1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Isaiah 9:3
You have made them very glad, increasing their joy. They are glad before you as men are glad in the time of getting in the grain, or when they make division of the goods taken in war.


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Isaiah 9:3
You have made them very glad, increasing their joy. They are glad before you as men are glad in the time of getting in the grain, or when they make division of the goods taken in war.


Genesis 8:21
And when the sweet smell came up to the Lord, he said in his heart, I will not again put a curse on the earth because of man, for the thoughts of man's heart are evil from his earliest days; never again will I send destruction on all living things as I have done.


Genesis 8:22
While the earth goes on, seed time and the getting in of the grain, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will not come to an end.


Genesis 12:2
And I will make of you a great nation, blessing you and making your name great; and you will be a blessing:

Genesis 13:16
And I will make your children like the dust of the earth, so that if the dust of the earth may be numbered, then will your children be numbered.

Genesis 15:5
And he took him out into the open air, and said to him, Let your eyes be lifted to heaven, and see if the stars may be numbered; even so will your seed be.

Genesis 22:17
That I will certainly give you my blessing, and your seed will be increased like the stars of heaven and the sand by the seaside; your seed will take the land of those who are against them;

Exodus 1:7
And the children of Israel were fertile, increasing very greatly in numbers and in power; and the land was full of them.

Numbers 23:10
Who is able to take the measure of the dust of Jacob or the number of the thousands of Israel? May my death be the death of the upright and my last end like his!

Deuteronomy 10:22
Your fathers went down into Egypt with seventy persons; and now the Lord your God has made you like the stars of heaven in number.

Isaiah 10:22
For though your people, O Israel, are as the sand of the sea, only a small number will come back: for the destruction is fixed, overflowing in righteousness.

Isaiah 51:2
Let your thoughts be turned to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth: for when he was but one, my voice came to him, and I gave him my blessing, and made him a great people.

Jeremiah 33:22
As it is not possible for the army of heaven to be numbered, or the sand of the sea measured, so will I make the seed of my servant David, and the Levites my servants.

Matthew 1:16
And the son of Jacob was Joseph the husband of Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, whose name is Christ.

Galatians 3:7
Be certain, then, that those who are of faith, the same are sons of Abraham.


Exodus 15:9
Egypt said, I will go after them, I will overtake, I will make division of their goods: my desire will have its way with them; my sword will be uncovered, my hand will send destruction on them.

Judges 5:30
Are they not getting, are they not parting the goods among them: a young girl or two to every man; and to Sisera robes of coloured needlework, worked in fair colours on this side and on that, for the neck of the queen?

Isaiah 1:25
And my hand will again be on you, washing away what is unclean as with soap, and taking away all your false metal;

Isaiah 10:6
I will send him against a nation of wrongdoers, and against the people of my wrath I will give him orders, to take their wealth in war, crushing them down like the dust in the streets.

Isaiah 10:13
For he has said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my knowledge, for I am wise: and I have taken away the limits of the peoples' lands, and the stores of their wealth have become mine; and I have made towns low in the dust, sending destruction on those living in them;

Isaiah 10:14
And I have put my hands on the wealth of the peoples, as on the place where a bird has put her eggs; and as a man may take the eggs from which a bird has gone, so I have taken all the earth for myself: and not a wing was moved, and not a mouth gave out a sound.

Isaiah 10:15
Will the axe say high-sounding words against him who is using it, or the blade be full of pride against him who is cutting with it? As if a rod had the power of shaking him who is using it, or as if a stick might take up him who is not wood.

Isaiah 14:5
The stick of the evil-doers, the rod of the rulers, is broken by the Lord;

Isaiah 14:26
This is the purpose for all the earth: and this is the hand stretched out over all nations.

Isaiah 33:23
Your cords have become loose; they were not able to make strong the support of their sails, the sail was not stretched out: then the blind will take much property, the feeble-footed will make division of the goods of war.

