Job 1:12
And the Lord said to the Satan, See, I give all he has into your hands, only do not put a finger on the man himself. And the Satan went out from before the Lord.
Job 1:12
And the Lord said to the Satan, See, I give all he has into your hands, only do not put a finger on the man himself. And the Satan went out from before the Lord.
Genesis 4:14
You have sent me out this day from the face of the earth and from before your face; I will be a wanderer in flight over the earth, and whoever sees me will put me to death.
Exodus 20:18
And all the people were watching the thunderings and the flames and the sound of the horn and the mountain smoking; and when they saw it, they kept far off, shaking with fear.
2 Kings 13:23
But the Lord was kind to them and had pity on them, caring for them, because of his agreement with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; he would not put them to destruction or send them away from before his face till now.
2 Kings 24:20
And because of the wrath of the Lord, this came about in Jerusalem and Judah, till he had sent them all away from before him: and Zedekiah took up arms against the king of Babylon.
Job 20:17
Let him not see the rivers of oil, the streams of honey and milk.
Psalms 5:11
But let all those who put their faith in you be glad with cries of joy at all times, and let all the lovers of your name be glad in you.
Psalms 68:2
Let them be like smoke before the driving wind; as wax turning soft before the fire, so let them come to an end before the power of God.
Jeremiah 23:39
For this reason, truly, I will put you completely out of my memory, and I will put you, and the town which I gave to you and to your fathers, away from before my face:
Jeremiah 52:3
And because of the wrath of the Lord this came about in Jerusalem and Judah, till he had sent them away from before him: and Zedekiah took up arms against the king of Babylon.
Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are come together in my name, there am I among them.
Luke 13:26
Then you will say, We have taken food and drink with you, and you were teaching in our streets.
John 1:3
All things came into existence through him, and without him nothing was.
Genesis 5:16
And after the birth of Jared, Mahalalel went on living for eight hundred and thirty years, and had sons and daughters:
Genesis 16:6
And Abram said, The woman is in your power; do with her whatever seems good to you. And Sarai was cruel to her, so that she went running away from her.
Jeremiah 38:5
Then Zedekiah the king said, See, he is in your hands: for the king was not able to do anything against them.
Genesis 19:17
And when they had put them out, he said, Go for your life, without looking back or waiting in the lowland; go quickly to the mountain or you will come to destruction.
Proverbs 13:8
A man will give his wealth in exchange for his life; but the poor will not give ear to sharp words.
Luke 12:23
Is not life more than food, and the body than its clothing?
Acts 27:38
And when they had had enough food, they made the weight of the ship less, turning the grain out into the sea.
Genesis 22:1
Now after these things, God put Abraham to the test, and said to him, Abraham; and he said, Here am I.
Exodus 16:4
Then the Lord said to Moses, See, I will send down bread from heaven for you; and the people will go out every day and get enough for the day's needs; so that I may put them to the test to see if they will keep my laws or not.
Deuteronomy 8:16
Who gave you manna for your food in the waste land, a food which your fathers had never seen; so that your pride might be broken and your hearts tested for your good in the end;
2 Samuel 24:1
Again the wrath of the Lord was burning against Israel, and moving David against them, he said, Go, take the number of Israel and Judah.
Job 23:10
For he has knowledge of the way I take; after I have been tested I will come out like gold.
Psalms 66:10
For you, O God, have put us to the test: testing us by fire like silver.
Psalms 139:23
O God, let the secrets of my heart be uncovered, and let my wandering thoughts be tested:
Psalms 139:24
See if there is any way of sorrow in me, and be my guide in the eternal way.
2 Thessalonians 1:9
Whose reward will be eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his strength,
James 1:12
There is a blessing on the man who undergoes testing; because, if he has God's approval, he will be given the crown of life, which the Lord has said he will give to those who have love for him.
