chief priest, and Zephaniah, the second priest, and the three door-keepers;

Jeremiah 52:25
And from the town he took the unsexed servant who was over the men of war, and seven of the king's near friends who were in the town, and the scribe of the captain of the army, who was responsible for getting the people of the land together in military order, and sixty men of the people of the land who were in the town.

Jeremiah 52:26
These Nebuzaradan, the captain of the armed men, took with him to the king of Babylon at Riblah.

Jeremiah 52:27
And the king of Babylon put them to death at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So Judah was taken prisoner away from his land.

Lamentations 3:66
You will go after them in wrath, and put an end to them from under the heavens of the Lord.


Jeremiah 52:34
And for his food, the king gave him a regular amount every day till the day of his death, for the rest of his life.


Jeremiah 14:18
If I go out into the open country, there are those put to death by the sword! and if I go into the town, there are those who are diseased from need of food! for the prophet and the priest go about in the land and have no knowledge.

Lamentations 1:20
See, O Lord, for I am in trouble; the inmost parts of my body are deeply moved; my heart is turned in me; for I have been uncontrolled: outside the children are put to the sword, and in the house there is death.

Lamentations 4:9
Those who have been put to the sword are better off than those whose death is caused by need of food; for these come to death slowly, burned up like the fruit of the field.

Ezekiel 7:15
Outside is the sword, and inside disease and need of food: he who is in the open country will be put to the sword; he who is in the town will come to his end through need of food and disease.


Ezekiel 12:5
Make a hole in the wall, before their eyes, and go out through it.

Ezekiel 12:6
And before their eyes, take your goods on your back and go out in the dark; go with your face covered: for I have made you a sign to the children of Israel.

Ezekiel 12:7
And I did as I was ordered: I took out my vessels by day, like those of one who is taken away, and in the evening I made a hole through the wall with a tent-pin; and in the dark I went out, taking my things on my back before their eyes.

Ezekiel 12:11
Say, I am your sign: as I have done, so will it be done to them: they will go away as prisoners.


Ezekiel 24:1
And the word of the Lord came to me in the ninth year, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, saying,


Ezekiel 24:2
Son of man, put down in writing this very day: The king of Babylon let loose the weight of his attack against Jerusalem on this very day.


Ezekiel 26:2
Son of man, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, Aha, she who was the doorway of the peoples is broken; she is turned over to them; she who was full is made waste;


Ezekiel 26:10
Because of the number of his horses you will be covered with their dust: your walls will be shaking at the noise of the horsemen and of the wheels and of the war-carriages, when he comes through your doorways, as into a town which has been broken open.


Jeremiah 4:29
All the land is in flight because of the noise of the horsemen and the bowmen; they have taken cover in the woodland and up on the rocks: every town has been given up, not a man is living in them.

Amos 2:16
And he who is without fear among the fighting men will go in flight without his clothing in that day, says the Lord.

Micah 1:13
Let the war-carriage be yoked to the quick-running horse, you who are living in Lachish: she was the first cause of sin to the daughter of Zion; for the wrongdoings of Israel were seen in you.


Micah 3:12
For this reason, Zion will be ploughed like a field because of you, and Jerusalem will become a mass of broken walls, and the mountain of the house like a high place in the woods.

Luke 19:43
For the time will come when your attackers will put a wall round you, and come all round you and keep you in on every side,


Matthew 6:16
And when you go without food, be not sad-faced as the false-hearted are. For they go about with changed looks, so that men may see that they are going without food. Truly I say to you, They have their reward.


2 Kings 25:9
And he had the house of the Lord and the king's house and all the houses of Jerusalem, even every great house, burned with fire;

2 Kings 25:10
And the walls round Jerusalem were broken down by the Chaldaean army which was with the captain.

Isaiah 24:10
The town is waste and broken down: every house is shut up, so that no man may come in.

Isaiah 24:12
In the town all is waste, and in the public place is destruction.

Isaiah 25:2
For you have made a town a waste place: a strong town a mass of broken walls; the tower of the men of pride has come to an end; it will never be put up again.

Isaiah 27:10
For the strong town is without men, an unpeopled living-place; and she has become a waste land: there the young ox will take his rest, and its branches will be food for him.

Isaiah 32:14
For the fair houses will have no man living in them; the town which was full of noise will become a waste; the hill and the watchtower will be unpeopled for ever, a joy for the asses of the woods, a place of food for the flocks;

Isaiah 34:13
And thorns will come up in her fair houses, and waste plants in her strong towers: and foxes will make their holes there, and it will be a meeting-place for ostriches.

Isaiah 34:14
And the beasts of the waste places will come together with the jackals, and the evil spirits will be crying to one another, even the night-spirit will come and make her resting-place there.

Isaiah 34:15
The arrowsnake will make her hole and put her eggs there, and get her young together under her shade: there the hawks will come together by twos.

Jeremiah 52:14
And the walls round Jerusalem were broken down by the Chaldaean army which was with the captain.

Luke 21:24
And they will be put to death with the sword, and will be taken as prisoners into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be crushed under the feet of the Gentiles, till the times of the Gentiles are complete.

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