Isaiah 37:36
And the angel of the Lord went out and put to death in the army of the Assyrians a hundred and eighty-five thousand men: and when the people got up early in the morning, there was nothing to be seen but dead bodies.

Micah 6:9
The voice of the Lord is crying out to the town: Give ear, you tribes and the meeting of the town.


Exodus 21:8
If she is not pleasing to her master who has taken her for himself, let a payment be made for her so that she may go free; her master has no power to get a price for her and send her to a strange land, because he has been false to her.

Job 13:15
Truly, he will put an end to me; I have no hope; but I will not give way in argument before him;

Job 41:4
Will he make an agreement with you, so that you may take him as a servant for ever?

Psalms 100:3
Be certain that the Lord is God; it is he who has made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep to whom he gives food.


Leviticus 7:7
As is the sin-offering, so is the offering for wrongdoing; there is one law for them: the priest who makes the offering to take away sin, he is to have it.

Leviticus 7:8
And the priest offering any man's burned offering for him, may have the skin of the burned offering which is offered by him.

Leviticus 7:9
And every meal offering which is cooked in the oven and everything made in a cooking pot or on a flat plate, is for the priest by whom it is offered.


Leviticus 16:10
But the goat for Azazel is to be placed living before the Lord, for the taking away of sin, that it may be sent away for Azazel into the waste land.

Leviticus 23:24
Say to the children of Israel, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, let there be a special day of rest for you, a day of memory, marked by the blowing of horns, a meeting for worship.


Leviticus 16:11
And Aaron is to give the ox of the sin-offering for himself and take away sin from himself and his house, and put to death the ox of the sin-offering which is for himself.


Leviticus 22:13
But if a priest's daughter is a widow, or parted from her husband, and has no child, and has come back to her father's house as when she was a girl, she may take of her father's bread; but no outside person may do so.


Leviticus 23:40
On the first day, take the fruit of fair trees, branches of palm-trees, and branches of thick trees and trees from the riverside, and be glad before the Lord for seven days.

Deuteronomy 12:18
But they will be your food before the Lord your God in the place of his selection, where you may make a feast of them, with your son and your daughter, and your man-servant and your woman-servant, and the Levite who is living with you: and you will have joy before the Lord your God in everything to which you put your hand.

Deuteronomy 14:22
Put on one side a tenth of all the increase of your seed, produced year by year.

Deuteronomy 14:23
And make a feast before the Lord your God, in the place which is to be marked out, where his name will be for ever, of the tenth part of your grain and your wine and your oil, and the first births of your herds and your flocks; so that you may have the fear of the Lord your God in your hearts at all times.

Deuteronomy 14:24
And if the way is so long that you are not able to take these things to the place marked out by the Lord your God for his name, when he has given you his blessing, because it is far away from you;

Deuteronomy 14:25
Then let these things be exchanged for money, and, taking the money in your hand, go to the place marked out by the Lord your God for himself;

Deuteronomy 16:11
Then you are to be glad before the Lord your God, you and your son and your daughter, your man-servant and your woman-servant, and the Levite who is with you, and the man from a strange country, and the child without a father, and the widow, who are living among you, in the place marked out by the Lord your God as a resting-place for his name.

Deuteronomy 16:14
You are to keep the feast with joy, you and your son and your daughter, your man-servant and your woman-servant, and the Levite, and the man from a strange country, and the child without a father, and the widow, who are living among you.

Isaiah 10:2
Who do wrong to the poor in their cause, and take away the right of the crushed among my people, so that they may have the property of widows, and get under their power those who have no father.

Philippians 3:1
For the rest, my brothers, be glad in the Lord. Writing the same things to you is no trouble to me, and for you it is safe.

Philippians 4:4
Be glad in the Lord at all times: again I say, Be glad.


Leviticus 26:13
I am the Lord your God, who took you out of the land of Egypt so that you might not be servants to them; by me the cords of your yoke were broken and I made you go upright.

