Psalms 46:5
God has taken his place in her; she will not be moved: he will come to her help at the dawn of morning.
Psalms 46:5
God has taken his place in her; she will not be moved: he will come to her help at the dawn of morning.
Genesis 3:19
With the hard work of your hands you will get your bread till you go back to the earth from which you were taken: for dust you are and to the dust you will go back.
Acts 2:25
For David said of him, I saw the Lord before my face at all times, for he is at my right hand, so that I may not be moved:
Genesis 32:25
But when the man saw that he was not able to overcome Jacob, he gave him a blow in the hollow part of his leg, so that his leg was damaged.
Genesis 32:26
And he said to him, Let me go now, for the dawn is near. But Jacob said, I will not let you go till you have given me your blessing.
Genesis 32:27
Then he said, What is your name? And he said, Jacob.
Genesis 32:28
And he said, Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel: for in your fight with God and with men you have overcome.
Genesis 32:29
Then Jacob said, What is your name? And he said, What is my name to you? Then he gave him a blessing.
Exodus 8:22
And at that time I will make a division between your land and the land of Goshen where my people are, and no flies will be there; so that you may see that I am the Lord over all the earth.
Exodus 8:23
And I will put a division between my people and your people; tomorrow this sign will be seen.
Exodus 9:5
And the time was fixed by the Lord, and he said, Tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land.
Exodus 9:6
And on the day after, the Lord did as he had said, causing the death of all the cattle of Egypt, but there was no loss of any of the cattle of Israel.
Exodus 14:13
But Moses said, Keep where you are and have no fear; now you will see the salvation of the Lord which he will give you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.
Exodus 15:26
And he said, If with all your heart you will give attention to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in his eyes, giving ear to his orders and keeping his laws, I will not put on you any of the diseases which I put on the Egyptians: for I am the Lord your life-giver.
Exodus 16:12
The outcry of the children of Israel has come to my ears: say to them now, At nightfall you will have meat for your food, and in the morning bread in full measure; and you will see that I am the Lord your God.
Joshua 3:5
And Joshua said to the people, Make yourselves holy, for tomorrow the Lord will do works of wonder among you.
1 Samuel 11:9
Then he said to the representatives who had come, Say to the men of Jabesh-gilead, Tomorrow, by the time the sun is high, you will be made safe. And the representatives came and gave the news to the men of Jabesh; and they were glad.
Exodus 14:23
Then the Egyptians went after them into the middle of the sea, all Pharaoh's horses and his war-carriages and his horsemen.
Exodus 14:25
And made the wheels of their war-carriages stiff, so that they had hard work driving them: so the Egyptians said, Let us go in flight from before the face of Israel, for the Lord is fighting for them against the Egyptians.
Exodus 14:26
And the Lord said to Moses, Let your hand be stretched out over the sea, and the waters will come back again on the Egyptians, and on their war-carriages and on their horsemen.
Matthew 8:27
And the men were full of wonder, saying, What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea do his orders?
Exodus 19:4
You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I took you, as on eagles' wings, guiding you to myself.
Deuteronomy 32:11
As an eagle, teaching her young to make their flight, with her wings outstretched over them, takes them up on her strong feathers:
Psalms 71:6
You have been my support from the day of my birth; you took me out of my mother's body; my praise will be ever of you.
Isaiah 44:2
The Lord who made you, forming you in your mother's body, the Lord, your helper, says, Have no fear, O Jacob my servant, and you, Jeshurun, whom I have taken for myself.
Isaiah 46:3
Give ear to me, O family of Jacob, and all the rest of the people of Israel, who have been supported by me from their birth, and have been my care from their earliest days:
Isaiah 46:4
Even when you are old I will be the same, and when you are grey-haired I will take care of you: I will still be responsible for what I made; yes, I will take you and keep you safe.
