1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Nehemiah 9:36
Now, today, we are servants, and as for the land which you gave to our fathers, so that the produce of it and the good might be theirs, see, we are servants in it:


   1 2 3 4 1-4 5

Nehemiah 9:36
Now, today, we are servants, and as for the land which you gave to our fathers, so that the produce of it and the good might be theirs, see, we are servants in it:


Genesis 15:13
And he said to Abram, Truly, your seed will be living in a land which is not theirs, as servants to a people who will be cruel to them for four hundred years;

Exodus 1:13
And they gave the children of Israel even harder work to do:

Exodus 1:14
And made their lives bitter with hard work, making building-material and bricks, and doing all sorts of work in the fields under the hardest conditions.

Judges 2:18
And whenever the Lord gave them judges, then the Lord was with the judge, and was their saviour from the hands of their haters all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved by their cries of grief because of those who were cruel to them.

Judges 4:3
Then the children of Israel made prayer to the Lord; for he had nine hundred iron war-carriages, and for twenty years he was very cruel to the children of Israel.

Nehemiah 5:4
And there were others who said, We have given up our fields and our vine-gardens to get money for the king's taxes.

Nehemiah 5:5
But our flesh is the same as the flesh of our countrymen, and our children as their children: and now we are giving our sons and daughters into the hands of others, to be their servants, and some of our daughters are servants even now: and we have no power to put a stop to it; for other men have our fields and our vine-gardens.

Nehemiah 5:6
And on hearing their outcry and what they said I was very angry.

Nehemiah 5:7
And after turning it over in my mind, I made a protest to the chiefs and the rulers, and said to them, Every one of you is taking interest from his countryman. And I got together a great meeting of protest.

Nehemiah 5:8
And I said to them, We have given whatever we were able to give, to make our brothers the Jews free, who were servants and prisoners of the nations: and would you now give up your brothers for a price, and are they to become our property? Then they said nothing, answering not a word.

John 8:33
They said to him in answer, We are Abraham's seed and have never been any man's servant: why do you say, You will become free?

John 19:25
Now by the side of the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister Mary, the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene.


Genesis 45:20
And take no thought for your goods, for the best of all the land of Egypt is yours.

Leviticus 26:41
So that I went against them and sent them away into the land of their haters: if then the pride of their hearts is broken and they take the punishment of their sins,

Ezra 9:12
So now do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons or do anything for their peace or well-being for ever; so that you may be strong, living on the good of the land, and handing it on to your children for a heritage for ever.

Ezra 9:13
And after everything which has come on us because of our evil-doing and our great sin, and seeing that the punishment which you, O God, have given us, is less than the measure of our sins, and that you have kept from death those of us who are here;

Ezra 9:14
Are we again to go against your orders, taking wives from among the people who do these disgusting things? would you not be angry with us till our destruction was complete, till there was not one who got away safe?

Job 33:27
He makes a song, saying, I did wrong, turning from the straight way, but he did not give me the reward of my sin.

Job 34:31

Job 40:3
And Job said in answer to the Lord,

Job 40:4
Truly, I am of no value; what answer may I give to you? I will put my hand on my mouth.

Job 40:5
I have said once, and even twice, what was in my mind, but I will not do so again.

Job 42:6
For this cause I give witness that what I said is false, and in sorrow I take my seat in the dust.

Jeremiah 2:7
And I took you into a fertile land, where you were living on its fruit and its wealth; but when you came in, you made my land unclean, and made my heritage a disgusting thing.


Leviticus 26:16
This will I do to you: I will put fear in your hearts, even wasting disease and burning pain, drying up the eyes and making the soul feeble, and you will get no profit from your seed, for your haters will take it for food.

Deuteronomy 28:30
You will take a wife, but another man will have the use of her: the house which your hands have made will never be your resting-place: you will make a vine-garden, and never take the fruit of it.

Deuteronomy 28:33
The fruit of your land and all the work of your hands will be food for a nation which is strange to you and to your fathers; you will only be crushed down and kept under for ever:

Deuteronomy 28:36
And you, and the king whom you have put over you, will the Lord take away to a nation strange to you and to your fathers; there you will be servants to other gods of wood and stone.