1 Peter 1:6
You have cause for great joy in this, though it may have been necessary for you to be troubled for a little time, being tested in all sorts of ways,
1 Peter 4:12
Dear brothers, do not be surprised, as if it was something strange, if your faith is tested as by fire:
Genesis 45:11
And there I will take care of you, so that you and your family may not be in need, for there are still five bad years to come.
Ruth 1:20
And she said to them, Do not let my name be Naomi, but Mara, for the Ruler of all has given me a bitter fate.
Ruth 1:21
I went out full, and the Lord has sent me back again with nothing; why do you give me the name Naomi, seeing that the Lord has given witness against me, and the Ruler of all has sent sorrow on me?
1 Samuel 2:5
Those who were full are offering themselves as servants for bread; those who were in need are at rest; truly, she who had no children has become the mother of seven; and she who had a family is wasted with sorrow.
1 Samuel 2:6
The Lord is the giver of death and life: sending men down to the underworld and lifting them up.
1 Samuel 2:7
The Lord gives wealth and takes a man's goods from him: crushing men down and again lifting them up;
2 Kings 4:8
Now there came a day when Elisha went to Shunem, and there was a woman of high position living there, who made him come in and have a meal with her. And after that, every time he went by, he went into her house for a meal.
2 Kings 8:3
And when the seven years were ended, the woman came back from the land of the Philistines and went to the king with a request for her house and her land.
Job 1:1
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job. He was without sin and upright, fearing God and keeping himself far from evil.
Psalms 30:6
When things went well for me I said, I will never be moved.
Psalms 30:7
Lord, by your grace you have kept my mountain strong: when your face was turned from me I was troubled.
Psalms 107:39
And when they are made low, and crushed by trouble and sorrow,
Joshua 2:19
Then if anyone goes out of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, we will not be responsible; but if any damage comes to anyone in the house, his blood will be on our heads.
Ezekiel 9:2
And six men came from the way of the higher doorway looking to the north, every man with his axe in his hand: and one man among them was clothed in linen, with a writer's inkpot at his side. And they went in and took their places by the brass altar.
Revelation 6:6
And a voice came to my ears, from the middle of the four beasts, saying, A measure of grain for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny: and see that you do no damage to the oil and the wine.
Revelation 7:3
Do no damage to the earth, or the sea, or the trees, till we have put a mark on the servants of our God.
Revelation 9:4
And they were ordered to do no damage to the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only to such men as have not the mark of God on their brows.
1 Kings 18:43
And he said to his servant, Go now, and take a look in the direction of the sea. And he went up, and after looking said, There is nothing. And he said, Go again seven times; and he went seven times.
1 Kings 22:20
And the Lord said, How may Ahab be tricked into going up to Ramoth-gilead to his death? And one said one thing and one another.
1 Kings 22:23
And now, see, the Lord has put a spirit of deceit in the mouth of all these your prophets; and the Lord has said evil against you.
2 Chronicles 18:19
And the Lord said, How may Ahab, king of Israel, be tricked into going up to Ramoth-gilead to his death? And one said one thing and one another.
2 Chronicles 18:21
And he said, I will go out and be a spirit of deceit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said, Your trick will have its effect on him: go out and do so.
Psalms 109:17
As he took pleasure in cursing, so let it come on him; and as he had no delight in blessing, let it be far from him.
Job 6:9
If only he would be pleased to put an end to me; and would let loose his hand, so that I might be cut off!
Psalms 17:3
You have put my heart to the test, searching me in the night; you have put me to the test and seen no evil purpose in me; I will keep my mouth from sin.
Psalms 139:1
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David. O Lord, you have knowledge of me, searching out all my secrets.
Psalms 139:2
You have knowledge when I am seated and when I get up, you see my thoughts from far away.
Psalms 139:7
Where may I go from your spirit? how may I go in flight from you?
Psalms 139:8
If I go up to heaven, you are there: or if I make my bed in the underworld, you are there.