Isaiah 49:1
Give ear, O sea-lands, to me; and take note, you peoples from far: I have been marked out by the Lord from the first; when I was still in my mother's body, he had my name in mind:
Ezekiel 16:6
And when I went past you and saw you stretched out in your blood, I said to you, Though you are stretched out in your blood, have life;
Ezekiel 16:7
And be increased in number like the buds of the field; and you were increased and became great, and you came to the time of love: your breasts were formed and your hair was long; but you were uncovered and without clothing.
Ezekiel 16:8
Now when I went past you, looking at you, I saw that your time was the time of love; and I put my skirts over you, covering your unclothed body: and I gave you my oath and made an agreement with you, says the Lord, and you became mine.
Ezekiel 20:6
In that day I gave my oath to take them out of the land of Egypt into a land which I had been searching out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the glory of all lands:
Ezekiel 20:7
And I said to them, Let every man among you put away the disgusting things to which his eyes are turned, and do not make yourselves unclean with the images of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.
Exodus 29:45
Among the children of Israel I will make my living-place, and I will be their God.
Exodus 29:46
And they will see that I am the Lord their God, who took them out of the land of Egypt, so that I might be ever with them: I am the Lord their God.
Ezekiel 37:26
And I will make an agreement of peace with them: it will be an eternal agreement with them: and I will have mercy on them and make their numbers great, and will put my holy place among them for ever.
Ezekiel 37:27
And my House will be over them; and I will be to them a God, and they will be to me a people.
Ezekiel 37:28
And the nations will be certain that I who make Israel holy am the Lord, when my holy place is among them for ever.
Ezekiel 43:9
Now let them put their loose ways and the dead bodies of their kings far from me, and I will be among them for ever.
Numbers 2:1
And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
Numbers 9:20
Sometimes the cloud was resting on the House for two or three days; then, by the order of the Lord, they kept their tents in that place, and when the Lord gave the order they went on.
Joshua 18:1
And all the meeting of the children of Israel came together at Shiloh and put up the Tent of meeting there: and the land was crushed before them.
Psalms 93:2
The seat of your power has been from the past; you are eternal.
Isaiah 45:14
The Lord says, The workmen of Egypt, and the traders of Ethiopia, and the tall Sabaeans, will come over the sea to you, and they will be yours; they will go after you; in chains they will come over: and they will go down on their faces before you, and will make prayer to you, saying, Truly, God is among you; and there is no other God.
Isaiah 60:14
And the sons of those who were cruel to you will come before you with bent heads; and those who made sport of you will go down on their faces at your feet; and you will be named, The Town of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
Jeremiah 7:4
Put no faith in false words, saying, The Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, are these.
Hosea 11:9
I will not put into effect the heat of my wrath; I will not again send destruction on Ephraim; for I am God and not man, the Holy One among you; I will not put an end to you.
Micah 4:1
But in the last days it will come about that the mountain of the Lord's house will be placed on the top of the mountains, and be lifted up over the hills; and peoples will be flowing to it.
Zephaniah 3:15
The Lord has taken away those who were judging you, he has sent your haters far away: the King of Israel, even the Lord, is among you: you will have no more fear of evil.
Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is among you, as a strong saviour: he will be glad over you with joy, he will make his love new again, he will make a song of joy over you as in the time of a holy feast.
Matthew 7:25
And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house, but it was not moved; because it was based on the rock.
Revelation 21:9
And one of the seven angels who had the seven vessels in which were the seven last punishments, came and said to me, Come here, and see the bride, the Lamb's wife.
Exodus 17:15
Then Moses put up an altar and gave it the name of Yahweh-nissi:
Numbers 14:14
And they will give the news to the people of this land: they have had word that you, Lord, are present with this people, letting yourself be seen face to face, and that your cloud is resting over them, and that you go before them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night.
Numbers 14:42
Go not up, for the Lord is not with you, and you will be overcome by those who are fighting against you.
Deuteronomy 7:21
Have no fear of them: for the Lord your God is with you, a great God greatly to be feared.
Joshua 3:10
And Joshua said, By this you will see that the living God is among you, and that he will certainly send out from before you the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Hivite and the Perizzite and the Girgashite and the Amorite and the Jebusite.
