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Psalms 61:7
May the seat of his authority be before God for ever; may mercy and righteousness keep him safe.


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Psalms 61:7
May the seat of his authority be before God for ever; may mercy and righteousness keep him safe.


Genesis 17:1
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord came to him, and said, I am God, Ruler of all; go in my ways and be upright in all things,

Genesis 17:18
And Abraham said to God, If only Ishmael's life might be your care!

1 Kings 2:4
So that the Lord may give effect to what he said of me, If your children give attention to their ways, living uprightly before me with all their heart and their soul, you will never be without a man to be king in Israel.

1 Kings 8:25
So now, O Lord, the God of Israel, let your word to your servant David, my father, come true, when you said, You will never be without a man to take his place on the seat of the kingdom of Israel before me, if only your children give attention to their ways, walking before me as you have done.

1 Kings 9:4
As for you, if you will go on your way before me, as David your father did, uprightly and with a true heart, doing what I have given you orders to do, keeping my laws and my decisions;

Psalms 57:10
For your mercy is great, stretching up to the heavens, and your righteousness goes up to the clouds.

Psalms 89:36
His seed will not come to an end for ever; the seat of his kingdom will be like the sun before me.

Psalms 116:9
I will go before the Lord in the land of the living.

Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child has come, to us a son is given; and the government has been placed in his hands; and he has been named Wise Guide, Strong God, Father for ever, Prince of Peace.

Hosea 6:2
After two days he will give us life, and on the third day he will make us get up, and we will be living before him.

Micah 6:8
He has made clear to you, O man, what is good; and what is desired from you by the Lord; only doing what is right, and loving mercy, and walking without pride before your God.

Luke 1:6
They were upright in the eyes of God, keeping all the rules and orders of God, and doing no wrong.

John 1:12
To all those who did so take him, however, he gave the right of becoming children of God--that is, to those who had faith in his name:

John 1:14
And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace.

Romans 14:8
As long as we have life we are living to the Lord; or if we give up our life it is to the Lord; so if we are living, or if our life comes to an end, we are the Lord's.


Genesis 28:15
And truly, I will be with you, and will keep you wherever you go, guiding you back again to this land; and I will not give you up till I have done what I have said to you.


Exodus 16:33
And Moses said to Aaron, Take a pot and put one omer of manna in it, and put it away before the Lord, to be kept for future generations.

John 6:32
Jesus then said to them, Truly I say to you, What Moses gave you was not the bread from heaven; it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.


Numbers 23:24
See, Israel comes up like a she-lion, lifting himself up like a lion: he will take no rest till he has made a meal of those he has overcome, drinking the blood of those he has put to death.

Job 31:31
If the men of my tent did not say, Who has not had full measure of his meat?

Psalms 56:1
To the chief music-maker; put to Jonath elem rehokim. Of David. Michtam. When the Philistines took him in Gath. Have mercy on me, O God, for man is attempting my destruction; every day he makes cruel attacks against me.

Psalms 56:2
My haters are ever ready to put an end to me; great numbers are lifting themselves up against me.

Micah 3:2
You who are haters of good and lovers of evil, pulling off their skin from them and their flesh from their bones;

Micah 3:3
Like meat they take the flesh of my people for their food, skinning them and crushing their bones, yes, cutting them up as if for the pot, like flesh inside the cooking-pot.


Judges 17:10
Then Micah said to him, Make your living-place with me, and be a father and a priest to me, and I will give you ten shekels of silver a year and your clothing and food.


2 Samuel 2:6
May the Lord be good and true to you: and I myself will see that your kind act is rewarded, because you have done this thing.

2 Samuel 15:20
It was only yesterday you came to us; why then am I to make you go up and down with us? for I have to go where I may; go back then, and take your countrymen with you, and may the Lord's mercy and good faith be with you.

Psalms 61:1
To the chief music-maker. On a corded instrument. Of David. Let my cry come to you, O God; let your ears be open to my prayer.

Matthew 5:7
Happy are those who have mercy: for they will be given mercy.

2 Timothy 1:16
May the Lord give mercy to the house of Onesiphorus because he frequently gave me help, and had no feeling of shame because I was in chains;

2 Timothy 1:17
But when he was in Rome, he went in search of me everywhere, and came to me

2 Timothy 1:18
(May he have the Lord's mercy in that day); and of all he did for me at Ephesus you have full knowledge.


2 Samuel 7:12
And when the time comes for you to go to rest with your fathers, I will put in your place your seed after you, the offspring of your body, and I will make his kingdom strong.

2 Samuel 7:13
He will be the builder of a house for my name, and I will make the seat of his authority certain for ever.

2 Samuel 7:14
I will be to him a father and he will be to me a son: if he does wrong, I will give him punishment with the rod of men and with the blows of the children of men;

2 Samuel 7:15
But my mercy will not be taken away from him, as I took it from him who was before you.

Psalms 89:3
I have made an agreement with the man of my selection, I have made an oath to David my servant;

Psalms 89:4
I will make your seed go on for ever, your kingdom will be strong through all generations. (Selah.)

Psalms 89:5
In heaven let them give praise for your wonders, O Lord; and your unchanging faith among the saints.

Psalms 89:28
I will keep my mercy for him for ever; my agreement with him will not be changed.

Psalms 89:33
But I will not take away my mercy from him, and will not be false to my faith.

Psalms 138:8
The Lord will make all things complete for me: O Lord, your mercy is eternal; do not give up the works of your hands.