Psalms 139:9
If I take the wings of the morning, and go to the farthest parts of the sea;
Psalms 139:10
Even there will I be guided by your hand, and your right hand will keep me.
Psalms 139:11
If I say, Only let me be covered by the dark, and the light about me be night;
Psalms 139:12
Even the dark is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day: for dark and light are the same to you.
Jonah 1:3
And Jonah got up to go in flight to Tarshish, away from the Lord; and he went down to Joppa, and saw there a ship going to Tarshish: so he gave them the price of the journey and went down into it to go with them to Tarshish, away from the Lord.
Psalms 104:4
He makes winds his angels, and flames of fire his servants.
Job 40:11
Let your wrath be overflowing; let your eyes see all the sons of pride, and make them low.
Job 40:12
Send destruction on all who are lifted up, pulling down the sinners from their places.
Psalms 78:49
He sent on them the heat of his wrath, his bitter disgust, letting loose evil angels among them.
Psalms 107:40
He puts an end to the pride of kings, and sends them wandering in the waste lands where there is no way.
Daniel 4:24
This is the sense of it, O King, and it is the decision of the Most High which has come on my lord the king:
Acts 12:23
And straight away the angel of the Lord sent a disease on him, because he did not give the glory to God: and his flesh was wasted away by worms, and so he came to his end.
Isaiah 5:25
For this reason the wrath of the Lord has been burning against his people, and his hand has been stretched out against them in punishment, and the hills were shaking, and their dead bodies were like waste in the open places of the town.
Lamentations 1:5
Those who are against her have become the head, everything goes well for her haters; for the Lord has sent sorrow on her because of the great number of her sins: her young children have gone away as prisoners before the attacker.
Job 42:10
And the Lord made up to Job for all his losses, after he had made prayer for his friends: and all Job had before was increased by the Lord twice as much.
Psalms 31:15
The chances of my life are in your hand; take me out of the hands of my haters, and of those who go after me.
Isaiah 27:8
Your anger against her has been made clear by driving her away; he has taken her away with his storm-wind in the day of his east wind.
Isaiah 45:7
I am the giver of light and the maker of the dark; causing blessing, and sending troubles; I am the Lord, who does all these things.
Daniel 11:35
And some of those who are wise will have wisdom in testing themselves and making themselves clean, till the time of the end: for it is still for the fixed time.
Matthew 26:41
Keep watch with prayer, so that you may not be put to the test: the spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is feeble.
2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said to me, My grace is enough for you, for my power is made complete in what is feeble. Most gladly, then, will I take pride in my feeble body, so that the power of Christ may be on me.
Philippians 1:28
Having no fear of those who are against you; which is a clear sign of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God;
Revelation 2:10
Have no fear of the things which you will have to undergo: see, the Evil One will send some of you into prison, so that you may be put to the test; and you will have great trouble for ten days. Be true till death, and I will give you the crown of life.
Revelation 3:10
Because you have kept my word in quiet strength, I will keep you from the hour of testing which is coming on all the world, to put to the test those who are on earth.
Zechariah 3:2
And the Lord said to the Satan, May the Lord's word be sharp against you, O Satan, the word of the Lord who has taken Jerusalem for himself: is this not a burning branch pulled out of the fire?
Matthew 4:1
Then Jesus was sent by the Spirit into the waste land to be tested by the Evil One.
Matthew 24:24
For there will come up false Christs, and false prophets, who will do great signs and wonders; so that if possible even the saints might be tricked.
Luke 10:19
See, I have given you power to put your feet on snakes and evil beasts, and over all the strength of him who is against you: and nothing will do you damage.
John 8:44
You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false.
Romans 16:20
And the God of peace will be crushing Satan under your feet before long. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
1 Corinthians 5:5
That this man is to be handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may have forgiveness in the day of the Lord Jesus.
1 Timothy 1:20
Such are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have given up to Satan, so that they may say no more evil words against God.