Deuteronomy 28:47
Because you did not give honour to the Lord your God, worshipping him gladly, with joy in your hearts on account of all your wealth of good things;

Deuteronomy 28:49
The Lord will send a nation against you from the farthest ends of the earth, coming with the flight of an eagle; a nation whose language is strange to you;

Deuteronomy 28:50
A hard-faced nation, who will have no respect for the old or mercy for the young:

Deuteronomy 28:51
He will take the fruit of your cattle and of your land till death puts an end to you: he will let you have nothing of your grain or wine or oil or any of the increase of your cattle or the young of your flock, till he has made your destruction complete.

Isaiah 1:7
Your country has become waste; your towns are burned with fire; as for your land, it is overturned before your eyes, made waste and overcome by men from strange lands.

Jeremiah 5:15
See, I will send you a nation from far away, O people of Israel, says the Lord; a strong nation and an old nation, a nation whose language is strange to you, so that you may not get the sense of their words.

Jeremiah 5:16
Their arrows give certain death, they are all men of war.

Jeremiah 8:16
The loud breathing of the horses comes to our ears from Dan: at the sound of the outcry of his war-horses, all the land is shaking with fear; for they have come, and have made a meal of the land and everything in it; the town and the people living in it.


2 Kings 17:5
Then the king of Assyria went through all the land and came up to Samaria, shutting it in with his forces for three years.

2 Kings 17:6
In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria took Samaria, and took Israel away to Assyria, placing them in Halah and in Habor on the river Gozan, and in the towns of the Medes.

2 Kings 17:7
And the wrath of the Lord came on Israel because they had done evil against the Lord their God, who took them out of the land of Egypt from under the yoke of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and had become worshippers of other gods,

2 Kings 17:8
Living by the rules of the nations whom the Lord had sent out from before the children of Israel.

2 Kings 18:9
Now in the fourth year of King Hezekiah, which was the seventh year of Hoshea, son of Elah, king of Israel, Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, came up against Samaria, shutting it in with his armies.

2 Kings 18:10
And at the end of three years they took it; in the sixth year of Hezekiah's rule, which was the ninth year of Hoshea, king of Israel, Samaria was taken.

2 Kings 18:11
And the king of Assyria took Israel away as prisoners into Assyria, placing them in Halah and in Habor on the river Gozan, and in the towns of the Medes;

2 Kings 18:12
Because they did not give ear to the voice of the Lord their God, but went against his agreement, even against everything ordered by Moses, the servant of the Lord, and they did not give ear to it or do it.

2 Kings 24:1
In his days, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, came up and Jehoiakim was his servant for three years; then he took up arms against him.

2 Kings 24:2
And the Lord sent against him bands of the Chaldaeans and of the Edomites and of the Moabites and of the children of Ammon; sending them against Judah for its destruction, as he had said by his servants the prophets.

2 Kings 24:3
Only by the word of the Lord did this fate come on Judah, to take them away from before his face; because of the sins of Manasseh and all the evil he did;

2 Chronicles 36:16
But they put shame on the servants of God, making sport of his words and laughing at his prophets, till the wrath of God was moved against his people, till there was no help.

2 Chronicles 36:17
So he sent against them the king of the Chaldaeans, who put their young men to death with the sword in the house of their holy place, and had no pity for any, young man or virgin, old man or white-haired: God gave them all into his hands.

2 Chronicles 36:18
And all the vessels of the house of God, great and small, and the stored wealth of the Lord's house and the wealth of the king and his chiefs, he took away to Babylon.

2 Chronicles 36:19
And the house of God was burned and the wall of Jerusalem broken down; all its great houses were burned with fire and all its beautiful vessels given up to destruction.


1 Samuel 2:7
The Lord gives wealth and takes a man's goods from him: crushing men down and again lifting them up;

1 Samuel 2:30
For this reason the Lord God of Israel has said, Truly I did say that your family and your father's people would have their place before me for ever: but now the Lord says, Let it not be so; I will give honour to those by whom I am honoured, and those who have no respect for me will be of small value in my eyes.

Ezra 6:8
Further, I give orders as to what you are to do for the responsible men of the Jews in connection with the building of this house of God: that from the king's wealth, that is, from the taxes got together in the land over the river, the money needed is to be given to these men readily, so that their work may not be stopped.

Lamentations 5:10
Our skin is heated like an oven because of our burning heat from need of food.

Ezekiel 29:14
I will let the fate of Egypt be changed, and will make them come back into the land of Pathros, into the land from which they came; and there they will be an unimportant kingdom.

Matthew 22:17
Give us, then, your opinion of this: Is it right to give tax to Caesar, or not?

Matthew 22:18
But Jesus saw their trick and said, Oh false ones, why are you attempting to put me in the wrong?