Judges 6:24
Then Gideon made an altar there to the Lord, and gave it the name Yahweh-shalom; to this day it is in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
Psalms 77:13
Your way, O God, is holy: what god is so great as our God?
Psalms 132:14
This is my rest for ever: here will I ever be; for this is my desire.
Isaiah 14:32
What answer, then, will my people give to the representatives of the nation? That the Lord is the builder of Zion, and she will be a safe place for the poor of his people.
Isaiah 24:23
Then the moon will be veiled, and the sun put to shame; for the Lord of armies will be ruling in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before his judges he will let his glory be seen.
Jeremiah 3:17
At that time Jerusalem will be named the seat of the Lord's kingdom; and all the nations will come together to it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: and no longer will their steps be guided by the purposes of their evil hearts.
1 Corinthians 14:25
The secrets of his heart are made clear; and he will go down on his face and give worship to God, saying that God is truly among you.
Numbers 23:21
He has seen no evil in Jacob or wrongdoing in Israel: the Lord his God is with him, and the glad cry of a king is among them.
Deuteronomy 31:7
Then Moses sent for Joshua, and before the eyes of all Israel said to him, Be strong and take heart: for you are to go with this people into the land which the Lord, by his oath to their fathers, has given them; by your help they will take it for their heritage.
Joshua 1:5
While you are living, all will give way before you: as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not take away my help from you or give you up.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not given you your orders? Take heart and be strong; have no fear and do not be troubled; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,
Psalms 23:4
Yes, though I go through the valley of deep shade, I will have no fear of evil; for you are with me, your rod and your support are my comfort.
Haggai 1:13
Then Haggai, whom the Lord had sent to give his words to the people, said, I am with you, says the Lord.
2 Timothy 4:17
But the Lord was by my side and gave me strength; so that through me the news might be given out in full measure, and all the Gentiles might give ear: and I was taken out of the mouth of the lion.
2 Timothy 4:22
The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.
Deuteronomy 4:7
For what great nation has a god so near to them as the Lord our God is, whenever we are turned to him in prayer?
Psalms 34:15
The eyes of the Lord are on the upright, and his ears are open to their cry.
Psalms 34:18
The Lord is near the broken-hearted; he is the saviour of those whose spirits are crushed down.
Psalms 37:39
But the Lord is the saviour of the upright: he is their strength in the time of trouble.
Psalms 50:15
Let your voice come up to me in the day of trouble; I will be your saviour, so that you may give glory to me.
Psalms 60:11
Give us help in our trouble; for there is no help in man.
Psalms 145:18
The Lord is near all those who give honour to his name; even to all who give honour to him with true hearts.
Isaiah 26:16
Lord, in trouble our eyes have been turned to you, we sent up a prayer when your punishment was on us.
Isaiah 58:9
Then at the sound of your voice, the Lord will give an answer; at your cry he will say, Here am I. If you take away from among you the yoke, the putting out of the finger of shame, and the evil word;
2 Corinthians 1:3
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort;
2 Corinthians 1:4
Who gives us comfort in all our troubles, so that we may be able to give comfort to others who are in trouble, through the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
James 4:8
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Make your hands clean, you evil-doers; put away deceit from your hearts, you false in mind.
1 Samuel 17:36
Your servant has overcome lion and bear: and the fate of this Philistine, who is without circumcision, will be like theirs, seeing that he has put shame on the armies of the living God.
1 Samuel 17:44
And the Philistine said to David, Come here to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.
1 Samuel 17:45
Then David said to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin: but I come to you in the name of the Lord of armies, the God of the armies of Israel on which you have put shame.
1 Samuel 17:46
This day the Lord will give you up into my hands, and I will overcome you, and take your head off you; and I will give the bodies of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth today, so that all the earth may see that Israel has a God;
1 Samuel 17:47
And all these people who are here today may see that the Lord does not give salvation by sword and spear: for the fight is the Lord's, and he will give you up into our hands.