James 4:7
For this cause be ruled by God; but make war on the Evil One and he will be put to flight before you.
Revelation 12:12
Be glad then, O heavens, and you who are in them. But there is trouble for the earth and the sea: because the Evil One has come down to you, being very angry, having the knowledge that he has but a short time.
Revelation 20:2
And he took the dragon, the old snake, which is the Evil One and Satan, and put chains on him for a thousand years,
Revelation 20:10
And the Evil One who put them in error was sent down into the sea of ever-burning fire, where the beast and the false prophet are, and their punishment will go on day and night for ever and ever.
Mark 1:12
And straight away the Spirit sent him out into the waste land.
Mark 5:12
And they said to him, Send us into the pigs, so that we may go into them.
John 13:27
And when Judas took the bread Satan went into him. Then Jesus said to him, Do quickly what you have to do.
2 Timothy 2:26
And so they may get themselves free from the net of the Evil One, being made the prisoners of the Lord's servant, for the purpose of God.
Revelation 13:6
And his mouth was open to say evil against God, and against his name and his Tent, even against those who are in heaven.
Matthew 17:15
Lord have mercy on my son: for he is off his head, and is in great pain; and frequently he goes falling into the fire, and frequently into the water.
Mark 1:26
And the unclean spirit, shaking him violently, and crying with a loud voice, came out of him.
Mark 5:3
He was living in the place of the dead: and no man was able to keep him down, no, not with a chain;
Mark 9:18
And wherever it takes him, it puts him down violently, streaming at the lips and twisted with pain; and his strength goes from him; and I made a request to your disciples to send it out, and they were not able.
Mark 9:20
And they took him to him: and when he saw him, the spirit in him straight away became violent; and he went down on the earth, rolling about and streaming at the lips.
Mark 9:26
And after crying out and shaking him violently, it came out: and the child became like one dead; so that most of them said, He is dead.
Luke 4:35
And Jesus said to him, Be quiet, and come out of him. And when the evil spirit had put him down on the earth in the middle of them, he came out of him, having done him no damage.
Luke 4:36
And wonder came on them all and they said to one another, What are these words? for with authority and power he gives orders to the evil spirits and they come out.
Luke 8:29
For he gave an order to the evil spirit to come out of the man. For frequently it would take a grip of him: and he was kept under control, and prisoned with chains; but parting the chains in two, he would be sent by the driving of the evil spirit into waste places.
Luke 9:42
And while he was coming, he was pushed violently down and twisted by the evil spirit. But Jesus gave sharp orders to the unclean spirit, and made the boy well, and gave him back to his father.
Daniel 10:13
But the angel of the kingdom of Persia put himself against me for twenty-one days; but Michael, one of the chief angels, came to my help; and when I came he was still there with the angel of the kings of Persia.
Zechariah 6:7
And the red ones go to the east; and they made request that they might go up and down through the earth: and he said, Go up and down through the earth. So they went up and down through the earth.
Matthew 4:10
Then said Jesus to him, Away, Satan: for it is in the Writings, Give worship to the Lord your God and be his servant only.
Matthew 13:19
When the word of the kingdom comes to anyone, and the sense of it is not clear to him, then the Evil One comes, and quickly takes away that which was put in his heart. He is the seed dropped by the wayside.
Mark 4:15
And these are they by the wayside, where the word is planted; and when they have given ear, the Evil One comes straight away and takes away the word which has been planted in them.
Luke 8:33
And the evil spirits came out of the man and went into the pigs: and the herd went rushing down a sharp slope into the water and came to destruction.
Luke 13:16
And is it not right for this daughter of Abraham, who has been in the power of Satan for eighteen years, to be made free on the Sabbath?
1 Thessalonians 2:18
For which reason we made attempts to come to you, even I, Paul, once and again; but Satan kept us from coming.