Matthew 22:19
Let me see the tax money. And they gave him a penny.

Matthew 22:20
And he said to them, Whose is this image and name on it?

Matthew 22:21
They say to him, Caesar's. Then he said to them, Give to Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things which are God's.


Nehemiah 1:3
They said to me, The small band of Jews now living there in the land are in great trouble and shame: the wall of Jerusalem has been broken down, and its doorways burned with fire.

Psalms 137:3
For there those who had taken us prisoners made request for a song; and those who had taken away all we had gave us orders to be glad, saying, Give us one of the songs of Zion.

Isaiah 32:10
In not much more than a year, you, who are not looking for evil, will be troubled: for the produce of the vine-gardens will be cut off, and there will be no getting in of the grapes.

Isaiah 32:11
Be shaking with fear, you women who are living in comfort; be troubled, you who have no fear of danger: take off your robes and put on clothing of grief.

Isaiah 32:12
Have sorrow for the fields, the pleasing fields, the fertile vine;

Isaiah 32:15
Till the spirit comes on us from on high, and the waste land becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field is changed into a wood.

Lamentations 5:1
Keep in mind, O Lord, what has come to us: take note and see our shame.


Nehemiah 9:20
And you gave your good spirit to be their teacher, and did not keep back your manna from their mouths, and gave them water when they had need of it.

Nehemiah 9:21
Truly, for forty years you were their support in the waste land, and they were in need of nothing; their clothing did not get old or their feet become tired.

Nehemiah 9:25
And they took walled towns and a fat land, and became the owners of houses full of all good things, water-holes cut in the rock, vine-gardens and olive-gardens and a wealth of fruit-trees: so they had food enough and became fat, and had joy in the good you gave them.


Psalms 78:59
When this came to God's ears he was very angry, and gave up Israel completely;

Psalms 78:60
So that he went away from the holy place in Shiloh, the tent which he had put among men;

Psalms 78:61
And he let his strength be taken prisoner, and gave his glory into the hands of his hater.

Psalms 78:62
He gave his people up to the sword, and was angry with his heritage.


Psalms 44:11
You have made us like sheep which are taken for meat; we are put to flight among the nations.

Psalms 44:12
You let your people go for nothing; your wealth is not increased by their price.

Psalms 44:13
You have made us to be looked down on by our neighbours, we are laughed at and shamed by those who are round about us.

Psalms 44:14
Our name is a word of shame among the nations, a sign for the shaking of heads among the peoples.

Psalms 137:1
By the rivers of Babylon we were seated, weeping at the memory of Zion,

Psalms 137:2
Hanging our instruments of music on the trees by the waterside.

Isaiah 32:9
Give ear to my voice, you women who are living in comfort; give attention to my words, you daughters who have no fear of danger.

Isaiah 32:13
And for the land of my people, where thorns will come up; even for all the houses of joy in the glad town.

Isaiah 32:14
For the fair houses will have no man living in them; the town which was full of noise will become a waste; the hill and the watchtower will be unpeopled for ever, a joy for the asses of the woods, a place of food for the flocks;

Lamentations 1:7
Jerusalem keeps in mind, in the days of her sorrow and of her wanderings, all the desired things which were hers in days gone by; when her people came into the power of her hater and she had no helper, her attackers saw their desire effected on her and made sport of her destruction.

Lamentations 3:61
Their bitter words have come to your ears, O Lord, and all their designs against me;

Joel 2:17
Let the priests, the servants of the Lord, be weeping between the covered way and the altar, and let them say, Have mercy on your people, O Lord, do not give up your heritage to shame, so that the nations become their rulers: why let them say among the peoples, Where is their God?


Isaiah 63:17
O Lord, why do you send us wandering from your ways, making our hearts hard, so that we have no fear of you? Come back, because of your servants, the tribes of your heritage.

Isaiah 63:18
Why have evil men gone over your holy place, so that it has been crushed under the feet of our haters?

Isaiah 63:19
We have become as those who were never ruled by you, on whom your name was not named.


Jeremiah 31:18
Certainly Ephraim's words of grief have come to my ears, You have given me training and I have undergone it like a young cow unused to the yoke: let me be turned and come back, for you are the Lord my God.

Jeremiah 31:19
Truly, after I had been turned, I had regret for my ways; and after I had got knowledge, I made signs of sorrow: I was put to shame, truly, I was covered with shame, because I had to undergo the shame of my early years.