Psalms 2:2
The kings of the earth have taken their place, and the rulers are fixed in their purpose, against the Lord, and against the king of his selection, saying,
Psalms 2:3
Let their chains be broken, and their cords taken from off us.
Psalms 2:4
Then he whose seat is in the heavens will be laughing: the Lord will make sport of them.
Psalms 31:18
Let the false lips be shut, which say evil against the upright, looking down on him in their pride.
Isaiah 37:22
This is the word which the Lord has said about him: In the eyes of the virgin daughter of Zion you are shamed and laughed at; the daughter of Jerusalem has made sport of you.
Joel 3:9
Give this out among the nations; make ready for war: get the strong men awake; let all the men of war come near, let them come up.
Zechariah 12:3
And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a stone of great weight for all the peoples; all those who take it up will be badly wounded; and all the nations of the earth will come together against it.
1 Kings 18:27
And in the middle of the day, Elijah made sport of them, saying, Give louder cries, for he is a god; he may be deep in thought, or he may have gone away for some purpose, or he may be on a journey, or by chance he is sleeping and has to be made awake.
1 Kings 18:28
So they gave loud cries, cutting themselves with knives and swords, as was their way, till the blood came streaming out all over them.
2 Kings 7:1
Then Elisha said, Give ear to the word of the Lord: the Lord says, Tomorrow, about this time, a measure of good meal will be offered for the price of a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the market-place of Samaria.
2 Kings 7:18
So the words of the man of God came true, which he said to the king: Two measures of barley will be offered for the price of a shekel and a measure of good meal for a shekel, tomorrow about this time in the market-place of Samaria.
2 Kings 7:19
And that captain said to the man of God, Even if the Lord made windows in heaven, would such a thing be possible? And he said to him, Your eyes will see it, but you will not have a taste of the food.
2 Kings 19:31
For from Jerusalem those who have been kept safe will go out, and those who are still living will go out of Mount Zion: by the fixed purpose of the Lord of armies this will be done.
2 Kings 19:32
For this cause the Lord says about the king of Assyria, He will not come into this town, or send an arrow against it; he will not come before it with arms, or put up an earthwork against it;
2 Kings 19:33
By the way he came he will go back, and he will not get into this town, says the Lord.
2 Kings 19:35
And that night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death in the army of the Assyrians a hundred and eighty-five thousand men; and when the people got up early in the morning, there was nothing to be seen but dead bodies.
Isaiah 17:14
In the evening there is fear, and in the morning they are gone. This is the fate of those who take our goods, and the reward of those who violently take our property for themselves.
Job 22:16
Who were violently taken away before their time, who were overcome by the rush of waters:
Psalms 24:2
For by him it was based on the seas, and made strong on the deep rivers.
Jonah 2:4
And I said, I have been sent away from before your eyes; how may I ever again see your holy Temple?
Psalms 14:5
Then were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the upright.
Psalms 14:7
May the salvation of Israel come out of Zion! when the fate of his people is changed by the Lord, Jacob will have joy and Israel will be glad.
Psalms 22:30
A seed will be his servant; the doings of the Lord will be made clear to the generation which comes after.
Psalms 128:5
May the Lord send you blessing out of Zion: may you see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life.
Psalms 33:1
Be glad in the Lord, O doers of righteousness; for praise is beautiful for the upright.
Psalms 33:2
Give praise to the Lord on the corded instrument; make melody to him with instruments of music.
Psalms 33:3
Make a new song to him; playing expertly with a loud noise.
Psalms 42:8
But the Lord will send his mercy in the daytime, and in the night his song will be with me, a prayer to the God of my life.
Psalms 43:3
O send out your light and your true word; let them be my guide: let them take me to your holy hill, and to your tents.
Psalms 63:1
A Psalm. Of David. When he was in the waste land of Judah. O God, you are my God; early will I make my search for you: my soul is dry for need of you, my flesh is wasted with desire for you, as a dry and burning land where no water is;
Psalms 84:2
The passion of my soul's desire is for the house of the Lord; my heart and my flesh are crying out for the living God.
