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2 Chronicles 35:6
And put the Passover lamb to death, and make yourselves holy, and make it ready for your brothers, so that the orders given by the Lord through Moses may be done.


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2 Chronicles 35:6
And put the Passover lamb to death, and make yourselves holy, and make it ready for your brothers, so that the orders given by the Lord through Moses may be done.


Exodus 12:6
Keep it till the fourteenth day of the same month, when everyone who is of the children of Israel is to put it to death between sundown and dark.

Exodus 12:21
Then Moses sent for the chiefs of Israel, and said to them, See that lambs are marked out for yourselves and your families, and let the Passover lamb be put to death.

Exodus 12:22
And take some hyssop and put it in the blood in the basin, touching the two sides and the top of the doorway with the blood from the basin; and let not one of you go out of his house till the morning.

Ezra 6:21
And the children of Israel, who had come back, and all those who were joined to them, after separating themselves from the evil ways of the people of the land to become the servants of the Lord, the God of Israel, took food together,

Psalms 51:7
Make me free from sin with hyssop: let me be washed whiter than snow.

2 Corinthians 6:16
And what agreement has the house of God with images? for we are a house of the living God; even as God has said, I will be living among them, and walking with them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Hebrews 9:13
For if the blood of goats and oxen, and the dust from the burning of a young cow, being put on the unclean, make the flesh clean:

Hebrews 9:14
How much more will the blood of Christ, who, being without sin, made an offering of himself to God through the Holy Spirit, make your hearts clean from dead works to be servants of the living God?


2 Kings 23:21
And the king gave orders to all the people, saying, Keep the Passover to the Lord your God, as it says in this book of the law.

2 Chronicles 35:19
In the eighteenth year of the rule of Josiah this Passover was kept.


1 Chronicles 9:28
Certain of them had the care of the vessels used in worship, to keep an account of them when they came in and when they were taken out again.

1 Chronicles 9:29
And some of them were responsible for the holy things and for the vessels of the holy place, and the meal and the wine and the oil and the perfume and the spices.

1 Chronicles 23:28
Their place was by the side of the sons of Aaron in all the work of the house of the Lord, in the open spaces and in the rooms, in the making clean of all the holy things, in doing all the work of the house of the Lord,

2 Chronicles 29:18
Then they went in to King Hezekiah and said, We have made all the house of the Lord clean, as well as the altar of burned offerings with all its vessels, and the table for the holy bread, with all its vessels.

2 Chronicles 29:19
And all the vessels which were turned out by King Ahaz in his sin while he was king, we have put in order and made holy, and now they are in their places before the altar of the Lord.


2 Chronicles 25:7
But a man of God came to him, saying, O king, let not the army of Israel go with you; for the Lord is not with Israel, that is, the children of Ephraim.

2 Chronicles 30:1
Then Hezekiah sent word to all Israel and Judah, and sent letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, requesting them to come to the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, to keep the Passover to the Lord, the God of Israel.

2 Chronicles 30:10
So the runners went from town to town through all the country of Ephraim and Manasseh as far as Zebulun: but they were laughed at and made sport of.

2 Chronicles 30:11
However, some of Asher and Manasseh and Zebulun put away their pride and came to Jerusalem.

Hosea 5:4
Their works will not let them come back to their God, for a false spirit is in them and they have no knowledge of the Lord.

Hosea 7:8
Ephraim is mixed with the peoples; Ephraim is a cake not turned.

Hosea 7:9
Men from other lands have made waste his strength, and he is not conscious of it; grey hairs have come on him here and there, and he has no knowledge of it.

Hosea 11:8
How may I give you up, O Ephraim? how may I be your saviour, O Israel? how may I make you like Admah? how may I do to you as I did to Zeboim? My heart is turned in me, it is soft with pity.


2 Chronicles 34:33
Josiah took away all the disgusting things out of all the lands of the children of Israel, and made all who were in Israel servants of the Lord their God. And as long as he was living they were true to the Lord, the God of their fathers.

Psalms 78:36
But their lips were false to him, and their tongues were untrue to him;

Psalms 78:37
And their hearts were not right with him, and they did not keep their agreement with him.

Isaiah 10:6
I will send him against a nation of wrongdoers, and against the people of my wrath I will give him orders, to take their wealth in war, crushing them down like the dust in the streets.

Jeremiah 3:10
But for all this, her false sister Judah has not come back to me with all her heart, but with deceit, says the Lord.

Hosea 7:14
And they have not made prayer to me in their hearts, but they make loud cries on their beds; they are cutting themselves for food and wine, they are turned against me.


Exodus 19:14
Then Moses went down from the mountain to the people, and made the people holy; and their clothing was washed.

Exodus 19:22
And let the priests who come near to the Lord make themselves holy, for fear that the Lord may come on them suddenly.

Joshua 7:13
Up! make the people holy; say to them, Make yourselves holy before tomorrow, for the Lord, the God of Israel, has said, There is a cursed thing among you, O Israel, and you will give way before your attackers in the fight till the cursed thing has been taken away from among you.

1 Samuel 16:5
And he said, In peace: I have come to make an offering to the Lord: make yourselves clean and come with me to make the offering. And he made Jesse and his sons clean, and sent for them to be present at the offering.

2 Chronicles 29:23
Then they took the he-goats for the sin-offering, placing them before the king and the meeting of the people, and they put their hands on them:

2 Chronicles 29:24
And the priests put them to death, and made a sin-offering with their blood on the altar, to take away the sin of all Israel: for the king gave orders that the burned offering and the sin-offering were for all Israel.

2 Chronicles 29:34
There were not enough priests for the work of cutting up all the burned offerings; so their brothers the Levites gave them help till the work was done and the priests had made themselves holy: for the Levites were more upright in heart to make themselves holy than the priests.

2 Chronicles 30:19
Who, with all his heart, is turned to God the Lord, the God of his fathers, even if he has not been made clean after the rules of the holy place.

Joel 1:14
Let a time be fixed for going without food, have a holy meeting, let the old men, even all the people of the land, come together to the house of the Lord your God, crying out to the Lord.

Joel 2:16
Get the people together, make the mass of the people holy, send for the old men, get together the children and babies at the breast: let the newly married man come out of his room and the bride from her tent.


Matthew 21:12
And Jesus went into the Temple and sent out all who were trading there, overturning the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those trading in doves.


Matthew 21:13
And he said to them, It is in the Writings, My house is to be named a house of prayer, but you are making it a hole of thieves.


1 Chronicles 15:14
So the priests and the Levites made themselves holy to take up the ark of the Lord, the God of Israel.

2 Chronicles 5:11
Now when the priests had come out of the holy place, (for all the priests who were present had made themselves holy, not keeping to their divisions;

2 Chronicles 29:4
And he sent for the priests and the Levites, and got them together in the wide place on the east side,

Ezekiel 48:11
For the priests who have been made holy, those of the sons of Zadok who kept the orders I gave them, who did not go out of the right way when the children of Israel went from the way, as the Levites did,

John 17:17
Make them holy by the true word: your word is the true word.

Romans 12:1
For this reason I make request to you, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you will give your bodies as a living offering, holy, pleasing to God, which is the worship it is right for you to give him.

Romans 12:2
And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.

Revelation 5:9
And their voices are sounding in a new song, saying, It is right for you to take the book and to make it open: for you were put to death and have made an offering to God of your blood for men of every tribe, and language, and people, and nation,

Revelation 5:10
And have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are ruling on the earth.

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