Deuteronomy 28:48
For this cause you will become servants to those whom the Lord your God will send against you, without food and drink and clothing, and in need of all things: and he will put a yoke of iron on your neck till he has put an end to you.

Jeremiah 30:8
For it will come about on that day, says the Lord of armies, that his yoke will be broken off his neck, and his bands will be burst; and men of strange lands will no longer make use of him as their servant:


Judges 5:3
Give attention, O kings; give ear, O rulers; I, even I, will make a song to the Lord; I will make melody to the Lord, the God of Israel.


Ruth 3:7
Now when Boaz had taken meat and drink, and his heart was glad, he went to take his rest at the end of the mass of grain; then she came softly and, uncovering his feet, went to rest.


Psalms 65:9
You have given your blessing to the earth, watering it and making it fertile; the river of God is full of water: and having made it ready, you give men grain.

Psalms 65:10
You make the ploughed lands full of water; you make smooth the slopes: you make the earth soft with showers, sending your blessing on its growth.

Psalms 65:11
The year is crowned with the good you give; life-giving rain is dropping from your footsteps,

Psalms 65:12
Falling on the grass of the waste land: and the little hills are glad on every side.

Psalms 65:13
The grass-land is thick with flocks; the valleys are full of grain; they give glad cries and songs of joy.


Psalms 119:62
In the middle of the night I will get up to give you praise, because of all your right decisions.


Song of Solomon 3:9
King Solomon made himself a bed of the wood of Lebanon.


Song of Solomon 3:10
He made its pillars of silver, its base of gold, its seat of purple, the middle of it of ebony.


Psalms 51:7
Make me free from sin with hyssop: let me be washed whiter than snow.

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us have an argument together, says the Lord: how may your sins which are red like blood be white as snow? how may their dark purple seem like wool?

Matthew 17:2
And he was changed in form before them; and his face was shining like the sun, and his clothing became white as light.

Matthew 28:3
His form was shining like the light, and his clothing was white as snow:

Revelation 1:14
And his head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;


Isaiah 2:10
Go into a hole in the rock, covering yourselves with dust, in fear of the Lord, before the glory of his power.


Isaiah 5:10
For ten fields of vines will only give one measure of wine, and a great amount of seed will only give a small measure of grain.

Isaiah 7:20
In that day will the Lord take away the hair of the head and of the feet, as well as the hair of the face, with a blade got for a price from the other side of the River; even with the king of Assyria.

Isaiah 7:21
And it will be in that day that a man will give food to a young cow and two sheep;

Isaiah 7:22
And they will give so much milk that he will be able to have butter for his food: for butter and honey will be the food of all who are still living in the land.

Isaiah 7:23
And it will be in that day that in every place where before there were a thousand vines valued at a thousand shekels of silver, there will be nothing but blackberries and thorns.


Psalms 110:3
Your people give themselves gladly in the day of your power; like the dew of the morning on the holy mountains is the army of your young men.

Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase of his rule and of peace there will be no end, on the seat of David, and in his kingdom; to make it strong, supporting it with wise decision and righteousness, now and for ever. By the fixed purpose of the Lord of armies this will be done.

Isaiah 12:1
And in that day you will say I will give praise to you, O Lord; for though you were angry with me, your wrath is turned away, and I am comforted.

Isaiah 27:6
In days to come Jacob will take root: Israel will put out buds and flowers; and the face of the world will be full of fruit.

Isaiah 35:1
The waste land and the dry places will be glad; the lowland will have joy and be full of flowers.

Isaiah 49:19
For though the waste places of your land have been given to destruction, now you will not be wide enough for your people, and those who made you waste will be far away.

Isaiah 60:22
The smallest of their families will become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I, the Lord, will make it come quickly in its time.

Ezekiel 36:11
Man and beast will be increased in you, and they will have offspring and be fertile: I will make you thickly peopled as you were before, and will do more for you than at the first: and you will be certain that I am the Lord.

Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 5:9
And when he had been made complete, he became the giver of eternal salvation to all those who are under his orders;

Revelation 7:16
They will never be in need of food or drink: and they will never again be troubled by the burning heat of the sun:

Revelation 21:24
And the nations will go in its light: and the kings of the earth will take their glory into it.


Psalms 107:39
And when they are made low, and crushed by trouble and sorrow,

Isaiah 24:8
The pleasing sound of all instruments of music has come to an end, and the voices of those who are glad.

Isaiah 24:9
There is no more drinking of wine with a song; strong drink will be bitter to those who take it.

Isaiah 24:10
The town is waste and broken down: every house is shut up, so that no man may come in.

Isaiah 24:12
In the town all is waste, and in the public place is destruction.

Isaiah 32:10
In not much more than a year, you, who are not looking for evil, will be troubled: for the produce of the vine-gardens will be cut off, and there will be no getting in of the grapes.

Isaiah 32:11
Be shaking with fear, you women who are living in comfort; be troubled, you who have no fear of danger: take off your robes and put on clothing of grief.

Isaiah 32:12
Have sorrow for the fields, the pleasing fields, the fertile vine;

Isaiah 32:13
And for the land of my people, where thorns will come up; even for all the houses of joy in the glad town.

Isaiah 32:14
For the fair houses will have no man living in them; the town which was full of noise will become a waste; the hill and the watchtower will be unpeopled for ever, a joy for the asses of the woods, a place of food for the flocks;

Jeremiah 25:9
See, I will send and take all the families of the north, says the Lord, and Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, my servant, and make them come against this land, and against its people, and against all these nations on every side; and I will give them up to complete destruction, and make them a cause of fear and surprise and a waste place for ever.

Revelation 18:22
And the voice of players and makers of music will never again be sounding in you: and no worker, expert in art, will ever again be living in you; and there will be no sound of the crushing of grain any more at all in you;


Psalms 43:3
O send out your light and your true word; let them be my guide: let them take me to your holy hill, and to your tents.

Isaiah 25:6
And in this mountain will the Lord of armies make for all peoples a feast of good things, a feast of wines long stored, of good things sweet to the taste, of wines long kept and tested.

Isaiah 49:5
And now, says the Lord, who made me his servant when I was still in my mother's body, so that I might make Jacob come back to him, and so that Israel might come together to him: and I was honoured in the eyes of the Lord, and my God became my strength.

Isaiah 55:12
For you will go out with joy, and be guided in peace: the mountains and the hills will make melody before you, and all the trees of the fields will make sounds of joy.

Isaiah 61:10
I will be full of joy in the Lord, my soul will be glad in my God; for he has put on me the clothing of salvation, covering me with the robe of righteousness, as the husband puts on a fair head-dress, and the bride makes herself beautiful with jewels.

Isaiah 65:18
But men will be glad and have joy for ever in what I am making; for I am making Jerusalem a delight, and her people a joy.

Jeremiah 31:14
I will give the priests their desired fat things, and my people will have a full measure of my good things, says the Lord.

Joel 3:18
And it will come about in that day that the mountains will be dropping sweet wine, and the hills will be flowing with milk, and all the streams of Judah will be flowing with water; and a fountain will come out from the house of the Lord, watering the valley of acacia-trees.

John 4:10
In answer Jesus said, If you had knowledge of what God gives freely and who it is who says to you, Give me water, you would make your prayer to him, and he would give you living water.

John 10:16
And I have other sheep which are not of this field: I will be their guide in the same way, and they will give ear to my voice, so there will be one flock and one keeper.

Hebrews 1:1
In times past the word of God came to our fathers through the prophets, in different parts and in different ways;

Revelation 7:17
For the Lamb who is on the high seat will be their keeper and their guide to fountains of living water: and God will make glad their eyes for ever.


Isaiah 24:7
The new wine is thin, the vine is feeble, and all the glad-hearted make sounds of grief.

Isaiah 32:9
Give ear to my voice, you women who are living in comfort; give attention to my words, you daughters who have no fear of danger.