Psalms 132:5
Till I have got a place for the Lord, a resting-place for the great God of Jacob.
2 Kings 20:6
I will give you fifteen more years of life; and I will keep you and this town safe from the hands of the king of Assyria; I will keep this town safe, for my honour, and for the honour of my servant David.
Psalms 48:4
For see! the kings came together by agreement, they were joined together.
Psalms 48:5
They saw it, and so were full of wonder; they were troubled, and went quickly away in fear.
Psalms 48:6
Shaking came on them and pain, as on a woman in childbirth.
Psalms 48:7
By you the ships of Tarshish are broken as by an east wind.
Isaiah 38:6
And I will keep you and this town safe from the hands of the king of Assyria: and I will keep watch over this town.
Psalms 48:12
Make your way about Zion, and go round it, numbering its towers.
Psalms 48:13
Take note of its strong walls, looking well at its fair buildings; so that you may give word of it to the generation which comes after.
Psalms 48:14
Because this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide.
Psalms 66:1
To the chief music-maker. A Song. A Psalm. Send up a glad cry to God, all the earth:
Psalms 81:1
To the chief music-maker; put to the Gittith. Of Asaph. Make a song to God our strength: make a glad cry to the God of Jacob.
Psalms 100:1
A Psalm of Praise. Make a glad sound to the Lord, all the earth.
Psalms 100:2
Give worship to the Lord with joy; come before him with a song.
Psalms 76:5
Gone is the wealth of the strong, their last sleep has overcome them; the men of war have become feeble.
Psalms 76:6
At the voice of your wrath, O God of Jacob, deep sleep has overcome carriage and horse.
Psalms 45:13
In the great house the king's daughter is all shining: her clothing is worked with gold.
Psalms 87:5
And of Zion it will be said, This or that man had his birth there; and the Most High will make her strong.
Psalms 96:10
Say among the nations, The Lord is King; yes, the world is ordered so that it may not be moved; he will be an upright judge of the peoples.
Psalms 132:8
Come back, O Lord, to your resting-place; you and the ark of your strength.
Zechariah 2:6
Ho, ho! go in flight from the land of the north, says the Lord: for I have sent you far and wide to the four winds of heaven, says the Lord.
Revelation 4:1
After these things I saw a door open in heaven, and the first voice came to my ears, like the sound of a horn, saying, Come up here, and I will make clear to you the things which are to come.
Revelation 22:9
And he said to me, See you do it not; I am a brother-servant with you and with your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book: give worship to God.
Psalms 90:15
Make us glad in reward for the days of our sorrow, and for the years in which we have seen evil.
Isaiah 33:2
O Lord, have mercy on us; for we have been waiting for your help: be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of trouble.
Exodus 18:4
And the name of the other was Eliezer, for he said, The God of my father was my help, and kept me safe from the sword of Pharaoh:
Deuteronomy 33:12
And of Benjamin he said, Benjamin is the loved one of the Lord, he will be kept safe at all times; he will be covered by the Most High, resting between his arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27
The God of your fathers is your safe resting-place, and under you are his eternal arms: driving out the forces of your haters from before you, he said, Let destruction overtake them.
1 Samuel 2:9
He will keep the feet of his holy ones, but the evil-doers will come to their end in the dark night, for by strength no man will overcome.
Psalms 18:2
The Lord is my Rock, my walled town, and my saviour; my God, my Rock, in him will I put my faith; my breastplate, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Psalms 91:1
Happy is he whose resting-place is in the secret of the Lord, and under the shade of the wings of the Most High;
Psalms 91:2
Who says of the Lord, He is my safe place and my tower of strength: he is my God, in whom is my hope.
Psalms 91:4
You will be covered by his feathers; under his wings you will be safe: his good faith will be your salvation.
Psalms 121:5
The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the upright man running into it is safe.
