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Job 4:10
Though the noise of the lion and the sounding of his voice, may be loud, the teeth of the young lions are broken.


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Job 4:10
Though the noise of the lion and the sounding of his voice, may be loud, the teeth of the young lions are broken.


Exodus 20:5
You may not go down on your faces before them or give them worship: for I, the Lord your God, am a God who will not give his honour to another; and I will send punishment on the children for the wrongdoing of their fathers, to the third and fourth generation of my haters;

Job 8:4
If your children have done evil against him, then their punishment is from his hand.

Job 18:16
Under the earth his roots are dry, and over it his branch is cut off.

Job 18:17
His memory is gone from the earth, and in the open country there is no knowledge of his name.

Job 18:18
He is sent away from the light into the dark; he is forced out of the world.

Job 18:19
He has no offspring or family among his people, and in his living-place there is no one of his name.

Job 27:14
If his children are increased, it is for the sword; and his offspring have not enough bread.

Psalms 109:9
Let his children have no father, and his wife be made a widow.

Psalms 109:10
Let his children be wanderers, looking to others for their food; let them be sent away from the company of their friends.

Psalms 109:11
Let his creditor take all his goods; and let others have the profit of his work.

Psalms 109:12
Let no man have pity on him, or give help to his children when he is dead.

Psalms 109:13
Let his seed be cut off; in the coming generation let their name go out of memory.

Psalms 109:14
Let the Lord keep in mind the wrongdoing of his fathers; and may the sin of his mother have no forgiveness.

Psalms 109:15
Let them be ever before the eyes of the Lord, so that the memory of them may be cut off from the earth.

Psalms 119:155
Salvation is far from evil-doers; for they have made no search for your rules.


1 Samuel 17:10
And the Philistine said, I have put to shame the armies of Israel this day; give me a man so that we may have a fight together.


Leviticus 26:22
I will let loose the beasts of the field among you, and they will take away your children and send destruction on your cattle, so that your numbers will become small and your roads become waste.

Judges 14:5
Then Samson went down to Timnah (and his father and his mother,) and came to the vine-gardens of Timnah; and a young lion came rushing out at him.

1 Samuel 17:37
And David said, The Lord, who kept me safe from the grip of the lion and the bear, will be my saviour from the hands of this Philistine. And Saul said to David, Go! and may the Lord be with you.

1 Kings 13:24
And he went on his way; but on the road a lion came rushing at him and put him to death; and his dead body was stretched in the road with the ass by its side, and the lion was there by the body.

Psalms 22:1
To the chief music-maker on Aijeleth-hash-shahar. A Psalm. Of David. My God, my God, why are you turned away from me? why are you so far from helping me, and from the words of my crying?

Psalms 22:13
I saw their mouths wide open, like lions crying after food.

Jeremiah 5:6
And so a lion from the woods will put them to death, a wolf of the waste land will make them waste, a leopard will keep watch on their towns, and everyone who goes out from them will be food for the beasts; because of the great number of their sins and the increase of their wrongdoing.

Jeremiah 25:30
So, as a prophet, give out these words among them, and say to them, The voice of the Lord will be sounding like a lion from on high; he will send out his voice from his holy place, like the loud voice of a lion, against his flock; he will give a cry, like those who are crushing the grapes, against all the people of the earth.

Hosea 5:14
For I will be to Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion to the children of Judah; I, even I, will give him wounds and go away; I will take him away, and there will be no helper.

Hosea 11:10
They will go after the Lord; his cry will be like that of a lion; his cry will be loud, and the children will come from the west, shaking with fear;

Hosea 13:7
So I will be like a lion to them; as a cruel beast I will keep watch by the road;

Hosea 13:8
I will come face to face with them like a bear whose young ones have been taken from her, and their inmost hearts will be broken; there the dogs will make a meal of them; they will be wounded by the beasts of the field.

Amos 3:4
Will a lion give his loud cry in the woodland when no food is there? will the voice of the young lion be sounding from his hole if he has taken nothing?

Amos 3:8
The cry of the lion is sounding; who will not have fear? The Lord God has said the word; is it possible for the prophet to keep quiet?

Amos 3:12
These are the words of the Lord: As the keeper of sheep takes out of the mouth of the lion two legs or part of an ear; so will the children of Israel be made safe, who are resting in Samaria on seats of honour or on the silk cushions of a bed.


1 Chronicles 11:22
Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, a fighting-man of Kabzeel, had done great acts; he put to death two young lions going into their secret place; and he went down into a hole and put a lion to death in time of snow.