1 Thessalonians 3:5
For this reason, when I was no longer able to keep quiet, I sent to get news of your faith, fearing that you might be tested by the Evil One and that our work might come to nothing.
Revelation 12:4
And his tail was pulling a third part of the stars of heaven down to the earth, and the dragon took his place before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when the birth had taken place he might put an end to her child.
Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him through the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witness; and loving not their lives they freely gave themselves up to death.
Revelation 13:7
And it was given to him to make war on the saints and to overcome them: and there was given to him authority over every tribe and people and language and nation.
John 1:10
He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him.
1 Thessalonians 1:9
For they themselves give the news of how we came among you; and how you were turned from images to God, to the worship of a true and living God,
Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came to them and said, All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
John 3:35
The Father has love for the Son and has put all things into his hands.
John 3:36
He who has faith in the Son has eternal life; but he who has not faith in the Son will not see life; God's wrath is resting on him.
Colossians 2:10
And you are complete in him, who is the head of all rule and authority:
Hebrews 2:8
You put all things under his feet. For in making man the ruler over all things, God did not put anything outside his authority; though we do not see everything under him now.
Hebrews 12:26
Whose voice was the cause of the shaking of the earth; but now he has made an oath, saying, There will be still one more shaking, not only of the earth, but of heaven.
1 Peter 3:22
Who has gone into heaven, and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been put under his rule.
Psalms 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he takes delight in his way.
Matthew 10:30
But the hairs of your head are all numbered.
John 19:11
Jesus gave this answer: You would have no power at all over me if it was not given to you by God; so that he who gave me up to you has the greater sin.
Acts 2:23
Him, when he was given up, by the decision and knowledge of God, you put to death on the cross, by the hands of evil men:
Acts 4:28
To do that which had been fixed before by your hand and your purpose.
Acts 27:14
But after a little time, a very violent wind, named Euraquilo, came down from it with great force.
Acts 27:15
And when the ship got into the grip of it, and was not able to make headway into the wind, we gave way, and went before it.
Acts 27:16
And, sailing near the side of a small island named Cauda, we were able, though it was hard work, to make the ship's boat safe:
Acts 27:17
And having got it up, they put cords under and round the ship; but fearing that they might be pushed on to the Syrtis, they let down the sails and so went running before the wind.
Acts 27:20
And as we had not seen the sun or stars for a long time, and a great storm was on us, all hope of salvation was gone.
Acts 27:41
And coming to a point between two seas, they got the ship to land; and the front part was fixed in the sand and not able to be moved, but the back part was broken by the force of the waves.
Psalms 107:23
Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business in the great waters;
Psalms 107:24
They see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.
Psalms 107:25
For at his word comes up the storm-wind, lifting high the waves.
Psalms 107:26
The sailors go up to heaven, and down into the deep; their souls are wasted because of their trouble.
Psalms 107:27
They are turned here and there, rolling like a man who is full of wine; and all their wisdom comes to nothing.
Psalms 107:28
Then they send up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gives them salvation out of all their troubles.
Psalms 107:29
He makes the storm into a calm, so that the waves are at peace.
Psalms 107:30
Then they are glad, because the sea is quiet, and he takes them to the harbour of their desire.
Psalms 107:31
Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Jonah 1:4
And the Lord sent out a great wind on to the sea and there was a violent storm in the sea, so that the ship seemed in danger of being broken.
Mark 4:37
And a great storm of wind came up, and the waves came into the boat, so that the boat was now becoming full.
2 Corinthians 11:25
Three times I was whipped with rods, once I was stoned, three times the ship I was in came to destruction at sea, a night and a day I have been in the water;
2 Timothy 3:8
And as James and Jambres went against Moses, so do these go against what is true: men of evil minds, who, tested by faith, are seen to be false.
2 Timothy 3:9
But they will go no farther: for their foolish behaviour will be clear to all men, as theirs was in the end.
Hebrews 1:7
And of the angels he says, Who makes his angels winds, and his servants flames of fire:
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