Isaiah 10:14
And I have put my hands on the wealth of the peoples, as on the place where a bird has put her eggs; and as a man may take the eggs from which a bird has gone, so I have taken all the earth for myself: and not a wing was moved, and not a mouth gave out a sound.
Isaiah 26:21
For the Lord is coming out of his place to send punishment on the people of the earth for their evil-doing: the earth will let the blood drained out on her be seen, and will keep her dead covered no longer.
Psalms 110:1
A Psalm. Of David. The Lord said to my lord, Be seated at my right hand, till I put all those who are against you under your feet.
Psalms 29:9
At the voice of the Lord the roes give birth, the leaves are taken from the trees: in his Temple everything says, Glory.
Psalms 134:1
A Song of the going up. Give praise to the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who take your places in the house of the Lord by night.
Psalms 134:2
Give praise to the Lord, lifting up your hands in his holy place.
Psalms 135:1
Let the Lord be praised. O you servants of the Lord, give praise to the name of the Lord.
Psalms 135:2
You who are in the house of the Lord, and in the open spaces of the house of our God,
Psalms 143:7
Be quick in answering me, O Lord, for the strength of my spirit is gone: let me see your face, so that I may not be like those who go down into the underworld.
Psalms 143:9
O Lord, take me out of the hands of my haters; my soul is waiting for you.
Habakkuk 2:3
For the vision is still for the fixed time, and it is moving quickly to the end, and it will not be false: even if it is slow in coming, go on waiting for it; because it will certainly come, it will not be kept back.
Philippians 4:5
Let your gentle behaviour be clear to all men. The Lord is near.
Hebrews 10:37
In a very little time he who is coming will come; he will not be slow.
2 Peter 2:3
And in their desire for profit they will come to you with words of deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time and their destruction is watching for them.
2 Peter 3:8
But, my loved ones, keep in mind this one thing, that with the Lord one day is the same as a thousand years, and a thousand years are no more than one day.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his word, as he seems to some, but he is waiting in mercy for you, not desiring the destruction of any, but that all may be turned from their evil ways.
Proverbs 22:11
He whose heart is clean is dear to the Lord; for the grace of his lips the king will be his friend.
Isaiah 29:5
And the army of your attackers will be like small dust, and all the cruel ones like dry stems gone before the wind; suddenly it will come about.
Isaiah 30:13
This sin will be to you like a crack in a high wall, causing its fall suddenly and in a minute.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
When they say, There is peace and no danger, then sudden destruction will come on them, as birth-pains on a woman with child; and they will not be able to get away from it.
Deuteronomy 33:26
No other is like the God of Jeshurun, coming on the heavens to your help, and letting his glory be seen in the skies.
Deuteronomy 33:28
And Israel is living in peace, the fountain of Jacob by himself, in a land of grain and wine, with dew dropping from the heavens.
Deuteronomy 33:29
Happy are you, O Israel: who is like you, a people whose saviour is the Lord, whose help is your cover, whose sword is your strength! All those who are against you will put themselves under your rule, and your feet will be planted on their high places.
Psalms 62:6
He only is my Rock and my salvation; he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.
Isaiah 33:16
He will have a place on high: he will be safely shut in by the high rocks: his bread will be given to him; his waters will be certain.
Isaiah 37:35
For I will keep this town safe, for my honour, and for the honour of my servant David.
Isaiah 46:13
My righteousness is near, it is not far off; salvation will come quickly; and I will make Zion free, and give Israel my glory.
Isaiah 51:5
Suddenly will my righteousness come near, and my salvation will be shining out like the light; the sea-lands will be waiting for me, and they will put their hope in my strong arm.
Isaiah 51:6
Let your eyes be lifted up to the heavens, and turned to the earth which is under them: for the heavens will go in flight like smoke, and the earth will become old like a coat, and its people will come to destruction like insects: but my salvation will be for ever, and my righteousness will not come to an end.
Isaiah 51:16
And I have put my words in your mouth, covering you with the shade of my hand, stretching out the heavens, and placing the earth on its base, and saying to Zion, You are my people.