Isaiah 29:1
Ho! Ariel, Ariel, the town against which David made war; put year to year, let the feasts come round:

Isaiah 29:2
And I will send trouble on Ariel, and there will be weeping and cries of grief; and she will be to me as Ariel.


Job 4:2
If one says a word, will it be a weariness to you? but who is able to keep from saying what is in his mind?


Job 10:12
You have been kind to me, and your grace has been with me, and your care has kept my spirit safe.

Isaiah 58:5
Have I given orders for such a day as this? a day for keeping yourselves from pleasure? is it only a question of the bent head, of putting on haircloth, and being seated in the dust? is this what seems to you a holy day, well-pleasing to the Lord?


Job 11:14
If you put far away the evil of your hands, and let no wrongdoing have a place in your tent;

Job 15:5
For your mouth is guided by your sin, and you have taken the tongue of the false for yourself.

Job 15:6
It is by your mouth, even yours, that you are judged to be in the wrong, and not by me; and your lips give witness against you.

Job 15:21
A sound of fear is in his ears; in time of peace destruction will come on him:

Job 15:31
Let him not put his hope in what is false, falling into error: for he will get deceit as his reward.

Job 15:32
His branch is cut off before its time, and his leaf is no longer green.

Job 15:33
He is like a vine whose grapes do not come to full growth, or an olive-tree dropping its flowers.

Job 15:34
For the band of the evil-doers gives no fruit, and the tents of those who give wrong decisions for reward are burned with fire.

Job 21:27
See, I am conscious of your thoughts, and of your violent purposes against me;

Job 22:5
Is not your evil-doing great? and there is no end to your sins.

Job 32:3
And he was angry with his three friends, because they had been unable to give him an answer, and had not made Job's sin clear.


Job 16:12
I was in comfort, but I have been broken up by his hands; he has taken me by the neck, shaking me to bits; he has put me up as a mark for his arrows.

Psalms 2:12
For fear that he may be angry, causing destruction to come on you, because he is quickly moved to wrath. Happy are all those who put their faith in him.

Psalms 44:19
Though you have let us be crushed in the place of jackals, though we are covered with darkest shade.

Matthew 21:44
Any man falling on this stone will be broken, but he on whom it comes down will be crushed to dust.


Job 28:8
The great beasts have not gone over it, and the cruel lion has not taken that way.


Job 41:34
Everything which is high goes in fear of him; he is king over all the sons of pride.


Job 16:22
For in a short time I will take the journey from which I will not come back.

Psalms 7:2
So that he may not come rushing on my soul like a lion, wounding it, while there is no one to be my saviour.

Psalms 22:21
Be my saviour from the lion's mouth; let me go free from the horns of the cruel oxen.

Psalms 74:4
Sending out their voices like lions among your worshippers; they have put up their signs to be seen.

Jeremiah 49:19
See, he will come up like a lion from the thick growth of Jordan against the resting-place of Teman: but I will suddenly make him go in flight from her; and I will put over her the man of my selection: for who is like me? and who will put forward his cause against me? and what keeper of sheep will be able to keep his place before me?

Jeremiah 50:44
See, he will come up like a lion from the thick growth of Jordan against the resting-place of Teman: but I will suddenly make them go in flight from her; and I will put over her the man of my selection: for who is like me? and who will put forward his cause against me? and what keeper of sheep will keep his place before me?

Daniel 7:4
The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings; while I was watching its wings were pulled off, and it was lifted up from the earth and placed on two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it.

Joel 1:6
For a nation has come up over my land, strong and without number; his teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he has the back teeth of a great lion.


Psalms 10:15
Let the arm of the sinner and the evil-doer be broken; go on searching for his sin till there is no more.

Ezekiel 30:21
Son of man, the arm of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, has been broken by me, and no band has been put round it to make it well, no band has been twisted round it to make it strong for gripping the sword.

Ezekiel 30:22
For this cause the Lord has said: See, I am against Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and by me his strong arm will be broken; and I will make the sword go out of his hand.

Ezekiel 30:23
And I will send the Egyptians in flight among the nations and wandering through the countries.

Ezekiel 30:24
And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and will put my sword in his hand: but Pharaoh's arms will be broken, and he will give cries of pain before him like the cries of a man wounded to death.

Ezekiel 30:25
And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and the arms of Pharaoh will be hanging down; and they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and it is stretched out against the land of Egypt.

Ezekiel 30:26
And I will send the Egyptians in flight among the nations and wandering through the countries; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.


Psalms 127:5
Happy is the man who has a good store of them; he will not be put to shame, but his cause will be supported by them against his haters.


Psalms 145:15
The eyes of all men are waiting for you; and you give them their food in its time.


Psalms 145:16
By the opening of your hand, every living thing has its desire in full measure.


Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the Lord is seen in hating evil: pride, a high opinion of oneself, the evil way, and the false tongue, are unpleasing to me.


Job 38:39
Do you go after food for the she-lion, or get meat so that the young lions may have enough,

Isaiah 35:9
No lion will be there, or any cruel beast; they will not be seen there; but those for whom the Lord has given a price,

Jeremiah 51:34
Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, has made a meal of me, violently crushing me, he has made me a vessel with nothing in it, he has taken me in his mouth like a dragon, he has made his stomach full with my delicate flesh, crushing me with his teeth.

Jeremiah 51:38
They will be crying out together like lions, their voices will be like the voices of young lions.

Ezekiel 19:4
And the nations had news of him; he was taken in the hole they had made: and, pulling him with hooks, they took him into the land of Egypt.

Ezekiel 19:5
Now when she saw that her hope was made foolish and gone, she took another of her little ones and made him into a young lion.

Ezekiel 19:6
And he went up and down among the lions and became a young lion, learning to go after beasts for his food; and he took men for his meat.

Ezekiel 19:7
And he sent destruction on their widows and made waste their towns; and the land and everything in it became waste because of the loud sound of his voice.

Ezekiel 19:8
Then the nations came against him from the kingdoms round about: their net was stretched over him and he was taken in the hole they had made.

Nahum 2:13
See, I am against you, says the Lord of armies, and I will have your war-carriages burned in the smoke, and your young lions will be food for the sword: you will no longer get your food by force on the earth, and the voice of your she-lions will be stopped for ever.

Nahum 3:1
A curse is on the town of blood; it is full of deceit and violent acts; and there is no end to the taking of life.


Isaiah 40:30
Even the young men will become feeble and tired, and the best of them will come to the end of his strength;


Isaiah 40:31
But those who are waiting for the Lord will have new strength; they will get wings like eagles: running, they will not be tired, and walking, they will have no weariness.


Lamentations 3:4
My flesh and my skin have been used up by him and my bones broken.

Lamentations 3:16
By him my teeth have been broken with crushed stones, and I am bent low in the dust.


Psalms 10:8
He is waiting in the dark places of the towns: in the secret places he puts to death those who have done no wrong: his eyes are secretly turned against the poor.

Psalms 10:10
The upright are crushed and made low, and the feeble are overcome by his strong ones.

Proverbs 30:14
There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, their strong teeth like knives, for the destruction of the poor from the earth, and of those who are in need from among men.

Isaiah 1:23
Your chiefs have gone against the Lord, they have become friends of thieves; every one of them is looking for profit and going after rewards; they do not give right decisions for the child who has no father, and they do not let the cause of the widow come before them.

Jeremiah 22:17
But your eyes and your heart are fixed only on profit for yourself, on causing the death of him who has done no wrong, and on violent and cruel acts.

Ezekiel 22:6
See, the rulers of Israel, every one in his family, have been causing death in you.

Ezekiel 22:25
Her rulers in her are like a loud-voiced lion violently taking his food; they have made a meal of souls; they have taken wealth and valued property; they have made great the number of widows in her.

Ezekiel 22:26
Her priests have been acting violently against my law; they have made my holy things unclean: they have made no division between what is holy and what is common, and they have not made it clear that the unclean is different from the clean, and their eyes have been shut to my Sabbaths, and I am not honoured among them.

Ezekiel 22:27
Her rulers in her are like wolves violently taking their food; putting men to death and causing the destruction of souls, so that they may get their profit.

Micah 3:1
And I said, Give ear, now, you heads of Jacob and rulers of the people of Israel: is it not for you to have knowledge of what is right?

Micah 3:3
Like meat they take the flesh of my people for their food, skinning them and crushing their bones, yes, cutting them up as if for the pot, like flesh inside the cooking-pot.

Micah 3:4
Then they will be crying to the Lord for help, but he will not give them an answer: yes, he will keep his face veiled from them at that time, because their acts have been evil.

Micah 3:9
Then give ear to this, you heads of the children of Jacob, you rulers of the children of Israel, hating what is right, twisting what is straight.

Micah 3:10
They are building up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with evil-doing.

Micah 3:11
Its heads take rewards for judging, and the priests take payment for teaching, and the prophets get silver for reading the future: but still, supporting themselves on the Lord, they say, Is not the Lord among us? no evil will overtake us.


Luke 1:51
With his arm he has done acts of power; he has put to flight those who have pride in their hearts.

Luke 1:52
He has put down kings from their seats, lifting up on high the men of low degree.

Luke 1:53
Those who had no food he made full of good things; the men of wealth he sent away with nothing in their hands;

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