Proverbs 16:6
By mercy and good faith evil-doing is taken away: and by the fear of the Lord men are turned away from evil.

Isaiah 16:5
Then a king's seat will be based on mercy, and one will be seated on it in the tent of David for ever; judging uprightly, and quick to do righteousness.

Jeremiah 13:13
Then you are to say to them, The Lord has said, I will make all the people of this land, even the kings seated on David's seat, and the priests and the prophets and all the people of Jerusalem, overcome with strong drink.

Jonah 4:6
And the Lord God made a vine come up over Jonah to give him shade over his head. And Jonah was very glad because of the vine.


1 Samuel 30:6
And David was greatly troubled; for the people were talking of stoning him, because their hearts were bitter, every man sorrowing for his sons and his daughters: but David made himself strong in the Lord his God.

Psalms 13:5
But I have had faith in your mercy; my heart will be glad in your salvation.

Psalms 15:1
A Psalm. Of David. Lord, who may have a resting-place in your tent, a living-place on your holy hill?

Psalms 18:2
The Lord is my Rock, my walled town, and my saviour; my God, my Rock, in him will I put my faith; my breastplate, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Psalms 20:7
Some put their faith in carriages and some in horses; but we will be strong in the name of the Lord our God.

Psalms 20:8
They are bent down and made low; but we have been lifted up.

Psalms 21:5
His glory is great in your salvation: honour and authority have you put on him.

Psalms 26:1
Of David. O Lord, be my judge, for my behaviour has been upright: I have put my faith in the Lord, I am not in danger of slipping.

Psalms 27:4
One prayer have I made to the Lord, and this is my heart's desire; that I may have a place in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, looking on his glory, and getting wisdom in his Temple.

Psalms 91:1
Happy is he whose resting-place is in the secret of the Lord, and under the shade of the wings of the Most High;

Psalms 91:2
Who says of the Lord, He is my safe place and my tower of strength: he is my God, in whom is my hope.

Psalms 91:9
Because you have said, I am in the hands of the Lord, the Most High is my safe resting-place;

Psalms 91:10
No evil will come on you, and no disease will come near your tent.

Matthew 27:43
He put his faith in God; let God be his saviour now, if he will have him; for he said, I am the Son of God.

Hebrews 2:13
And again he says, I will put my faith in him. And again, See, I am here, and the children which God has given to me.


Psalms 63:7
Because you have been my help, I will have joy in the shade of your wings.

Psalms 90:1
A Prayer of Moses, the man of God. Lord, you have been our resting-place in all generations.

Psalms 92:13
Those who are planted in the house of the Lord will come up tall and strong in his gardens.

Revelation 3:12
Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the house of my God, and he will go out no more: and I will put on him the name of my God, and the name of the town of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my new name.


Psalms 140:13
Truly, the upright will give praise to your name: the holy will have a place in your house.


Psalms 91:16
With long life will he be rewarded; and I will let him see my salvation.

Psalms 102:25
In the past you put the earth on its base, and the heavens are the work of your hands.

Proverbs 3:2
For they will give you increase of days, years of life, and peace.

Proverbs 4:10
Give ear, O my son, and let your heart be open to my sayings; and long life will be yours.

Proverbs 9:11
For by me your days will be increased, and the years of your life will be long.

Proverbs 10:27
The fear of the Lord gives long life, but the years of the evil-doer will be cut short.


Psalms 115:1
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name let glory be given, because of your mercy and your unchanging faith.

Luke 1:54
His help he has given to Israel, his servant, so that he might keep in mind his mercy to Abraham and his seed for ever,

Luke 1:55
As he gave his word to our fathers.

Luke 1:69
Lifting up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David,

Luke 1:70
(As he said, by the mouth of his holy prophets, from the earliest times,)

Luke 1:71
Salvation from those who are against us, and from the hands of those who have hate for us;

Luke 1:72
To do acts of mercy to our fathers and to keep in mind his holy word,

Luke 1:73
The oath which he made to Abraham, our father,

Luke 1:74
That we, being made free from the fear of those who are against us, might give him worship,

Romans 15:8
Now I say that Christ has been made a servant of the circumcision to give effect to the undertakings given by God to the fathers,

Romans 15:9
And so that the Gentiles might give glory to God for his mercy; as it is said, For this reason I will give praise to you among the Gentiles, and I will make a song to your name.

2 Corinthians 1:20
For he is the Yes to all the undertakings of God: and by him all the words of God are made certain and put into effect, to the glory of God through us.


John 14:19
A little time longer, and the world will see me no more; but you will see me; and you will be living because I am living.

Hebrews 5:7
Who in the days of his flesh, having sent up prayers and requests with strong crying and weeping to him who was able to give him salvation from death, had his prayer answered because of his fear of God.

Hebrews 7:21
(For those were made priests without an oath, but this one was made a priest with an oath by him who says of him, The Lord gave his oath, which he will not take back, that you are a priest for ever);

Hebrews 7:22
By so much is it a better agreement which we have through Jesus.

Hebrews 7:23
And it is true that there have been a great number of those priests, because death does not let them go on for ever;

Hebrews 7:25
So that he is fully able to be the saviour of all who come to God through him, because he is ever living to make prayer to God for them.

Hebrews 9:24
For Christ did not go into a holy place which had been made by men's hands as the copy of the true one; but he went into heaven itself, and now takes his place before the face of God for us.

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