Joel 3:16
And the Lord will be thundering from Zion, and his voice will be sounding from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth will be shaking: but the Lord will be a breastplate for his people and a strong place for the children of Israel.
2 Peter 2:9
The Lord is able to keep the upright safe in the time of testing, and to keep evil-doers under punishment till the day of judging;
Numbers 14:9
Only, do not go against the Lord or go in fear of the people of the land, for they will be our food; their strength has been taken from them and the Lord is with us: have no fear of them.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and take heart, and have no fear of them: for it is the Lord your God who is going with you; he will not take away his help from you.
Deuteronomy 31:8
It is the Lord who goes before you; he will be with you, he will not take away his help from you or give you up: so have no fear.
2 Chronicles 32:8
With him is an arm of flesh; but we have the Lord our God, helping us and fighting for us. And the people put their faith in what Hezekiah, king of Judah, said.
Psalms 27:1
Of David. The Lord is my light and my salvation; who is then a cause of fear to me? the Lord is the strength of my life; who is a danger to me?
Psalms 27:2
When evil-doers, even my haters, came on me to put an end to me, they were broken and put to shame.
Psalms 27:3
Even if an army came against me with its tents, my heart would have no fear: if war was made on me, my faith would not be moved.
Isaiah 41:14
Have no fear, you worm Jacob, and you men of Israel; I will be your helper, says the Lord, even he who takes up your cause, the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 43:1
But now, says the Lord your Maker, O Jacob, and your life-giver, O Israel: have no fear, for I have taken up your cause; naming you by your name, I have made you mine.
Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to keep all the rules which I have given you: and see, I am ever with you, even to the end of the world.
2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said to me, My grace is enough for you, for my power is made complete in what is feeble. Most gladly, then, will I take pride in my feeble body, so that the power of Christ may be on me.
2 Corinthians 12:10
So I take pleasure in being feeble, in unkind words, in needs, in cruel attacks, in troubles, on account of Christ: for when I am feeble, then am I strong.
Isaiah 2:8
Their land is full of images; they give worship to the work of their hands, even to that which their fingers have made.
Jeremiah 2:27
Who say to a tree, You are my father; and to a stone, You have given me life: for their backs have been turned to me, not their faces: but in the time of their trouble they will say, Up! and be our saviour.
Jeremiah 2:28
But where are the gods you have made for yourselves? let them come, if they are able to give you salvation in the time of your trouble: for the number of your gods is as the number of your towns, O Judah.
Jeremiah 14:8
O you hope of Israel, its saviour in time of trouble, why are you like one who is strange in the land, and like a traveller putting up his tent for a night?
Jeremiah 14:9
Why are you like a man surprised, like a man of war who is not able to give help? but you, O Lord, are with us, and we are named by your name; do not go away from us.
Isaiah 44:24
The Lord, who has taken up your cause, and who gave you life in your mother's body, says, I am the Lord who makes all things; stretching out the heavens by myself, and giving the earth its limits; who was with me?
Jeremiah 1:5
Before you were formed in the body of your mother I had knowledge of you, and before your birth I made you holy; I have given you the work of being a prophet to the nations.
Ezekiel 16:4
As for your birth, on the day of your birth your cord was not cut and you were not washed in water to make you clean; you were not salted or folded in linen bands.
Ezekiel 16:5
No eye had pity on you to do any of these things to you or to be kind to you; but you were put out into the open country, because your life was hated at the time of your birth.
Ezekiel 20:5
And say to them, This is what the Lord has said: In the day when I took Israel for myself, when I made an oath to the seed of the family of Jacob, and I gave them knowledge of myself in the land of Egypt, saying to them with an oath, I am the Lord your God;
Ezekiel 20:8
But they would not be controlled by me, and did not give ear to me; they did not put away the disgusting things to which their eyes were turned, or give up the images of Egypt: then I said I would let loose my passion on them to give full effect to my wrath against them in the land of Egypt.
Ezekiel 20:9
And I was acting for the honour of my name, so that it might not be made unclean before the eyes of the nations among whom they were, and before whose eyes I gave them knowledge of myself, by taking them out of the land of Egypt.