Isaiah 58:3
They say, Why have we kept ourselves from food, and you do not see it? why have we kept ourselves from pleasure, and you take no note of it? If, in the days when you keep from food, you take the chance to do your business, and get in your debts;

Jeremiah 25:10
And more than this, I will take from them the sound of laughing voices, the voice of joy, the voice of the newly-married man, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the stones crushing the grain, and the shining of lights.

Revelation 18:23
And never again will the shining of lights be seen in you; and the voice of the newly-married man and the bride will never again be sounding in you: for your traders were the lords of the earth, and by your evil powers were all the nations turned out of the right way.


Isaiah 25:9
And in that day it will be said, See, this is our God; we have been waiting for him, and he will be our saviour: this is the Lord in whom is our hope; we will be glad and have delight in his salvation.

Isaiah 49:23
And kings will take care of you, and queens will give you their milk: they will go down on their faces before you, kissing the dust of your feet; and you will be certain that I am the Lord, and that those who put their hope in me will not be shamed.

Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who comes with good news, who gives word of peace, saying that salvation is near; who says to Zion, Your God is ruling!

Isaiah 54:1
Let your voice be loud in song, O woman without children; make melody and sounds of joy, you who did not give birth: for the children of her who had no husband are more than those of the married wife, says the Lord.

Isaiah 61:7
As they had twice as much grief, and marks of shame were their heritage, so in their land they will be rewarded twice over, and will have eternal joy.

Isaiah 66:9
Will I by whom the birth was started, not make it complete? says the Lord. Will I who make children come to birth, let them be kept back? says your God.

Jeremiah 31:7
For the Lord has said, Make a glad song for Jacob and give a cry on the top of the mountains: give the news, give praise, and say, The Lord has given salvation to his people, even to the rest of Israel.

Jeremiah 31:12
So they will come with songs on the high places, flowing together to the good things of the Lord, to the grain and the wine and the oil, to the young ones of the flock and of the herd: their souls will be like a watered garden, and they will have no more sorrow.

Jeremiah 31:13
Then the virgin will have joy in the dance, and the young men and the old will be glad: for I will have their weeping turned into joy, I will give them comfort and make them glad after their sorrow.

Acts 8:8
And there was much joy in that town.

2 Corinthians 7:4
My words to you are without fear, I am full of pride on account of you: I have great comfort and joy in all our troubles.

Ephesians 2:14
For he is our peace, who has made the two into one, and by whom the middle wall of division has been broken down,


Jeremiah 40:10
As for me, I will be living in Mizpah as your representative before the Chaldaeans who come to us: but you are to get in your wine and summer fruits and oil and put them in your vessels, and make living-places for yourselves in the towns which you have taken.


Jeremiah 40:12
Then all the Jews came back from all the places to which they had gone in flight, and came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah, to Mizpah, and got in a great store of wine and summer fruit.


Jeremiah 48:3
There is the sound of crying from Horonaim, wasting and great destruction;


Ezekiel 7:11
Violent behaviour has been lifted up into a rod of evil; it will not be slow in coming, it will not keep back.


Isaiah 10:26
And the Lord of armies will be shaking a whip against him, as when he overcame Midian at the rock of Oreb: and his rod will be lifted up against them as it was against the Egyptians.

Habakkuk 3:7
The curtains of Cushan were troubled, and the tents of Midian were shaking.

Habakkuk 3:9
Your bow was quite uncovered. Selah. By you the earth was cut through with rivers.


Hosea 4:7
Even while they were increasing in number they were sinning against me; I will let their glory be changed into shame.

Zechariah 2:10
Give songs of joy, O daughter of Zion: for I come, and I will make my resting-place among you, says the Lord.

Zechariah 2:11
And a number of nations will be joined to the Lord in that day, and will become my people; and I will be living among you, and you will see that the Lord of armies has sent me to you.

Zechariah 8:23
This is what the Lord of armies has said: In those days, ten men from all the languages of the nations will put out their hands and take a grip of the skirt of him who is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for it has come to our ears that God is with you.