Daniel 9:7
O Lord, righteousness is yours, but shame is on us, even to this day; and on the men of Judah and the people of Jerusalem, and on all Israel, those who are near and those who are far off, in all the countries where you have sent them because of the sin which they have done against you.

Daniel 9:8
O Lord, shame is on us, on our kings and our rulers and our fathers, because of our sin against you.

Daniel 9:9
With the Lord our God are mercies and forgiveness, for we have gone against him;

Daniel 9:10
And have not given ear to the voice of the Lord our God to go in the way of his laws which he put before us by the mouth of his servants the prophets.

Micah 7:9
I will undergo the wrath of the Lord, because of my sin against him; till he takes up my cause and does what is right for me: when he makes me come out into the light, I will see his righteousness;


Jeremiah 5:19
And it will come about, when you say, Why has the Lord our God done all these things to us? that you will say to them, As you gave me up, making yourselves servants to strange gods in your land, so will you be servants to strange men in a land which is not yours.

Jeremiah 17:4
And your hand will have to let go your heritage which I gave you; and I will make you a servant to your haters in a land which is strange to you: for you have put my wrath on fire with a flame which will go on burning for ever.

Jeremiah 39:6
Then the king of Babylon put the sons of Zedekiah to death before his eyes in Riblah: and the king of Babylon put to death all the great men of Judah.

Ezekiel 11:9
I will make you come out from inside the town and will give you up into the hands of men from other lands, and will be judge among you.

Ezekiel 21:31
And I will let loose my burning passion on you, breathing out on you the fire of my wrath: and I will give you up into the hands of men like beasts, trained to destruction.


Deuteronomy 28:43
The man from a strange land who is living among you will be lifted up higher and higher over you, while you go down lower and lower.

Judges 2:14
And the wrath of the Lord was burning against Israel, and he gave them up into the hands of those who violently took their property, and into the hands of their haters all round them, so that they were forced to give way before them.

Judges 2:20
And the wrath of the Lord was burning against Israel, and he said, Because this nation has not been true to my agreement which I made with their fathers, and has not given ear to my voice;

1 Kings 8:24
And you have kept the word which you gave to your servant David, my father; with your mouth you said it and with your hand you have made it come true this day.

Nehemiah 9:29
And gave witness against them so that you might make them come back again to your law: but their hearts were lifted up, and they gave no attention to your orders and went against your decisions (which, if a man keeps them, will be life to him), and turning their backs on you, made their necks stiff and did not give ear.

Nehemiah 9:30
Year after year you put up with them, and gave witness against them by your spirit through your prophets: still they did not give ear: and so you gave them up into the hands of the peoples of the lands.

Nehemiah 9:31
Even then, in your great mercy, you did not put an end to them completely, or give them up; for you are a God of grace and mercy.

Psalms 106:40
Then the wrath of the Lord was burning against his people, and he was angry with his heritage.

Psalms 106:41
And he gave them into the hands of the nations; and they were ruled by their haters.

Jeremiah 25:18
Jerusalem and the towns of Judah and their kings and their princes, to make them a waste place, a cause of fear and surprise and a curse, as it is this day;

Jeremiah 44:22
And the Lord was no longer able to put up with the evil of your doings and the disgusting things you did; and because of this your land has become a waste and a cause of wonder and a curse, with no one living in it, as at this day.

Lamentations 1:1
See her seated by herself, the town which was full of people! She who was great among the nations has become like a widow! She who was a princess among the countries has come under the yoke of forced work!

Lamentations 5:5
Our attackers are on our necks: overcome with weariness, we have no rest.


Ezekiel 17:3
And say, This is what the Lord has said: A great eagle with great wings, full of long feathers of different colours, came to Lebanon, and took the top of the cedar:

Ezekiel 17:6
And its growth went on and it became a vine, low and widely stretching, whose branches were turned to him and its roots were under him: so it became a vine, putting out branches and young leaves.

Ezekiel 17:7
And there was another eagle with great wings and thick feathers: and now this vine, pushing out its roots to him, sent out its branches in his direction from the bed where it was planted, so that he might give it water.

Ezekiel 17:12
Say now to this uncontrolled people, Are these things not clear to you? Say to them, See, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and took its king and its rulers away with him to Babylon;

Ezekiel 17:14
So that the kingdom might be made low with no power of lifting itself up, but might keep his agreement to be his servants.


Luke 20:16
He will come and put them to destruction and give the garden to others. And when he said this, they said, May it not be so.


Revelation 11:16
And the four and twenty rulers, who are seated before God on their high seats, went down on their faces and gave worship to God, saying,

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