Ezekiel 20:10
So I made them go out of the land of Egypt and took them into the waste land.
Ezekiel 20:11
And I gave them my rules and made clear to them my orders, which, if a man keeps them, will be life to him.
Ezekiel 20:12
And further, I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, so that it might be clear that I, who make them holy, am the Lord.
Joel 3:10
Get your plough-blades hammered into swords, and your vine-knives into spears: let the feeble say, I am strong.
Joel 3:11
Come quickly, all you nations round about, and get yourselves together there: make your strong ones come down, O Lord.
Joel 3:12
Let the nations be awake, and come to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there I will be seated as judge of all the nations round about.
Exodus 20:24
Make for me an altar of earth, offering on it your burned offerings and your peace-offerings, your sheep and your oxen: in every place where I have put the memory of my name, I will come to you and give you my blessing.
Numbers 16:3
They came together against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, You take overmuch on yourselves, seeing that all the people are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them; why then have you put yourselves in authority over the people of the Lord?
Psalms 76:2
In Salem is his tent, his resting-place in Zion.
Psalms 87:1
Of the sons of Korah. A Psalm. A Song. This house is resting on the holy mountain.
Isaiah 2:2
And it will come about in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord will be placed on the top of the mountains, and be lifted up over the hills; and all nations will come to it.
Isaiah 57:15
For this is the word of him who is high and lifted up, whose resting-place is eternal, whose name is Holy: my resting-place is in the high and holy place, and with him who is crushed and poor in spirit, to give life to the spirit of the poor, and to make strong the heart of the crushed.
Joel 3:17
And you will be certain that I am the Lord your God, living in Zion, my holy mountain: and Jerusalem will be holy, and no strange person will ever again go through her.
Joel 3:21
And I will send punishment for their blood, for which punishment has not been sent, for the Lord is living in Zion.
John 14:23
Jesus said to him in answer, If anyone has love for me, he will keep my words: and he will be dear to my Father; and we will come to him and make our living-place with him.
Ephesians 2:20
Resting on the base of the Apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief keystone,
Revelation 2:1
To the angel of the church in Ephesus say: These things says he who has the seven stars in his right hand, who is walking in the middle of the seven gold lights:
Revelation 22:3
And there will be no more curse: and the high seat of God and of the Lamb will be there; and his servants will be worshipping him;
Psalms 61:3
For you have been my secret place, and my high tower from those who made war on me.
Isaiah 14:14
I will go higher than the clouds; I will be like the Most High.
Zechariah 9:12
And they will come back to you, O daughter of Zion, as prisoners of hope: today I say to you that I will give you back twice as much;
John 10:27
My sheep give ear to my voice, and I have knowledge of them, and they come after me:
John 10:28
And I give them eternal life; they will never come to destruction, and no one will ever take them out of my hand.
John 10:29
That which my Father has given to me has more value than all; and no one is able to take anything out of the Father's hand.
John 10:30
I and my Father are one.
John 15:1
I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener.
John 15:2
He takes away every branch in me which has no fruit, and every branch which has fruit he makes clean, so that it may have more fruit.
Deuteronomy 33:16
The good things of the earth and all its wealth, the good pleasure of him who was seen in the burning tree: may they come on the head of Joseph, on the head of him who was prince among his brothers.
Acts 7:30
At the end of forty years, an angel came to him in the waste land of Sinai, in the flame of a burning thorn-tree.
1 Corinthians 15:25
For his rule will go on till he has put all those who are against him under his feet.
Philippians 3:15
Then let us all, who have come to full growth, be of this mind: and if in anything you are of a different mind, even this will God make clear to you:
Hebrews 4:14
Having then a great high priest, who has made his way through the heavens, even Jesus the Son of God, let us be strong in our faith.
Hebrews 4:16
Then let us come near to the seat of grace without fear, so that mercy may be given to us, and we may get grace for our help in time of need.
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