Zechariah 14:10
And all the land will become like the Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem; and she will be lifted up and be living in her place; from the doorway of Benjamin to the place of the first doorway, to the doorway of the angle, and from the tower of Hananel to the king's wine-crushing places, men will be living in her.


Zechariah 14:11
And there will be no more curse; but Jerusalem will be living without fear of danger.


Matthew 12:29
Or how may one go into a strong man's house and take his goods, if he does not first put cords round the strong man? and then he may take his goods.


Luke 7:39
Now when the Pharisee in whose house he was saw it, he said to himself, This man, if he was a prophet, would be conscious what sort of woman this is who has put her hands on him, that she is a sinner.


Luke 11:22
But when one who is stronger makes an attack on him and overcomes him, he takes away his instruments of war, in which he had put his faith, and makes division of his goods.


John 4:36
He who does the cutting now has his reward; he is getting together fruit for eternal life, so that he who did the planting and he who gets in the grain may have joy together.


Isaiah 17:11
In the day of your planting you were watching its growth, and in the morning your seed was flowering: but its fruit is wasted away in the day of grief and bitter sorrow.

Micah 6:15
You will put in seed, but you will not get in the grain; you will be crushing olives, but your bodies will not be rubbed with the oil; and you will get in the grapes, but you will have no wine.

John 4:37
In this the saying is a true one, One does the planting, and another gets in the grain.


Acts 16:31
And they said, Have faith in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will have salvation.

Acts 16:32
And they gave the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.


2 Samuel 12:16
So David made prayer to God for the child; and he took no food day after day, and went in and, stretching himself out on the earth, was there all night.

Luke 15:18
I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, Father, I have done wrong, against heaven and in your eyes:

Luke 15:19
I am no longer good enough to be named your son: make me like one of your servants.

Luke 15:20
And he got up and went to his father. But while he was still far away, his father saw him and was moved with pity for him and went quickly and took him in his arms and gave him a kiss.

Luke 15:21
And his son said to him, Father, I have done wrong, against heaven and in your eyes: I am no longer good enough to be named your son.

Luke 15:22
But the father said to his servants, Get out the first robe quickly, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet:

Luke 15:23
And get the fat young ox and put it to death, and let us have a feast, and be glad.

Luke 15:24
For this, my son, who was dead, is living again; he had gone away from me, and has come back. And they were full of joy.

Acts 16:29
And he sent for lights and came rushing in and, shaking with fear, went down on his face before Paul and Silas,

Acts 16:30
And took them out and said, Sirs, what have I to do to get salvation?

Acts 16:33
And that same hour of the night, he took them, and when he had given attention to their wounds, he and all his family had baptism straight away.

Acts 16:34
And he took them into his house and gave them food, and he was full of joy, having faith in God with all his family.


1 Corinthians 15:6
Then by more than five hundred brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, but some are sleeping;


Exodus 1:20
And the blessing of God was on these women: and the people were increased in number and became very strong.

1 Kings 4:20
Judah and Israel were as great in number as the sand by the seaside, and they took their food and drink with joy in their hearts.

Galatians 3:8
And the holy Writings, seeing before the event that God would give the Gentiles righteousness by faith, gave the good news before to Abraham, saying, In you will all the nations have a blessing.

Galatians 3:9
So then those who are of faith have a part in the blessing of Abraham who was full of faith.


Jeremiah 31:27
See, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will have Israel and Judah planted with the seed of man and with the seed of beast.

Acts 8:6
And all the people gave attention to the words which Philip said, when they saw the signs which he did.

1 Timothy 6:2
And let those whose masters are of the faith have respect for them because they are brothers, working for them the more readily, because those who take part in the good work are of the faith and are dear. Give orders and teaching about these things.

Revelation 7:15
This is why they are before the high seat of God; and they are his servants day and night in his house: and he who is seated on the high seat will be a tent over them.

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